Example #1
def log_test_rhs(Y, t, beta1_rho, beta2, gammab, v, b, d, dv, dEEE,
                 bc_coeff_mat, bm_coeff_mat, mospop, mosprime, mosin, fun,
                 mos_coeff, p):
    eps = .001
    Y = Y.clip(-20, numpy.inf)
    s = Y[0:p]
    i = Y[p:2 * p]
    sv = Y[-2]
    iv = Y[-1]

    alpha_val = alpha_calc(bloodmeal.bloodmeal_function(bm_coeff_mat, t),
                           BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, t))
    theta = BirdCount.birdcounts_function(
        t)  # Theta is the vector of the MCMC sample coeffieicents
    theta_v = bloodmeal.vector_pop(mos_coeff, t)
    denom = numpy.dot(theta, alpha_val)
    lambdab = beta1_rho * v * numpy.exp(iv) * numpy.array(
        alpha_val) * theta_v / denom
    lambdav = v * (numpy.dot(beta2 * numpy.exp(i) * theta, alpha_val)) / denom
    # Bird Mortality

    #ds = BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat,t)*((1-eps)*numpy.exp(-s)-1)-lambdab
    ds = BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat, t) * (
        (1 - eps) * numpy.exp(-s) - 1) - lambdab * numpy.where(s <= -20, 0, 1)
    di = BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat, t) * (
        eps * numpy.exp(-i) - 1) + lambdab * numpy.exp(s - i) - gammab
    #dr = gammab*numpy.exp(i-r) - BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat,t)
    dsv = bloodmeal.Xi(mos_coeff, t) * numpy.exp(iv - sv) - lambdav
    div = lambdav * numpy.exp(sv - iv) - bloodmeal.Xi(mos_coeff, t)

    dY = numpy.hstack((ds, di, dsv, div))
    return dY
Example #2
def test_rhs(Y, t, beta1_rho, beta2, gammab, v, b, d, dv, dEEE, bc_coeff_mat,
             bm_coeff_mat, mospop, mosprime, mosin, fun, mos_coeff, p):
    # Here beta1 = beta1/rho_v, where Nv = theta_v/rho_v
    eps = .001
    s = Y[0:p]
    i = Y[p:2 * p]
    r = Y[2 * p:3 * p]
    sv = Y[-2]
    iv = Y[-1]

    alpha_val = alpha_calc(bloodmeal.bloodmeal_function(bm_coeff_mat, t),
                           BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, t))
    theta = BirdCount.birdcounts_function(
        t)  # Theta is the vector of the MCMC sample coeffieicents
    theta_v = bloodmeal.vector_pop(mos_coeff, t)
    denom = numpy.dot(theta, alpha_val)
    lambdab = beta1_rho * v * iv * numpy.array(alpha_val) * theta_v / denom
    lambdav = v * (numpy.dot(beta2 * i * theta, alpha_val)) / denom
    # Bird Mortality

    ds = BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat, t) * ((1 - eps) - s) - lambdab * s
    di = BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat, t) * (eps - i) + lambdab * s - gammab * i
    dr = gammab * i - r * BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat, t)
    dsv = bloodmeal.Xi(mos_coeff, t) * iv - lambdav * sv
    div = lambdav * sv - bloodmeal.Xi(mos_coeff, t) * iv

