Example #1
 def __init__(
     title='Data dictionary',
 ):  #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
     #Frame.__init__(self, parent_window)
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
     self.title = title
     self.show_view = show_view
     self.datadict_file_to_load_from = datadict_file_to_load_from
     self.logobject = CHLog()
         "\n" + "In DataDict._init_, datadict_file_to_load_from = '" +
         str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "' -- and show_view=" +
         str(self.show_view), True, True)
     if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
         self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
     if not self.bgcolor:
         self.bgcolor = gl_frame_color
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
         self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
     if not self.frame_width:
         self.frame_width = gl_frame_width
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
         self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
     if not self.frame_height:
         frame_height = gl_frame_height
     if self.check_key_exists("mem_or_rec", **kw):
         self.mem_or_rec = str(kw["mem_or_rec"]).lower().strip()
Example #2
 def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, error_list=["Unspecified error (ui model parm)"], title="Error", bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height):	
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
     self.error_list = error_list        #Error_list is a list of DICTS - each dict contains a plain text error message and exception objects)
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(2,'0') + str(now.day).rjust(2,'0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(2,'0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2,'0')
     self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
     self.logobject.logit("\n\n____________________________________________________________________", True, True )
     self.logobject.logit("%s In Error_UI_Model._init_: title=%s" % (self.init_time, title), True, True )
     if title is not None:
         self.title = title
         self.title = "Nothing"		
     if frame_width is not None:
         self.frame_width = frame_width
     if frame_height is not None:
         self.frame_height = frame_height
     #if show_view is not None:
     #    self.show_view = show_view
     if bgcolor is not None:
         self.bgcolor = bgcolor
         self.bgcolor = gl_frame_color
     self.bgcolors = ["#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0"]
     if self.error_message is not None:
         self.logobject.logit("\nCalling handle_error with message '%s'" % (self.error_message) )
 def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, db_platform=None, output_format=None, output_file=None, show_view=None, title='File converson', **kw):      #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(2,'0') + str(now.day).rjust(2,'0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(2,'0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2,'0')
     self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
     self.logobject.logit("\n\n____________________________________________________________________", True, True )
     self.logobject.logit("\nIn RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_Model._init_: db_platform='%s'output_format='%s' -- and type(controller)=%s" % (db_platform, output_format, type(controller)), True, True )
     self.db_platform = db_platform
     self.output_format = output_format
     self.output_file = output_file
     self.title = title
     self.show_view = show_view
     if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
         self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
     if not self.bgcolor:
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
         self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
     if not self.frame_width:
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
         self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
     if not self.frame_height:
Example #4
 def __init__(self,
              error_list=["Unspecified error (ui model parm)"],
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
     self.error_list = error_list  #Error_list is a list of DICTS - each dict contains a plain text error message and exception objects)
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(
         2, '0') + str(now.day).rjust(2, '0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(
             2, '0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2, '0')
     self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
         True, True)
         "%s In Error_UI_Model._init_: title=%s" % (self.init_time, title),
         True, True)
     if title is not None:
         self.title = title
         self.title = "Nothing"
     if frame_width is not None:
         self.frame_width = frame_width
     if frame_height is not None:
         self.frame_height = frame_height
     #if show_view is not None:
     #    self.show_view = show_view
     if bgcolor is not None:
         self.bgcolor = bgcolor
         self.bgcolor = gl_frame_color
     self.bgcolors = [
         "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0",
         "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0"
     if self.error_message is not None:
         self.logobject.logit("\nCalling handle_error with message '%s'" %
Example #5
 def __init__(self, parent_window, master, controller, title='', open_or_save_as='open', alias='', file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt;*.dat')], **kw):      #bgcolor=gl_frame_color, file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
     if parent_window:
         self.parent_window = parent_window
     if master:
         self.master = master            #Master is the object needing to locate a file.  This might be the DataDict class, the BlockingPass class or another object.
     enable_logging = False
     if controller:
         self.controller = controller    #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
         enable_logging = self.controller.enable_logging
     self.logobject = CHLog(enable_logging)
     #if initial_dir:                    #Initial_Dir is now included in the **Kwargs
     #    self.initial_dir = str(initial_dir)
     if title:
         self.title = title  #Initial_Dir is now in the **Kwargs
     if open_or_save_as:
         self.open_or_save_as = open_or_save_as    #open_or_save_as specifies whether this FilePath dialog will open an existing file (tkinter "askopenfilename"), or prompt user to "Save As..." (tkinter "asksaveasfilename")
     if alias:
         self.alias = alias
     if not self.file_types:
         self.file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt;*.dat')]
     if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
         self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
     if not self.bgcolor:
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
         self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
     if not self.frame_width:
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
         self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
     if not self.frame_height:
     if self.check_key_exists("initial_dir", **kw):
         self.initial_dir = str(kw["initial_dir"])
     if self.initial_dir is None:
         if self.controller.dir_last_opened:
             self.initial_dir = self.controller.dir_last_opened
             self.initial_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))       #Do not leave initial_dir empty because it causes an error in the open_file dialogs
     if self.check_key_exists("file_category", **kw):
         self.file_category = kw["file_category"]
     print("\n FILE TYPES FOR OPEN FILE DIALOG: (type is: %s" % (str(type(self.file_types)) ) )
Example #6
 def __init__(
     title='File converson',
 ):  #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(
         2, '0') + str(now.day).rjust(2, '0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(
             2, '0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2, '0')
     self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
         True, True)
         "\nIn Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model._init_: source_file='%s' -- and type(controller)=%s"
         % (source_file, type(controller)), True, True)
     self.source_format = source_format
     self.output_format = output_format
     self.source_file = source_file
     self.output_file = output_file
     self.title = title
     self.show_view = show_view
     if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
         self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
     if not self.bgcolor:
         self.bgcolor = gl_frame_color
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
         self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
     if not self.frame_width:
         self.frame_width = gl_frame_width
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
         self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
     if not self.frame_height:
         frame_height = gl_frame_height
 def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, source_format=None, output_format=None, source_file=None, output_file=None, show_view=None, title='File converson', **kw):      #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
     print("\nIn ConvertFile._init_, source_file = '" + str(self.source_file) + "' -- and show_view=" + str(self.show_view))
     self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
     self.logobject.logit("\nIn ConvertFile._init_: source_file = '" + str(self.source_file) + "' -- and show_view=" + str(self.show_view), True, True )
     self.source_format = source_format
     self.output_format = output_format
     self.source_file = source_file
     self.output_file = output_file
     self.title = title
     self.show_view = show_view
     if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
         self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
     if not self.bgcolor:
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
         self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
     if not self.frame_width:
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
         self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
     if not self.frame_height:
Example #8
 def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, datadict_file_to_load_from=None, show_view=None, title='Data dictionary', **kw):      #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
     #Frame.__init__(self, parent_window)
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
     self.title = title
     self.show_view = show_view
     self.datadict_file_to_load_from = datadict_file_to_load_from
     self.logobject = CHLog()
     self.logobject.logit("\n" + "In DataDict._init_, datadict_file_to_load_from = '" + str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "' -- and show_view=" + str(self.show_view), True, True )
     if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
         self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
     if not self.bgcolor:
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
         self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
     if not self.frame_width:
     if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
         self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
     if not self.frame_height:
     if self.check_key_exists("mem_or_rec", **kw):
         self.mem_or_rec = str(kw["mem_or_rec"]).lower().strip()
Example #9
 def __init__(self, parent_window, controller):
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
     self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
     self.logobject.logit("\nIn CommonRL._init_", True, True )
class RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    controller = None                  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
    logobject = None                   #Instantiation of CHLog class
    #sql_commands = []                 #List of commands to create a new RDBMS table to hold the data from self.datafile
    sql_text = None                    #SQL SELECT command entered by the user in the text box
    sql_result = []                    #List of lists containing the data retrieved - each item in the list is a list of column values.
    sql_result_with_column_info = []   #List of lists of lists, each inner list containing column index value type and value. (Will this be useful in some instances?)
    sql_result_as_single_string = []   #List of lists containing the data retrieved - each item in the list is a list of column values.
    datafile = None                    #Data file path and filename
    datafile_type = None               #CSV or flat file?
    datafile_handle = None             #File Handle object for Python to access the data file (flat text)
    csvfile_handle = None              #File Handle object for Python to access CSV file
    datafile_rowcount = 0              #Rows found in the data file
    datafile_path_as_list = []         #Store the path and filename of the data file, split out into segments
    datafile_pathonly = None           #Path without the file name
    datafile_nameonly = None           #File name without path
    #file_rows = None                  #Python list to hold the data file contents while traversing the file
    row_index = 1                      #Counter for iterating thru the data file
    row_index_cumulative = 1           #Counter for rows inserted during the LIFE of this class instance (not just this iteration of import_data()).	
    db_conn =  None                    #RDBMS connection object for storing data values
    db_conn_validate = None            #RDBMS connection object used for validating values
    db_platform = None                 #RDBMS platform to be used for importing the flat file data (e.g., "sqlite3", "mysql")
    db_catalog = None                  #RDBMS database (catalog) name where data will be saved
    db_tablename = None                #RDBMS table name
    db_pathonly = None                 #DB file Path without the file name (Sqlite only)
    #db_table_trunc = None             #Prefix for RDBMS table name
    #db_table_suffix = ""              #Suffix for RDBMS table name - OPTIONAL, can be set to whatever is useful
    db_catalog_for_validation = None   #RDBMS database (catalog) name used for validation (only when specified--this is optional)
    validation_by_row_or_column = ""   #If "column" then invalid values are set to blank string and included in the save;  validation by "row" is executed once per row, and false result means do not write this row to the result file.
    row_validation_function = None     #If validation_by_row_or_column = "row", execute this function to validate the row of data.	
    validation_parm_values = []        #The validation function(s) can retrieve these parameters, which can be populated by the data-write function.
    colwidth_current = 0               #Temporary field used when parsing the data file - width of the current column
    startpos_before_current = 0        #Temporary field used when parsing the data file - starting position of the current column, before its own width is added to the total positions already processed.
    startpos_after_current = 0         #Temporary field used when parsing the data file 
    output_format = None               #Sqlite3 by default
    output_file = None			       #Sqlite file (if sqlite is the RDBMS)
    datadict_file = None
    filepathobj_load_from = None       #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_save_to = None         #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_datadict = None        #FilePath object to allow user to select a data dictionary (for parsing text into distinct columns)
    datadict = []                      #List of columns read in from the data dictionary (if one was specified by the user)
    controls = []
    control_index = 0
    converter = None                        #Object that handles the conversion
    #conversion_func_name = None
    csv_column_headers = []                 #List of column headers in the data dictionary CSV
    title = ''							    #Title to be displayed in the Frame object
    bgcolor = 'ivory'						#Background color of the Frame widget that displays the Data Dictionary contents
    frame_width = None 
    frame_height = None
    view_object = None
    show_view = None
    btnLoadFile = None
    btnSaveToFile = None
    def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, db_platform=None, output_format=None, output_file=None, show_view=None, title='File converson', **kw):      #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(2,'0') + str(now.day).rjust(2,'0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(2,'0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2,'0')
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
        self.logobject.logit("\n\n____________________________________________________________________", True, True )
        self.logobject.logit("\nIn RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_Model._init_: db_platform='%s'output_format='%s' -- and type(controller)=%s" % (db_platform, output_format, type(controller)), True, True )
        self.db_platform = db_platform
        self.output_format = output_format
        self.output_file = output_file
        self.title = title
        self.show_view = show_view
        if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
            self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
        if not self.bgcolor:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
            self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
        if not self.frame_width:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
            self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
        if not self.frame_height:

    def set_output_format(self, output_format):
        self.output_format = output_format
        print("\nSetting the output_format to: %s" % (output_format) )

    def display_data(self, db_platform=None, db_catalog=None):
        if db_platform is None:
            db_platform = self.db_platform
        db_platform = str(db_platform).lower().strip()
        print("\nTop of function display_data() - db_platform=%s" % (db_platform) )
        #Read the DB records into memory
        if db_platform[:6] == "sqlite":
        #Display the DB records on screen (one batch at a time)
        if not self.error_message:
        #Write the data to a file if a file was specified
        if not self.error_message:
            if self.output_file:
                print("\n\nWriting data to text file - please wait...")

    def read_sqlite_data(self):
        if True:
            if self.db_catalog is None:
                self.error_message = "No sqlite database file was specified"
            sqlcmd = self.sql_text.get()
            if self.sql_text is None or not self.sql_text.get():
                self.error_message = "No SQL statement was specified"
            if sqlcmd.upper().strip()[:6] != "SELECT":
                self.error_message = "Only SELECT commands can be executed."
            if self.error_message:
                print("\n\nERROR: %s" % (self.error_message) )
            if self.debug: print("\nAbout to call open_db_connection()")
            if self.debug: print("\n Type of db_conn: %s" % (str(type(self.db_conn)) ) )
            if str(type(self.db_conn)) == "NoneType":
                self.error_message = "Failed to open database connection for : '%s'" % (self.db_platform)
            #Test - display tables in database        #self.drop_db_table("ccts_root_20140402")
            cursor = self.db_conn.cursor()
            print("\n.....................................\nSQL: %s" % (self.sql_text.get()) )
            #COPY THE CURSOR RESULTS INTO AN ARRAY (list of lists of dicts)
            self.sql_result_simple = ""                                  #Quick read of the first row, just to verify that data was retrieved and view it on screen
            ix = 0
            for row in cursor:
                tuple_as_list = list(row)
                tuple_as_list.insert(0, ix) 
                print("\nTuple_as_List: %s" % (tuple_as_list) )
                self.sql_result.append(tuple_as_list)                     #Store the data to a list of lists
                #ALTERNATELY: Store the data and include column-level info (will this be useful in some cases?
                row_as_list = []              #row_as_list will hold a row number and multiple COLUMN dictionaries {colnum, colvalue}
                print("Row type: %s, len: %s, val: %s" % ( str(type(row)), len(row), row ) )
                c = 0
                for col in row:                 #ROW in a cursor is a tuple
                    if col is None:
                        #print("col: Type %s, val %s" % ( str(type(col)), col ) )
                        col = "None"
                        #print("col: Type %s, val %s" % ( str(type(col)), col ) )
                    typ = str(type(col)).lower().replace("<class '", "").replace("'>", "")	#Data type of this value
                    if self.datadict_file:
                        width = self.get_width_for_column_pos(c)
                        if width:
                            col = str(col)[:width].ljust(width)
                    collist = [c, typ, col]
                    row_as_list.append(collist)      #Add this column to the current row of "row_as_list" list
                    c += 1
                #print("%s) %s %s %s %s %s" % (ix, row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], ) ) 
                '''if ix == 0:    #Top row
                    self.sql_result_simple = str(row[0]) + " " + str(row[1])       #Display a bit of text to verify that we actually retrieved some data.
                    self.result_box.delete(0, END) 
                    self.result_box.insert(END, self.sql_result_simple)'''
                ix +=1
            #Display the data that was stored in array (copy of cursor)			
            r = 0
            for row_as_list in self.sql_result_with_column_info: 
                print("\nARRAY ROW %s type %s... %s" % (row_as_list[0], type(row_as_list), row_as_list))			 #Row number is item[0]
                rowtext = ""
                c = 0
                for col in row_as_list:
                    print("   %s" % ( col ) )                 #COL is a list containing the column number and the column value
                    rowtext += str(col[2]) + "  "             #COL[2] is the column's value
                    c += 1
                rownum_plus_rowtext = [r, rowtext]
                r +=1
            if self.error_message:
                print("\n\n ERROR: %s" % (self.error_message) )
                return self.error_message
        #    self.error_message = "Error while reading database with %s catalog %s, statement: '%s'  [%s %s %s]" % (self.db_platform, self.db_catalog, self.sql_text.get(), sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2] ) 
        #    print("\n\nERROR: %s" % (self.error_message) )
    def write_data_to_flat_file(self):
        #Write the data values:
        if not self.output_file:
            self.error_message = "No output file was specified."
            print("\n\nERROR: %s" % (self.error_message) )
        self.logobject.logit("\n In RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_Model.write_data_to_flat_file()", True, True )
        self.row_index = 0				
        curvalue = ""
        print("\nLength of self.sql_result_as_single_string: %s" % (len(self.sql_result_as_single_string)) )
        with open(self.output_file, 'w') as f:
            ix = 0
            for item in self.sql_result_as_single_string:
                f.write("%s %s \n" % (item[1], ix) )
                print("Row Value: %s %s" % (item[1], ix) )
                ix += 1

    def open_db_connection(self):
        if True:
            if str(self.db_platform).lower().strip()[:6] == "sqlite":
                if self.debug: print("\nAbout to open a Sqlite connection at: %s" % (self.db_catalog) )
                self.db_conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_catalog)
                self.db_conn.text_factory = str
        #    self.error_message = "Error while opening database connection for %s catalog %s" % (self.db_platform, self.db_catalog) + "  " + str(sys.exc_info()[0])
        #    print("\n\nERROR: %s" % (self.error_message) )

    def close_db_connection(self):
        if str(self.db_platform).lower().strip() == "sqlite3":
            if self.db_conn is not None:

    def check_db_connection_open(self, conn):
        open = False
        if str(self.db_platform).lower().strip() == "sqlite3":
                cmd = "select * from %s LIMIT 1" % (self.db_tablename)
                open = True
        return open

    def format_db_name(self, db_catalog="", copy_to_class_property=True):
        if not db_catalog:
            db_catalog = self.db_catalog            #Default to whatever DB_CATALOG has been specified as a property of this object
        if self.db_platform == "sqlite3":	
            #Sqlite3 uses files rather than an RDBMS application -- We want to specify the entire path, rather than just default to the Python path of the current directory.
            if self.debug: print("\nDb_pathonly: %s, datafile_pathonly: %s" % (self.db_pathonly, self.datafile_pathonly) )
            head, tail = os.path.split(db_catalog)
            if self.debug: print("db_catalog head and tail: %s, %s" % (head, tail) )
            if not head:                            #If the sqlite database is not specified as a .db filename with a full path
                if self.debug: print("Db_catalog is not specified as an existing file.")
                if self.db_pathonly:
                    if(db_catalog.lower().find(self.db_pathonly) == -1):
                        db_catalog = os.path.join(self.datafile_pathonly, db_catalog)
                elif self.datafile_pathonly:
                    if(db_catalog.lower().find(self.datafile_pathonly.lower()) == -1):
                        db_catalog = os.path.join(self.datafile_pathonly, db_catalog)
            if not db_catalog.lower()[-3:] == ".db":
                db_catalog = db_catalog + ".db"
            if self.debug: print("Sqlite DB file location (after formatting): %s" % (db_catalog) )
        #Assume that this db_catalog should be stored as the db_catalog property of this object:
        if copy_to_class_property:
            self.db_catalog = db_catalog
        return db_catalog

    def list_db_tables(self):
        #if self.db_conn is None:
        with self.db_conn:
            if self.db_platform == "sqlite3":
                #cmd = "select * from sqlite_master;"
                #for row in self.db_conn.execute(cmd): 
                #    print("MASTER: %s %s %s %s %s" % ( row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4] ) )    #, row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9] ) )
                cmd = "select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table';"
                if self.debug: print("\nList DB Tables in db '%s':" % (self.db_catalog) )
                for val in self.db_conn.execute(cmd): 
                    if self.debug: print("TABLE: %s" % ( row[0] ) )    #, row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9] ) )

    def instantiate_view_object(self, container):
        self.view_object = RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_View(container, self) 
        return self.view_object	

    def copy_datadict_to_class_properties(self):
        datadict = Datadict_Common()            #Standard DataDict class
        hdr_list = datadict.load_standard_datadict_headings(["bigmatch"])     #Make sure we are using the standard, updated list of column headings for the Data Dictionary
        datadict = None                         #Erase the class instantiation when done to release memory
        #Check our assumptions about which Data Dictionary column headings are in the standard:		
        if not "column_name" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'column_name' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if not "start_pos" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'start_pos' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if not "width" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'width' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if self.error_message:
            print("\n \n ERROR: " + self.error_message)
            #Read the Data Dictionary and store information for each COLUMN as properties of the 
            self.logobject.logit("\nAdding columns to the dxr.DataDictionary", True, True)
            with open(self.datadict_file, 'r') as csvfile:
                csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')     #, quotechar='')
                ix = 0
                for row in csvreader:
                    if ix == 0:                                 #Top row of CSV
                #Ascertain the correct position within the Data Dictionary where column name, width and startpos are stored
                pos_colname = int(self.get_position_of_datadict_column("column_name"))
                pos_width = int(self.get_position_of_datadict_column("width"))
                pos_startpos = int(self.get_position_of_datadict_column("start_pos"))
                ix = 0
                for row in csvreader:
                    #NOTE: CSV reader is a forward-only reader -- and it has already read row 0, the top row.  So now the next row WILL BE ROW 1!
                    #Add this column from the data dictionary to the list of columns that will be created in the RDBMS
                    #self.logobject.logit("Dict row " + str(ix) + ": " + row[0] + " " +row[1] + " " +row[2] + " " +row[3] + " " +row[4] + " " +row[5], True, True )
                    self.add_column(ix, row[pos_colname], "char", row[pos_width], row[pos_startpos], "file")
                    ix += 1
                for col in self.datadict:
            self.controller.common.handle_error(self.error_message, False, False, "datafile_rdbms_ui")   

    def get_position_of_datadict_column(self, which_column):
        which_column = which_column.lower().strip()
        returnval = ""
        for hdr in self.csv_column_headers:
            self.logobject.logit("Seeking datadict column %s... Found: %s"  % (which_column, hdr["col_hdr"].lower().strip() ), True, True )
            if hdr["col_hdr"].lower().strip() == which_column:
                returnval = hdr["col_index"]
        self.logobject.logit("Seeking datadict column '%s'... Found position: %s"  % (which_column, returnval), True, True )
        return returnval

