Example #1
def runCmpResults(Dir):
    TBegin = time.time()

    RefDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirReferencePrefix + SBOutputDirName)
    NewDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirName)

    # We have to go one level down the directory tree.
    RefList = glob.glob(RefDir + "/*")
    NewList = glob.glob(NewDir + "/*")

    # Log folders are also located in the results dir, so ignore them.
    RefList.remove(os.path.join(RefDir, LogFolderName))
    NewList.remove(os.path.join(NewDir, LogFolderName))

    if len(RefList) == 0 or len(NewList) == 0:
        return False
    assert (len(RefList) == len(NewList))

    # There might be more then one folder underneath - one per each scan-build
    # command (Ex: one for configure and one for make).
    if (len(RefList) > 1):
        # Assume that the corresponding folders have the same names.

    # Iterate and find the differences.
    NumDiffs = 0
    PairList = zip(RefList, NewList)
    for P in PairList:
        RefDir = P[0]
        NewDir = P[1]

        assert (RefDir != NewDir)
        if Verbose == 1:
            print "  Comparing Results: %s %s" % (RefDir, NewDir)

        DiffsPath = os.path.join(NewDir, DiffsSummaryFileName)
        Opts = CmpRuns.CmpOptions(DiffsPath)
        # Discard everything coming out of stdout (CmpRun produces a lot of them).
        OLD_STDOUT = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = Discarder()
        # Scan the results, delete empty plist files.
        NumDiffs = CmpRuns.cmpScanBuildResults(RefDir, NewDir, Opts, False)
        sys.stdout = OLD_STDOUT
        if (NumDiffs > 0):
            print "Warning: %r differences in diagnostics. See %s" % \
                  (NumDiffs, DiffsPath,)

    print "Diagnostic comparison complete (time: %.2f)." % (time.time() -
    return (NumDiffs > 0)
def runCmpResults(Dir):   
    TBegin = time.time() 

    RefDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirReferencePrefix + SBOutputDirName)
    NewDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirName)
    # We have to go one level down the directory tree.
    RefList = glob.glob(RefDir + "/*") 
    NewList = glob.glob(NewDir + "/*")
    # Log folders are also located in the results dir, so ignore them. 
    RefList.remove(os.path.join(RefDir, LogFolderName))
    NewList.remove(os.path.join(NewDir, LogFolderName))
    if len(RefList) == 0 or len(NewList) == 0:
        return False
    assert(len(RefList) == len(NewList))

    # There might be more then one folder underneath - one per each scan-build 
    # command (Ex: one for configure and one for make).
    if (len(RefList) > 1):
        # Assume that the corresponding folders have the same names.
    # Iterate and find the differences.
    NumDiffs = 0
    PairList = zip(RefList, NewList)    
    for P in PairList:    
        RefDir = P[0] 
        NewDir = P[1]
        assert(RefDir != NewDir) 
        if Verbose == 1:        
            print "  Comparing Results: %s %s" % (RefDir, NewDir)
        DiffsPath = os.path.join(NewDir, DiffsSummaryFileName)
        Opts = CmpRuns.CmpOptions(DiffsPath)
        # Discard everything coming out of stdout (CmpRun produces a lot of them).
        OLD_STDOUT = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = Discarder()
        # Scan the results, delete empty plist files.
        NumDiffs = CmpRuns.cmpScanBuildResults(RefDir, NewDir, Opts, False)
        sys.stdout = OLD_STDOUT
        if (NumDiffs > 0) :
            print "Warning: %r differences in diagnostics. See %s" % \
                  (NumDiffs, DiffsPath,)
    print "Diagnostic comparison complete (time: %.2f)." % (time.time()-TBegin) 
    return (NumDiffs > 0)