Example #1
    def __gen_command_line_help(self, command_string):
        Generates the indented usage summary only.
        # command_string looks like this: '  4ss create user '
        # i.e., it is '4ss create user', indented and ready to
        # have the option & argument syntax appended like so:
        # '  4ss create user (syntax line 1)
        #                    (syntax line 2)
        #                    (syntax line 3)'

        # generate the option/arg syntax string, which looks like this:
        # '[--help] [[--username=<USER>] | [--anonymous]]
        #  [--password=<PASSWORD>] [--port=<PORT>] [--host=<HOST>]
        #  [--container=<PATH>] userName '
        syntax_string = ''
        for opt in self.options:
            syntax_string += opt.gen_command_line() + ' '
        if self.subCommands:
            if len(self.arguments):
                syntax_string += '['
            syntax_string += '<subcommand> '
            if len(self.arguments):
                syntax_string += '['
            syntax_string += '<subcommand> '
            if len(self.arguments):
                syntax_string += '] | ['
        if self.arguments:
            for arg in self.arguments:
                syntax_string += arg.gen_command_line() + ' '
            if self.subCommands:
                syntax_string += ']'

        # wrap the syntax line to a width that won't exceed the console
        # width when appended to command_string
        command_size = len(command_string)
        syntax_string_lines = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(
            syntax_string, CONSOLE_WIDTH - command_size)

        # append first line of wrapped syntax string to command_string
        # and indent the remaining lines appropriately
        lines = [command_string + syntax_string_lines[0]]
        indent = ' ' * command_size
        lines.extend([ indent + s for s in syntax_string_lines[1:] ])

        return lines
Example #2
    def __gen_command_line_help(self, command_string):
        Generates the indented usage summary only.
        # command_string looks like this: '  4ss create user '
        # i.e., it is '4ss create user', indented and ready to
        # have the option & argument syntax appended like so:
        # '  4ss create user (syntax line 1)
        #                    (syntax line 2)
        #                    (syntax line 3)'

        # generate the option/arg syntax string, which looks like this:
        # '[--help] [[--username=<USER>] | [--anonymous]]
        #  [--password=<PASSWORD>] [--port=<PORT>] [--host=<HOST>]
        #  [--container=<PATH>] userName '
        syntax_string = ''
        for opt in self.options:
            syntax_string += opt.gen_command_line() + ' '
        if self.subCommands:
            if len(self.arguments):
                syntax_string += '['
            syntax_string += '<subcommand> '
            if len(self.arguments):
                syntax_string += '['
            syntax_string += '<subcommand> '
            if len(self.arguments):
                syntax_string += '] | ['
        if self.arguments:
            for arg in self.arguments:
                syntax_string += arg.gen_command_line() + ' '
            if self.subCommands:
                syntax_string += ']'

        # wrap the syntax line to a width that won't exceed the console
        # width when appended to command_string
        command_size = len(command_string)
        syntax_string_lines = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(
            syntax_string, CONSOLE_WIDTH - command_size)

        # append first line of wrapped syntax string to command_string
        # and indent the remaining lines appropriately
        lines = [command_string + syntax_string_lines[0]]
        indent = ' ' * command_size
        lines.extend([indent + s for s in syntax_string_lines[1:]])

        return lines
Example #3
    def _gen_usage(self, command_string):
        Generates the usage summary, example command line, and
        descriptions of options and subcommands or arguments
        lines = self.__gen_command_line_help(command_string)

        # saved for use in the example
        command_size = len(command_string)

        # generate the example, if available
        if self.example is not None:
            text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - command_size
            text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(self.example, text_width)
            lines.append(command_string + text[0])
            indent = ' ' * command_size
            lines.extend([indent + s for s in text[1:]])

        # generate the option descriptions
        option_desc = self.options.generate_help()
        if option_desc:

        # generate the subcommand descriptions
        if self.subCommands:
            max_cmd = 0
            for cmd in self.subCommands.keys():
                if len(cmd) > max_cmd:
                    max_cmd = len(cmd)

            # column size = indent + longest command + gutter
            indent = ' ' * (2 + max_cmd + 2) + '  '
            text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - len(indent)
            names = self.subCommands.keys()
            for name in names:
                cmd = self.subCommands[name]
                text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(cmd.description, text_width)
                lines.append('  %-*s  %s' % (max_cmd, name, text[0]))
                lines.extend([indent + s for s in text[1:]])

        # generate the argument descriptions
        if self.arguments:
            max_arg = 0
            for arg in self.arguments:
                if len(arg.name) > max_arg:
                    max_arg = len(arg.name)

            # column size = indent + longest command + gutter
            indent = ' ' * (2 + max_arg + 2)
            text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - len(indent)
            for arg in self.arguments:
                text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(arg.description, text_width)
                lines.append('  %-*s  %s' % (max_arg, arg.name, text[0]))
                lines.extend([indent + s for s in text[1:]])

        lines.append('')  # add a blank line
        return lines
Example #4
    def _gen_usage(self,command_string):
        Generates the usage summary, example command line, and
        descriptions of options and subcommands or arguments
        lines = self.__gen_command_line_help(command_string)

        # saved for use in the example
        command_size = len(command_string)

        # generate the example, if available
        if self.example is not None:
            text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - command_size
            text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(self.example, text_width)
            lines.append(command_string + text[0])
            indent = ' ' * command_size
            lines.extend([ indent + s for s in text[1:] ])

        # generate the option descriptions
        option_desc = self.options.generate_help()
        if option_desc:

        # generate the subcommand descriptions
        if self.subCommands:
            max_cmd = 0
            for cmd in self.subCommands.keys():
                if len(cmd) > max_cmd:
                    max_cmd = len(cmd)

            # column size = indent + longest command + gutter
            indent = ' ' * (2 + max_cmd + 2) + '  '
            text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - len(indent)
            names = self.subCommands.keys()
            for name in names:
                cmd = self.subCommands[name]
                text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(cmd.description,
                lines.append('  %-*s  %s' % (max_cmd, name, text[0]))
                lines.extend([ indent + s for s in text[1:] ])

        # generate the argument descriptions
        if self.arguments:
            max_arg = 0
            for arg in self.arguments:
                if len(arg.name) > max_arg:
                    max_arg = len(arg.name)

            # column size = indent + longest command + gutter
            indent = ' ' * (2 + max_arg + 2)
            text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - len(indent)
            for arg in self.arguments:
                text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(arg.description,
                lines.append('  %-*s  %s' % (max_arg, arg.name,
                lines.extend([ indent + s for s in text[1:] ])

        lines.append('')    # add a blank line
        return lines