    def add_column(self, index, name, type, width, startpos=None, datasource="file", source_func=None, validate=False, validate_func = None):
        '''Add a column to the data dictionary. Data source is normally "file" because we read the value for this column from the specified positions in the current row of the data file. But if datasource="function" then get the value by calling the specified function.'''
        #Column Name:
        name = self.clean(name)
        #Data source is normally "file" because we read the value for this column from the specified positions in the current row of the data file. But if datasource="function" then get the value by calling the specified function.
        datasource = self.clean(datasource).lower().strip()
        #Optionally, a value can be validated by submitting it to a specified function:
        validate = self.clean(validate).lower().strip()
        #Column Type, formatted for the specified database platform (MySql, Sqlite, etc.)
        type_db_specific = self.get_datatype_for_dbplatform(self.clean(type))
            #Column width:
            width = int(self.clean(width))
            #Allow column width to be zero for CSV files only:
            if width == 0:
                self.error_message = "Column width may not be zero."
            self.log_colwidth(width)                          #Function log_colwidth() allows us to calculate the starting position of each column based on the widths of all previous columns.
            if startpos is None:
                startpos = self.startpos_before_current       #This value is calculated by function log_colwidth() -- this allows us to calculate the starting position of each column based on the widths of all previous columns.
            #print("Adding column to datadict array: %s, %s, %s" % (name, width, startpos) )
        except ValueError:
            self.error_message = "Invalid column name, type or width: name='%s', type='%s', width=%s" % (name, type, width)
        if self.error_message:
            print("\n\n ERROR: %s" % (self.error_message) )
            return self.error_message
        #Add this column to the DataDict: 
        self.datadict.append({"index":index, "name":name, "width":width , "type":type_db_specific, "startpos":startpos, "datasource":datasource, "source_func":source_func, "validate":validate, "validate_func":validate_func })
        return self.error_message

    def get_datatype_for_dbplatform(self, data_type_generic):
        data_type_generic = str(data_type_generic).lower().strip()
        return_value = data_type_generic    #By default, if no other type code is found for the specified type, return it unchanged (as opposed to returning a blank value or raising an error)
        if self.db_platform == "sqlite3":
            if data_type_generic == "string" or data_type_generic == "text" or data_type_generic == "char":
                return_value = "text"
            elif data_type_generic == "int" or data_type_generic == "integer" or data_type_generic == "numeric":
                return_value = "int"
        elif self.db_platform == "mysql":
            if data_type_generic == "string" or data_type_generic == "text" or data_type_generic == "char":
                return_value = "char"
            elif data_type_generic == "int" or data_type_generic == "integer" or data_type_generic == "numeric":
                return_value = "int"

        return return_value

    def clean(self, string_parm):
        return_value = str(string_parm).replace(";", "")
        return_value = str(string_parm).replace("@", "")
        return_value = str(string_parm).replace("-", "_")
        return return_value

    def log_colwidth(self, colwidth):
        self.colwidth_current = colwidth
        self.startpos_before_current = self.startpos_after_current
        #self.startpos_after_current = self.startpos_before_current + colwidth
        self.startpos_after_current += colwidth
        #print("self.startpos before and after current field (cur width=%s): %s, %s" % (colwidth, self.startpos_before_current, self.startpos_after_current) )
        return colwidth
    def build_column_header_list(self, hdr_row):
        col_index = 0
        for col_hdr in hdr_row:
            col_hdr = col_hdr.strip()
            self.logobject.logit("(%s) col_hdr: %s" % (col_index, col_hdr), True, True )
            temp = {"col_index":col_index, "col_hdr":col_hdr, "max_width":0, "start_pos":0, "data_type":"", "selected":""}
            col_index += 1

    def get_width_for_column_pos(self, col_pos):
        width = None
        for col in self.datadict:
            if col["index"] == col_pos:
                width = col["width"]
        print("Width of column in pos %s: %s" % (col_pos, width) )
        return width

    def display_view(self, container=None):
        #Most often, we will display the form in the main class's BigCanvas.BigFrame "container".
        self.logobject.logit("In DataFile_RDBMS_UI.Display_View, Type of Container is '%s'" % (str(type(container))), True, True )
        kw_db = {"width":120, "background":self.bgcolor}
        if container == None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe			#This is the default canvas/frame object on which all other widgets are displayed.
        if self.view_object is None:                                #We have not yet instantiated the View.  Make sure to display any Open File dialogs at top before rendering other views.
            self.instantiate_view_object(container)					#Just in case we need to run this module outside the parent frame during testing.
			#Display a file open dialog so the user can point us to the Data Dictionary they'd like to open:
            self.display_openfile_dialogs(container, self.db_catalog)
            #print("\n In RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_Model.display_view(), about to call view_object.initUI().")
            #Display the VIEW for this data dictionary  
            #self.view_object.initUI(**kw_db)   #width=self.frame_width, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=3, pady=3)
            print("\n In RDBMS_ReadExportUI_Model.display_view(), calling new_view_object.initUI().")
            self.view_object.initUI(**kw_db)   #DISPLAY THE DATA

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
        self.button_frame = Frame(container)
        if str(type(container)).lower().find(".tk") == -1:							#For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
            stackslot = container.get_widget_position(self.button_frame, "RDBMS_ReadExport_Model.display_user_buttons()")
            stackslot = 0
        self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=W)
        self.button_frame.config(width=self.frame_width, background=self.bgcolor)
        #Text entry box for user to define their SQL SELECT statement
        lbl = Label(self.button_frame, text="SQL SELECT: ")
        lbl.config(width=20, background=self.bgcolor, font=("Arial", 10, "bold"), borderwidth=0, padx=3, pady=3)
        lbl.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
        var = StringVar()
        self.sql_text = var
        self.sql_entry_box = Entry(self.button_frame, textvariable=var)
        self.sql_entry_box.config(width=100, state=NORMAL, background='snow', borderwidth=2)
        self.sql_entry_box.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W)
        self.sql_entry_box.bind(sequence="<Enter>", func=self.handle_sqltext_event)
        self.sql_entry_box.bind(sequence="<Button-1>", func=self.handle_sqltext_event)
        self.sql_entry_box.bind(sequence="<FocusIn>", func=self.handle_sqltext_event)
        self.sql_entry_box.bind(sequence="<FocusOut>", func=self.handle_sqltext_event)
        lblblank = Label(self.button_frame, text="        ")
        lblblank.config(width=8, background=self.bgcolor, font=("Arial", 10, "bold"), borderwidth=0, padx=3, pady=3)
        lblblank.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=W)
        #Button to launch the conversion process:
        self.btnSaveToFile = Button(self.button_frame, text="Display data", width=20, command=self.display_data) 
        self.btnSaveToFile.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky=W)
        self.btnSaveToFile.config(state=DISABLED)       #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a data source
        self.btnSaveToFile.config(padx=4, pady=4) 
        #Box for temp RESULT display
        '''lbl = Label(self.button_frame, text="Result: ")
        lbl.config(width=8, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=0, padx=3, pady=3)
        lbl.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky=W)
        var2 = StringVar()
        self.result = var2
        self.result_box = Entry(self.button_frame, textvariable=var2)
        self.result_box.config(width=20, state=NORMAL, background='snow', borderwidth=2)
        self.result_box.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky=W)'''

    def handle_sqltext_event(self, parm=None):		
        print("\n SQL textbox stringvar: %s, stringvar value: %s ... %s '%s'" % (self.sql_text, self.sql_text.get(), parm, parm.widget) )

    def enable_disable_buttons(self):
        if self.db_catalog:
            if self.sql_text is not None and self.sql_text.get():
                print("\nENABLING SAVE BUTTON")

    def display_openfile_dialogs(self, container, default_filepath=''):
        file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('DB files', '*.db;')]
        kw_fpath = {"bgcolor":self.bgcolor, "frame_width":"", "frame_height":"", "file_category":"datadict"}
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_load_from = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Sqlite .DB file:", open_or_save_as, "DbCatalogToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_load_from.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
        file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('DB files', '*.db;')]
        open_or_save_as = "save_as"
        self.filepathobj_save_to = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "File to save as (if exporting):", open_or_save_as, "OutputSaveAs", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_save_to.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to Save As... a new data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_datadict = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Data dictionary (if exporting):", open_or_save_as, "DatadictToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_datadict.display_view(container)            #Display the Open File dialog
    def update_filepath(self, file_name_with_path='', callback_string='', alias=''):
        '''IMPORTANT: ALL FilePath objects created by this class will expect Function "update_file_path" to exist! FilePath objects alert their masters when a filepath is selected in an open-file dialog.'''
        #self.logobject.logit("Master DataDict_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string), True, True )
        print("Master RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string))
        if callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "load" or callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "open":
            if str(callback_string).lower()[4:].find("datadict") != -1:      #User selected a DataDictionary file
                self.logobject.logit("datadict_file is being set to %s" % (file_name_with_path), True, True )
                self.datadict_file = file_name_with_path        #file_name_with_path is the name/path of the file selected by the user. We know to store this to self.db_catalog because of the "callback string" returned by the FilePath object.
                if self.datadict_file:                          #Refresh the view when the user selects a new file.
                    self.copy_datadict_to_class_properties()    #Copy the data dictionary into a globally accessible list
                else:                                           #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name) 
                    self.view_object.clear_grid()      #Remove all existing values from the grid
            else:                                               #User selected the DB Source Catalog
                self.db_catalog = file_name_with_path           #file_name_with_path is the name/path of the file selected by the user. We know to store this to self.db_catalog because of the "callback string" returned by the FilePath object.
                if self.db_catalog:                             #Refresh the view when the user selects a new file.
                else:                                           #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name) 
                    self.view_object.clear_grid()      #Remove all existing values from the grid
        elif callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "save":     #This is a file SAVE AS, not a FILE OPEN
            self.output_file = file_name_with_path

    def update_master_paths(self, file_name_with_path):
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head
            self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened = head                   #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
        print("\n Controller-saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s" % (self.controller.dir_last_opened, self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened, self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened, self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened) )
    def update_initial_dir_for_file_open_dialogs(self):
        '''In addition to tracking "last file opened" at the main controller level, we also want to notify every FilePath object when the user has opened a new file, so that they can adjust thir Initial DIr properties to the location just opened.'''
        self.filepathobj_load_from.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.db_catalog, "datadict", "")
        self.filepathobj_save_to.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.output_file, "datadict", "")
        self.filepathobj_datadict.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.datadict_file, "datadict", "")

    def add_control_to_list(self, object, var, **kw):
        control = Control(self, object, var, self.control_index, **kw)
        self.controls.append(control)            #self.controls is a list of the screen controls, which can be traversed after user has finished.
        self.control_index += 1
    def check_key_exists(self, keyvalue, **kw):
        found = False
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs" % (keyvalue) ) 
        for key, value in kw.items():
            if str(key).lower() == str(keyvalue).lower():
                found = True
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs -- Found? %s" % (str(keyvalue), str(found) ) ) 
        return found
Example #11
    def __init__(self, parent_window):
        self.parent_window = parent_window
            "BigMatch configuration")  #parent window title
        self.parent_window.columnconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.parent_window.rowconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.log = CHLog()
        self.user = CHUser()
        self.host_name = socket.gethostname()
        self.bigmatch_exe_location = self.get_bigmatch_exe_location()
        head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        ## Grid sizing behavior in window
        self.parent_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.parent_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        #Add a Canvas to the parent window:
        self.bigcanvas = ScrollCanvas(
        )  #BigCanvas is the main container which holds bigfraame, which everything else

        #INTRO SCREEN:
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface - blocking pass definitions"

        if False:

        #Disable the following section.  OpenFile dialogs are managed by individual modules such as datadict, blockingpass, etc.
#Parms:  FilePath(parent_window, show_view=False, title='', bgcolor=gl_frame_color, file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height)
#frame_color = "ivory"
#open_or_save_as = "open"
#self.filepathobj_memfile_dict.display_view(self.bigcanvas.bigframe)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file

#Instantiate, but don't DISPLAY the Data Dictionary frame until/unless we identify a Data Dictionary file for either Record File or Memory File.
        if False:
            show_frame = False
            datadict_filename = ''
                "\n Controller is about to instantiate DataDict class (twice)")

        menubar = Menu(self.parent_window)
        #fileMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #fileMenu.add_command(label="Choose record file", command=self.filepathobj_recfile.locate_file)
        #fileMenu.add_command(label="Choose memory file", command=self.filepathobj_memfile.locate_file)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Data files", menu=fileMenu)
        dictMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create record file data dictionary", command=self.load_recfile_datadict)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create memory file data dictionary", command=self.load_memfile_datadict)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Load record file data dictionary", command=self.load_datadict(self.filepathobj_recfile_dict, self.datadictobj_recfile, 'Data dictionary for record file', ''))
            label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Record File",
            label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Memory File",
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Data dictionaries", menu=dictMenu)

        blockMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            label="Create parameter file from blocking passes",
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Blocking passes", menu=blockMenu)

        reviewMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        reviewMenu.add_command(label="Review match results",
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Match results", menu=reviewMenu)

        defltMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Data Dictionary",
        defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Blocking Pass",
        defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Match Review",
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Default settings", menu=defltMenu)

        #if self.bigmatch_exe_location:
        #    runMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #    runMenu.add_command(label="Run BigMatch", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #    menubar.add_cascade(label="Run BigMatch", menu=runMenu)

        #genMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Create parameter file", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Load ParmF file", command=self.load_blocking_pass_from_parmfile)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Generate", menu=genMenu)

        #otherMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Clear display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Restore display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Clear", menu=otherMenu)

        #End of MENU OPTIONS
        #Load the user's preferred start-up module:
        setting = self.user.get_config_setting("cmd_onload")
        if setting.lower().strip() == "load_recfile_datadict":
        elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_blocking_passes":
        elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_match_review":
Example #12
class CommonRL():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    parent_window = None                    #Parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
    controller = None                       #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
    logobject = None                        #Instantiation of CHLog class
    user_response = None
    datetime_str = None

    def __init__(self, parent_window, controller):
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
        self.logobject.logit("\nIn CommonRL._init_", True, True )
    def handle_error(self, error_message="Unspecified Error", excp_type="", excp_value="", excp_traceback=None, continue_after_error=False, abort_all=False):
        print("\nIn CommonRL.handle_error(), message is '%s' abort_all='%s', continue_after_error='%s'. Type of logobject is %s" % (error_message, abort_all, continue_after_error, type(self.logobject)) )
        self.error_message = error_message
        #Date/time info
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.datetime_str = str(now.year) + "-" + str(now.month) + "-" + str(now.day) + " " + str(now.hour) + ":" + str(now.minute)  #+ str(now.second)
        if self.logobject:
            to_console = to_logfile = to_db = message_is_error = True
            print("\nIn CommonRL.handle_error(), about to call logobject with message '%s', excp_type: %s, excp_value: %s, type of traceback is %s" % (error_message, excp_type, excp_value, type(excp_traceback)) )
            self.logobject.logit("\n##############################" + "\nERROR " + str(self.datetime_str), to_console, to_logfile, to_db, to_browser, message_is_error)
            self.logobject.logit(str(error_message), to_console, to_logfile, to_db, to_browser, message_is_error)     #Log this error in disk log and/or database
            self.logobject.logit(str(excp_type), to_console, to_logfile, to_db, to_browser, message_is_error)     #Log this error in disk log and/or database
            self.logobject.logit(str(excp_value), to_console, to_logfile, to_db, to_browser, message_is_error)     #Log this error in disk log and/or database
            typ = str(type(excp_traceback)).lower().replace("<class '", "").replace("'>", "")
            if typ == "traceback":
                self.logobject.logit("Error Line: " + str(excp_traceback.tb_lineno), to_console, to_logfile, to_db, to_browser, message_is_error)     #Log this error in disk log and/or database
        title = "Warning"
        if abort_all:
            title = "Error"
        elif continue_after_error:
            title = "Warning"
        elif not continue_after_error:
            title = "Error"
            title = "Warning"
        if not error_message:
            error_message = "Unspecified error"
        print("\nAbout to pop up error message.")
        if str(error_message).strip()[-1] != ".":
            error_message = error_message.strip() + "."
        #Display a TKinter error alert dialog box
        text = error_message
        if abort_all or not continue_after_error:
            error_message += " Procedure cancelled."
        user_response = tkinter.messagebox.showwarning(title, error_message)
        print("\nEnd of CommonRL.handle_error()")
        if abort_all:
            if continue_after_error:
Example #13
class Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    controller = None  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
    logobject = None  #Instantiation of CHLog class
    dxr = None  #Instance of the Datafile_to_RDBMS() class
    source_format = None  #Flat text file by default
    output_format = None  #Sqlite3 by default
    source_file = None  #Name and path of the source file to be converted
    output_file = None  #Sqlite file (if sqlite is the RDBMS)
    datadict_file = None
    filepathobj_load_from = None  #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_save_to = None  #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_datadict = None  #FilePath object to allow user to select a data dictionary (for parsing text into distinct columns)
    converter = None  #Object that handles the conversion
    #conversion_func_name = None
    csv_column_headers = []  #List of column headers in the data dictionary CSV
    title = ''  #Title to be displayed in the Frame object
    bgcolor = 'ivory'  #Background color of the Frame widget that displays the Data Dictionary contents
    frame_width = None
    frame_height = None
    view_object = None
    show_view = None
    btnLoadFile = None
    btnSaveToFile = None

    def __init__(
        title='File converson',
    ):  #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(
            2, '0') + str(now.day).rjust(2, '0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(
                2, '0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2, '0')
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
            True, True)
            "\nIn Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model._init_: source_file='%s' -- and type(controller)=%s"
            % (source_file, type(controller)), True, True)
        self.source_format = source_format
        self.output_format = output_format
        self.source_file = source_file
        self.output_file = output_file
        self.title = title
        self.show_view = show_view
        if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
            self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
        if not self.bgcolor:
            self.bgcolor = gl_frame_color
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
            self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
        if not self.frame_width:
            self.frame_width = gl_frame_width
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
            self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
        if not self.frame_height:
            frame_height = gl_frame_height

    def set_source_format(self, source_format):
        self.source_format = source_format
        print("\nSetting the source_format to: %s" % (source_format))

    def set_output_format(self, output_format):
        self.output_format = output_format
        print("\nSetting the output_format to: %s" % (output_format))

    def convert_file(self, source_format=None, output_format=None):
        '''Called after the user has selected a source file and an output file '''
        if not source_format:
            source_format = self.source_format
        if not output_format:
            output_format = self.output_format
        source_format = source_format.lower().strip()
        output_format = output_format.lower().strip()
        #Based on source and output formats, call the appropriate function to handle the conversion.
        if source_format == "txt" and output_format[:6] == "sqlite":
            self.convert_txt_to_sqlite(self.source_file, self.output_file)

    def convert_txt_to_sqlite(self, source_file=None, output_file=None):
        '''DOCSTRING '''
        if not source_file:
            source_file = self.source_file
        if not output_file:
            output_file = self.output_file
        #Instantiate the Datafile_to_RDBMS class
        self.converter = Datafile_to_RDBMS()
            "\nAbout to convert file '%s' to table in RDBMS '%s'" %
            (source_file, output_file), True, True)
        self.converter.datafile = source_file
        head, tail = os.path.split(source_file)
        db_tablename = tail.lower().strip()
        dotpos = db_tablename.find(".")
        if (dotpos != -1):
            db_tablename = db_tablename[:dotpos].replace(".", "")
        self.converter.db_tablename = db_tablename
        self.converter.db_catalog = output_file
        self.converter.db_platform = "sqlite3"
            "\n Type of self.converter: %s" % (str(type(self.converter))),
            True, True)
        #if(str(type(self.converter)).lower().find("datafile_to_rdbms") == -1):    #When the class is first instantiated, load the data dictionary
        if len(self.converter.datadict) == 0:
        return self.converter.error_message

    def instantiate_view_object(self, container):
        self.view_object = Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_View(container, self)
        return self.view_object

    def copy_datadict_to_class_properties(self):
        datadict = Datadict_Common()  #Standard DataDict class
        hdr_list = datadict.load_standard_datadict_headings(
        )  #Make sure we are using the standard, updated list of column headings for the Data Dictionary
        datadict = None  #Erase the class instantiation when done to release memory
        #Check our assumptions about which Data Dictionary column headings are in the standard:
        if not "column_name" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'column_name' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if not "start_pos" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'start_pos' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if not "width" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'width' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if self.error_message:
            print("\n \n ERROR: " + self.error_message)
            #Read the Data Dictionary and store information for each COLUMN as properties of the
            self.logobject.logit("\nAdding columns to the dxr.DataDictionary",
                                 True, True)
            with open(self.datadict_file, 'r') as csvfile:
                csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile,
                                       delimiter=',')  #, quotechar='')
                count = 0
                for row in csvreader:
                    if count == 0:  #Top row of CSV
                #Ascertain the correct position within the Data Dictionary where column name, width and startpos are stored
                pos_colname = int(
                pos_width = int(self.get_position_of_datadict_column("width"))
                pos_startpos = int(
                if self.debug:
                    print("\npos_colname=%s, pos_width=%s, pos_startpos=%s" %
                          (pos_colname, pos_width, pos_startpos))
                count = 0
                for row in csvreader:
                    #NOTE: CSV reader is a forward-only reader -- and it has already read row 0, the top row.  So now the next row WILL BE ROW 1!
                    #Add this column from the data dictionary to the list of columns that will be created in the RDBMS
                    #Determine whether this is a blank row in the file
                    if self.row_is_empty(row):
                    if self.debug:
                            "Dict row " + str(count) + ": " + row[0] + ", " +
                            row[1] + ", " + row[2], True, True, True)
                    self.converter.add_column(row[pos_colname], "char",
                                              row[pos_startpos], "file")
                    count += 1
            self.controller.common.handle_error(self.error_message, False,
                                                False, "datafile_rdbms_ui")
            if self.debug: raise

    def get_position_of_datadict_column(self, which_column):
        which_column = which_column.lower().strip()
        returnval = ""
        for hdr in self.csv_column_headers:
                "Seeking datadict column %s... Found: %s" %
                (which_column, hdr["col_hdr"].lower().strip()), True, True)
            if hdr["col_hdr"].lower().strip() == which_column:
                returnval = hdr["col_index"]
            "Seeking datadict column '%s'... Found position: %s" %
            (which_column, returnval), True, True)
        return returnval

    def build_column_header_list(self, hdr_row):
        col_index = 0
        for col_hdr in hdr_row:
            col_hdr = col_hdr.strip()
            self.logobject.logit("(%s) col_hdr: %s" % (col_index, col_hdr),
                                 True, True)
            temp = {
                "col_index": col_index,
                "col_hdr": col_hdr,
                "max_width": 0,
                "start_pos": 0,
                "data_type": "",
                "selected": ""
            col_index += 1

    def display_view(self, container=None):
        #Most often, we will display the form in the main class's BigCanvas.BigFrame "container".
            "In DataFile_RDBMS_UI.Display_View, Type of Container is '%s'" %
            (str(type(container))), True, True)
        kw_dict = {
            "width": self.frame_width,
            "background": self.bgcolor,
            "borderwidth": 2,
            "padx": 3,
            "pady": 3
        if container == None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe  #This is the default canvas/frame object on which all other widgets are displayed.
        if self.view_object is None:  #We have not yet instantiated the View.  Make sure to display any Open File dialogs at top before rendering other views.
            )  #Just in case we need to run this module outside the parent frame during testing.
            #Display a file open dialog so the user can point us to the Data Dictionary they'd like to open:
            self.display_openfile_dialogs(container, self.source_file)
            #print("\n In Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model.display_view(), about to call view_object.initUI().")
            #Display the VIEW for this data dictionary
            #self.view_object.initUI(**kw_dict)   #width=self.frame_width, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=3, pady=3)
            #self.view_object.display_datadict_in_grid(**kw_dict)    #When first initiated, the View object will call this during its InitUI() method.  But to refresh it afterwards, call display_datadict_in_grid() explicitly.