    dY = 365. / 2 * numpy.hstack(
        (ds, di, dr, dsv,
         div))  # the 365/2 is the rate of change of the time transform
    return dY
Example #3
def rhs(Y, t, beta1, beta2, gammab, v, b, d, dv, dEEE, bc_coeff_mat,
        bm_coeff_mat, mospop, mosprime, mosin, fun, mos_coeff, p):
    # Consider adding epsilon term , for proportion infected entering population eps = .001
    eps = .001
    s = Y[0:p]
    i = Y[p:2 * p]
    r = Y[2 * p:3 * p]
    sv = Y[-2]
    iv = Y[-1]
    alpha_val = alpha_calc(bloodmeal.bloodmeal_function(bm_coeff_mat, t),
                           BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, t))
    N = BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, t)
    denom = numpy.dot(N, alpha_val)
    lambdab = beta1 * v * iv * numpy.array(alpha_val) / denom
    lambdav = v * (numpy.dot(beta2 * i, alpha_val)) / denom
    # Bird Mortality
    ds = BirdCount.xi(bc_coeff_mat, t) * (1 - eps) - lambdab * s - BirdCount.F(
        bc_coeff_mat, t) * s / N
    di = BirdCount.xi(bc_coeff_mat,
                      t) * eps + lambdab * s - gammab * i - BirdCount.F(
                          bc_coeff_mat, t) * i / N
    dr = gammab * i - BirdCount.F(bc_coeff_mat, t) * r / N
    dsv = bloodmeal.vector_in(mos_coeff, t) - lambdav * sv - bloodmeal.fun(
        mos_coeff, t) * sv  #Need to be updated
    div = lambdav * sv - bloodmeal.fun(mos_coeff, t) * iv  # Need to be updated
    #dSv = mospop(t) - dIv
    dY = numpy.hstack((ds, di, dr, dsv, div))
    return dY
Example #4
def get_ODE_vals(Y, T, beta1_rho, beta2, gammab, v, b, d, dv, dEEE,
                 bc_coeff_mat, bm_coeff_mat, mospop, mosprime, mosin, fun,
                 mos_coeff, p):
    ds = []
    di = []
    dsv = []
    div = []
    lbdv = []
    alpha = []
    eps = .001
    s = Y[0:p]
    i = Y[p:2 * p]
    sv = Y[-2]
    iv = Y[-1]
    dt = T[1] - T[0]
    for t in T:
        alpha_val = alpha_calc(bloodmeal.bloodmeal_function(bm_coeff_mat, t),
                               BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, t))
        theta = BirdCount.birdcounts_function(
            t)  # Theta is the vector of the MCMC sample coeffieicents
        theta_v = bloodmeal.vector_pop(mos_coeff, t)
        denom = numpy.dot(theta, alpha_val)
        lambdab = beta1_rho * v * iv * numpy.array(alpha_val) * theta_v / denom
        lambdav = v * (numpy.dot(beta2 * i * theta, alpha_val)) / denom
        # Bird Mortality

            BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat, t) * ((1 - eps) - s) - lambdab * s)
            BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat, t) * (eps - i) + lambdab * s -
            gammab * i)
        #dr = gammab*numpy.exp(i-r) - BirdCount.Xi(bc_coeff_mat,t)
        dsv.append(bloodmeal.Xi(mos_coeff, t) * iv - lambdav * sv)
        div.append(lambdav * sv - bloodmeal.Xi(mos_coeff, t) * iv)
        s += ds[-1] * dt
        i += di[-1] * dt
        sv += dsv[-1] * dt
        iv += div[-1] * dt

    return (ds, di, dsv, div, lbdv, alpha)
Example #5
def run_ode(beta1, rhs_func, bm_coeff_mat, bc_coeff_mat, mos_coeff, tstart,
            tend, flag):
    p = len(bm_coeff_mat[:, 0]) + 1
    beta2 = 1
    gammab = .1 * numpy.ones(p)
    v = .14  # Biting Rate of Vectors on Hosts
    b = 0  # Bird "Recruitment" Rate
    d = 0
    # Bird "Death" Rate
    dv = .10  # Mosquito Mortality Rate
    dEEE = 0
    # Run for ~ 6 Months

