Example #1
def Crc16Encap(pload):   
    validPloadLen = False  
    # Encap
    if pload[0:2] == '01':
        # Validate crc-16 of encap packet  ex: checksum(56012503FF) == 7958 ??
        p = '56'+pload[0:-4]
        # if the encapsulated CC is 70...Check the payload
        if pload[2:4] == '70':
            # from 4 to -4 because its checks after CC 70 and before crc_ccitt
            encapCC = Configuration(pload[4:-4])
            if encapCC == True:
                if Checksums.crc_ccitt(p) == pload[-4:]:  
                    validPloadLen = True
        elif Checksums.crc_ccitt(p) == pload[-4:]:  
            validPloadLen = True 

        validPloadLen = False
    return validPloadLen
Example #2
    def INTRUSION_DETECTION(self, packet_receive):

        time_now = set_time(str(datetime.datetime.now()))

        validSrc = validDst = validCC = validLen = False
        validPloadLen = loopBack = False
        validRouted = True

        if ZWaveReq in packet_receive:

            # If home ID is accurate, proceed
            if (
                hex(packet_receive[ZWaveReq].homeid).split("x")[1] == self.homeIdentification
                and Checksums.verify_checksum(packet_receive, ZWaveReq) == True

                (self.srcID, self.dstID, self.length, self.cmdcl, self.header, self.pload, self.routed) = parse_Packet(
                    packet_receive, 1

                # length of the packet must be <= 64 bytes if singlecast
                if self.length <= 64:

                    validLen = True

                # check for valid source id
                for row in devices_cmdclasses:

                    if self.routed == 1:
                        validRouted = parse_Routed(self)

                        validLen = True
                        validSrc = True
                        validDst = True
                        validCC = True
                        validPloadLen = True
                        parse_Packet(packet_receive, 2)

                    # if header is 1, packet is singlecast. If routed is 1
                    # evaluate frame as a routed packet instead
                    elif self.header == 1:

                        if int(self.srcID) == int(row[0]):
                            validSrc = True

                        # if destination id is valid, continue
                        if int(self.dstID) == int(row[0]):
                            validDst = True

                            # if source id is valid, check for supported
                            # command class
                            for cc in row[1:]:

                                if self.cmdcl == "1":
                                    validCC = True
                                elif self.cmdcl == "0":
                                    validCC = True
                                elif self.cmdcl == cc:
                                    validCC = True

                        # if the command class is valid, evaluate the
                        # command and then remaining payload
                        if validCC == True:

                            validPloadLen = validatePayload(self)

                        # if the source ID and destination ID are equal, it
                        # is a loopback error and not possible under normal
                        # network operations.  Misuse case!
                        if self.srcID == self.dstID:
                            loopBack = True

                    elif self.header == 5:
                        if self.srcID == "1":
                            validSrc = True

                        if self.length <= 22:
                            validLen = True

                        if self.cmdcl == "20":
                            validCC = True

                        if len(self.pload) <= 22:
                            validPloadLen = True

                        validDst = True

                    # This allows discovery of headers that are not supposed to
                    # be used per ITU-T G.9959 Recommendation.
                    # e.g., RaZberry Pi uses Header 5 in some cases.  Header 5
                    # is reserved and should not be used.
                        print "Header is ", self.header
                        validLen = True
                        validSrc = True
                        validDst = True
                        validCC = True
                        validPloadLen = True

            # MSDU length is incorrect.
            if validLen == False and Checksums.verify_checksum(packet_receive, ZWaveReq) == True:

                logFile = open("IDS_Log", "a")
                logFile.write("[" + time_now + "] " + "Packet is too long. Length = " + str(self.length) + "\n")

            # Source ID is not recognized
            elif validSrc == False and Checksums.verify_checksum(packet_receive, ZWaveReq) == True:

                logFile = open("IDS_Log", "a")
                logFile.write("[" + time_now + "] " + "Source ID is invalid. Source ID = " + str(self.srcID) + "\n")

            # Source ID is not recognized
            elif validDst == False and Checksums.verify_checksum(packet_receive, ZWaveReq) == True:

                logFile = open("IDS_Log", "a")
                    "[" + time_now + "] " + "Destination ID is invalid. Destination ID = " + str(self.dstID) + "\n"

            # Source ID does exists.  Now, check if the correct
            # command class is used.
            elif validCC == False and Checksums.verify_checksum(packet_receive, ZWaveReq) == True:

                logFile = open("IDS_Log", "a")
                    "[" + time_now + "] " + "Command Class is invalid. Command Class = " + str(self.cmdcl) + "\n"

            # Command class is supported but payload length is incorrect.
            elif validPloadLen == False and Checksums.verify_checksum(packet_receive, ZWaveReq) == True:

                logFile = open("IDS_Log", "a")
                    "[" + time_now + "] " + "Payload length is invalid. Payload length = " + str(len(self.pload)) + "\n"

            # Invalid Routed Frame
            elif validRouted == False and Checksums.verify_checksum(packet_receive, ZWaveReq) == True:

                logFile = open("IDS_Log", "a")
                logFile.write("[" + time_now + "] " + "Invalid Routed Frame" + str(len(self.pload)) + "\n")

            # if the packet checks out, verify checksum to ensure the packet
            # is not malformed
                if Checksums.verify_checksum(packet_receive, ZWaveReq) == True:

                    logFile = open("IDS_Log", "a")
                    logFile.write(  # "[" + time_now + "] " + "Good Packet: " +
                        str(parse_Packet(packet_receive, 3)) + "-> End Good packet\n"

                    if self.srcID == "1" or loopBack == True:
                        capture_packet = (
                            + time_now
                            + "] "
                            + self.srcID
                            + " "
                            + self.dstID
                            + " "
                            + str(self.length)
                            + " "
                            + self.cmdcl
                            + " "
                            + self.pload
                        logFile = open("Captured_Packets_Log", "a")
                        logFile.write(capture_packet + "\n")