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
        self.button_frame = Frame(container)
        if str(type(container)).lower().find(
        ) == -1:  #For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
            stackslot = container.get_widget_position(
            stackslot = 0
        self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=W)
        #Button to launch the conversion process:
        self.btnSaveToFile = Button(
            text="Convert File",
            command=self.convert_file)  #convert_txt_to_sqlite
        self.btnSaveToFile.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
        )  #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to save as

    def display_openfile_dialogs(self, container, default_filepath=''):
        file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('SAS files', '*.sas7bdat; *.txt')]
        kw_fpath = {
            "bgcolor": self.bgcolor,
            "frame_width": "",
            "frame_height": "",
            "file_category": "datadict"
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_load_from = FilePath_Model(
            self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Source file to load:",
            open_or_save_as, "ConvertSourceToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
            container)  #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "save_as"
        self.filepathobj_save_to = FilePath_Model(
            self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Sqlite .DB file:",
            open_or_save_as, "ConvertOutputToSaveAs", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        )  #Display the dialog for user to Save As... a new data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_datadict = FilePath_Model(
            self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Data dictionary:",
            open_or_save_as, "DatadictToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
            container)  #Display the Open File dialog

    def update_filepath(self,
        '''IMPORTANT: ALL FilePath objects created by this class will expect Function "update_file_path" to exist! FilePath objects alert their masters when a filepath is selected in an open-file dialog.'''
        #self.logobject.logit("Master DataDict_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string), True, True )
            "Master Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'"
            % (file_name_with_path, callback_string))
        if callback_string.lower().strip(
        )[:4] == "load" or callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "open":
            if str(callback_string).lower()[4:].find(
                    "datadict") != -1:  #User selected a DataDictionary file
                    "datadict_file is being set to %s" % (file_name_with_path),
                    True, True)
                self.datadict_file = file_name_with_path  #file_name_with_path is the name/path of the file selected by the user. We know to store this to self.source_file because of the "callback string" returned by the FilePath object.
                if self.datadict_file:  #Refresh the view when the user selects a new file.
                else:  #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name)
                    )  #Remove all existing values from the grid
            else:  #User selected the Source File
                self.source_file = file_name_with_path  #file_name_with_path is the name/path of the file selected by the user. We know to store this to self.source_file because of the "callback string" returned by the FilePath object.
                if self.source_file:  #Refresh the view when the user selects a new file.
                else:  #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name)
                    )  #Remove all existing values from the grid
        elif callback_string.lower().strip(
        )[:4] == "save":  #This is a file SAVE AS, not a FILE OPEN
            self.output_file = file_name_with_path
            if self.output_file:

    def update_master_paths(self, file_name_with_path):
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head
            self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened = head  #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
            "\n Controller-saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s"
            % (self.controller.dir_last_opened,

    def update_initial_dir_for_file_open_dialogs(self):
        '''In addition to tracking "last file opened" at the main controller level, we also want to notify every FilePath object when the user has opened a new file, so that they can adjust thir Initial DIr properties to the location just opened.'''
            self.source_file, "datadict", "")
            self.output_file, "datadict", "")
            self.datadict_file, "datadict", "")

    def check_key_exists(self, keyvalue, **kw):
        found = False
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs" % (keyvalue) )
        for key, value in kw.items():
            if str(key).lower() == str(keyvalue).lower():
                found = True
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs -- Found? %s" % (str(keyvalue), str(found) ) )
        return found

    def row_is_empty(self, row):
        isempty = False
        rowcheck = ','.join(row)
        rowcheck = rowcheck.replace(",", "").replace("'", "").replace(
            "\n", "").replace("?", "").strip()
        #print("Rowcheck: %s" % (rowcheck))
        if rowcheck == "":
            #print("ROW IS EMPTY. SKIP IT.")
            isempty = True
        return isempty
Example #14
class Error_UI_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None                    #Plain text error message
    error_list = []                         #List of errors that have been logged by the controller (LIST OF DICTS - EACH DICT CONTAINS AN ERROR MESSAGE AND EXCEPTION OBJECTS)
    error_dict = None                       #The ERROR DICT currently being processed
    parent_window = None                    #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
    controller = None                       #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
    logobject = None                        #Instantiation of CHLog class
    title = None
    bgcolor = None
    bgcolors = []
    frame_width = None
    frame_height = None
    dedupe_single_file = False              #Is this a dedupe of a single file, or a match of two different files?
    #parmf_file = None

    def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, error_list=["Unspecified error (ui model parm)"], title="Error", bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height):	
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
        self.error_list = error_list        #Error_list is a list of DICTS - each dict contains a plain text error message and exception objects)
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(2,'0') + str(now.day).rjust(2,'0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(2,'0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2,'0')
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
        self.logobject.logit("\n\n____________________________________________________________________", True, True )
        self.logobject.logit("%s In Error_UI_Model._init_: title=%s" % (self.init_time, title), True, True )
        if title is not None:
            self.title = title
            self.title = "Nothing"		
        if frame_width is not None:
            self.frame_width = frame_width
        if frame_height is not None:
            self.frame_height = frame_height
        #if show_view is not None:
        #    self.show_view = show_view
        if bgcolor is not None:
            self.bgcolor = bgcolor
            self.bgcolor = gl_frame_color
        self.bgcolors = ["#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0"]
        if self.error_message is not None:
            self.logobject.logit("\nCalling handle_error with message '%s'" % (self.error_message) )
    #NOTE: VIEWS are typically invoked by calling this MODEL object. The following methods are handlers for instantiating VIEWS.
    def instantiate_view_object(self, container, index):
        #Instantiate VIEWS here.  
        error_view = Error_UI_View(container, self, index)
        return error_view

    def display_view(self, container, index, **kw):
        error_view = self.instantiate_view_object(container, index)
        print("Kwargs for error_view.display_view(): ")
        self.logobject.logit(str(kw), True, True)
        for key, value in kw.items():
            self.logobject.logit("%s = %s" % (key, value), True, True )
        self.logobject.logit("\n In error_ui_model.display_view(), calling error_view.initUI().", True, True)
        error_view.initUI(**kw)   #DISPLAY THE FRAME OBJECT ON SCREEN
        return error_view

    def display_views(self, container=None, howmany_views=None):
        #Instantiate VIEWS here.  
        print("\n Top of error_view.display_views()")
        if container is None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe
        if not self.error_list:
            self.error_list = ["Unspecified error (ui model display views)"]
        if howmany_views is None:
            howmany_views = len(self.error_list)
        self.logobject.logit("\n Top of error_view.display_views()", True, True)
        if True:    #to do: validate the existence of error message before launching UI
            for i in range(0, howmany_views):
                bgcolor = self.bgcolors[i]    #bgcolor = "#FDFFDF"   
                print("\n In Error_UI_Model.display_views(), calling display_view() for iteration #" + str(i) +". BgColor=" + bgcolor)
                self.display_view(container, i, width=self.frame_width, background=bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=3, pady=3)
            pass #

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
        self.button_frame = Frame(container)
        if str(type(container)).lower().find(".tk") == -1:							#For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
            stackslot = container.get_widget_position(self.button_frame, "error_view.display_user_buttons()")
            stackslot = 0
        #Testing: show a button that will dump to the command window the current contents of all the screen CONTROLS.
        self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=EW)

    def update_message_region(self, text='', clear_after_ms=4000, **kw):
        #if not text:
        #    text = "Uh-oh"
        self.message_region.after(clear_after_ms, self.clear_message_region)
    def clear_message_region(self):
Example #15
    def __init__(self, parent_window):
        self.parent_window = parent_window
            "BigMatch configuration")  #parent window title
        self.parent_window.columnconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.parent_window.rowconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.host_name = str(socket.gethostname()).lower().strip()
        self.uid = getpass.getuser().lower().strip()
        print("\n STARTING NEW SESSION. hostname: %s, user: %s" %
              (self.host_name, getpass.getuser()))
        #Get operating system info
        self.os_name = os.name
        self.os_platform = platform.system()
        self.os_release = platform.release()
        self.python_common_found = python_common_found
        self.sas7bdat_found = sas7bdat_found
        self.sqlite_found = sqlite_found
        print("\nPython_common_found? %s" % (self.python_common_found))
        print("\n os_name: %s, os_platform: %s, os_release: %s" %
              (self.os_name, self.os_platform, self.os_release))
        if (self.host_name == "chrsd1-gsanders" and self.uid == "gsanders"):
            self.enable_logging = True
            self.gs = True
        elif (self.host_name == "greg-hp"
              and self.uid == "greg") or (self.host_name == "gregory"
                                          and self.uid == "lisa"):
            self.enable_logging = True
        if self.enable_logging:
            #"Enable logging" does not mean the user has the necessary file/folder permissions. But from the GUI rules standpoint, this user can write logs if the permissions are in place.
            print("Logging enabled (by user ID)")
            #Make sure we can actually write to a file (file/folder permissions support logging)
            self.logobject = CHLog(self.enable_logging, self.enable_logging)
            logtest = self.logobject.test_subfolder_filewrite()
            print("Logging write test returned %s)" % (logtest))
            self.enable_logging = logtest  #If test failed, set enable_logging to False
            if not self.enable_logging:
                print("Logging write test failed")
                self.logobject = None
            if self.sqlite_found:
                self.enable_sqlite = self.logobject.test_sqlite_data_write()
        if self.enable_logging:
            self.user = CHUser()
        self.common = CommonRL(self.parent_window, self)
        self.bigmatch_exe_location = self.get_bigmatch_exe_location()
        head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        #self.update_controller_dirpaths(head)            #No need to set this to a default location at the outset.  That default-setting is handled by the individual FilePath objects.

        ## Grid sizing behavior in window
        self.parent_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.parent_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        #Add a Canvas to the parent window:
        self.bigcanvas = ScrollCanvas(
        )  #BigCanvas is the main container which holds bigfraame, which everything else

        #INTRO SCREEN:
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface - blocking pass definitions"

        #Disable the following section.  OpenFile dialogs are managed by individual modules such as datadict, blockingpass, etc.
        #Parms:  FilePath(parent_window, show_view=False, title='', bgcolor=gl_frame_color, file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height)
        #frame_color = "ivory"
        #open_or_save_as = "open"
        #self.filepathobj_memfile_dict.display_view(self.bigcanvas.bigframe)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file

        menubar = Menu(self.parent_window)
        dictMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary",
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Record File", command=self.load_recfile_datadict)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Memory File", command=self.load_memfile_datadict)
        dictMenu.add_command(label="Start over with new data dictionary",
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Data dictionaries", menu=dictMenu)

        blockMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            label="Create parameter file from blocking passes",
        blockMenu.add_command(label="Start over with new blocking pass",
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Blocking passes", menu=blockMenu)

        reviewMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        reviewMenu.add_command(label="Review match results",
        #reviewMenu.add_command(label="Combine reviewed results", command=self.load_combine_reviewed_results)
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Match results", menu=reviewMenu)
        '''def get_command_for_file_convert_sas_to_text():
            cmd_string = "self.load_convert_file('sas', 'text')"
            print("\nReturning the string %s" % (cmd_string) )
            return cmd_string'''

        if self.python_common_found:
            #if self.uid.find("sanders") > -1:
            convertMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            if sas7bdat_found:
                    label="Convert SAS file to text",
            convertMenu.add_command(label="Convert CSV file to flat file",
                label="Convert csv or flat file to sqlite table",
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Convert files", menu=convertMenu)

        if self.sqlite_found:
            #if self.uid.find("sanders") > -1:
            dbMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            dbMenu.add_command(label="Display Sqlite data",
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Read database", menu=dbMenu)

        if self.enable_logging:
            defltMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Data Dictionary",
                label="Set startup to Blocking Pass",
                label="Set startup to Match Review",
                label="Set startup to File Conversion",
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Default settings", menu=defltMenu)
            #Test error display:
            self.add_error_to_list("Testing 123", "Type exception",
                                   "Hey, you can't do that!", None)
            self.add_error_to_list("Another Test", "Format exception",
                                   "No, you can't do that either.", None)
            errMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            errMenu.add_command(label="View errors",
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Error display", menu=errMenu)

        #if self.bigmatch_exe_location:
        #    runMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #    runMenu.add_command(label="Run BigMatch", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #    menubar.add_cascade(label="Run BigMatch", menu=runMenu)

        #genMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Create parameter file", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Load ParmF file", command=self.load_blocking_pass_from_parmfile)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Generate", menu=genMenu)

        #otherMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Clear display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Restore display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Clear", menu=otherMenu)

        #End of MENU OPTIONS
        #Load the user's preferred start-up module:
        if self.enable_logging:
            setting = self.user.get_config_setting("cmd_onload")
            if setting.lower().strip() == "load_datadict":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_blocking_passes":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_match_review":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_convert_file":
Example #16
    def __init__(self, parent_window):
        self.parent_window = parent_window
        self.parent_window.title("BigMatch configuration")   #parent window title
        self.parent_window.columnconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.parent_window.rowconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.host_name = str(socket.gethostname()).lower().strip()
        self.uid = getpass.getuser().lower().strip()
        print("\n STARTING NEW SESSION. hostname: %s, user: %s" % (self.host_name, getpass.getuser() ) )
        #Get operating system info
        self.os_name = os.name
        self.os_platform = platform.system()
        self.os_release = platform.release()
        self.python_common_found = python_common_found
        self.sas7bdat_found = sas7bdat_found
        self.sqlite_found = sqlite_found
        print("\nPython_common_found? %s" % (self.python_common_found) )
        print("\n os_name: %s, os_platform: %s, os_release: %s" % (self.os_name, self.os_platform, self.os_release) )
        if (self.host_name == "chrsd1-gsanders" and self.uid == "gsanders"):
            self.enable_logging = True
            self.gs = True
        elif (self.host_name == "greg-hp" and self.uid == "greg") or (self.host_name == "gregory" and self.uid == "lisa"):
            self.enable_logging = True
        if self.enable_logging:
            #"Enable logging" does not mean the user has the necessary file/folder permissions. But from the GUI rules standpoint, this user can write logs if the permissions are in place.
            print("Logging enabled (by user ID)")
            #Make sure we can actually write to a file (file/folder permissions support logging)
            self.logobject = CHLog(self.enable_logging, self.enable_logging)    
            logtest = self.logobject.test_subfolder_filewrite()
            print("Logging write test returned %s)" % (logtest) )
            self.enable_logging = logtest             #If test failed, set enable_logging to False
            if not self.enable_logging:
                print("Logging write test failed")
                self.logobject = None
            if self.sqlite_found:
                self.enable_sqlite = self.logobject.test_sqlite_data_write()
        if self.enable_logging:
            self.user = CHUser()
        self.common = CommonRL(self.parent_window, self)
        self.bigmatch_exe_location = self.get_bigmatch_exe_location()
        head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        #self.update_controller_dirpaths(head)            #No need to set this to a default location at the outset.  That default-setting is handled by the individual FilePath objects.

        ## Grid sizing behavior in window
        self.parent_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) 
        self.parent_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        #Add a Canvas to the parent window:
        self.bigcanvas = ScrollCanvas(parent_window)						#BigCanvas is the main container which holds bigfraame, which everything else

        #INTRO SCREEN:
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface - blocking pass definitions")

        #Disable the following section.  OpenFile dialogs are managed by individual modules such as datadict, blockingpass, etc. 
		#Parms:  FilePath(parent_window, show_view=False, title='', bgcolor=gl_frame_color, file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height)
        #frame_color = "ivory"
        #open_or_save_as = "open"
        #self.filepathobj_memfile_dict.display_view(self.bigcanvas.bigframe)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
        menubar = Menu(self.parent_window)
        dictMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary", command=self.load_datadict)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Record File", command=self.load_recfile_datadict)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Memory File", command=self.load_memfile_datadict)
        dictMenu.add_command(label="Start over with new data dictionary", command=self.startclean_new_datadict)
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Data dictionaries", menu=dictMenu)
        blockMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        blockMenu.add_command(label="Create parameter file from blocking passes", command=self.load_blocking_passes)
        blockMenu.add_command(label="Start over with new blocking pass", command=self.startclean_new_blockingpass)
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Blocking passes", menu=blockMenu)

        reviewMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        reviewMenu.add_command(label="Review match results", command=self.load_match_review)
        #reviewMenu.add_command(label="Combine reviewed results", command=self.load_combine_reviewed_results)
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Match results", menu=reviewMenu)

        '''def get_command_for_file_convert_sas_to_text():
            cmd_string = "self.load_convert_file('sas', 'text')"
            print("\nReturning the string %s" % (cmd_string) )
            return cmd_string'''

        if self.python_common_found:
            #if self.uid.find("sanders") > -1:
            convertMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            if sas7bdat_found:
                convertMenu.add_command(label="Convert SAS file to text", command=self.load_convert_file_sas_to_text)
            convertMenu.add_command(label="Convert CSV file to flat file", command=self.load_convert_file_csv_to_text)
            convertMenu.add_command(label="Convert csv or flat file to sqlite table", command=self.load_convert_file_txt_to_sqlite)
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Convert files", menu=convertMenu)

        if self.sqlite_found:
            #if self.uid.find("sanders") > -1:
            dbMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            dbMenu.add_command(label="Display Sqlite data", command=self.display_sqlite_data)
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Read database", menu=dbMenu)

        if self.enable_logging:
            defltMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Data Dictionary", command=self.set_startup_module_to_data_dict)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Blocking Pass", command=self.set_startup_module_to_blocking_pass)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Match Review", command=self.set_startup_module_to_match_review)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to File Conversion", command=self.set_startup_module_to_file_convert)
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Default settings", menu=defltMenu)
            #Test error display:
            self.add_error_to_list("Testing 123", "Type exception", "Hey, you can't do that!", None)
            self.add_error_to_list("Another Test", "Format exception", "No, you can't do that either.", None)
            errMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            errMenu.add_command(label="View errors", command=self.load_error_display)
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Error display", menu=errMenu)

        #if self.bigmatch_exe_location:
        #    runMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #    runMenu.add_command(label="Run BigMatch", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #    menubar.add_cascade(label="Run BigMatch", menu=runMenu)
        #genMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Create parameter file", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Load ParmF file", command=self.load_blocking_pass_from_parmfile)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Generate", menu=genMenu)
        #otherMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Clear display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Restore display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Clear", menu=otherMenu)

