Example #1
    def _correct(self, df, cache=True):
        This function is called by convert_measured_to_actual and is NOT meant to be called directly!
        It takes a pandas dataframe that all have the same star

        # Group by instrument and addmode, and get the PDF for the actual temperature for each
        df = df.dropna(subset=['Tmeas'])
        if len(df) == 0:
            df['Corrected_Temperature'] = np.nan
            df['T_uperr'] = np.nan
            df['T_lowerr'] = np.nan
            return df[['Star', 'Corrected_Temperature', 'T_uperr', 'T_lowerr']].copy()
        groups = df.groupby(('Instrument', 'addmode'))
        Probabilities = []
        for (inst, addmode), group in groups:
            # Make a fitter instance
            d = {'instrument': inst,
                 'directory': self._caldir[inst],
                 'addmode': addmode}
            key = (inst, addmode)

            fitter = self._fitters[inst]()

            # get/set the cache
            if key in self._chainCache:
                chain, probs = self._chainCache[key]
                Tpredictions = self._predictionCache[key]
                fitter.spoof_sampler(chain, probs)
                chain = np.loadtxt(self._flatchain_format.format(**d))
                probs = np.loadtxt(self._flatlnprob_format.format(**d))
                fitter.spoof_sampler(chain, probs)

                Ta_arr = np.arange(2000, 12000, 2.0)
                Tmeas_pred = fitter.predict(Ta_arr, N=10000)
                Tpredictions = pd.DataFrame(Tmeas_pred, columns=Ta_arr)

                if cache:
                    self._chainCache[key] = (chain, probs)
                    self._predictionCache[key] = Tpredictions

            # Get the PDF (probability distribution function)
            Tmeas = group['Tmeas'].values
            Tmeas_err = group['Tmeas_err'].values
            for Tm, Tm_err in zip(Tmeas, Tmeas_err):
                temperature, probability = CCF_Systematics.get_actual_temperature(fitter, Tm, Tm_err,
                Probabilities.append(probability / probability.sum())

        # Multiply all the PDFs
        Prob = np.array(Probabilities).prod(axis=0)

        # Summarize the PDF (similar interface to np.percentile)
        l, m, h = integral(temperature, Prob, [0.16, 0.5, 0.84], k=0)

        # Save in a Pandas DataFrame and return
        return pd.DataFrame(data={'Star': df['Star'].values[0], 'Corrected_Temperature': m,
                                  'T_uperr': h - m, 'T_lowerr': m - l}, index=[0])