    T = scipy.linspace(tstart, tend, 1001)
    if flag == 0:
        Sv = 1 * bloodmeal.vector_pop(mos_coeff, tstart)
        Iv = 0 * bloodmeal.vector_pop(mos_coeff, tstart)
        S0 = 1 * BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, tstart)
        I0 = 0 * BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, tstart)
        R0 = 0 * BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, tstart)
        Y0 = numpy.hstack((S0, I0, R0, Sv, Iv))
    elif flag == 1:
        Sv = .99
        Iv = .01
        S0 = .99 * numpy.ones(p)
        I0 = .01 * numpy.ones(p)
        R0 = 0 * numpy.ones(p)
        Y0 = numpy.hstack((S0, I0, R0, Sv, Iv))
    elif flag == 2:
        Sv = numpy.log(.99)
        Iv = numpy.log(.01)
        S0 = numpy.log(.99) * numpy.ones(p)
        I0 = numpy.log(.01) * numpy.ones(p)
        Y0 = numpy.hstack((S0, I0, Sv, Iv))
    Y = scipy.integrate.odeint(
        args=(beta1, beta2, gammab, v, b, d, dv, dEEE, bc_coeff_mat,
              bm_coeff_mat, bloodmeal.vector_pop, bloodmeal.vector_derivative,
              bloodmeal.vector_in, bloodmeal.fun, mos_coeff, p))
    return (Y)
Example #6
def eval_ode_results(Y,
    import pylab
    birdnames = pd.read_csv(bird_data_file, index_col=0).index
    name_list = list(birdnames)
    T = scipy.linspace(tstart, tend, 1001)
    p = len(bm_coeff_mat[:, 0]) + 1
    s, i, r, sv, iv = get_SIR_vals(Y, p)
    bc = numpy.zeros((p, len(T)))
    bm = numpy.zeros((p, len(T)))
    alpha_val = numpy.zeros((p, len(T)))
    mos_pop = numpy.zeros(len(T))
    for j in range(len(T)):
        bc[:, j] = BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, T[j])
        bm[:, j] = bloodmeal.bloodmeal_function(bm_coeff_mat, T[j])
        alpha_val[:, j] = alpha_calc(bm[:, j], bc[:, j])
        mos_pop[j] = bloodmeal.vector_pop(mos_coeff, T[j])
    sym = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', '--', 'g--']
    for k in range(p):
        #if k==p:
        #	pylab.plot(T,mos_pop,sym[k])
        pylab.plot(T, bc[k], sym[k], alpha=alpha)
    N = s + i + r
    N = numpy.clip(N, 0, numpy.inf)
    for k in range(p):
        if flag == 0:
            temp = numpy.divide(i[:, k], N[:, k])
        elif flag == 1:
            temp = i[:, k]
        elif flag == 2:
            temp = numpy.exp(i[:, k])
        pylab.plot(T, temp, sym[k], alpha=alpha)
    pylab.title("Infected Birds")
    for k in range(p):
        pylab.plot(T, alpha_val[k], alpha=alpha)
    pylab.title("Feeding Index Values")
    return ()
Example #7
def alpha_test(bm, bc_coeff_mat, tstart, tend):
    bc_coeff_mat, results = BirdCount.get_birdcounts_sample(
        "Days_BirdCounts.csv", lin_poiss_log_lik)
    bm_coeff_mat, results = get_bloodmeal_sample("Days_BloodMeal.csv",
    bm = pd.read_csv("Days_BloodMeal.csv", index_col=0)
    bm = bm.drop("Total", axis=1)
    bc = pd.read_csv("Days_BirdCounts.csv", index_col=0)
    bc = bc.drop("Total", axis=1)
    bm_time = numpy.array([int(x) for x in bm.columns])
    bc_time = numpy.array([int(x) for x in bc.columns])
    # Setting Start Time to April 1st
    T = scipy.linspace(tstart, tend, 1001)
    alpha_val = numpy.zeros(())
Example #8
def run_ode_solver(beta1, rhs_func, bm_coeff_mat, bc_coeff_mat, mos_coeff,
                   tstart, tend, flag):
    # Set up to run the ODE using the ode_solver function, which manually integrates the ode for each iteration

    p = len(bm_coeff_mat[:, 0]) + 1
    beta2 = 1
    gammab = .1 * numpy.ones(p)
    v = .14  # Biting Rate of Vectors on Hosts
    b = 0  # Bird "Recruitment" Rate
    d = 0
    # Bird "Death" Rate
    dv = .10  # Mosquito Mortality Rate
    dEEE = 0
    # Run for ~ 6 Months