        #End of MENU OPTIONS
        #Load the user's preferred start-up module:
        if self.enable_logging:
            setting = self.user.get_config_setting("cmd_onload")
            if setting.lower().strip() == "load_datadict":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_blocking_passes":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_match_review":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_convert_file":
Example #17
class DataDict_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    controller = None                       #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
    logobject = None                        #Instantiation of CHLog class
    datadict_file_to_load_from = None	    #Data dictionary file name and path, which will be loaded into the entry grid if user requests.
    #datadict_loadfile_displaybox = None	#A textbox where the data dict file to be loaded will be displayed
    datadict_file_to_save_to = None			#Data dictionary file name and path, to which the metadata will be saved if user requests.
    #datadict_savefile_displaybox = None	#A textbox where the save-to data dict file will be displayed
    filepathobj_load_from = None            #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_save_to = None              #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    title = ''							    #Title to be displayed in the Frame object
    mem_or_rec = None                       #Is this datadict associated with a Record File or a Memory File?
    bgcolor = 'ivory'						#Background color of the Frame widget that displays the Data Dictionary contents
    frame_width = None 
    frame_height = None
    view_object = None
    show_view = None
    #Arrays to hold the contents of the Data Dictionary:
    meta_columns = None					  #List of column names within the data dictionary CSV (column_name, column_width, etc.)
    meta_rownums = None	  				  #For convenience, a simple List of integers that will be displayed vertically on the left side of the Data Dict grid display.
    meta_values = None					  #List of values for each cell within the data dictionary CSV (actually a list of lists - a list of "rows" from the data dictionary CSV)
    meta_values_after_edit = []           #List of values from the Entry Grid, AFTER the user has modified the values and clicked SAVE.
    btnLoadDictFile = None
    btnSaveToDictFile = None
    def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, datadict_file_to_load_from=None, show_view=None, title='Data dictionary', **kw):      #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
        #Frame.__init__(self, parent_window)
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
        self.title = title
        self.show_view = show_view
        self.datadict_file_to_load_from = datadict_file_to_load_from
        self.logobject = CHLog()
        self.logobject.logit("\n" + "In DataDict._init_, datadict_file_to_load_from = '" + str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "' -- and show_view=" + str(self.show_view), True, True )
        if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
            self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
        if not self.bgcolor:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
            self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
        if not self.frame_width:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
            self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
        if not self.frame_height:
        if self.check_key_exists("mem_or_rec", **kw):
            self.mem_or_rec = str(kw["mem_or_rec"]).lower().strip()

    def read_datadict_file_into_arrays(self, file_name):  
        '''A data dictionary CSV file is read into arrays (which are properties of this Model object). From the arrays they can be written back to a CSV file later. '''	
        self.logobject.logit("\n" + "In DataDict.read_datadict_file_into_arrays, datadict_file_to_load_from = '" + str(file_name) + "'", True, True)
        self.meta_columns = []
        self.meta_rownums = []
        self.meta_values = []
        datadict_arrays = {}
        f = open(file_name, "r")
        content = f.readlines()
        i = 0
        for line in content:
            if(i==0):                                    #Header row in the CSV file
                self.meta_columns = line.split(",")
                meta_temp = line.split(",")             #meta_temp is a LIST consisting of one row from the data dictionary
                self.meta_values.append(meta_temp)		#meta_values is a LIST of LISTS, consisting of one "outer" list representing all the rows from the data dictionary, and an "inner" list consisting of the cell values for a single row.
            i += 1

    def write_datadict_from_entrygrid(self, file_name=None):
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self.datadict_file_to_save_to
        print("\n Top of write_datadict_from_entrygrid(), file_name is '%s'" % (file_name) ) 
        #Call the View object to retrieve Entry Grid values (after they have been update by the user).
        if file_name:
            del self.meta_values_after_edit[:]    
            self.meta_values_after_edit = []      #Clear out any previous entries
            #Load the entry grid items into the meta_values_after_edit list:			
            self.meta_values_after_edit = self.view_object.retrieve_grid_values()
            if self.meta_values_after_edit:
                newrow = []
                self.logobject.logit("Dict file in write_datadict_from_entrygrid(): %s ...File will be deleted if it already exists." % ( str(file_name) ), True, True )
                if os.path.isfile(file_name):
                    os.remove(file_name)		              #Should not need to delete the file, but it has been appending new text at end of file instead of erasing existing text and re-writing-- even though the file open uses "w" not "w+", and it is closed after every write session.
                with open(file_name, 'w', encoding='UTF8') as csvfile:
                    csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, lineterminator='\n')   #os.linesep)    #chr(13) + chr(10)
                    #Get a list of column names retrieved from the Entry Grid -- these are CSV header columns.
                    j = 0;
                    for col in self.view_object.entry_grid.colList:
                        newcol = str(col).replace("\n", "").strip()
                        newcol = newcol.replace(chr(10), "")
                        newcol = newcol.replace(chr(13), "")
                        if (j == 0 and newcol == ''):				#First "column name" is usually blank because it is the row-numbers column, which has no header caption
                        j += 1
                    csvwriter.writerow(newrow)						#Write the Column Headers to the CSV file			
                    newrow = []
                    i = 0
                    for row in self.meta_values_after_edit:
                        self.logobject.logit("\n In write_datadict(), ROW: %s (length is %s and type is %s" % (str(i), str(len(row)), str(type(row)) ), True, True)
                        self.logobject.logit(row, True, True)
                        newrow = []
                        j = 0
                        for col in row:
                            #if col.find("\n") != -1:
                            #    print("Reassigning col %s in row %s to a string value," % (str(j), str(i)) )
                            #    #row[i] = newcol    #str(col)
                            #newcol = str(col)
                            newcol = str(col).replace("\n", "")
                            newcol = newcol.replace(chr(10), "")
                            newcol = newcol.replace(chr(13), "")
                            j += 1
                        i += 1

    def load_standard_datadict_headings(self):
        self.meta_columns = []
        self.meta_columns = ['column_name', 'start_pos', 'width', 'unique_id_yn', 'matchfield_yn', 'bigmatch_type', 'data_format', 'comments']
        return self.meta_columns

    def display_openfile_dialogs(self, container, default_filepath=''):
        file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')]
        kw_fpath = {"bgcolor":self.bgcolor, "frame_width":"", "frame_height":"", "file_category":"datadict"}
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_load_from = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Data dictionary file to load:", open_or_save_as, "DataDictToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_load_from.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "save_as"
        self.filepathobj_save_to = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Save data dictionary to file:", open_or_save_as, "DataDictToSaveAs", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_save_to.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to Ave As... a new data dict file
    def instantiate_view_object(self, container):
        self.view_object = DataDict_View(container, self) 
        return self.view_object	

    def display_view(self, container=None):
        #Most often, we will display the Data Dictionary form in the main class's BigCanvas.BigFrame "container".
        print("In DataDict.Display_View, Type of Container is '%s'" % (str(type(container))) )
        kw_dict = {"width":self.frame_width, "background":self.bgcolor, "borderwidth":2, "padx":3, "pady":3}
        if container == None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe			#This is the default canvas/frame object on which all other widgets are displayed.
        if self.datadict_file_to_load_from:	
            #Function "read_datadict_file_into_arrays" extracts the contents of the Data Dictionary file and stores it in arrays. The arrays are them passed to TkEntry to be displayed.
            print("\n" + "In DataDict.display_view(), about to run read_datadict_file_into_arrays() with '" + str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "'" )
        if self.view_object is None:                                #We have not yet instantiated the View.  Make sure to display any Open File dialogs at top before rendering other views.
            self.instantiate_view_object(container)					#Just in case we need to run this module outside the parent frame during testing.
			#Display a file open dialog so the user can point us to the Data Dictionary they'd like to open:
            self.display_openfile_dialogs(container, self.datadict_file_to_load_from)
            print("\n In DataDict.display_view(), about to call view_object.initUI().")
            #Display the VIEW for this data dictionary        
            self.view_object.initUI(**kw_dict)   #width=self.frame_width, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=3, pady=3)
            self.view_object.display_datadict_in_grid(**kw_dict)    #When first initiated, the View object will call this during its InitUI() method.  But to refresh it afterwards, call display_datadict_in_grid() explicitly.

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
        self.button_frame = Frame(container)
        if str(type(container)).lower().find(".tk") == -1:							#For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
            stackslot = container.get_widget_position(self.button_frame, "DataDict_Model.display_user_buttons()")
            stackslot = 0
        self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=W)
        #Note: the specified CSV data dictionary file is loaded automatically when the user selects it (because update_filepath() is called )
        #self.btnLoadDictFile = Button(self.button_frame, text="Load Data Dictionary from CSV File", width=30, command=self.display_view)
        #self.btnLoadDictFile.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
        #self.btnLoadDictFile.config(state=DISABLED)       #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to load
        self.btnSaveToDictFile = Button(self.button_frame, text="Save Data Dictionary to CSV File", width=30, command=self.write_datadict_from_entrygrid)
        self.btnSaveToDictFile.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
        self.btnSaveToDictFile.config(state=DISABLED)       #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to save as

    def update_filepath(self, file_name_with_path='', callback_string='', alias=''):
        '''IMPORTANT: ALL FilePath objects created by this class will expect Function "update_file_path" to exist! FilePath objects alert their masters when a filepath is selected in an open-file dialog.'''
        self.logobject.logit("Master DataDict_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string), True, True )
        if callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "load" or callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "open":
            self.datadict_file_to_load_from = file_name_with_path
            #if file_name_with_path:                        #Commented this out because btnLoadDictFile seems to be unnecessary - we automatically load the Data Dict
            #    self.btnLoadDictFile.config(state=NORMAL)
            #Refresh the Data Dictionary view when the user selects a new DataDict file.
            if self.datadict_file_to_load_from: 
            else:                                           #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name) 
                self.view_object.clear_datadict_grid()      #Remove all existing values from the grid
        elif callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "save": #This is a file SAVE AS, not a FILE OPEN
            self.datadict_file_to_save_to = file_name_with_path
            if self.datadict_file_to_save_to:
    def update_master_paths(self, file_name_with_path):
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head
            self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened = head                   #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
            if self.mem_or_rec == "mem":
                self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened = file_name_with_path    #The controller tracks last file opened of this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can default this value in.
            if self.mem_or_rec == "rec":
                self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened = file_name_with_path    #The controller tracks last file opened of this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can default this value in.
        print("\n Controller-saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s" % (self.controller.dir_last_opened, self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened, self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened, self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened) )
    def check_key_exists(self, keyvalue, **kw):
        found = False
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs" % (keyvalue) ) 
        for key, value in kw.items():
            if str(key).lower() == str(keyvalue).lower():
                found = True
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs -- Found? %s" % (str(keyvalue), str(found) ) ) 
        return found
Example #18
class BigMatchController():
    '''BigMatchController class creates a menu and a canvas for displaying various widgets. It also calls all methods necessary for instantiating those various widgets.'''
    debug = False
    debug_global = None             #Debug settings in all child modules canbe turned on or off with this one controller property
    error_message = None
    error_list = []                 #Collection of errors that have been logged
    parent_window = None	
    bigcanvas = None				#Main scrolling canvas on which the main frame object sits.  The canvas serves mainly to host the scrollbars.
    framestack_counter = None	    
    #Objects that represent major functions of this application (Blocking Pass, Data Dictionary, etc.)
    blockingpass_model = None       
    blocking_passes = []			#Index of Blocking Pass objects that have been instantiated
    how_many_blk_passes = 10
    matchreview_model = None
    error_ui = None            #Frame for displaying error information at runtime
    datadict_model = None
    dir_last_opened = None
    datadict_dir_last_opened = None
    blockingpass_dir_last_opened = None
    parmfile_dir_last_opened = None
    resultfile_last_opened = None
    convertfile_last_opened = None
    rec_datadict_last_opened = None
    mem_datadict_last_opened = None 
    parmf_last_opened = None
    parmn_last_opened = None
    match_result_dir_last_opened = None
    logobject = None
    user = None
    common = None
    host_name = None
    bigmatch_exe_location = None
    enable_logging = None                    #Shut down logging until we solve permissions issues on Pennhurst server
    enable_sqlite = None
    sqlite_found = None
    sas7bdat_found = None
    python_common_found = None
    os_name = None
    os_platform = None
    os_release = None
    uid = None
    gs = None
    def __init__(self, parent_window):
        self.parent_window = parent_window
        self.parent_window.title("BigMatch configuration")   #parent window title
        self.parent_window.columnconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.parent_window.rowconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.host_name = str(socket.gethostname()).lower().strip()
        self.uid = getpass.getuser().lower().strip()
        print("\n STARTING NEW SESSION. hostname: %s, user: %s" % (self.host_name, getpass.getuser() ) )
        #Get operating system info
        self.os_name = os.name
        self.os_platform = platform.system()
        self.os_release = platform.release()
        self.python_common_found = python_common_found
        self.sas7bdat_found = sas7bdat_found
        self.sqlite_found = sqlite_found
        print("\nPython_common_found? %s" % (self.python_common_found) )
        print("\n os_name: %s, os_platform: %s, os_release: %s" % (self.os_name, self.os_platform, self.os_release) )
        if (self.host_name == "chrsd1-gsanders" and self.uid == "gsanders"):
            self.enable_logging = True
            self.gs = True
        elif (self.host_name == "greg-hp" and self.uid == "greg") or (self.host_name == "gregory" and self.uid == "lisa"):
            self.enable_logging = True
        if self.enable_logging:
            #"Enable logging" does not mean the user has the necessary file/folder permissions. But from the GUI rules standpoint, this user can write logs if the permissions are in place.
            print("Logging enabled (by user ID)")
            #Make sure we can actually write to a file (file/folder permissions support logging)
            self.logobject = CHLog(self.enable_logging, self.enable_logging)    
            logtest = self.logobject.test_subfolder_filewrite()
            print("Logging write test returned %s)" % (logtest) )
            self.enable_logging = logtest             #If test failed, set enable_logging to False
            if not self.enable_logging:
                print("Logging write test failed")
                self.logobject = None
            if self.sqlite_found:
                self.enable_sqlite = self.logobject.test_sqlite_data_write()
        if self.enable_logging:
            self.user = CHUser()
        self.common = CommonRL(self.parent_window, self)
        self.bigmatch_exe_location = self.get_bigmatch_exe_location()
        head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        #self.update_controller_dirpaths(head)            #No need to set this to a default location at the outset.  That default-setting is handled by the individual FilePath objects.

        ## Grid sizing behavior in window
        self.parent_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) 
        self.parent_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        #Add a Canvas to the parent window:
        self.bigcanvas = ScrollCanvas(parent_window)						#BigCanvas is the main container which holds bigfraame, which everything else

        #INTRO SCREEN:
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface - blocking pass definitions")

        #Disable the following section.  OpenFile dialogs are managed by individual modules such as datadict, blockingpass, etc. 
		#Parms:  FilePath(parent_window, show_view=False, title='', bgcolor=gl_frame_color, file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height)
        #frame_color = "ivory"
        #open_or_save_as = "open"
        #self.filepathobj_memfile_dict.display_view(self.bigcanvas.bigframe)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
        menubar = Menu(self.parent_window)
        dictMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary", command=self.load_datadict)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Record File", command=self.load_recfile_datadict)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Memory File", command=self.load_memfile_datadict)
        dictMenu.add_command(label="Start over with new data dictionary", command=self.startclean_new_datadict)
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Data dictionaries", menu=dictMenu)
        blockMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        blockMenu.add_command(label="Create parameter file from blocking passes", command=self.load_blocking_passes)
        blockMenu.add_command(label="Start over with new blocking pass", command=self.startclean_new_blockingpass)
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Blocking passes", menu=blockMenu)

        reviewMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        reviewMenu.add_command(label="Review match results", command=self.load_match_review)
        #reviewMenu.add_command(label="Combine reviewed results", command=self.load_combine_reviewed_results)
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Match results", menu=reviewMenu)

        '''def get_command_for_file_convert_sas_to_text():
            cmd_string = "self.load_convert_file('sas', 'text')"
            print("\nReturning the string %s" % (cmd_string) )
            return cmd_string'''

        if self.python_common_found:
            #if self.uid.find("sanders") > -1:
            convertMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            if sas7bdat_found:
                convertMenu.add_command(label="Convert SAS file to text", command=self.load_convert_file_sas_to_text)
            convertMenu.add_command(label="Convert CSV file to flat file", command=self.load_convert_file_csv_to_text)
            convertMenu.add_command(label="Convert csv or flat file to sqlite table", command=self.load_convert_file_txt_to_sqlite)
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Convert files", menu=convertMenu)

        if self.sqlite_found:
            #if self.uid.find("sanders") > -1:
            dbMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            dbMenu.add_command(label="Display Sqlite data", command=self.display_sqlite_data)
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Read database", menu=dbMenu)

        if self.enable_logging:
            defltMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Data Dictionary", command=self.set_startup_module_to_data_dict)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Blocking Pass", command=self.set_startup_module_to_blocking_pass)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Match Review", command=self.set_startup_module_to_match_review)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to File Conversion", command=self.set_startup_module_to_file_convert)
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Default settings", menu=defltMenu)
            #Test error display:
            self.add_error_to_list("Testing 123", "Type exception", "Hey, you can't do that!", None)
            self.add_error_to_list("Another Test", "Format exception", "No, you can't do that either.", None)
            errMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            errMenu.add_command(label="View errors", command=self.load_error_display)
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Error display", menu=errMenu)

        #if self.bigmatch_exe_location:
        #    runMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #    runMenu.add_command(label="Run BigMatch", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #    menubar.add_cascade(label="Run BigMatch", menu=runMenu)
        #genMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Create parameter file", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Load ParmF file", command=self.load_blocking_pass_from_parmfile)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Generate", menu=genMenu)
        #otherMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Clear display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Restore display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Clear", menu=otherMenu)

        #End of MENU OPTIONS
        #Load the user's preferred start-up module:
        if self.enable_logging:
            setting = self.user.get_config_setting("cmd_onload")
            if setting.lower().strip() == "load_datadict":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_blocking_passes":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_match_review":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_convert_file":

    def update_controller_dirpaths(self, file_name_with_path):     #Set default locations for FileOpen dialogs at session launch.
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.dir_last_opened = head
            self.datadict_dir_last_opened = head                   #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
            self.parmfile_dir_last_opened = head
            self.match_result_dir_last_opened = head
        print("\n _MAIN_saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s" % (self.dir_last_opened, self.datadict_dir_last_opened, self.rec_datadict_last_opened, self.mem_datadict_last_opened) )

    def load_splash(self, caption="Chapin Hall's BigMatch utilities"):
        self.splash_frame = Frame(self.bigcanvas.bigframe)
        stackslot = self.bigcanvas.bigframe.get_widget_position(self.splash_frame, "main.load_splash()")
        self.splash_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=EW)
        self.splash_frame.config(background="ivory", width=130, padx=0, pady=0)
        self.splash_label = Label(self.splash_frame, text=caption)
        self.splash_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) 
        self.splash_label.config(font=("Arial", 16, "bold"), borderwidth=1, width=65, anchor=W, justify="left", padx=0, pady=0, background="ivory")  #width=100, 
    def load_datadict(self, datadict_filename="", mem_or_rec="rec"):
        print("In main.load_datadict() with mem_or_rec=%s and datadict_filename=%s" % (str(mem_or_rec), str(datadict_filename) ) )
        show_frame = False            #Don't immediately display the view
        if self.datadict_model:
            self.datadict_model = None
        kw_datadict = {"mem_or_rec":mem_or_rec}
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()          #Unload (hide) all frame objects
        self.load_splash("BigMatch data dictionary manager")    #dictionary for " + which_name)
        self.datadict_model = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Record file data dictionary", **kw_datadict)
        return True

    def load_datadict(self, datadict_filename="", mem_or_rec="rec"):
        print("In main.load_datadict() with mem_or_rec=%s and datadict_filename=%s" % (str(mem_or_rec), str(datadict_filename) ) )
        if which.lower()=="rec":
            which_name = "Record File"
        elif which.lower()=="mem":
            which_name = "Memory File"
            self.error_message = "Invalid data dictionary type: " + which
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()          #Unload (hide) all frame objects
        self.load_splash("BigMatch data dictionary manager")    #dictionary for " + which_name)
        return True
    def load_recfile_datadict(self, datadict_filename=""):
        show_frame = False            #Don't immediately display the view
        #if not self.datadictobj_recfile:
        #    self.datadictobj_recfile = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Record file data dictionary")
        if self.datadictobj_recfile:
            self.datadictobj_recfile = None
        kw_datadict = {"mem_or_rec":"rec"}
        self.datadictobj_recfile = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Record file data dictionary", **kw_datadict)
        #if datadict_filename:         #If a filename was passed to this function, store it to the DataDict object's "datadict_filename" property.
        #    self.datadictobj_recfile.datadict_filename = datadict_filename
        result = self.load_datadict("rec", datadict_filename)
        return result

    def load_memfile_datadict(self, datadict_filename=""):
        show_frame = False            #Don't immediately display the view
        #if not self.datadictobj_memfile:
        #    self.datadictobj_memfile = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Memory file data dictionary")
        if self.datadictobj_memfile:
            self.datadictobj_memfile = None
        kw_datadict = {"mem_or_rec":"mem"}
        self.datadictobj_memfile = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Memory file data dictionary", **kw_datadict)
        #if datadict_filename:         #If a filename was passed to this function, store it to the DataDict object's "datadict_filename" property.
        #    self.datadictobj_memfile.datadict_filename = datadict_filename
        result = self.load_datadict("mem", datadict_filename)
        return result
    def load_blocking_passes(self):
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()       #Hide all frame objects
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- define blocking passes")
        self.blockingpass_model = BlockingPass_Model(self.parent_window, self)
        self.blockingpass_model.display_views(self.bigcanvas.bigframe, self.how_many_blk_passes)

    '''def load_blocking_pass_from_parmfile(self):
        parmfile = os.path.join('C:\Greg', 'code', 'bigmatch_utilities', 'BigMatchGui', 'parmf.txt')
        parmfileobj = BigmatchParmfile(parmfile)
        for parm in parmfileobj.parms:
            print("PARMFILE PARM: blkpass: %s, row_index: %s, row_type: %s, parms in row: %s, parm_index: %s, parm_type: %s, parm_value: %s" % (parm["blocking_pass"], parm["row_index"], parm["row_type"], parm["parms_in_row"], parm["parm_index"], parm["parm_type"], parm["parm_value"] ) )

    def load_match_review(self):
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()       #Hide all frame objects
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- review match results")
        self.matchreview_model = MatchReview_Model(self.parent_window, self)
        self.matchreview_model.display_views(self.bigcanvas.bigframe, 1)

    def load_combine_reviewed_results(self):
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()       #Hide all frame objects
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- combine reviewed match results")
        self.matchreview_model = MatchReview_Model(self.parent_window, self)
        self.matchreview_model.display_views(self.bigcanvas.bigframe, 1)

    def load_error_display(self):
        print("In main.load_error_display()")
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()          #Unload (hide) all frame objects
        self.load_splash("BigMatch utilities - error report")
        if not self.error_list:
            self.error_list = ["Unspecified error (main)"]
        self.error_ui = Error_UI_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.error_list)
        self.error_ui.display_views(self.bigcanvas.bigframe, len(self.error_list))
        print("\n\nBack in MAIN.PY after error was displayed. \n\n")
    '''def load_convert_file(self, source_format="sas", output_format="text"):
        print("\nIn MAIN, load_convert_file() with source %s and output %s" % (source_format, output_format) ) 
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()       #Hide all frame objects
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- convert files")
        self.convertfile_model = ConvertFile_Model(self.parent_window, self, source_format, output_format)

    def instantiate_convert_file(self, source_format=None, output_format=None):
        print("\nIn MAIN, load_convert_file() with source %s and output %s" % (source_format, output_format) ) 
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()       #Hide all frame objects
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- convert files")
        self.convertfile_model = ConvertFile_Model(self.parent_window, self, source_format, output_format)

    def instantiate_datafile_rdbms_ui(self, source_format="txt", output_format="sqlite"):
        print("\nIn MAIN, load datafile_to_rdbms_ui()") 
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()       #Hide all frame objects
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- convert text file to database table")
        self.convertfile_model = Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model(self.parent_window, self, source_format, output_format)

    def instantiate_readexport_rdbms_ui(self, db_platform="sqlite", output_format="text"):
        print("\nIn MAIN, load ReadExport_Rdbms_UI()") 
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()       #Hide all frame objects
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- read/export data from database")
        self.db_readexport_model = RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_Model(self.parent_window, self, db_platform, output_format)

    def display_sqlite_data(self):
    def load_convert_file_sas_to_text(self):
        self.instantiate_convert_file("sas", "text")
    def load_convert_file_csv_to_text(self):
        self.instantiate_convert_file("csv", "text")

    def load_convert_file_txt_to_sqlite(self):
        self.instantiate_datafile_rdbms_ui("txt", "sqlite")
    def generate_parmfile(self, filename_with_path=''):
        print("This function is not yet available.")

