Example #1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import numpy as np

# dictionary that contains all the filenames
filenames = FileNameReading.get_file_names()

all_sensors = []

for i in filenames.keys():
    current_sensor = []

    data = Parsing.parse(i)
    print("Current file being read is " + i)
    data = Clean.remove_empty(data)
    for row in data:
        for k, v in row.items():
            if k == "Timestamp":
                line = row[k].split(' ')
                second_value = line[1].split('A') or line[1].split('P')
                row[k] = ((line[0]), (second_value[0]))
                # row[k] = (v, str(v))
        # datetime.datetime.strptime()

# print(all_sensors)

x = []
y = []