def RFController(address, data=0, RegWrite=0): if RegWrite: RFMemory[str(address)] = str(data) saveMemory() else: if not len(address)-5: return BitArray(str(RFMemory[str(address)]))
def DMController(address, data=0, MemRead=0, MemWrite=0): if MemWrite: DMMemory[str(address)] = str(data) saveMemory() if MemRead: return BitArray(str(DMMemory[str(address)]))
def toBitArray(self,text): symbols = []; token = self.endBinaryShift(len(text)).getToken(); while (token != None) : symbols.insert(0,token); token = token.getPrevious(); bitArray = BitArray.BitArray(); for symbol in symbols : bitArray = symbol.appendTo(bitArray, text); return bitArray;
def encode(self,data): result = BitArray.BitArray(); while (len(data) >= 32) : chunkLength = min(len(data), (2048 + 32 - 1)); result.append(CODE_UPPER_BS, 5); result.append(0, 5); result.append((chunkLength - 32), 11); result.appendBytes(data[ 0: chunkLength]); data = data[chunkLength:]; if (len(data) > 0) : result.append(CODE_UPPER_BS, 5); result.append(len(data), 5); result.appendBytes(data); return result;
def aluoperation(self, aluop, opernd1=None, opernd2=None): if (aluop == BitArray('010')): return (opernd1 + opernd2).extend(val=0) if (aluop == BitArray('011')): return (opernd1 - opernd2).extend(val=0) if (aluop == BitArray('000')): return (opernd1 & opernd2).extend(val=0) if (aluop == BitArray('001')): return (opernd1 | opernd2).extend(val=0) if (aluop == BitArray('101')): return (opernd1 * opernd2).extend(val=0) if (aluop == BitArray('100')): if (opernd1 < opernd2): return BitArray('1') else: return BitArray('0') # if __name__ == "__main__": # a = Alu() # k = a.alucontrol(0,1,100010) # l = a.aluoperation(k,BitArray('010'),BitArray('000')) # print (l)
def Decompress(buf): (compressed_size, decompressed_size) = struct.unpack("<II", buf[0:8]) bits = BitArray.BitArray(buf[8:]) outbuf = '' blocksize = 0 charlen_hufftree = None positionset_hufftree = None while decompressed_size: if blocksize == 0: blocksize = extra_hufftree = BuildHuffmanTree(LoadHuffmanSyms(bits, 5, 3)) charlen_hufftree = BuildHuffmanTree( LoadCharLenHuffmanSyms(bits, extra_hufftree)) # positionset_hufftree = BuildHuffmanTree(LoadHuffmanSyms(bits, 4, -1)) positionset_hufftree = BuildHuffmanTree( LoadHuffmanSyms(bits, 5, -1)) c = HuffmanDecode(charlen_hufftree, bits) blocksize -= 1 if c < 256: outbuf += chr(c) decompressed_size -= 1 else: data_length = (c & 0xff) + 3 pos_bitlen = HuffmanDecode(positionset_hufftree, bits) data_offset = pos_bitlen if pos_bitlen > 1: data_offset = (1 << (pos_bitlen - 1)) + - 1) data_idx = len(outbuf) - data_offset - 1 for i in xrange(0, data_length): outbuf += outbuf[data_idx + i] decompressed_size -= data_length return outbuf
def IMController(pcounter): return BitArray(str(IMMemory[pcounter]))
def alucontrol(self, aluop1, aluop0, function=BitArray('222222')): if (aluop1 == 0 and aluop0 == 0): return BitArray('010') elif (aluop1 == 0 and aluop0 == 1): return BitArray('011') elif (aluop1 == 1 and aluop0 == 0): if (function == BitArray('100000')): return BitArray('010') elif (function == BitArray('100010')): return BitArray('011') elif (function == BitArray('100100')): return BitArray('000') elif (function == BitArray('100101')): return BitArray('001') elif (function == BitArray('101010')): return BitArray('100') elif (function == BitArray('111111')): return BitArray('101')
import time from Alu import * from Decode import * from BitArray import * from ControlUnit import * from ControlUnit import * from MemoryHandling import * instructions = {} ADD = BitArray("100000") ADDI = BitArray("001000") MULT = BitArray("011000") SUB = BitArray("100010") BEQ = BitArray("000100") BNE = BitArray("000101") LW = BitArray("100011") SW = BitArray("101011") SLL = BitArray("000000") J = BitArray("000010") HALT = BitArray("111111") #ADD, ADDI, MULT, SUB, BEQ, BNE, LW, SW, SLL, J PC = 0 CLOCK_CYCLES = 0 while (1): CLOCK_CYCLES = CLOCK_CYCLES + 1 i = IMController(PC) ALUObject = Alu() instructionArray = []