Example #1
def VtReport(apikey, filename=None, md5sum=None):
    if filename is None and md5sum is None:
        return (False, "No parameters passed!")

    # Check filename existance
    if filename is not None and not os.path.exists(filename):
        return (False, "Input file '%s' does not exist!" % filename)

    #print("fn=%s md5=%s" % (filename, md5sum))
    # Get file report from VirusTotal
        result = vt.get_file_report(filename=filename, md5sum=md5sum)
    except Exception as e:
        return (False, "Exception:\n%s" % str(e))

    # Already analyzed?
    if result is not None:
        # Transform the results
        items = []
        for av, mwname in result.items():
            mwname = str(mwname) if mwname else "n/a"
            av = str(av)
            items.append([av, mwname])
        result = items

    return (True, result)
Example #2
def VtReport(apikey, filename=None, md5sum=None):
    if filename is None and md5sum is None:
        return (False, "No parameters passed!")

    # Check filename existance
    if filename is not None and not os.path.exists(filename):
        return (False, "Input file '%s' does not exist!" % filename)

    #print("fn=%s md5=%s" % (filename, md5sum))
    # Get file report from VirusTotal
        result = vt.get_file_report(filename=filename, md5sum=md5sum)
    except Exception as e:
        return (False, "Exception:\n%s" % str(e))

    # Already analyzed?
    if result is not None:
        # Transform the results
        items = []
        for av, mwname in result.items():
            mwname = str(mwname) if mwname else "n/a"
            av = str(av)
            items.append([av, mwname])
        result = items

    return (True, result)
Example #3
    def OnFormChange(self, fid):
        if fid == self.rOptMD5.id or fid == self.rOptFile.id:
            input = (self.cfg.md5sum, self.cfg.infile)
            if fid == self.rOptMD5.id:
                c1 = self.rOptMD5
                c2 = self.rOptFile
                idx = 0
                c1 = self.rOptFile
                c2 = self.rOptMD5
                idx = 1

            v = not self.GetControlValue(c1)
            if v: idx = not idx

            # Uncheck the opposite input type
            self.SetControlValue(c2, v)

            # Set input field depending on input type
            self.SetControlValue(self.txtInput, input[idx])
        # Report button
        elif fid == self.btnReport.id:
            input = self.GetControlValue(self.txtInput)
            as_file = self.GetControlValue(self.rOptFile)
            apikey = self.GetControlValue(self.txtApiKey)

            ok, r = VtReport(self.cfg.apikey,
                             filename=input if as_file else None,
                             md5sum=None if as_file else input)

            # Error?
            if not ok:
                return 1

            # Pass the result

            # We have results and it was a file? Print its MD5
            if r and as_file:
                print("%s: %s" % (vt.LAST_FILE_HASH, input))

            # Refresh the embedded chooser control
            # (Could also clear previous results if not were retrieved during this run)

            # Store the input for the caller
            self.cfg.input = input

            # No results and file as input was supplied?
            if r is None:
                if as_file:
                    # Propose to upload
                    if idc.ask_yn(
                            "HIDECANCEL\nNo previous results. Do you want to submit the file:\n\n'%s'\n\nto VirusTotal?"
                            % input) == 0:
                        return 1

                        r = vt.scan_file(input)
                    except Exception as e:
                        idc.warning("Exceptio during upload: %s" % str(e))
                        if r is None:
                            idc.warning("Failed to upload the file!")
                                "File uploaded. Check again later to get the analysis report. Scan id: %s"
                                % r)
                    idc.warning("No results found for hash: %s" % input)

        return 1
Example #4
    def OnFormChange(self, fid):
        if fid == self.rOptMD5.id or fid == self.rOptFile.id:
            input = (self.cfg.md5sum, self.cfg.infile)
            if fid == self.rOptMD5.id:
                c1 = self.rOptMD5
                c2 = self.rOptFile
                idx = 0
                c1 = self.rOptFile
                c2 = self.rOptMD5
                idx = 1

            v = not self.GetControlValue(c1)
            if v: idx = not idx

            # Uncheck the opposite input type
            self.SetControlValue(c2, v)

            # Set input field depending on input type
            self.SetControlValue(self.txtInput, input[idx])
        # Report button
        elif fid == self.btnReport.id:
            input = self.GetControlValue(self.txtInput)
            as_file = self.GetControlValue(self.rOptFile)
            apikey = self.GetControlValue(self.txtApiKey)

            ok, r = VtReport(self.cfg.apikey,
                        filename=input if as_file else None,
                        md5sum=None if as_file else input)

            # Error?
            if not ok:
                return 1

            # Pass the result

            # We have results and it was a file? Print its MD5
            if r and as_file:
                print("%s: %s" % (vt.LAST_FILE_HASH, input))

            # Refresh the embedded chooser control
            # (Could also clear previous results if not were retrieved during this run)

            # Store the input for the caller
            self.cfg.input = input

            # No results and file as input was supplied?
            if r is None:
                if as_file:
                    # Propose to upload
                    if idc.AskYN(0, "HIDECANCEL\nNo previous results. Do you want to submit the file:\n\n'%s'\n\nto VirusTotal?" % input) == 0:
                        return 1

                        r = vt.scan_file(input)
                    except Exception as e:
                        idc.Warning("Exceptio during upload: %s" % str(e))
                        if r is None:
                            idc.Warning("Failed to upload the file!")
                            idc.Warning("File uploaded. Check again later to get the analysis report. Scan id: %s" % r)
                    idc.Warning("No results found for hash: %s" % input)

        return 1