Example #1
# Sid Meier's Civilization 4
# Copyright Firaxis Games 2005
# CvScreenUtilsInterface.py
# * This file stores the version of CvScreenUtils that is active
# * It is called from CvScreensInterface
# * When modding, this file should be replaced with one that has
#   screenUtils pointing to the mods <Mod>ScreenUtils
# No other modules should import this
# Strategy Overlay Changed 10/20/2008
# Changed import to import CvOverlayScreenUtils
# Changed normalScreenUtils to return the CvOverlayScreenUtils class
# Placed in CustomAssets/Python/EntryPoints for bug mod use

import CvOverlayScreenUtils

normalScreenUtils = CvOverlayScreenUtils.CvOverlayScreenUtils()

def getScreenUtils():
    return normalScreenUtils