def Start():
    # Make the "modbus" file as executable
    st = os.stat(EXECUTABLE_FILENAME)
    os.chmod(EXECUTABLE_FILENAME, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
    # Loading devices configuration
    lastQuery = {}
        if Constellation.GetSetting("Devices"):
            for device in json.loads(Constellation.GetSetting("Devices")):
                    "Registering '%s' (interval: %d ms)" %
                    (device["Name"], device["RequestInterval"]))
                lastQuery[device["Name"]] = 0
                typeDescriptor = []
                for prop in device["Properties"]:
                        prop["Type"] if "Type" in prop else "",
                        prop["Description"] if "Description" in prop else ""
                    "Modbus.%s" % device["StateObjectTypeName"],
                    "%s's datas" % device["StateObjectTypeName"],
    except Exception, e:
            "Error while loading the device's configuration : %s" % str(e))
def Start():
    # Make the "GetTSL2561" file as executable
    st = os.stat(EXECUTABLE_FILENAME)
    os.chmod(EXECUTABLE_FILENAME, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
    # Describe StateObject
                                          "Lux data informations",
                                              'Name': 'Broadband',
                                              'Type': 'int'
                                          }, {
                                              'Name': 'IR',
                                              'Type': 'int'
                                          }, {
                                              'Name': 'Lux',
                                              'Type': 'int'
    # Main loop
    if (bool(Constellation.GetSetting("EnableTSL2561"))):
        Constellation.WriteInfo("LuxSensor is ready !")
    lastSend = 0
    while Constellation.IsRunning:
        if (bool(Constellation.GetSetting("EnableTSL2561"))):
            ts = int(round(time.time()))
            if ts - lastSend >= int(Constellation.GetSetting("Interval")):
                lastSend = ts
Example #3
def OnStart():
    # Register callback on package shutdown
    Constellation.OnExitCallback = OnExit   
    # Write log & common properties
    Constellation.WriteInfo("Hi I'm '%s' and I currently running on %s and %s to Constellation" % (Constellation.PackageName, Constellation.SentinelName if not Constellation.IsStandAlone else 'local sandbox', "connected" if Constellation.IsConnected else "disconnected"))
    #  GetSetting
    Constellation.WriteInfo("Demo1 = " + str(Constellation.GetSetting("Demo1"))) # If setting not exist, return None !
    # Send message without parameter 
    Constellation.SendMessage("DemoPackage", "HelloWorld", [], Constellation.MessageScope.package)    
    # Send message with 2 parameter
    Constellation.SendMessage("DemoPackage", "SendMessage", [ "+33123456789", "Hi" ], Constellation.MessageScope.package)
    # Send message with complex parameter 
    Constellation.SendMessage("DemoPackage", "DemoComplex", { "A": "This is a string", "B": 123, "C": True }, Constellation.MessageScope.package)
    # Send message "MessageCallbackWithComplexeResponse" with "123" as parameter to "Demo" pasckage and write the "A" property of the response
    Constellation.SendMessageWithSaga(lambda response: Constellation.WriteInfo("A=%s" % response.A), "Demo", "MessageCallbackWithComplexResponse", 123)
    # Push basic StateObject
    Constellation.PushStateObject("DemoStr", "Demo de seb") # StateObject with "String" as value
    Constellation.PushStateObject("DemoBool", False, lifetime=10) # StateObject with "Bool" as value and a lifetime (10 sec here)
    Constellation.PushStateObject("DemoInt", 123, metadatas={ "DeviceId":"RPi", "Serial":"123" }) # StateObject with "Int" as value and metadatas    
    Constellation.PushStateObject("DemoFloat", 12.45, metadatas={ "DeviceId":"RPi", "Serial":"123" }, lifetime=10) # StateObject with "Float" as value, metadatas and lifetime
    # Custom type descriptions
    Constellation.DescribeMessageCallbackType("CredentialInfo", "Credential information", [
        { 'Name':'Username', 'Type':'string', 'Description': 'The username' },
        { 'Name':'Password', 'Type':'string', 'Description': 'The password' },
    Constellation.DescribeStateObjectType("DemoType", "Demo type", [
        { 'Name':'Sender', 'Type':'string', 'Description': 'The demo' },        
        { 'Name':'Credential', 'Type':'CredentialInfo', 'Description': 'The credential nested demo' }
    # Push complex StateObject
    Constellation.PushStateObject("Demo", { "Sender": "DemoPython", "Credential": { "Username": "******", "Password":"******" } }, "DemoType", { "DeviceId": "RPi", "Serial":"123" }) # StateObject with custom type
    # WriteInfo, WriteWarn & WriteError
    Constellation.WriteInfo("Hello world from Python !")
    Constellation.WriteWarn("This is a warning !")
    Constellation.WriteError("This is an error !")
    # Last StateObjects of the previous instance
    if Constellation.LastStateObjects:
        for so in Constellation.LastStateObjects:
            Constellation.WriteInfo(" + %s @ %s" % (so.Name, so.LastUpdate))