    T = scipy.linspace(tstart, tend, 1001)
    if flag == 0:
        Sv = 1 * bloodmeal.vector_pop(mos_coeff, tstart)
        Iv = 0 * bloodmeal.vector_pop(mos_coeff, tstart)
        S0 = 1 * BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, tstart)
        I0 = 0 * BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, tstart)
        R0 = 0 * BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, tstart)
    elif flag == 1:
        Sv = .99
        Iv = .01
        S0 = .99 * numpy.ones(p)
        I0 = .01 * numpy.ones(p)
        R0 = 0 * numpy.ones(p)
    Y0 = numpy.hstack((S0, I0, R0, Sv, Iv))
    #Y = scipy.integrate.odeint(rhs_func,Y0,T,args = (beta1, beta2, gammab, v, b, d, dv, dEEE, bc_coeff_mat,bm_amean,bm_bmean,bloodmeal.vector_pop,bloodmeal.vector_derivative,bloodmeal.vector_in,bloodmeal.fun,mos_coeff,p))
    Y = ode_solver(Y0,
                   args=(beta1, beta2, gammab, v, b, d, dv, dEEE, bc_coeff_mat,
                         bm_coeff_mat, bloodmeal.vector_pop,
                         bloodmeal.vector_derivative, bloodmeal.vector_in,
                         bloodmeal.fun, mos_coeff, p))
    return (Y)
Example #9
def findbeta(beta1, rhs_func, bm_coeff_mat, bc_coeff_mat, mos_coeff, tstart,
             tend, flag, ODE_flag):
    print beta1
    p = len(bm_coeff_mat[:, 0]) + 1
    Y = run_ode(beta1, rhs_func, bm_coeff_mat, bc_coeff_mat, mos_coeff, tstart,
                tend, flag)
    s, i, r, sv, iv = get_SIR_vals(Y, p)
    N = s + i + r
    if ODE_flag == 0:
        finalrec = numpy.ma.divide(r[-1].sum() + i[-1].sum(), N[-1].sum())
        final = finalrec - .13
        N = BirdCount.birdcounts_function(bc_coeff_mat, tend)
        r = r[-1] * N
        i = i[-1] * N
        finalrec = numpy.ma.divide(r.sum() + i.sum(), N.sum())
        final = finalrec - .13
    return numpy.abs(final)
Example #10
if flag == 1:
    bm_ci = get_ci(bm_results, poly_deg)
    mos_ci = get_ci(mos_results[0], poly_deg)
    bc_ci = numpy.zeros((2, 7, poly_deg + 1))
    for j in range(7):
        val = get_ci(bc_results[j], poly_deg)
        bc_ci[0, j, :] = val[0]
        bc_ci[1, j, :] = val[1]

    #plotting the values with the data, and ci values
    bloodmeal.BloodmealTest(bm_file, bm_coeff_mat, poly_deg)
    bloodmeal.BloodmealTest(bm_file, bm_ci[0], poly_deg)
    bloodmeal.BloodmealTest(bm_file, bm_ci[1], poly_deg)

    BirdCount.BirdcountTest(bc_file, bc_coeff_mat, poly_deg)
    BirdCount.BirdcountTest(bc_file, bc_ci[0], poly_deg)
    BirdCount.BirdcountTest(bc_file, bc_ci[1], poly_deg)

    bloodmeal.MosquitoTest(msq_file, mos_coeff, poly_deg)
    bloodmeal.MosquitoTest(msq_file, mos_ci[0], poly_deg)
    bloodmeal.MosquitoTest(msq_file, mos_ci[1], poly_deg)

    #Calculate beta1 for the data, and the CI'sms

def get_beta1(bm_coeff_mat, bc_coeff_mat, mos_coeff):
    beta1 = scipy.optimize.minimize(Seasonal_ODE.findbeta,
                                    args=(rhs_func, bm_coeff_mat, bc_coeff_mat,
                                          mos_coeff, tstart, tend, 1,
Example #11
    bm_data = pd.read_csv(bm_file, index_col=0)
    bm_time = numpy.array([int(x) for x in bm_data.columns])
    bm_data = bm_data.as_matrix()
    tstart = Seasonal_ODE.time_transform(90)  # Setting Start Time to April 1st
    tend = Seasonal_ODE.time_transform(270)
    flag = 2
    write_flag = 0  # If set to 0 will write the results, if set to 1 will not
    if flag == 0:  # This section runs the MCMC for the various areas of interest, and stores the results
        mos_coeff, mos_results = bloodmeal.vector_coeff(
            msq_file, MCMC.poly_poiss_log_lik, poly_deg, maxruns=maxruns)
        bm_coeff_mat, bm_results = bloodmeal.get_bloodmeal_sample(
        bc_coeff_mat, bc_results = BirdCount.get_birdcounts_sample(
            bc_file, MCMC.poly_poiss_log_lik, poly_deg, maxruns=maxruns)
        bc_DIC = MCMC.get_DIC(bc_results, MCMC.poly_poiss_log_lik, bc_file)
        bm_DIC = MCMC.DIC(bm_results, MCMC.bm_polynomial_loglikelihood,
                          bm_data, Seasonal_ODE.time_transform(bm_time))
        mos_DIC = MCMC.get_DIC(mos_results, MCMC.poly_poiss_log_lik, msq_file)

        if write_flag == 0:
            with open('Mos_coeff_poly_deg(%d).pkl' % poly_deg, 'wb') as output:
                pickle.dump(mos_coeff, output)

            with open('bloodmeal_coeff_poly_deg(%d).pkl' % poly_deg,
                      'wb') as output:
                pickle.dump(bm_coeff_mat, output)

            with open('host_coeff_poly_deg(%d).pkl' % poly_deg,