    def clear_canvas(self):
        '''clear_canvas() calls the function of the same name, within the child frame within this object's child scrolling frame.
        This is used when the user switches between Data Dictionary and Blocking Pass screens, or similar switch.'''

    def refresh_main_canvas(self):
        self.bigcanvas.config(scrollregion=self.bigcanvas.bbox(ALL))				             #Canvas object needs to encompass new items

    def set_startup_module_to_blocking_pass(self):
        self.user.write_setting_to_config_file('cmd_onload', 'load_blocking_passes')

    def set_startup_module_to_match_review(self):
        self.user.write_setting_to_config_file('cmd_onload', 'load_match_review')

    def set_startup_module_to_file_convert(self):
        self.user.write_setting_to_config_file('cmd_onload', 'load_convert_file_csv_to_text')

    def set_startup_module_to_data_dict(self):
        self.user.write_setting_to_config_file('cmd_onload', 'load_datadict')

    def startclean_new_datadict(self):

    def startclean_new_blockingpass(self):
    def redisplay_module_after_error(self, module_name="errordisplay"):
        '''Note: This function might be executed after an error, but it might be initiated by the user if they want to wipe out what they started, and start fresh. '''
        print("\n Back in main.py after error, calling module %s" % (module_name) )
        if str(module_name).lower().strip() == "datadict":
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "blockingpass":
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "matchreview":
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "convertfile":
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "errordisplay":
        print("\nEnd of Main.redisplay_module_after_error()")

    def kill_module(self, module_name):
        '''Set to nothing the object that is to be destroyed. This assumes that this BigMatch Controller holds the only reference to that object (which is most often the case)'''
        print("\n Main.py kill_module(), killing module %s" % (module_name) )
        if str(module_name).lower().strip() == "datadict":
            self.datadict_model = None
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "blockingpass":
            self.blockingpass_model = None
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "matchreview":
            self.matchreview_model = None
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "convertfile":
            self.convertfile_model = None
        print("\nEnd of Main.kill_module()")

    def get_bigmatch_exe_location(self):
        if self.host_name.lower() == "pennhurst1.chapinhall.org":
            loc = os.path.join("/usr", "local", "bin", "bigmatch")
            self.bigmatch_exe_location = loc
        elif self.host_name.lower() == "chrsd1-gsanders":
            loc = os.path.join("C:\Greg", "ChapinHall", "RecordLinking", "BigMatch", "bigmatchqst.exe")
            self.bigmatch_exe_location = loc
            self.bigmatch_exe_location = "bigmatch"
        return self.bigmatch_exe_location

    def call_bigmatch(self):
        #subprocess.call(args, *, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False)		
        process = subprocess.Popen(self.bigmatch_exe_location, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=0x08000000)
    def get_command_for_file_convert_sas_to_text(self):
        cmd_string = "self.load_convert_file('sas', 'text')"
        print("\nReturning the string %s" % (cmd_string) )
        return cmd_string

    def handle_error(self, error_message='Error. Procedure cancelled.', excp_type="", excp_value="", excp_traceback="", continue_after_error=False, abort_all=False, calling_object_name=None, module_to_reload_afterwards="errordisplay"):
        print("\nTop of Main.handle_error(), error_message: %s, excp_type: %s, excp_value: %s, continue_after: %s" % (error_message, excp_type, excp_value, continue_after_error))
        self.error_message = error_message
        self.add_error_to_list(self.error_message, excp_type, excp_value, excp_traceback)
        if self.logobject:
            self.logobject.logit("\nCalling Common.handle_error with message '%s'" % (self.error_message), True, True )   #Log this error in disk log and/or database
        self.common.handle_error(self.error_message, excp_type, excp_value, excp_traceback, continue_after_error, abort_all)                           #To make the error handler more generic, place it in a lightweight common functions lib so that it can be called even when this BigMatch controller is not in use.
        if abort_all:
            sys.exit(1)                                  #Shut down the Python interpreter
        if not continue_after_error:
            if calling_object_name:                      #Whatever class/object called this error handler is unceremoniously dumped as a result
        print("\n\nEnd of Main.handle_error()")

    def add_error_to_list(self, error_message="Unspecified error (in main)", excp_type="", excp_value="", excp_traceback=""):
        errdict = {"error_message":error_message, "exc_type":excp_type, "exc_value":excp_value, "exc_traceback":excp_traceback}
        return len(self.error_list)
Example #19
class FilePath_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    parent_window = None	
    controller = None          #Controller is the BigMatch MAIN class file
    master = None              #Master is the object needing to locate a file.  This might be the DataDict class, the BlockingPass class or another object.
    logobject = None           #Instantiation of CHLog class
    file_types = []
    file_name = None
    file_path = None
    file_name_with_path = None
    view_object = None
    initial_dir = None         #Initial dir is the default location where the user's navigation will start (example: "C:\Temp\").  This can be set and re-set by the object that created it.
    title = ''
    bgcolor = ''
    frame_width = None
    frame_height = None
    show_view = None
    open_or_save_as = 'open'   #open_or_save_as specifies whether this FilePath dialog will open an existing file (tkinter "askopenfilename"), or prompt user to "Save As..." (tkinter "asksaveasfilename")
    file_category = None       #Examples: 'DataDict', 'ParmFile', 'MatchResult'
    alias = ''                 #Many instances of this class might be visible at any given time, and it's difficult to tell which one is executing what code without some kind of label that can be output for debugging.

    def __init__(self, parent_window, master, controller, title='', open_or_save_as='open', alias='', file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt;*.dat')], **kw):      #bgcolor=gl_frame_color, file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
        if parent_window:
            self.parent_window = parent_window
        if master:
            self.master = master            #Master is the object needing to locate a file.  This might be the DataDict class, the BlockingPass class or another object.
        enable_logging = False
        if controller:
            self.controller = controller    #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
            enable_logging = self.controller.enable_logging
        self.logobject = CHLog(enable_logging)
        #if initial_dir:                    #Initial_Dir is now included in the **Kwargs
        #    self.initial_dir = str(initial_dir)
        if title:
            self.title = title  #Initial_Dir is now in the **Kwargs
        if open_or_save_as:
            self.open_or_save_as = open_or_save_as    #open_or_save_as specifies whether this FilePath dialog will open an existing file (tkinter "askopenfilename"), or prompt user to "Save As..." (tkinter "asksaveasfilename")
        if alias:
            self.alias = alias
        if not self.file_types:
            self.file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt;*.dat')]
        if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
            self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
        if not self.bgcolor:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
            self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
        if not self.frame_width:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
            self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
        if not self.frame_height:
        if self.check_key_exists("initial_dir", **kw):
            self.initial_dir = str(kw["initial_dir"])
        if self.initial_dir is None:
            if self.controller.dir_last_opened:
                self.initial_dir = self.controller.dir_last_opened
                self.initial_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))       #Do not leave initial_dir empty because it causes an error in the open_file dialogs
        if self.check_key_exists("file_category", **kw):
            self.file_category = kw["file_category"]
        print("\n FILE TYPES FOR OPEN FILE DIALOG: (type is: %s" % (str(type(self.file_types)) ) )

    def update_filepath_display(self, file_name_with_path):
        '''When the user selects a file, display the file name and path in the Tk Entry box '''
        self.file_name_with_path = file_name_with_path
        self.view_object.textbox.configure(state=NORMAL)                    #Entry widget's state must be NORMAL in order to write or delete.  But we need it to stay in "readonly" mode at all other times.  This is because if we allow the user to enter in a file name, this does not trigger the events that are triggered by the "Browse" button, and those events are crucial.
        self.view_object.textbox.delete(0, END)   #does not seem to work?
        self.view_object.textbox.insert(END, self.file_name_with_path)
        self.view_object.textbox.configure(state="readonly")                #Entry widget's state must be NORMAL in order to write or delete.  But we need it to stay in "readonly" mode at all other times.  This is because if we allow the user to enter in a file name, this does not trigger the events that are triggered by the "Browse" button, and those events are crucial.

    def locate_file(self, file_types=[('All files', '*'), ('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], notify_master=True, callback_string=''):
        '''See display_user_buttons() below in View.  The buttons call either locate_file() or save_as_file(), depending on whether the user is loading or saving to a file. '''
        #file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('Data files', '*.dat'), ('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')]
        file_name_with_path = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=self.parent_window, filetypes=self.file_types, title='Choose a file', initialdir=self.initial_dir)    #initialdir=self.current_dir
        if file_name_with_path != '' and file_name_with_path is not None:
            self.file_name_with_path = file_name_with_path
            print("\n" + "In locate_file, file_name_with_path = '" + file_name_with_path + "'")
            if self.view_object is None:
            self.update_filepath_display(file_name_with_path)    #Refresh the textbox displaying the selected file
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head               #Store the path last opened by the user and set this as a default starting point for FileOpen dialogs
            if notify_master:                                    #A FileOpen dialog normally serves the purposes of another class, such as Data Dict or BlockingPass. The Master class needs to know when the user selects a file.
                print("Notifying the master object that the user has selected a new file: %s" % (file_name_with_path) )
                if callback_string == '':                        #Callback string is crucial for assigning the opened file's name and location to the correct class property in the class that created this Open File dialog!
                    callback_string = "load, " + self.alias 
                self.master.update_filepath(file_name_with_path, callback_string, self.alias)
        return file_name_with_path

    def save_as_file(self, file_types=[('All files', '*'), ('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], notify_master=True, callback_string=''):
        '''See display_user_buttons() below in View.  The buttons call either locate_file() or save_as_file(), depending on whether the user is loading or saving to a file. '''
        file_name_with_path = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=self.parent_window, filetypes=self.file_types, title='Choose a file', initialdir=self.initial_dir)    #initialdir=self.current_dir
        if file_name_with_path != '' and file_name_with_path is not None:
            self.file_name_with_path = file_name_with_path
            print("\n" + "In save_as_file, self.file_name_with_path = '" + self.file_name_with_path + "'")
            if self.view_object is None:
            self.update_filepath_display(self.file_name_with_path)   #Refresh the textbox displaying the selected file
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head                   #Store the path last opened by the user and set this as a default starting point for FileOpen dialogs
            if notify_master:                #A FileOpen dialog normally serves the purposes of another class, such as Data Dict or BlockingPass. The Master class needs to know when the user selects a file.
                print("Notifying the master object that the user has selected a new file: %s" % (file_name_with_path) )
                if callback_string == '':
                    callback_string = "save_as, " + self.alias       #Callback string is crucial for assigning the opened file's name and location to the correct class property in the class that created this Open File dialog!
                self.master.update_filepath(file_name_with_path, callback_string, self.alias)      #Alert the parent module (datadict, blockingpass, etc.) that a file name/path was changed!
        return file_name_with_path

    def clear_file(self):
        self.file_name_with_path = ""
        self.update_filepath_display("")                   #Refresh the textbox displaying the selected file
        callback_string = self.open_or_save_as
        self.master.update_filepath("", callback_string)   #Alert the parent module (datadict, blockingpass, etc.) that a file name/path was changed!

    def calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self, current_file='', file_category='', mem_or_rec=''):
        initial_dir = None
        if current_file:
            if os.path.isfile(current_file):                              #If a file is specified as initial directory, use the FOLDER, not the file.
                head, tail = os.path.split(current_file)
                initial_dir = head 
            file_category = file_category.lower().strip()                 #It's useful to know whether the file being opened is a DATADICT, PARM, etc. because the main BigMatch controller object (main.py) stores a record of the last folder location navigated to for each major file type.
            if file_category == "datadict":
                if mem_or_rec.lower() == "mem" and self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened:
                    head, tail = os.path.split(self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened)
                    initial_dir = head
                elif mem_or_rec.lower() == "rec" and self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened:
                    head, tail = os.path.split(self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened)
                    initial_dir = head
                    initial_dir = self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened
            elif file_category == "parmfile":
                initial_dir = self.controller.parmfile_dir_last_opened
                self.logobject.logit("CalcInitDir(), parmfile_dir_last_opened: %s" % (self.controller.parmfile_dir_last_opened), True, True )
        if not initial_dir:
            initial_dir = self.controller.dir_last_opened                  #If we can't find a more specific history of user's previous folders opened, use the more generic:
            self.logobject.logit("CalcInitDir(), found no specific matches so setting to %s" % (self.controller.dir_last_opened), True, True )
        if not initial_dir:
            #if no other strategy is found, punt and use the current executing program's folder
            initial_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        self.logobject.logit("In calc_initial_dir(), initdir is %s" % (initial_dir), True, True )
        #Set the Initial_Dir property to the calculated value:
        self.initial_dir = initial_dir
        return initial_dir

    def instantiate_view_object(self, container):
        self.view_object = FilePath_View(container, self) 

    def display_view(self, container=None, open_or_save_as=None):
        #open_or_save_as specifies whether this FilePath dialog will open an existing file (tkinter "askopenfilename"), or prompt user to "Save As..." (tkinter "asksaveasfilename")
        if open_or_save_as:
            self.open_or_save_as = open_or_save_as
            open_or_save_as = self.open_or_save_as
        if open_or_save_as is None:
            open_or_save_as = "open"
            self.open_or_save_as = open_or_save_as
        if container == None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe			#default objects on which other widgets are displayed.
        if self.view_object is None:
        self.view_object.initUI(open_or_save_as, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=0, pady=0)   #DISPLAY THE FRAME OBJECT ON SCREEN
    def check_key_exists(self, keyvalue, **kw):
        found = False
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs" % (keyvalue) ) 
        for key, value in kw.items():
            if str(key).lower() == str(keyvalue).lower():
                found = True
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs -- Found? %s" % (str(keyvalue), str(found) ) ) 
        return found
Example #20
class BigMatchController():
    '''BigMatchController class creates a menu and a canvas for displaying various widgets. It also calls all methods necessary for instantiating those various widgets.'''
    debug = False
    debug_global = None  #Debug settings in all child modules canbe turned on or off with this one controller property
    error_message = None
    error_list = []  #Collection of errors that have been logged
    parent_window = None
    bigcanvas = None  #Main scrolling canvas on which the main frame object sits.  The canvas serves mainly to host the scrollbars.
    framestack_counter = None
    #Objects that represent major functions of this application (Blocking Pass, Data Dictionary, etc.)
    blockingpass_model = None
    blocking_passes = [
    ]  #Index of Blocking Pass objects that have been instantiated
    how_many_blk_passes = 10
    matchreview_model = None
    error_ui = None  #Frame for displaying error information at runtime
    datadict_model = None
    dir_last_opened = None
    datadict_dir_last_opened = None
    blockingpass_dir_last_opened = None
    parmfile_dir_last_opened = None
    resultfile_last_opened = None
    convertfile_last_opened = None
    rec_datadict_last_opened = None
    mem_datadict_last_opened = None
    parmf_last_opened = None
    parmn_last_opened = None
    match_result_dir_last_opened = None
    logobject = None
    user = None
    common = None
    host_name = None
    bigmatch_exe_location = None
    enable_logging = None  #Shut down logging until we solve permissions issues on Pennhurst server
    enable_sqlite = None
    sqlite_found = None
    sas7bdat_found = None
    python_common_found = None
    os_name = None
    os_platform = None
    os_release = None
    uid = None
    gs = None

    def __init__(self, parent_window):
        self.parent_window = parent_window
            "BigMatch configuration")  #parent window title
        self.parent_window.columnconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.parent_window.rowconfigure(0, weight=0, pad=3)
        self.host_name = str(socket.gethostname()).lower().strip()
        self.uid = getpass.getuser().lower().strip()
        print("\n STARTING NEW SESSION. hostname: %s, user: %s" %
              (self.host_name, getpass.getuser()))
        #Get operating system info
        self.os_name = os.name
        self.os_platform = platform.system()
        self.os_release = platform.release()
        self.python_common_found = python_common_found
        self.sas7bdat_found = sas7bdat_found
        self.sqlite_found = sqlite_found
        print("\nPython_common_found? %s" % (self.python_common_found))
        print("\n os_name: %s, os_platform: %s, os_release: %s" %
              (self.os_name, self.os_platform, self.os_release))
        if (self.host_name == "chrsd1-gsanders" and self.uid == "gsanders"):
            self.enable_logging = True
            self.gs = True
        elif (self.host_name == "greg-hp"
              and self.uid == "greg") or (self.host_name == "gregory"
                                          and self.uid == "lisa"):
            self.enable_logging = True
        if self.enable_logging:
            #"Enable logging" does not mean the user has the necessary file/folder permissions. But from the GUI rules standpoint, this user can write logs if the permissions are in place.
            print("Logging enabled (by user ID)")
            #Make sure we can actually write to a file (file/folder permissions support logging)
            self.logobject = CHLog(self.enable_logging, self.enable_logging)
            logtest = self.logobject.test_subfolder_filewrite()
            print("Logging write test returned %s)" % (logtest))
            self.enable_logging = logtest  #If test failed, set enable_logging to False
            if not self.enable_logging:
                print("Logging write test failed")
                self.logobject = None
            if self.sqlite_found:
                self.enable_sqlite = self.logobject.test_sqlite_data_write()
        if self.enable_logging:
            self.user = CHUser()
        self.common = CommonRL(self.parent_window, self)
        self.bigmatch_exe_location = self.get_bigmatch_exe_location()
        head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        #self.update_controller_dirpaths(head)            #No need to set this to a default location at the outset.  That default-setting is handled by the individual FilePath objects.

        ## Grid sizing behavior in window
        self.parent_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.parent_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        #Add a Canvas to the parent window:
        self.bigcanvas = ScrollCanvas(
        )  #BigCanvas is the main container which holds bigfraame, which everything else

        #INTRO SCREEN:
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface - blocking pass definitions"

        #Disable the following section.  OpenFile dialogs are managed by individual modules such as datadict, blockingpass, etc.
        #Parms:  FilePath(parent_window, show_view=False, title='', bgcolor=gl_frame_color, file_types=[('All files', '*'),('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')], frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height)
        #frame_color = "ivory"
        #open_or_save_as = "open"
        #self.filepathobj_memfile_dict.display_view(self.bigcanvas.bigframe)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file

        menubar = Menu(self.parent_window)
        dictMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary",
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Record File", command=self.load_recfile_datadict)
        #dictMenu.add_command(label="Create or edit data dictionary for the Memory File", command=self.load_memfile_datadict)
        dictMenu.add_command(label="Start over with new data dictionary",
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Data dictionaries", menu=dictMenu)

        blockMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            label="Create parameter file from blocking passes",
        blockMenu.add_command(label="Start over with new blocking pass",
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Blocking passes", menu=blockMenu)

        reviewMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        reviewMenu.add_command(label="Review match results",
        #reviewMenu.add_command(label="Combine reviewed results", command=self.load_combine_reviewed_results)
        menubar.add_cascade(label="Match results", menu=reviewMenu)
        '''def get_command_for_file_convert_sas_to_text():
            cmd_string = "self.load_convert_file('sas', 'text')"
            print("\nReturning the string %s" % (cmd_string) )
            return cmd_string'''

        if self.python_common_found:
            #if self.uid.find("sanders") > -1:
            convertMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            if sas7bdat_found:
                    label="Convert SAS file to text",
            convertMenu.add_command(label="Convert CSV file to flat file",
                label="Convert csv or flat file to sqlite table",
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Convert files", menu=convertMenu)

        if self.sqlite_found:
            #if self.uid.find("sanders") > -1:
            dbMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            dbMenu.add_command(label="Display Sqlite data",
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Read database", menu=dbMenu)

        if self.enable_logging:
            defltMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            defltMenu.add_command(label="Set startup to Data Dictionary",
                label="Set startup to Blocking Pass",
                label="Set startup to Match Review",
                label="Set startup to File Conversion",
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Default settings", menu=defltMenu)
            #Test error display:
            self.add_error_to_list("Testing 123", "Type exception",
                                   "Hey, you can't do that!", None)
            self.add_error_to_list("Another Test", "Format exception",
                                   "No, you can't do that either.", None)
            errMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
            errMenu.add_command(label="View errors",
            menubar.add_cascade(label="Error display", menu=errMenu)

        #if self.bigmatch_exe_location:
        #    runMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #    runMenu.add_command(label="Run BigMatch", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #    menubar.add_cascade(label="Run BigMatch", menu=runMenu)

        #genMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Create parameter file", command=self.generate_parmfile)
        #genMenu.add_command(label="Load ParmF file", command=self.load_blocking_pass_from_parmfile)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Generate", menu=genMenu)

        #otherMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Clear display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #otherMenu.add_command(label="Restore display", command=self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas)
        #menubar.add_cascade(label="Clear", menu=otherMenu)

