def DebugSwitch(event):	# Open or close the debugger window

	try:	# If Debugger window can be destroyed, do so...
		Cfg.debugger = None

	except:	# Otherwise create the debugger window...

	# Create Toplevel window for the debugger
		Cfg.debugger = Toplevel()
		Cfg.debugger.title("Reflection Debugger")
		Cfg.debugger.bind("<F1>", DebugSwitch)
		Cfg.debugger.bind("<F2>", quit)
		userslist = None

	# Create System Frame
		systemframe = LabelFrame(Cfg.debugger, text="System")
		systemframe.pack( side = LEFT, fill = Y  )

		sfb_invert = Button(systemframe, text="Invert background", command=SysBgInvert)
		sfb_invert.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_deluser = Button(systemframe, text = "Delete users", command = api_init3.destroyUsers)
		sfb_deluser.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_username = Entry(systemframe)
		sfb_username.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_newuser = Button(systemframe, text="New user", command= lambda: User_Control.UserCreate(sfb_username.get()))
		sfb_newuser.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_login = Button(systemframe, text="Log in user", command = lambda: User_Control.UserLogIn(userslist.index(ACTIVE)))
		sfb_login.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_cursoron = Button(systemframe, text="Cursor On", command = Cursor.CursorOn)
		sfb_cursoron.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_cursoroff = Button(systemframe, text="Cursor Off", command =  Cursor.CursorOff)
		sfb_cursoroff.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_cursorup = Button(systemframe, text="Cursor Up", command = lambda: Cursor.CursorMove("UP"))
		sfb_cursorup.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_cursordown = Button(systemframe, text="Cursor Down", command = lambda: Cursor.CursorMove("DOWN"))
		sfb_cursordown.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_cursorleft = Button(systemframe, text="Cursor Left", command = lambda: Cursor.CursorMove("LEFT"))
		sfb_cursorleft.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_cursorright = Button(systemframe, text="Cursor Right", command = lambda: Cursor.CursorMove("RIGHT"))
		sfb_cursorright.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		sfb_savesettings = Button(systemframe, text="Save Settings", command = User_Control.UserSaveSettings)
		sfb_savesettings.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )
		#sfb_loadsettings = Button(systemframe, text="Load Settings", command = User_Control.UserLogin)
		#sfb_loadsettings.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )

	# Create Users Frame
		usersframe = LabelFrame(Cfg.debugger, text="Users")
		usersframe.pack( side = LEFT, fill = Y   )
		userslist = Listbox(usersframe)
		userslist.pack(side = TOP)

	# Create Task Controller
		moveframe = LabelFrame(Cfg.debugger, text="Move app")
		moveframe.pack( side = LEFT, fill = Y   )

			# Create place buttons
		cfb_NW = Button(moveframe, text = "NW" , command = lambda: AppControl.App_Move(app_list[taskbox.index(ACTIVE)],NW))
		cfb_NW.grid( row = 0, column = 0 , ipadx=2 )
		cfb_W = Button(moveframe, text = "W" , command = lambda: AppControl.App_Move(app_list[taskbox.index(ACTIVE)],W))
		cfb_W.grid( row = 1, column = 0 , ipadx=6 )
		cfb_SW = Button(moveframe, text = "SW" , command = lambda: AppControl.App_Move(app_list[taskbox.index(ACTIVE)],SW))
		cfb_SW.grid( row = 2, column = 0 , ipadx=4 )
		cfb_NE = Button(moveframe, text = "NE" , command = lambda: AppControl.App_Move(app_list[taskbox.index(ACTIVE)],NE))
		cfb_NE.grid( row = 0, column = 1 , ipadx=4 )
		cfb_E = Button(moveframe, text = "E" , command = lambda: AppControl.App_Move(app_list[taskbox.index(ACTIVE)],E))
		cfb_E.grid( row = 1, column = 1 , ipadx=9 )
		cfb_SE = Button(moveframe, text = "SE" , command = lambda: AppControl.App_Move(app_list[taskbox.index(ACTIVE)],SE))
		cfb_SE.grid( row = 2, column = 1 , ipadx=6 )

	# Create Task Manager
		taskframe = LabelFrame(Cfg.debugger, text="Task manager")
		taskframe.pack( side = LEFT, fill = Y  )

			 # Create new task button
		tfb_new = Button(taskframe, text="Run...", command = Task_New )
		tfb_new.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )

			# Create open tasks listbox
		taskbox = Listbox(taskframe)
		taskbox.pack(side = TOP)

			# Create close task button
		tfb_close = Button(taskframe, text="Close task", command = lambda: Task_Close(taskbox.index(ACTIVE)) )
		tfb_close.pack( side = TOP, fill = X )

	# Make sure that the debugger is in the front