Example #1
def OnBlipSubmitted(properties, context):
    blip = context.GetBlipById(properties['blipId'])
    contents = blip.GetDocument().GetText()
    key = '(chem)'
    leftdelim = '\\['
    query = '([a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20})'
    image = '(;image)'
    rightdelim = '\\]'

    compiledregex = re.compile(key+leftdelim+query+image+rightdelim, re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
    chemicallist = compiledregex.finditer(contents)

    if chemicallist != None:

        for chemicalname in chemicallist:  # Just pull off first one in list
            r = document.Range(0,0)
            r.start = chemicalname.start()
            r.end = chemicalname.end() + 1
            query = chemicalname.group(2)
            compound = ChemSpiPy.simplesearch(query) # obtain chemspider ID
            chemspiderlink = 'http://www.chemspider.com/Chemical-Structure.%s.html' % compound

            #insert the gadget
            gadgeturl = 'http://www.danhagon.me.uk/Wave/ChemSpiderDoodleGadgetMVCDev.xml'
            gadget = document.Gadget(gadgeturl) # setup gadget instance
            blip.GetDocument().InsertElement(r.start, gadget) # insert gadget
            delta = {'molfile' : compound.getMolFile()} # set state with molfile for CSID
            blip.GetDocument().GadgetSubmitDelta(gadget, delta) # submit the delta

            #cleaning up text and insert link
            blip.GetDocument().SetTextInRange(r, query) # remove markup
            r.start = blip.GetDocument().GetText().find(query) #re-find range of query
            r.end = r.start + len(query)
            blip.GetDocument().SetAnnotation(r, 'link/manual', chemspiderlink) #link to CS
def chemify(text):
  """Accepts a text string and returns dictionary of information and annotations

  Text string is parsed and sent to chemspider to return chemspider ID, image url,
  and molecular weight information that makes it feasible to convert weight to
  moles and similar. Returns a dictionary that contains at a minimum the keys 
  'replacementtext', 'imageurl', and 'annotations' which is a tuple of dictionaries 
  containing the keys 'text', 'annotation', 'value', 'offset', 'length' for each
  of the annotations required

  test = {'replacementtext':'chemchemchem',
          'imageurl'       :'http://www.chemspider.com/ImagesHandler.ashx?id=236',
          'annotations'    :[{'text'      :'chem',
                              'value'     :'http://www.chemspider.com',
                              'offset'    :4,
                              'length'    :4},
                             {'text'      :'chem',
                              'value'     :'666',
                              'offset'    :8,
                              'length'    :4}
  # Set up the dictionary to be returned
  chemified = {'replacementtext' : 'chemchem',
               'originaltext'    : text,
               'imageurl'        : 'none',
               'annotations'     : []

  # Parse the text using chemparse which returns a dictionary
  parsed = ChemParsing.chemparse(text)

  # Create local variables for the relevant returned information  
  parsedname = parsed.get('name', None)
  quantity = parsed.get('amount', None)
  quantityunits = parsed.get('units', None)
  role = parsed.get('role', None)

  # Obtain chemspider ID and other information via ChemSpider simple search

      chemspiderID = ChemSpiPy.simplesearch(parsedname)
      logging.debug('Success connecting to ChemSpider')
  except IndexError, ie:
      errorstring = "Sorry I can't find %s in ChemSpider - try a different name?" % parsedname
      chemified['replacementtext'] = errorstring
      chemified['error'] = 'IndexError'
      logging.debug('Failed to find a match in simplesearch')
      return chemified
Example #3
def OnBlipSubmitted(properties, context):
    blip = context.GetBlipById(properties['blipId'])
    contents = blip.GetDocument().GetText()
    key = '(chem)'
    leftdelim = '\\['
    query = '([a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20})'
    optintspacer = ';?'
    optfloat = '\\s?(\\d{0,5}\\.?\\d{0,5})?'
    optunits = '\\s?([mgl]{1,2})?'
    optional  = optintspacer + optfloat + optunits
    rightdelim = '\\]'

    compiledregex = re.compile(key+leftdelim+query+optional+rightdelim, re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
    chemicallist = compiledregex.finditer(contents)

    if chemicallist != None:
        count = 0
        changeslist = []
        for chemicalname in chemicallist: 
            r = doc.Range(0,0)
            r.start = chemicalname.start()
            r.end = chemicalname.end() + 1
            query = chemicalname.group(2)
            compound = ChemSpiPy.simplesearch(query)
            url = "http://www.chemspider.com/Chemical-Structure.%s.html" % compound
            insert = query + " (csid:" + compound 

            if chemicalname.group(3) != None and chemicalname.group(4) == 'mg':
                nanomoles = 1000*(float(chemicalname.group(3))/compound.molweight())
                nanomoles = round(nanomoles, 2)
                insert = insert + ", " + chemicalname.group(3) + 'mg, ' + str(nanomoles) + " nanomoles"

            if chemicalname.group(3) != None and chemicalname.group(4) == 'g':
                millimoles = 1000*(float(chemicalname.group(3))/compound.molweight())
                millimoles = round(millimoles, 2)
                insert = insert + ", " + chemicalname.group(3) + 'g, ' + str(millimoles) + " millimoles"

            insert = insert + ") "
            changeslist.append([r, insert, compound, url])
            count = count + 1

        while count != 0:
            count = count - 1
            blip.GetDocument().SetTextInRange(changeslist[count][0], changeslist[count][1])
            SetManualLink(blip, changeslist[count][2], changeslist[count][3])
            SetManualLink(blip, changeslist[count][1], 'chem', 'lang')