        #End of MENU OPTIONS
        #Load the user's preferred start-up module:
        if self.enable_logging:
            setting = self.user.get_config_setting("cmd_onload")
            if setting.lower().strip() == "load_datadict":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_blocking_passes":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_match_review":
            elif setting.lower().strip() == "load_convert_file":

    def update_controller_dirpaths(
        self, file_name_with_path
    ):  #Set default locations for FileOpen dialogs at session launch.
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.dir_last_opened = head
            self.datadict_dir_last_opened = head  #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
            self.parmfile_dir_last_opened = head
            self.match_result_dir_last_opened = head
            "\n _MAIN_saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s"
            % (self.dir_last_opened, self.datadict_dir_last_opened,
               self.rec_datadict_last_opened, self.mem_datadict_last_opened))

    def load_splash(self, caption="Chapin Hall's BigMatch utilities"):
        self.splash_frame = Frame(self.bigcanvas.bigframe)
        stackslot = self.bigcanvas.bigframe.get_widget_position(
            self.splash_frame, "main.load_splash()")
        self.splash_frame.config(background="ivory", width=130, padx=0, pady=0)
        self.splash_label = Label(self.splash_frame, text=caption)
        self.splash_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
        self.splash_label.config(font=("Arial", 16, "bold"),
                                 background="ivory")  #width=100,

    def load_datadict(self, datadict_filename="", mem_or_rec="rec"):
            "In main.load_datadict() with mem_or_rec=%s and datadict_filename=%s"
            % (str(mem_or_rec), str(datadict_filename)))
        show_frame = False  #Don't immediately display the view
        if self.datadict_model:
            self.datadict_model = None
        kw_datadict = {"mem_or_rec": mem_or_rec}
        )  #Unload (hide) all frame objects
        self.load_splash("BigMatch data dictionary manager"
                         )  #dictionary for " + which_name)
        self.datadict_model = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self,
                                             datadict_filename, show_frame,
                                             "Record file data dictionary",
        return True

    def load_datadict(self, datadict_filename="", mem_or_rec="rec"):
        print("In main.load_datadict() with mem_or_rec=%s and datadict_filename=%s" % (str(mem_or_rec), str(datadict_filename) ) )
        if which.lower()=="rec":
            which_name = "Record File"
        elif which.lower()=="mem":
            which_name = "Memory File"
            self.error_message = "Invalid data dictionary type: " + which
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()          #Unload (hide) all frame objects
        self.load_splash("BigMatch data dictionary manager")    #dictionary for " + which_name)
        return True
    def load_recfile_datadict(self, datadict_filename=""):
        show_frame = False            #Don't immediately display the view
        #if not self.datadictobj_recfile:
        #    self.datadictobj_recfile = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Record file data dictionary")
        if self.datadictobj_recfile:
            self.datadictobj_recfile = None
        kw_datadict = {"mem_or_rec":"rec"}
        self.datadictobj_recfile = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Record file data dictionary", **kw_datadict)
        #if datadict_filename:         #If a filename was passed to this function, store it to the DataDict object's "datadict_filename" property.
        #    self.datadictobj_recfile.datadict_filename = datadict_filename
        result = self.load_datadict("rec", datadict_filename)
        return result

    def load_memfile_datadict(self, datadict_filename=""):
        show_frame = False            #Don't immediately display the view
        #if not self.datadictobj_memfile:
        #    self.datadictobj_memfile = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Memory file data dictionary")
        if self.datadictobj_memfile:
            self.datadictobj_memfile = None
        kw_datadict = {"mem_or_rec":"mem"}
        self.datadictobj_memfile = DataDict_Model(self.parent_window, self, datadict_filename, show_frame, "Memory file data dictionary", **kw_datadict)
        #if datadict_filename:         #If a filename was passed to this function, store it to the DataDict object's "datadict_filename" property.
        #    self.datadictobj_memfile.datadict_filename = datadict_filename
        result = self.load_datadict("mem", datadict_filename)
        return result

    def load_blocking_passes(self):
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()  #Hide all frame objects
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- define blocking passes")
        self.blockingpass_model = BlockingPass_Model(self.parent_window, self)

    '''def load_blocking_pass_from_parmfile(self):
        parmfile = os.path.join('C:\Greg', 'code', 'bigmatch_utilities', 'BigMatchGui', 'parmf.txt')
        parmfileobj = BigmatchParmfile(parmfile)
        for parm in parmfileobj.parms:
            print("PARMFILE PARM: blkpass: %s, row_index: %s, row_type: %s, parms in row: %s, parm_index: %s, parm_type: %s, parm_value: %s" % (parm["blocking_pass"], parm["row_index"], parm["row_type"], parm["parms_in_row"], parm["parm_index"], parm["parm_type"], parm["parm_value"] ) )

    def load_match_review(self):
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()  #Hide all frame objects
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- review match results")
        self.matchreview_model = MatchReview_Model(self.parent_window, self)
        self.matchreview_model.display_views(self.bigcanvas.bigframe, 1)

    def load_combine_reviewed_results(self):
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()  #Hide all frame objects
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- combine reviewed match results"
        self.matchreview_model = MatchReview_Model(self.parent_window, self)
        self.matchreview_model.display_views(self.bigcanvas.bigframe, 1)

    def load_error_display(self):
        print("In main.load_error_display()")
        )  #Unload (hide) all frame objects
        self.load_splash("BigMatch utilities - error report")
        if not self.error_list:
            self.error_list = ["Unspecified error (main)"]
        self.error_ui = Error_UI_Model(self.parent_window, self,
        print("\n\nBack in MAIN.PY after error was displayed. \n\n")

    '''def load_convert_file(self, source_format="sas", output_format="text"):
        print("\nIn MAIN, load_convert_file() with source %s and output %s" % (source_format, output_format) ) 
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()       #Hide all frame objects
        self.load_splash("Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- convert files")
        self.convertfile_model = ConvertFile_Model(self.parent_window, self, source_format, output_format)

    def instantiate_convert_file(self, source_format=None, output_format=None):
        print("\nIn MAIN, load_convert_file() with source %s and output %s" %
              (source_format, output_format))
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()  #Hide all frame objects
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- convert files")
        self.convertfile_model = ConvertFile_Model(self.parent_window, self,

    def instantiate_datafile_rdbms_ui(self,
        print("\nIn MAIN, load datafile_to_rdbms_ui()")
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()  #Hide all frame objects
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- convert text file to database table"
        self.convertfile_model = Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model(
            self.parent_window, self, source_format, output_format)

    def instantiate_readexport_rdbms_ui(self,
        print("\nIn MAIN, load ReadExport_Rdbms_UI()")
        self.bigcanvas.bigframe.clear_canvas()  #Hide all frame objects
            "Chapin Hall's BigMatch user interface -- read/export data from database"
        self.db_readexport_model = RDBMS_Read_Export_UI_Model(
            self.parent_window, self, db_platform, output_format)

    def display_sqlite_data(self):

    def load_convert_file_sas_to_text(self):
        self.instantiate_convert_file("sas", "text")

    def load_convert_file_csv_to_text(self):
        self.instantiate_convert_file("csv", "text")

    def load_convert_file_txt_to_sqlite(self):
        self.instantiate_datafile_rdbms_ui("txt", "sqlite")

    def generate_parmfile(self, filename_with_path=''):
        print("This function is not yet available.")

    def clear_canvas(self):
        '''clear_canvas() calls the function of the same name, within the child frame within this object's child scrolling frame.
        This is used when the user switches between Data Dictionary and Blocking Pass screens, or similar switch.'''

    def refresh_main_canvas(self):
            ALL))  #Canvas object needs to encompass new items

    def set_startup_module_to_blocking_pass(self):

    def set_startup_module_to_match_review(self):

    def set_startup_module_to_file_convert(self):
            'cmd_onload', 'load_convert_file_csv_to_text')

    def set_startup_module_to_data_dict(self):
        self.user.write_setting_to_config_file('cmd_onload', 'load_datadict')

    def startclean_new_datadict(self):

    def startclean_new_blockingpass(self):

    def redisplay_module_after_error(self, module_name="errordisplay"):
        '''Note: This function might be executed after an error, but it might be initiated by the user if they want to wipe out what they started, and start fresh. '''
        print("\n Back in main.py after error, calling module %s" %
        if str(module_name).lower().strip() == "datadict":
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "blockingpass":
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "matchreview":
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "convertfile":
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "errordisplay":
        print("\nEnd of Main.redisplay_module_after_error()")

    def kill_module(self, module_name):
        '''Set to nothing the object that is to be destroyed. This assumes that this BigMatch Controller holds the only reference to that object (which is most often the case)'''
        print("\n Main.py kill_module(), killing module %s" % (module_name))
        if str(module_name).lower().strip() == "datadict":
            self.datadict_model = None
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "blockingpass":
            self.blockingpass_model = None
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "matchreview":
            self.matchreview_model = None
        elif str(module_name).lower().strip() == "convertfile":
            self.convertfile_model = None
        print("\nEnd of Main.kill_module()")

    def get_bigmatch_exe_location(self):
        if self.host_name.lower() == "pennhurst1.chapinhall.org":
            loc = os.path.join("/usr", "local", "bin", "bigmatch")
            self.bigmatch_exe_location = loc
        elif self.host_name.lower() == "chrsd1-gsanders":
            loc = os.path.join("C:\Greg", "ChapinHall", "RecordLinking",
                               "BigMatch", "bigmatchqst.exe")
            self.bigmatch_exe_location = loc
            self.bigmatch_exe_location = "bigmatch"
        return self.bigmatch_exe_location

    def call_bigmatch(self):
        #subprocess.call(args, *, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False)
        process = subprocess.Popen(self.bigmatch_exe_location,

    def get_command_for_file_convert_sas_to_text(self):
        cmd_string = "self.load_convert_file('sas', 'text')"
        print("\nReturning the string %s" % (cmd_string))
        return cmd_string

    def handle_error(self,
                     error_message='Error. Procedure cancelled.',
            "\nTop of Main.handle_error(), error_message: %s, excp_type: %s, excp_value: %s, continue_after: %s"
            % (error_message, excp_type, excp_value, continue_after_error))
        self.error_message = error_message
        self.add_error_to_list(self.error_message, excp_type, excp_value,
        if self.logobject:
                "\nCalling Common.handle_error with message '%s'" %
                (self.error_message), True,
                True)  #Log this error in disk log and/or database
            self.error_message, excp_type, excp_value, excp_traceback,
            continue_after_error, abort_all
        )  #To make the error handler more generic, place it in a lightweight common functions lib so that it can be called even when this BigMatch controller is not in use.
        if abort_all:
            sys.exit(1)  #Shut down the Python interpreter
        if not continue_after_error:
            if calling_object_name:  #Whatever class/object called this error handler is unceremoniously dumped as a result
        print("\n\nEnd of Main.handle_error()")

    def add_error_to_list(self,
                          error_message="Unspecified error (in main)",
        errdict = {
            "error_message": error_message,
            "exc_type": excp_type,
            "exc_value": excp_value,
            "exc_traceback": excp_traceback
        return len(self.error_list)
Example #21
class CommonRL():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    parent_window = None  #Parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
    controller = None  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
    logobject = None  #Instantiation of CHLog class
    user_response = None
    datetime_str = None

    def __init__(self, parent_window, controller):
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
        self.logobject.logit("\nIn CommonRL._init_", True, True)

    def handle_error(self,
                     error_message="Unspecified Error",
            "\nIn CommonRL.handle_error(), message is '%s' abort_all='%s', continue_after_error='%s'. Type of logobject is %s"
            % (error_message, abort_all, continue_after_error,
        self.error_message = error_message
        #Date/time info
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.datetime_str = str(now.year) + "-" + str(
            now.month) + "-" + str(now.day) + " " + str(now.hour) + ":" + str(
                now.minute)  #+ str(now.second)
        if self.logobject:
            to_browser = False
            to_console = to_logfile = to_db = message_is_error = True
                "\nIn CommonRL.handle_error(), about to call logobject with message '%s', excp_type: %s, excp_value: %s, type of traceback is %s"
                % (error_message, excp_type, excp_value, type(excp_traceback)))
                "\n##############################" + "\nERROR " +
                str(self.datetime_str), to_console, to_logfile, to_db,
                to_browser, message_is_error)
                str(error_message), to_console, to_logfile, to_db, to_browser,
                message_is_error)  #Log this error in disk log and/or database
                str(excp_type), to_console, to_logfile, to_db, to_browser,
                message_is_error)  #Log this error in disk log and/or database
                str(excp_value), to_console, to_logfile, to_db, to_browser,
                message_is_error)  #Log this error in disk log and/or database
            typ = str(type(excp_traceback)).lower().replace("<class '",
                                                                "'>", "")
            if typ == "traceback":
                    "Error Line: " + str(excp_traceback.tb_lineno), to_console,
                    to_logfile, to_db, to_browser, message_is_error
                )  #Log this error in disk log and/or database
        title = "Warning"
        if abort_all:
            title = "Error"
        elif continue_after_error:
            title = "Warning"
        elif not continue_after_error:
            title = "Error"
            title = "Warning"
        if not error_message:
            error_message = "Unspecified error"
        print("\nAbout to pop up error message.")
        if str(error_message).strip()[-1] != ".":
            error_message = error_message.strip() + "."
        #Display a TKinter error alert dialog box
        text = error_message
        if abort_all or not continue_after_error:
            error_message += " Procedure cancelled."
        user_response = tkinter.messagebox.showwarning(title, error_message)
        print("\nEnd of CommonRL.handle_error()")
        if abort_all:
            if continue_after_error:
Example #22
class DataDict_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    controller = None  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
    logobject = None  #Instantiation of CHLog class
    datadict_file_to_load_from = None  #Data dictionary file name and path, which will be loaded into the entry grid if user requests.
    #datadict_loadfile_displaybox = None	#A textbox where the data dict file to be loaded will be displayed
    datadict_file_to_save_to = None  #Data dictionary file name and path, to which the metadata will be saved if user requests.
    #datadict_savefile_displaybox = None	#A textbox where the save-to data dict file will be displayed
    filepathobj_load_from = None  #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_save_to = None  #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    title = ''  #Title to be displayed in the Frame object
    mem_or_rec = None  #Is this datadict associated with a Record File or a Memory File?
    bgcolor = 'ivory'  #Background color of the Frame widget that displays the Data Dictionary contents
    frame_width = None
    frame_height = None
    view_object = None
    show_view = None
    #Arrays to hold the contents of the Data Dictionary:
    meta_columns = None  #List of column names within the data dictionary CSV (column_name, column_width, etc.)
    meta_rownums = None  #For convenience, a simple List of integers that will be displayed vertically on the left side of the Data Dict grid display.
    meta_values = None  #List of values for each cell within the data dictionary CSV (actually a list of lists - a list of "rows" from the data dictionary CSV)
    meta_values_after_edit = [
    ]  #List of values from the Entry Grid, AFTER the user has modified the values and clicked SAVE.
    btnLoadDictFile = None
    btnSaveToDictFile = None

    def __init__(
        title='Data dictionary',
    ):  #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
        #Frame.__init__(self, parent_window)
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
        self.title = title
        self.show_view = show_view
        self.datadict_file_to_load_from = datadict_file_to_load_from
        self.logobject = CHLog()
            "\n" + "In DataDict._init_, datadict_file_to_load_from = '" +
            str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "' -- and show_view=" +
            str(self.show_view), True, True)
        if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
            self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
        if not self.bgcolor:
            self.bgcolor = gl_frame_color
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
            self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
        if not self.frame_width:
            self.frame_width = gl_frame_width
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
            self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
        if not self.frame_height:
            frame_height = gl_frame_height
        if self.check_key_exists("mem_or_rec", **kw):
            self.mem_or_rec = str(kw["mem_or_rec"]).lower().strip()

    def read_datadict_file_into_arrays(self, file_name):
        '''A data dictionary CSV file is read into arrays (which are properties of this Model object). From the arrays they can be written back to a CSV file later. '''
            "\n" +
            "In DataDict.read_datadict_file_into_arrays, datadict_file_to_load_from = '"
            + str(file_name) + "'", True, True)
        self.meta_columns = []
        self.meta_rownums = []
        self.meta_values = []
        datadict_arrays = {}
        f = open(file_name, "r")
        content = f.readlines()
        i = 0
        for line in content:
            if (i == 0):  #Header row in the CSV file
                self.meta_columns = line.split(",")
                meta_temp = line.split(
                )  #meta_temp is a LIST consisting of one row from the data dictionary
                )  #meta_values is a LIST of LISTS, consisting of one "outer" list representing all the rows from the data dictionary, and an "inner" list consisting of the cell values for a single row.
            i += 1

    def write_datadict_from_entrygrid(self, file_name=None):
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self.datadict_file_to_save_to
        print("\n Top of write_datadict_from_entrygrid(), file_name is '%s'" %
        #Call the View object to retrieve Entry Grid values (after they have been update by the user).
        if file_name:
            del self.meta_values_after_edit[:]
            self.meta_values_after_edit = []  #Clear out any previous entries
            #Load the entry grid items into the meta_values_after_edit list:
            self.meta_values_after_edit = self.view_object.retrieve_grid_values(
            if self.meta_values_after_edit:
                newrow = []
                    "Dict file in write_datadict_from_entrygrid(): %s ...File will be deleted if it already exists."
                    % (str(file_name)), True, True)
                if os.path.isfile(file_name):
                    )  #Should not need to delete the file, but it has been appending new text at end of file instead of erasing existing text and re-writing-- even though the file open uses "w" not "w+", and it is closed after every write session.
                with open(file_name, 'w', encoding='UTF8') as csvfile:
                    csvwriter = csv.writer(
                    )  #os.linesep)    #chr(13) + chr(10)
                    #Get a list of column names retrieved from the Entry Grid -- these are CSV header columns.
                    j = 0
                    for col in self.view_object.entry_grid.colList:
                        newcol = str(col).replace("\n", "").strip()
                        newcol = newcol.replace(chr(10), "")
                        newcol = newcol.replace(chr(13), "")
                        if (
                                j == 0 and newcol == ''
                        ):  #First "column name" is usually blank because it is the row-numbers column, which has no header caption
                        j += 1
                        newrow)  #Write the Column Headers to the CSV file
                    newrow = []
                    i = 0
                    for row in self.meta_values_after_edit:
                            "\n In write_datadict(), ROW: %s (length is %s and type is %s"
                            % (str(i), str(len(row)), str(type(row))), True,
                        self.logobject.logit(row, True, True)
                        newrow = []
                        j = 0
                        for col in row:
                            #if col.find("\n") != -1:
                            #    print("Reassigning col %s in row %s to a string value," % (str(j), str(i)) )
                            #    #row[i] = newcol    #str(col)
                            #newcol = str(col)
                            newcol = str(col).replace("\n", "")
                            newcol = newcol.replace(chr(10), "")
                            newcol = newcol.replace(chr(13), "")
                            j += 1
                        i += 1


    def load_standard_datadict_headings(self):
        self.meta_columns = []
        self.meta_columns = [
            'column_name', 'start_pos', 'width', 'unique_id_yn',
            'matchfield_yn', 'bigmatch_type', 'data_format', 'comments'
        return self.meta_columns

    def display_openfile_dialogs(self, container, default_filepath=''):
        file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')]
        kw_fpath = {
            "bgcolor": self.bgcolor,
            "frame_width": "",
            "frame_height": "",
            "file_category": "datadict"
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_load_from = FilePath_Model(
            self.parent_window, self, self.controller,
            "Data dictionary file to load:", open_or_save_as, "DataDictToLoad",
            file_types, **kw_fpath)
            container)  #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "save_as"
        self.filepathobj_save_to = FilePath_Model(
            self.parent_window, self, self.controller,
            "Save data dictionary to file:", open_or_save_as,
            "DataDictToSaveAs", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        )  #Display the dialog for user to Ave As... a new data dict file

    def instantiate_view_object(self, container):
        self.view_object = DataDict_View(container, self)
        return self.view_object

    def display_view(self, container=None):
        #Most often, we will display the Data Dictionary form in the main class's BigCanvas.BigFrame "container".
        print("In DataDict.Display_View, Type of Container is '%s'" %
        kw_dict = {
            "width": self.frame_width,
            "background": self.bgcolor,
            "borderwidth": 2,
            "padx": 3,
            "pady": 3
        if container == None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe  #This is the default canvas/frame object on which all other widgets are displayed.
        if self.datadict_file_to_load_from:
            #Function "read_datadict_file_into_arrays" extracts the contents of the Data Dictionary file and stores it in arrays. The arrays are them passed to TkEntry to be displayed.
                "\n" +
                "In DataDict.display_view(), about to run read_datadict_file_into_arrays() with '"
                + str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "'")
        if self.view_object is None:  #We have not yet instantiated the View.  Make sure to display any Open File dialogs at top before rendering other views.
            )  #Just in case we need to run this module outside the parent frame during testing.
            #Display a file open dialog so the user can point us to the Data Dictionary they'd like to open:
                "\n In DataDict.display_view(), about to call view_object.initUI()."
            #Display the VIEW for this data dictionary
            )  #width=self.frame_width, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=3, pady=3)
            )  #When first initiated, the View object will call this during its InitUI() method.  But to refresh it afterwards, call display_datadict_in_grid() explicitly.

