Example #1
    def parseProcess(self, process):
        Converts a psutil process into a BrewPiProcess object by parsing the config file it has been called with.
        Params: a psutil.Process object
        Returns: BrewPiProcess object
        bp = BrewPiProcess()
        db_config = None
        cfg = None
            bp.pid = process._pid
            try:  # If this is a database configured installation, try loading via the process ID
                db_config = models.BrewPiDevice.objects.get(process_id=bp.pid)
                cfg = [s for s in process.cmdline()
                       if '.cfg' in s]  # get config file argument
        except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
            # process no longer exists
            return None
        if db_config is not None:  # If this is a database-configured installation, use the database configuration
            bp.cfg = util.read_config_from_database_without_defaults(db_config)
            if cfg:
                cfg = cfg[0]  # add full path to config file
                # use default config file location
                cfg = util.scriptPath() + "/settings/config.cfg"
            bp.cfg = util.read_config_file_with_defaults(cfg)

        bp.port = bp.cfg['port']
        bp.sock = BrewPiSocket.BrewPiSocket(bp.cfg)
        return bp
Example #2
                return self.__asciiToUnicode(lines[0])

    # remove extended ascii characters from string, because they can raise UnicodeDecodeError later
    def __asciiToUnicode(self, s):
        s = s.replace(chr(0xB0), '&deg')
        return unicode(s, 'ascii', 'ignore')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # some test code that requests data from serial and processes the response json
    import simplejson
    import BrewPiUtil as util

    # TODO - Rewrite the test code below to work with the database
    config_file = util.addSlash(sys.path[0]) + 'settings/config.cfg'
    config = util.read_config_file_with_defaults(config_file)
    ser = util.setupSerial(config, time_out=0)
    if not ser:
        printStdErr("Could not open Serial Port")

    bg_ser = BackGroundSerial(ser)

    success = 0
    fail = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        # request control variables 4 times. This would overrun buffer if it was not read in a background thread
        # the json decode will then fail, because the message is clipped