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
        self.button_frame = Frame(container)
        if str(type(container)).lower().find(
        ) == -1:  #For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
            stackslot = container.get_widget_position(
                self.button_frame, "DataDict_Model.display_user_buttons()")
            stackslot = 0
        self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=W)
        #Note: the specified CSV data dictionary file is loaded automatically when the user selects it (because update_filepath() is called )
        #self.btnLoadDictFile = Button(self.button_frame, text="Load Data Dictionary from CSV File", width=30, command=self.display_view)
        #self.btnLoadDictFile.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
        #self.btnLoadDictFile.config(state=DISABLED)       #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to load
        self.btnSaveToDictFile = Button(
            text="Save Data Dictionary to CSV File",
        self.btnSaveToDictFile.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
        )  #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to save as

    def update_filepath(self,
        '''IMPORTANT: ALL FilePath objects created by this class will expect Function "update_file_path" to exist! FilePath objects alert their masters when a filepath is selected in an open-file dialog.'''
            "Master DataDict_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'"
            % (file_name_with_path, callback_string), True, True)
        if callback_string.lower().strip(
        )[:4] == "load" or callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "open":
            self.datadict_file_to_load_from = file_name_with_path
            #if file_name_with_path:                        #Commented this out because btnLoadDictFile seems to be unnecessary - we automatically load the Data Dict
            #    self.btnLoadDictFile.config(state=NORMAL)
            #Refresh the Data Dictionary view when the user selects a new DataDict file.
            if self.datadict_file_to_load_from:
            else:  #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name)
                )  #Remove all existing values from the grid
        elif callback_string.lower().strip(
        )[:4] == "save":  #This is a file SAVE AS, not a FILE OPEN
            self.datadict_file_to_save_to = file_name_with_path
            if self.datadict_file_to_save_to:

    def update_master_paths(self, file_name_with_path):
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head
            self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened = head  #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
            if self.mem_or_rec == "mem":
                self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened = file_name_with_path  #The controller tracks last file opened of this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can default this value in.
            if self.mem_or_rec == "rec":
                self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened = file_name_with_path  #The controller tracks last file opened of this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can default this value in.
            "\n Controller-saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s"
            % (self.controller.dir_last_opened,

    def check_key_exists(self, keyvalue, **kw):
        found = False
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs" % (keyvalue) )
        for key, value in kw.items():
            if str(key).lower() == str(keyvalue).lower():
                found = True
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs -- Found? %s" % (str(keyvalue), str(found) ) )
        return found
Example #23
 def __init__(self, parent_window, controller):
     self.parent_window = parent_window  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
     self.controller = controller  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
     self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
     self.logobject.logit("\nIn CommonRL._init_", True, True)
Example #24
class Error_UI_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None  #Plain text error message
    error_list = [
    ]  #List of errors that have been logged by the controller (LIST OF DICTS - EACH DICT CONTAINS AN ERROR MESSAGE AND EXCEPTION OBJECTS)
    error_dict = None  #The ERROR DICT currently being processed
    parent_window = None  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
    controller = None  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
    logobject = None  #Instantiation of CHLog class
    title = None
    bgcolor = None
    bgcolors = []
    frame_width = None
    frame_height = None
    dedupe_single_file = False  #Is this a dedupe of a single file, or a match of two different files?

    #parmf_file = None

    def __init__(self,
                 error_list=["Unspecified error (ui model parm)"],
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #Parent_wiondow is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller  #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py
        self.error_list = error_list  #Error_list is a list of DICTS - each dict contains a plain text error message and exception objects)
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(
            2, '0') + str(now.day).rjust(2, '0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(
                2, '0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2, '0')
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
            True, True)
            "%s In Error_UI_Model._init_: title=%s" % (self.init_time, title),
            True, True)
        if title is not None:
            self.title = title
            self.title = "Nothing"
        if frame_width is not None:
            self.frame_width = frame_width
        if frame_height is not None:
            self.frame_height = frame_height
        #if show_view is not None:
        #    self.show_view = show_view
        if bgcolor is not None:
            self.bgcolor = bgcolor
            self.bgcolor = gl_frame_color
        self.bgcolors = [
            "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0",
            "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0", "#FDFFDF", "#DFFFF0"
        if self.error_message is not None:
            self.logobject.logit("\nCalling handle_error with message '%s'" %

    #NOTE: VIEWS are typically invoked by calling this MODEL object. The following methods are handlers for instantiating VIEWS.
    def instantiate_view_object(self, container, index):
        #Instantiate VIEWS here.
        error_view = Error_UI_View(container, self, index)
        return error_view

    def display_view(self, container, index, **kw):
        error_view = self.instantiate_view_object(container, index)
        print("Kwargs for error_view.display_view(): ")
        self.logobject.logit(str(kw), True, True)
        for key, value in kw.items():
            self.logobject.logit("%s = %s" % (key, value), True, True)
            "\n In error_ui_model.display_view(), calling error_view.initUI().",
            True, True)
        error_view.initUI(**kw)  #DISPLAY THE FRAME OBJECT ON SCREEN
        return error_view

    def display_views(self, container=None, howmany_views=None):
        #Instantiate VIEWS here.
        print("\n Top of error_view.display_views()")
        if container is None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe
        if not self.error_list:
            self.error_list = ["Unspecified error (ui model display views)"]
        if howmany_views is None:
            howmany_views = len(self.error_list)
        self.logobject.logit("\n Top of error_view.display_views()", True,
        if True:  #to do: validate the existence of error message before launching UI
            for i in range(0, howmany_views):
                bgcolor = self.bgcolors[i]  #bgcolor = "#FDFFDF"
                    "\n In Error_UI_Model.display_views(), calling display_view() for iteration #"
                    + str(i) + ". BgColor=" + bgcolor)
            pass  #

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
        self.button_frame = Frame(container)
        if str(type(container)).lower().find(
        ) == -1:  #For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
            stackslot = container.get_widget_position(
                self.button_frame, "error_view.display_user_buttons()")
            stackslot = 0
        #Testing: show a button that will dump to the command window the current contents of all the screen CONTROLS.
        self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=EW)

    def update_message_region(self, text='', clear_after_ms=4000, **kw):
        #if not text:
        #    text = "Uh-oh"
        self.message_region.after(clear_after_ms, self.clear_message_region)

    def clear_message_region(self):
class Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    controller = None                       #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
    logobject = None                        #Instantiation of CHLog class
    dxr = None                              #Instance of the Datafile_to_RDBMS() class
    source_format = None                    #Flat text file by default
    output_format = None                    #Sqlite3 by default
    source_file = None	                    #Name and path of the source file to be converted
    output_file = None			            #Sqlite file (if sqlite is the RDBMS)
    datadict_file = None
    filepathobj_load_from = None            #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_save_to = None              #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_datadict = None             #FilePath object to allow user to select a data dictionary (for parsing text into distinct columns)
    converter = None                        #Object that handles the conversion
    #conversion_func_name = None
    csv_column_headers = []                 #List of column headers in the data dictionary CSV
    title = ''							    #Title to be displayed in the Frame object
    bgcolor = 'ivory'						#Background color of the Frame widget that displays the Data Dictionary contents
    frame_width = None 
    frame_height = None
    view_object = None
    show_view = None
    btnLoadFile = None
    btnSaveToFile = None
    def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, source_format=None, output_format=None, source_file=None, output_file=None, show_view=None, title='File converson', **kw):      #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.init_time = str(now.year) + str(now.month).rjust(2,'0') + str(now.day).rjust(2,'0') + ' ' + str(now.hour).rjust(2,'0') + ':' + str(now.minute).rjust(2,'0')
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
        self.logobject.logit("\n\n____________________________________________________________________", True, True )
        self.logobject.logit("\nIn Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model._init_: source_file='%s' -- and type(controller)=%s" % (source_file, type(controller)), True, True )
        self.source_format = source_format
        self.output_format = output_format
        self.source_file = source_file
        self.output_file = output_file
        self.title = title
        self.show_view = show_view
        if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
            self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
        if not self.bgcolor:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
            self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
        if not self.frame_width:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
            self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
        if not self.frame_height:

    def set_source_format(self, source_format):
        self.source_format = source_format
        print("\nSetting the source_format to: %s" % (source_format) )

    def set_output_format(self, output_format):
        self.output_format = output_format
        print("\nSetting the output_format to: %s" % (output_format) )

    def convert_file(self, source_format=None, output_format=None):
        '''Called after the user has selected a source file and an output file '''
        if not source_format:
            source_format = self.source_format
        if not output_format:
            output_format = self.output_format
        source_format = source_format.lower().strip()
        output_format = output_format.lower().strip()
        #Based on source and output formats, call the appropriate function to handle the conversion.
        if source_format == "txt" and output_format[:6] == "sqlite":
            self.convert_txt_to_sqlite(self.source_file, self.output_file)
    def convert_txt_to_sqlite(self, source_file=None, output_file=None): 
        '''DOCSTRING '''
        if not source_file:
            source_file = self.source_file
        if not output_file:
            output_file = self.output_file
        #Instantiate the Datafile_to_RDBMS class
        self.converter = Datafile_to_RDBMS()
        self.logobject.logit("\nAbout to convert file '%s' to table in RDBMS '%s'" % (source_file, output_file), True, True )
        self.converter.datafile = source_file
        head, tail = os.path.split(source_file)
        db_tablename = tail.lower().strip()
        dotpos = db_tablename.find(".")
        if(dotpos != -1):
            db_tablename = db_tablename[:dotpos].replace(".", "")
        self.converter.db_tablename = db_tablename
        self.converter.db_catalog = output_file
        self.converter.db_platform = "sqlite3"
        self.logobject.logit("\n Type of self.converter: %s" % (str(type(self.converter))), True, True )
        #if(str(type(self.converter)).lower().find("datafile_to_rdbms") == -1):    #When the class is first instantiated, load the data dictionary
        if len(self.converter.datadict) == 0:
        return self.converter.error_message

    def instantiate_view_object(self, container):
        self.view_object = Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_View(container, self) 
        return self.view_object	

    def copy_datadict_to_class_properties(self):
        datadict = Datadict_Common()            #Standard DataDict class
        hdr_list = datadict.load_standard_datadict_headings(["bigmatch"])            #Make sure we are using the standard, updated list of column headings for the Data Dictionary
        datadict = None                         #Erase the class instantiation when done to release memory
        #Check our assumptions about which Data Dictionary column headings are in the standard:		
        if not "column_name" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'column_name' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if not "start_pos" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'start_pos' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if not "width" in hdr_list:
            self.error_message = "Expected item 'width' to be in Data Dictionary header row"
        if self.error_message:
            print("\n \n ERROR: " + self.error_message)
            #Read the Data Dictionary and store information for each COLUMN as properties of the 
            self.logobject.logit("\nAdding columns to the dxr.DataDictionary", True, True)
            with open(self.datadict_file, 'r') as csvfile:
                csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')     #, quotechar='')
                count = 0
                for row in csvreader:
                    if count == 0:                                 #Top row of CSV
                #Ascertain the correct position within the Data Dictionary where column name, width and startpos are stored
                pos_colname = int(self.get_position_of_datadict_column("column_name"))
                pos_width = int(self.get_position_of_datadict_column("width"))
                pos_startpos = int(self.get_position_of_datadict_column("start_pos"))
                if self.debug: print("\npos_colname=%s, pos_width=%s, pos_startpos=%s" % (pos_colname, pos_width, pos_startpos) )
                count = 0
                for row in csvreader:
                    #NOTE: CSV reader is a forward-only reader -- and it has already read row 0, the top row.  So now the next row WILL BE ROW 1!
                    #Add this column from the data dictionary to the list of columns that will be created in the RDBMS
                    #Determine whether this is a blank row in the file
                    if self.row_is_empty(row):
                    if self.debug: self.logobject.logit("Dict row " + str(count) + ": " + row[0] + ", " + row[1] + ", " + row[2], True, True, True )
                    self.converter.add_column(row[pos_colname], "char", row[pos_width], row[pos_startpos], "file")
                    count += 1
            self.controller.common.handle_error(self.error_message, False, False, "datafile_rdbms_ui") 
            if self.debug: raise

    def get_position_of_datadict_column(self, which_column):
        which_column = which_column.lower().strip()
        returnval = ""
        for hdr in self.csv_column_headers:
            self.logobject.logit("Seeking datadict column %s... Found: %s"  % (which_column, hdr["col_hdr"].lower().strip() ), True, True )
            if hdr["col_hdr"].lower().strip() == which_column:
                returnval = hdr["col_index"]
        self.logobject.logit("Seeking datadict column '%s'... Found position: %s"  % (which_column, returnval), True, True )
        return returnval

    def build_column_header_list(self, hdr_row):
        col_index = 0
        for col_hdr in hdr_row:
            col_hdr = col_hdr.strip()
            self.logobject.logit("(%s) col_hdr: %s" % (col_index, col_hdr), True, True )
            temp = {"col_index":col_index, "col_hdr":col_hdr, "max_width":0, "start_pos":0, "data_type":"", "selected":""}
            col_index += 1

    def display_view(self, container=None):
        #Most often, we will display the form in the main class's BigCanvas.BigFrame "container".
        self.logobject.logit("In DataFile_RDBMS_UI.Display_View, Type of Container is '%s'" % (str(type(container))), True, True )
        kw_dict = {"width":self.frame_width, "background":self.bgcolor, "borderwidth":2, "padx":3, "pady":3}
        if container == None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe			#This is the default canvas/frame object on which all other widgets are displayed.
        if self.view_object is None:                                #We have not yet instantiated the View.  Make sure to display any Open File dialogs at top before rendering other views.
            self.instantiate_view_object(container)					#Just in case we need to run this module outside the parent frame during testing.
			#Display a file open dialog so the user can point us to the Data Dictionary they'd like to open:
            self.display_openfile_dialogs(container, self.source_file)
            #print("\n In Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model.display_view(), about to call view_object.initUI().")
            #Display the VIEW for this data dictionary  
            #self.view_object.initUI(**kw_dict)   #width=self.frame_width, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=3, pady=3)
            #self.view_object.display_datadict_in_grid(**kw_dict)    #When first initiated, the View object will call this during its InitUI() method.  But to refresh it afterwards, call display_datadict_in_grid() explicitly.

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
        self.button_frame = Frame(container)
        if str(type(container)).lower().find(".tk") == -1:							#For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
            stackslot = container.get_widget_position(self.button_frame, "Datfile_to_RDBMS_Model.display_user_buttons()")
            stackslot = 0
        self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=W)
        #Button to launch the conversion process:
        self.btnSaveToFile = Button(self.button_frame, text="Convert File", width=30, command=self.convert_file)   #convert_txt_to_sqlite
        self.btnSaveToFile.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
        self.btnSaveToFile.config(state=DISABLED)       #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to save as

    def display_openfile_dialogs(self, container, default_filepath=''):
        file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('SAS files', '*.sas7bdat; *.txt')]
        kw_fpath = {"bgcolor":self.bgcolor, "frame_width":"", "frame_height":"", "file_category":"datadict"}
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_load_from = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Source file to load:", open_or_save_as, "ConvertSourceToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_load_from.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "save_as"
        self.filepathobj_save_to = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Sqlite .DB file:", open_or_save_as, "ConvertOutputToSaveAs", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_save_to.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to Save As... a new data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_datadict = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Data dictionary:", open_or_save_as, "DatadictToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_datadict.display_view(container)            #Display the Open File dialog
    def update_filepath(self, file_name_with_path='', callback_string='', alias=''):
        '''IMPORTANT: ALL FilePath objects created by this class will expect Function "update_file_path" to exist! FilePath objects alert their masters when a filepath is selected in an open-file dialog.'''
        #self.logobject.logit("Master DataDict_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string), True, True )
        print("Master Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string))
        if callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "load" or callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "open":
            if str(callback_string).lower()[4:].find("datadict") != -1:      #User selected a DataDictionary file
                self.logobject.logit("datadict_file is being set to %s" % (file_name_with_path), True, True )
                self.datadict_file = file_name_with_path        #file_name_with_path is the name/path of the file selected by the user. We know to store this to self.source_file because of the "callback string" returned by the FilePath object.
                if self.datadict_file:                          #Refresh the view when the user selects a new file.
                else:                                           #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name) 
                    self.view_object.clear_datadict_grid()      #Remove all existing values from the grid
            else:                                               #User selected the Source File
                self.source_file = file_name_with_path          #file_name_with_path is the name/path of the file selected by the user. We know to store this to self.source_file because of the "callback string" returned by the FilePath object.
                if self.source_file:                            #Refresh the view when the user selects a new file.
                else:                                           #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name) 
                    self.view_object.clear_datadict_grid()      #Remove all existing values from the grid
        elif callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "save":     #This is a file SAVE AS, not a FILE OPEN
            self.output_file = file_name_with_path
            if self.output_file:

    def update_master_paths(self, file_name_with_path):
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head
            self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened = head                   #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
        print("\n Controller-saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s" % (self.controller.dir_last_opened, self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened, self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened, self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened) )
    def update_initial_dir_for_file_open_dialogs(self):
        '''In addition to tracking "last file opened" at the main controller level, we also want to notify every FilePath object when the user has opened a new file, so that they can adjust thir Initial DIr properties to the location just opened.'''
        self.filepathobj_load_from.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.source_file, "datadict", "")
        self.filepathobj_save_to.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.output_file, "datadict", "")
        self.filepathobj_datadict.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.datadict_file, "datadict", "")
    def check_key_exists(self, keyvalue, **kw):
        found = False
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs" % (keyvalue) ) 
        for key, value in kw.items():
            if str(key).lower() == str(keyvalue).lower():
                found = True
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs -- Found? %s" % (str(keyvalue), str(found) ) ) 
        return found

    def row_is_empty(self, row):
        isempty = False
        rowcheck = ','.join(row)
        rowcheck = rowcheck.replace(",", "").replace("'", "").replace("\n", "").replace("?", "").strip()
        #print("Rowcheck: %s" % (rowcheck))
        if rowcheck == "":
            #print("ROW IS EMPTY. SKIP IT.")
            isempty = True
        return isempty
Example #26
class DataDict_Model():
    class_alias = "datadict"                #Mostly for logging and error handling
    debug = True
    error_message = None
    continue_after_error = None             #By default, errors will cause the module to abort and unload. Set continue_after_error to True to override this default.
    abort_all = None                        #By default, an error will kill the currently running module, but will not bring down the whole application (user can still continue working with the Tkinter menu system)
    controller = None                       #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
    logobject = None                        #Instantiation of CHLog class
    datadict_file_to_load_from = None	    #Data dictionary file name and path, which will be loaded into the entry grid if user requests.
    #datadict_loadfile_displaybox = None	#A textbox where the data dict file to be loaded will be displayed
    datadict_file_to_save_to = None			#Data dictionary file name and path, to which the metadata will be saved if user requests.
    #datadict_savefile_displaybox = None	#A textbox where the save-to data dict file will be displayed
    filepathobj_load_from = None            #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_save_to = None              #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    title = ''							    #Title to be displayed in the Frame object
    mem_or_rec = None                       #Is this datadict associated with a Record File or a Memory File?
    bgcolor = 'ivory'						#Background color of the Frame widget that displays the Data Dictionary contents
    frame_width = None 
    frame_height = None
    view_object = None
    show_view = None
    #Arrays to hold the contents of the Data Dictionary:
    meta_columns = None					  #List of column names within the data dictionary CSV (column_name, column_width, etc.)
    meta_rownums = None	  				  #For convenience, a simple List of integers that will be displayed vertically on the left side of the Data Dict grid display.
    meta_values = None					  #List of values for each cell within the data dictionary CSV (actually a list of lists - a list of "rows" from the data dictionary CSV)
    meta_values_after_edit = []           #List of values from the Entry Grid, AFTER the user has modified the values and clicked SAVE.
    btnLoadDictFile = None
    btnSaveToDictFile = None
    def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, datadict_file_to_load_from=None, show_view=None, title='Data dictionary', **kw):      #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
        #Frame.__init__(self, parent_window)
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
        print("\nIn DataDict._init_, datadict_file_to_load_from = '" + str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "' -- and show_view=" + str(self.show_view))
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
        self.logobject.logit("\nIn DataDict._init_: datadict_file_to_load_from = '" + str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "' -- and show_view=" + str(self.show_view), True, True, True )
        self.title = title
        self.show_view = show_view
        self.datadict_file_to_load_from = datadict_file_to_load_from
        if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
            self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
        if not self.bgcolor:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
            self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
        if not self.frame_width:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
            self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
        if not self.frame_height:
        if self.check_key_exists("mem_or_rec", **kw):
            self.mem_or_rec = str(kw["mem_or_rec"]).lower().strip()

    def read_datadict_file_into_arrays(self, file_name):  
        '''A data dictionary CSV file is read into arrays (which are properties of this Model object). From the arrays they can be written back to a CSV file later. '''	
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
        self.logobject.logit("\n" + "In DataDict.read_datadict_file_into_arrays, datadict_file_to_load_from = '" + str(file_name) + "'", True, True, True)
        #print("\n" + "In DataDict.read_datadict_file_into_arrays, datadict_file_to_load_from = '" + str(file_name) + "'", True, True)
        self.meta_columns = []
        self.meta_rownums = []
        self.meta_values = []
        datadict_arrays = {}
            f = open(file_name, "r")
            content = f.readlines()
            i = 0
            for line in content:
                if(i==0):                                    #Header row in the CSV file
                    self.meta_columns = line.split(",")
                    meta_temp = line.split(",")              #meta_temp is a LIST consisting of one row from the data dictionary
                    self.meta_values.append(meta_temp)       #meta_values is a LIST of LISTS, consisting of one "outer" list representing all the rows from the data dictionary, and an "inner" list consisting of the cell values for a single row.
                i += 1
            self.error_message = "Failed to read data dictionary into memory"
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()                                                 #sys.exc_inf() returns a 3-item tuple with exception information
            self.controller.handle_error(self.error_message, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, self.continue_after_error, self.abort_all, self.class_alias) #Allow the Bigmatch Controller (main.py) to deal with the error, based on continue_after_error and abort_all.
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe

    def write_datadict_from_entrygrid(self, file_name=None):
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self.datadict_file_to_save_to
        print("\n Top of write_datadict_from_entrygrid(), file_name is '%s'" % (file_name) ) 
        #Call the View object to retrieve Entry Grid values (after they have been update by the user).
            if file_name:
                del self.meta_values_after_edit[:]
                self.meta_values_after_edit = []      #Clear out any previous entries
                #Load the entry grid items into the meta_values_after_edit list:			
                self.meta_values_after_edit = self.view_object.retrieve_grid_values()
                if self.meta_values_after_edit:
                    newrow = []
                    if self.debug: self.logobject.logit("Dict file in write_datadict_from_entrygrid(): %s ...File will be deleted if it already exists." % ( str(file_name) ), True, True, True )
                    #print("Dict file in write_datadict_from_entrygrid(): %s ...File will be deleted if it already exists." % ( str(file_name) ))
                    if os.path.isfile(file_name):
                        os.remove(file_name)		              #Should not need to delete the file, but it has been appending new text at end of file instead of erasing existing text and re-writing-- even though the file open uses "w" not "w+", and it is closed after every write session.
                    with open(file_name, 'w', encoding='UTF8') as csvfile:
                        csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, lineterminator='\n')   #os.linesep)    #chr(13) + chr(10)
                        #Get a list of column names retrieved from the Entry Grid -- these are CSV header columns.
                        j = 0;
                        for col in self.view_object.entry_grid.col_list:
                            newcol = str(col).replace("\n", "").strip()
                            newcol = newcol.replace(chr(10), "")
                            newcol = newcol.replace(chr(13), "")
                            if (j == 0 and newcol == ''):				#First "column name" is usually blank because it is the row-numbers column, which has no header caption
                            j += 1
                        csvwriter.writerow(newrow)						#Write the Column Headers to the CSV file			
                        newrow = []
                        i = 0
                        for row in self.meta_values_after_edit:
                            if self.debug: 
                                self.logobject.logit("\n In write_datadict(), ROW: %s (length is %s and type is %s" % (str(i), str(len(row)), str(type(row)) ), True, True, True)
                                self.logobject.logit(row, True, True, True)
                            rowcheck = ', '.join(row)
                            rowcheck = rowcheck.replace(",", "").replace("'", "").strip()
                            if self.debug: self.logobject.logit("Rowcheck: %s" % (rowcheck), True, True, True)
                            if rowcheck == "":
                                if self.debug: self.logobject.logit("ROW IS EMPTY. SKIP IT.", True, True, True)
                                continue                  #If row is blank, skip it!
                                pass #if self.debug: self.logobject.logit("Rowcheck populated: %s" % (rowcheck), True, True, True )
                            newrow = []
                            j = 0
                            for col in row:
                                #if col.find("\n") != -1:
                                #    print("Reassigning col %s in row %s to a string value," % (str(j), str(i)) )
                                #    #row[i] = newcol    #str(col)
                                newcol = str(col).replace("\n", "")
                                newcol = newcol.replace(chr(10), "")
                                newcol = newcol.replace(chr(13), "")
                                j += 1
                            if len(newrow) == 1:                   
                                if str(row[0]) == "\n":            #blank row has just newline feed 
                                    row[0] = row[0].replace("\n", "")
                            if not row or len(row) == 0:            
                            #Write this row to the CSV file:
                            i += 1
            self.error_message = "Failed to write data dictionary info to disk file"
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()                                                 #sys.exc_inf() returns a 3-item tuple with exception information
            self.controller.handle_error(self.error_message, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, self.continue_after_error, self.abort_all, self.class_alias) #Allow the Bigmatch Controller (main.py) to deal with the error, based on continue_after_error and abort_all.
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe

    def load_standard_datadict_headings(self):
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
        self.meta_columns = []
        print("\nIn load_standard_datadict_headings(), loading standard datadict headings")
            ddcommon = Datadict_Common()
            self.meta_columns = ddcommon.load_standard_datadict_headings(["bigmatch"])        #Pass a LIST object of context keywords to configure the data dictionary for the current context
            self.meta_columns = ['column_name', 'start_pos', 'width', 'unique_id_yn', 'matchfield_yn', 'bigmatch_type', 'data_format', 'comments']
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
        return self.meta_columns

    def instantiate_view_object(self, container):
        self.view_object = DataDict_View(container, self) 
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
        return self.view_object	

    def display_view(self, container=None):
        #Most often, we will display the Data Dictionary form in the main class's BigCanvas.BigFrame "container".
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
        print("In DataDict.Display_View, Type of Container is '%s'" % (str(type(container))) )
            kw_dict = {"width":self.frame_width, "background":self.bgcolor, "borderwidth":2, "padx":3, "pady":3}
            if container == None:
                container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe			#This is the default canvas/frame object on which all other widgets are displayed.
            if self.datadict_file_to_load_from:	
                #Function "read_datadict_file_into_arrays" extracts the contents of the Data Dictionary file and stores it in arrays. The arrays are them passed to TkEntry to be displayed.
                print("\n" + "In DataDict.display_view(), about to run read_datadict_file_into_arrays() with '" + str(self.datadict_file_to_load_from) + "'" )
            if self.view_object is None:                                #We have not yet instantiated the View.  Make sure to display any Open File dialogs at top before rendering other views.
                self.instantiate_view_object(container)					#Just in case we need to run this module outside the parent frame during testing.
			    #Display a file open dialog so the user can point us to the Data Dictionary they'd like to open:
                self.display_openfile_dialogs(container, self.datadict_file_to_load_from)
                print("\n In DataDict.display_view(), about to call view_object.initUI().")
                #Display the VIEW for this data dictionary        
                self.view_object.initUI(**kw_dict)   #width=self.frame_width, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=3, pady=3)
                self.view_object.display_datadict_in_grid(**kw_dict)    #When first initiated, the View object will call this during its InitUI() method.  But to refresh it afterwards, call display_datadict_in_grid() explicitly.
            self.error_message = "Error displaying data dictionary"
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()                                                 #sys.exc_inf() returns a 3-item tuple with exception information
            self.controller.handle_error(self.error_message, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, self.continue_after_error, self.abort_all, self.class_alias) #Allow the Bigmatch Controller (main.py) to deal with the error, based on continue_after_error and abort_all.
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
            if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
            self.button_frame = Frame(container)
            if str(type(container)).lower().find(".tk") == -1:							#For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
                stackslot = container.get_widget_position(self.button_frame, "DataDict_Model.display_user_buttons()")
                stackslot = 0
            self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=W)
            #Note: the specified CSV data dictionary file is loaded automatically when the user selects it (because update_filepath() is called )
            #self.btnLoadDictFile = Button(self.button_frame, text="Load Data Dictionary from CSV File", width=30, command=self.display_view)
            #self.btnLoadDictFile.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
            #self.btnLoadDictFile.config(state=DISABLED)       #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to load
            self.btnSaveToDictFile = Button(self.button_frame, text="Save Data Dictionary to CSV File", width=30, command=self.write_datadict_from_entrygrid)
            self.btnSaveToDictFile.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
            self.btnSaveToDictFile.config(state=DISABLED)       #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to save as
            #Create a Message Region where we can display text temporarily, such as "File was successfully saved"
            msg = ""
            self.message_region = Message(self.button_frame, text=msg) #self.message_region = Label(self.button_frame, text=msg)
            self.message_region.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky=E)
            kw = {"anchor":E, "width":800, "foreground":"dark green", "background":self.bgcolor, "borderwidth":1, "font":("Arial", 11, "bold"), "padx":8, "pady":3 }  
            self.error_message = "Error displaying data dictionary"
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()                                                 #sys.exc_inf() returns a 3-item tuple with exception information
            self.controller.handle_error(self.error_message, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, self.continue_after_error, self.abort_all, self.class_alias) #Allow the Bigmatch Controller (main.py) to deal with the error, based on continue_after_error and abort_all.
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not return anything from this function if error status is severe

    def update_message_region(self, text='', clear_after_ms=5000, **kw):
        self.message_region.after(clear_after_ms, self.clear_message_region)

    def clear_message_region(self):

    def display_openfile_dialogs(self, container, default_filepath=''):
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
            file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('Text files', '*.csv;*.txt')]
            kw_fpath = {"bgcolor":self.bgcolor, "frame_width":"", "frame_height":"", "file_category":"datadict"}
            open_or_save_as = "open"
            self.filepathobj_load_from = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Data dictionary file to load:", open_or_save_as, "DataDictToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
            self.filepathobj_load_from.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
            open_or_save_as = "save_as"
            self.filepathobj_save_to = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Save data dictionary to file:", open_or_save_as, "DataDictToSaveAs", file_types, **kw_fpath)
            self.filepathobj_save_to.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to Ave As... a new data dict file
            self.error_message = "Error displaying data dictionary"
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()                                                 #sys.exc_inf() returns a 3-item tuple with exception information
            self.controller.handle_error(self.error_message, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, self.continue_after_error, self.abort_all, self.class_alias) #Allow the Bigmatch Controller (main.py) to deal with the error, based on continue_after_error and abort_all.
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
    def update_filepath(self, file_name_with_path='', callback_string='', alias=''):
        '''IMPORTANT: ALL FilePath objects created by this class will expect Function "update_file_path" to exist! FilePath objects alert their masters when a filepath is selected in an open-file dialog.'''
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
        self.logobject.logit("Master DataDict_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string), True, True )
        #print("Master DataDict_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string))
        if callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "load" or callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "open":
            self.datadict_file_to_load_from = file_name_with_path
            #if file_name_with_path:                        #Commented this out because btnLoadDictFile seems to be unnecessary - we automatically load the Data Dict
            #    self.btnLoadDictFile.config(state=NORMAL)
            #Refresh the Data Dictionary view when the user selects a new DataDict file.
            if self.datadict_file_to_load_from: 
            else:                                           #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name) 
                self.view_object.clear_datadict_grid()      #Remove all existing values from the grid
        elif callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "save": #This is a file SAVE AS, not a FILE OPEN
            self.datadict_file_to_save_to = file_name_with_path
            if self.datadict_file_to_save_to:
            #Display a temporary message notifying the user that their file was created.
            self.update_message_region("Click 'Save Data Dictionary to CSV File' to save changes to the selected file")
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
    def update_master_paths(self, file_name_with_path):
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head
            self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened = head                   #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
            if self.mem_or_rec == "mem":
                self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened = file_name_with_path    #The controller tracks last file opened of this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can default this value in.
            if self.mem_or_rec == "rec":
                self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened = file_name_with_path    #The controller tracks last file opened of this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can default this value in.
        print("\n Controller-saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s" % (self.controller.dir_last_opened, self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened, self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened, self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened) )
        if self.check_for_fatal_error(): return None     #Do not execute this function if error status is severe
    def update_initial_dir_for_file_open_dialogs(self):
        '''In addition to tracking "last file opened" at the main controller level, we also want to notify every FilePath object when the user has opened a new file, so that they can adjust thir Initial DIr properties to the location just opened.'''
        self.filepathobj_load_from.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.datadict_file_to_load_from, "datadict", "mem")
        self.filepathobj_save_to.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.datadict_file_to_save_to, "datadict", "rec")
    def check_key_exists(self, keyvalue, **kw):
        found = False
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs" % (keyvalue) ) 
        for key, value in kw.items():
            if str(key).lower() == str(keyvalue).lower():
                found = True
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs -- Found? %s" % (str(keyvalue), str(found) ) ) 
        return found

    def check_for_fatal_error(self):
        return_value = None
        if self.error_message:
            if self.continue_after_error:
                return_value = 0
                return_value = 1            #1 means shut down this module
        return return_value

    def test_error_handler(self):
        try:   #Intentionally throw an error to test error handling
            i = 4
            c = "yes"
            ic = i + c
            success = False
            self.abort_all = False
            self.error_message = "Test failed."
            self.continue_after_error = True
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()                                                 #sys.exc_inf() returns a 3-item tuple with exception information
            print("\n\nGMS Exception in DataDict module... %s %s %s" % (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) )   #
            self.logobject.logit("\n GMS DataDict Error Line: %s" % (exc_traceback.tb_lineno), True, True )     #
            tb_index = 0
            tb_list = traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback, 4)
            for tb in tb_list:
                print("In DataDict, exc_traceback " + str(tb_index) + ": " + str(tb))
                for segment in tb:
                    print("# %s" % (segment) )
                tb_index += 1
            self.logobject.logit("\nGMS Calling handle_error with message '%s'" % (self.error_message) )          #
            self.controller.handle_error(self.error_message, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, self.continue_after_error, self.abort_all, self.class_alias) #Allow the Bigmatch Controller (main.py) to deal with the error, based on continue_after_error and abort_all.
            print("\nEnd of Try-Except block in DataDict")
class ConvertFile_Model():
    debug = False
    error_message = None
    controller = None                       #Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
    logobject = None                        #Instantiation of CHLog class
    source_format = None
    output_format = None
    source_file = None	                    #Name and path of the source file to be converted
    output_file = None			            #Name and path of the file to be created (output)
    datadict_file = None
    filepathobj_load_from = None            #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_save_to = None              #FilePath object to allow user to select a file
    filepathobj_datadict = None             #FilePath object to allow user to select a data dictionary (for parsing text into distinct columns)
    converter = None
    #conversion_func_name = None
    title = ''							    #Title to be displayed in the Frame object
    bgcolor = 'ivory'						#Background color of the Frame widget that displays the Data Dictionary contents
    frame_width = None 
    frame_height = None
    view_object = None
    show_view = None
    btnLoadFile = None
    btnSaveToFile = None
    def __init__(self, parent_window, controller, source_format=None, output_format=None, source_file=None, output_file=None, show_view=None, title='File converson', **kw):      #, bgcolor=gl_frame_color, frame_width=gl_frame_width, frame_height=gl_frame_height
        self.parent_window = parent_window  #parent_window is the TKinter object itself (often known as "root"
        self.controller = controller		#Controller is the BigMatchController class in main.py 
        print("\nIn ConvertFile._init_, source_file = '" + str(self.source_file) + "' -- and show_view=" + str(self.show_view))
        self.logobject = CHLog(self.controller.enable_logging)
        self.logobject.logit("\nIn ConvertFile._init_: source_file = '" + str(self.source_file) + "' -- and show_view=" + str(self.show_view), True, True )
        self.source_format = source_format
        self.output_format = output_format
        self.source_file = source_file
        self.output_file = output_file
        self.title = title
        self.show_view = show_view
        if self.check_key_exists("bgcolor", **kw):
            self.bgcolor = kw["bgcolor"]
        if not self.bgcolor:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_width", **kw):
            self.frame_width = kw["frame_width"]
        if not self.frame_width:
        if self.check_key_exists("frame_height", **kw):
            self.frame_height = kw["frame_height"]
        if not self.frame_height:

    def set_source_format(self, source_format):
        self.source_format = source_format
        print("\nSetting the source_format to: %s" % (source_format) )

    def set_output_format(self, output_format):
        self.output_format = output_format
        print("\nSetting the output_format to: %s" % (output_format) )

    def convert_file(self, source_format=None, output_format=None):
        '''Call either convert_sas_to_text() or convert_csv_to_text(). This function is called AFTER the user has selected a source file and an output file. '''
        if not source_format:
            source_format = self.source_format
        if not output_format:
            output_format = self.output_format
        source_format = source_format.lower().strip()
        output_format = output_format.lower().strip()
        #Based on source and output formats, call the appropriate function to handle the conversion.
        if source_format == "sas" and output_format == "text":
            self.convert_sas_to_text(self.source_file, self.output_file)
        elif source_format == "csv" and (output_format == "text" or output_format == "txt" or output_format == "flat"):
            self.convert_csv_to_text(self.source_file, self.output_file, self.datadict_file)
    def convert_sas_to_text(self, source_file=None, output_file=None): 
        '''DOCSTRING '''
        if not source_file:
            source_file = self.source_file
        if not output_file:
            output_file = self.output_file
        self.converter = SAS7BDAT(source_file)
        print("\nAbout to convert SAS file '%s' to text file '%s'" % (source_file, output_file) )
        self.converter.convertFile(output_file, '\t')

    def convert_csv_to_text(self, source_file=None, output_file=None, datadict_file=None): 
        '''DOCSTRING '''
        if not source_file:
            source_file = self.source_file
        if not output_file:
            output_file = self.output_file
        if not datadict_file:
            datadict_file = self.datadict_file
        top_row_is_header = False
        if datadict_file:
            print("\nIn ConvertFile, datadict_file is: %s" % (datadict_file) )
            #top_row_is_header = True                           #TO DO: allow user to check a checkbox indicating that the top CSV row contains column headers.  FOR NOW--If we have a Data Dictionary, then the assumption is that the columns have names. But this is not always the case. 
        if python_common_found:
            self.converter = TextFile(self.parent_window, self.controller)
            print("\nAbout to convert CSV file '%s' to text file '%s'" % (source_file, output_file) )
            self.converter.convert_csv_to_flat_text(source_file, output_file, datadict_file, top_row_is_header)

    def instantiate_view_object(self, container):
        self.view_object = ConvertFile_View(container, self) 
        return self.view_object	

    def display_view(self, container=None):
        #Most often, we will display the form in the main class's BigCanvas.BigFrame "container".
        print("In ConvertFile.Display_View, Type of Container is '%s'" % (str(type(container))) )
        kw_dict = {"width":self.frame_width, "background":self.bgcolor, "borderwidth":2, "padx":3, "pady":3}
        if container == None:
            container = self.controller.bigcanvas.bigframe			#This is the default canvas/frame object on which all other widgets are displayed.
        if self.view_object is None:                                #We have not yet instantiated the View.  Make sure to display any Open File dialogs at top before rendering other views.
            self.instantiate_view_object(container)					#Just in case we need to run this module outside the parent frame during testing.
			#Display a file open dialog so the user can point us to the Data Dictionary they'd like to open:
            self.display_openfile_dialogs(container, self.source_file)
            #print("\n In ConvertFile.display_view(), about to call view_object.initUI().")
            #Display the VIEW for this data dictionary  
            #self.view_object.initUI(**kw_dict)   #width=self.frame_width, background=self.bgcolor, borderwidth=2, padx=3, pady=3)
            #self.view_object.display_datadict_in_grid(**kw_dict)    #When first initiated, the View object will call this during its InitUI() method.  But to refresh it afterwards, call display_datadict_in_grid() explicitly.

    def display_user_buttons(self, container):
        '''Function display_user_buttons shows one or more buttons near top of page for common user functions, so the user doesn't need to constantly hit the system menus. '''
        self.button_frame = Frame(container)
        if str(type(container)).lower().find(".tk") == -1:							#For testing, we might display this object directly in the Tkinter main window.  If this is the case, then don't call get_widget_position().
            stackslot = container.get_widget_position(self.button_frame, "ConvertFile_Model.display_user_buttons()")
            stackslot = 0
        self.button_frame.grid(row=stackslot, column=0, sticky=W)
        #Button to launch the conversion process:
        self.btnSaveToFile = Button(self.button_frame, text="Convert File", width=30, command=self.convert_file)   #convert_sas_to_text
        self.btnSaveToFile.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
        self.btnSaveToFile.config(state=DISABLED)       #Do not enable this button unless the user has selected a Data Dictionary file to save as

    def display_openfile_dialogs(self, container, default_filepath=''):
        file_types = [('All files', '*'), ('SAS files', '*.sas7bdat; *.txt')]
        kw_fpath = {"bgcolor":self.bgcolor, "frame_width":"", "frame_height":"", "file_category":"datadict"}
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_load_from = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Source file to load:", open_or_save_as, "ConvertSourceToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_load_from.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to select a data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "save_as"
        self.filepathobj_save_to = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Save file to:", open_or_save_as, "ConvertOutputToSaveAs", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_save_to.display_view(container)	        #Display the dialog for user to Ave As... a new data dict file
        open_or_save_as = "open"
        self.filepathobj_datadict = FilePath_Model(self.parent_window, self, self.controller, "Data dictionary (optional):", open_or_save_as, "DatadictToLoad", file_types, **kw_fpath)
        self.filepathobj_datadict.display_view(container)            #Display the Open File dialog
    def update_filepath(self, file_name_with_path='', callback_string='', alias=''):
        '''IMPORTANT: ALL FilePath objects created by this class will expect Function "update_file_path" to exist! FilePath objects alert their masters when a filepath is selected in an open-file dialog.'''
        #self.logobject.logit("Master DataDict_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string), True, True )
        print("Master Datafile_to_RDBMS_UI_Model object has gotten the alert: filename is %s and callback_string is '%s'" % (file_name_with_path, callback_string))
        if callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "load" or callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "open":
            if str(callback_string).lower()[4:].find("datadict") != -1:      #User selected a DataDictionary file
                self.logobject.logit("datadict_file is being set to %s" % (file_name_with_path), True, True )
                self.datadict_file = file_name_with_path        #file_name_with_path is the name/path of the file selected by the user. We know to store this to self.source_file because of the "callback string" returned by the FilePath object.
                if self.datadict_file:                          #Refresh the view when the user selects a new file.
                else:                                           #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name) 
                    self.view_object.clear_datadict_grid()      #Remove all existing values from the grid
            else:                                               #User selected the Source File
                self.source_file = file_name_with_path          #file_name_with_path is the name/path of the file selected by the user. We know to store this to self.source_file because of the "callback string" returned by the FilePath object.
                if self.source_file:                            #Refresh the view when the user selects a new file.
                else:                                           #No file was specified (user might have cleared out a previously selected file name) 
                    self.view_object.clear_datadict_grid()      #Remove all existing values from the grid
        elif callback_string.lower().strip()[:4] == "save":     #This is a file SAVE AS, not a FILE OPEN
            self.output_file = file_name_with_path
            if self.output_file:
    def update_master_paths(self, file_name_with_path):
        if file_name_with_path:
            head, tail = os.path.split(file_name_with_path)
            self.controller.dir_last_opened = head
            self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened = head                   #The controller tracks last folders opened for this type, so that when the user is again prompted to open the same type of file, we can set this as the initial dir.
        print("\n Controller-saved paths-- LastDir: %s, LastDataDictDir: %s, LastRecDatadict: %s, LastMemDatadict: %s" % (self.controller.dir_last_opened, self.controller.datadict_dir_last_opened, self.controller.rec_datadict_last_opened, self.controller.mem_datadict_last_opened) )
    def update_initial_dir_for_file_open_dialogs(self):
        '''In addition to tracking "last file opened" at the main controller level, we also want to notify every FilePath object when the user has opened a new file, so that they can adjust thir Initial DIr properties to the location just opened.'''
        self.filepathobj_load_from.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.source_file, "datadict", "mem")
        self.filepathobj_save_to.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.output_file, "datadict", "rec")
        self.filepathobj_datadict.calc_initial_dir_for_file_open(self.datadict_file, "datadict", "")
    def check_key_exists(self, keyvalue, **kw):
        found = False
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs" % (keyvalue) ) 
        for key, value in kw.items():
            if str(key).lower() == str(keyvalue).lower():
                found = True
        #print("Checking for key '%s' in **Kwargs -- Found? %s" % (str(keyvalue), str(found) ) ) 
        return found