Example #1
def TGS_server(info: dict):
    tgt_encr = info['tgt']
    auth_encr = info['auth']
    service_id = info['id']

    tgt = DES.decrypt(tgt_encr, database.K_as_tgs)
    tgt = eval(tgt)
    k_c_tgs = tgt['key']

    auth = DES.decrypt(auth_encr, tgt['key'])
    auth = eval(auth)

    if auth['c'] != tgt['c']:
        raise ValueError('client id not equal')

    if auth['time'] - tgt['time'] > tgt['period']:
        raise ValueError('ticket is not valid')

    k_tgs_ss = database.keys[(service_id, database.tgs_id)]
    k_c_ss = database.keys[tuple(sorted((service_id, auth['c'])))]

    tgs = {
        'c': auth['c'],
        'ss': service_id,
        'time': datetime.now().timestamp(),
        'period': 1000,
        'key': k_c_ss

    res = {
        'tgs': DES.encrypt(str(tgs), k_tgs_ss),
        'key': k_c_ss

    return DES.encrypt(str(res), k_c_tgs)
def generate_session(username, password, servername, network_address):
    global i
    i += 1
    key = hash.generate_session()  # key for the session
    dateTimeObj = datetime.now()  # gets the current timestamp
    timestampStr = dateTimeObj.strftime(
        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")  # converts the timestamp to a readable format
    life = str(dateTimeObj +
               timedelta(hours=1))  # lifetime for the generated ticket

    print(i, timestampStr)

    # Create the ticket with correct parameters and encrypt it using DES
    ticket = '{{"username":"******","server":"{}","network":"{}","sessionkey":"{}","timestamp":"{}","lifetime":"{}"}}'.format(
        username, servername, network_address, key, timestampStr, life)
    print(i, ticket)
    eTicket = DES.encrypt(IOTKEY[:8], ticket)
    eticket_str = base64.b64encode(eTicket).decode("utf-8")
    payload = '{{"sessionkey":"{}","timestamp":"{}","lifetime":"{}","ticket":"{}"}}'.format(
        key, timestampStr, life, eticket_str)

    # # Encrypt the client's key using DES
    client_key = base64.b64decode(password)
    cipher = DES.encrypt(client_key[48:56], payload)

    # Add a salt to the password hash and return the packet
    salt = base64.b64encode(client_key[:32]).decode("utf-8")
    return_packet = '{{"salt":"{}","payload":"{}"}}'.format(
    return return_packet.encode()
Example #3
def generate_session(username, password, servername, network_address):
    global i
    i += 1
    key = hash.generate_session()
    dateTimeObj = datetime.now()
    timestampStr = dateTimeObj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
    life = str(dateTimeObj + timedelta(hours=1))

    print(i, timestampStr)

    ticket = '{{"username":"******","server":"{}","network":"{}","sessionkey":"{}","timestamp":"{}","lifetime":"{}"}}'.format(
        username, servername, network_address, key, timestampStr, life)
    print(i, ticket)
    eTicket = DES.encrypt(IOTKEY[:8], ticket)
    eticket_str = base64.b64encode(eTicket).decode("utf-8")
    payload = '{{"sessionkey":"{}","timestamp":"{}","lifetime":"{}","ticket":"{}"}}'.format(
        key, timestampStr, life, eticket_str)

    client_key = base64.b64decode(password)
    cipher = DES.encrypt(client_key[48:56], payload)

    salt = base64.b64encode(client_key[:32]).decode("utf-8")
    return_packet = '{{"salt":"{}","payload":"{}"}}'.format(
    return return_packet.encode()
Example #4
def main():
    TCP_IP = ''
    SERV_PORT = 5005
    BOB_PORT = 5004
    ALICE_PORT = 5003
    BUFFER_SIZE = 4096

    #connect to KDC to establish aliceKey
    servSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    servSock.connect((TCP_IP, SERV_PORT))
    #clients are aware of each others' usernames
    alice = "Alice"
    bob = "Bob"
    aliceKey = diffieHellman(servSock, False)
    aliceNonce = generate_nonce()
    namePrint(alice, "aliceKey established with server as " + str(aliceKey))

    #connect to Bob to start exchanging information
    bobSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    bobSock.connect((TCP_IP, BOB_PORT))

    #1. Alice sends a request to Bob
    namePrint(alice, "step 1: request to Bob")
    msg = [alice]
    sendMessage(bobSock, msg)

    #3. Alice sends a message to the server identifying herself and Bob, telling the server she wants to communicate with Bob.
    namePrint(alice, "step 3: request to Server")
    encryptedMsg = receiveMessage(bobSock)
    msg = [alice, bob, aliceNonce, encryptedMsg]
    sendMessage(servSock, msg)

    #5. Alice forwards the key to Bob who can decrypt it with the key he shares with the server, thus authenticating the data.
    namePrint(alice, "step 5: pass Server response to Bob")
    encryptedNewMsg = receiveMessage(servSock)
    decryptedServerMsg = DES.frombits(DES.decrypt(encryptedNewMsg, aliceKey))
    serverMsg = decoder.decode(decryptedServerMsg)
    aliceKab = serverMsg[2]
    toBob = serverMsg[3]
    sendMessage(bobSock, toBob)

    #7. Alice performs a simple operation on the nonce, re-encrypts it and sends it back verifying that she is still alive and that she holds the key.
    namePrint(alice, "step 7: send nonce operation result to Bob")
    encryptedNewMsg = receiveMessage(bobSock)
    decryptedBobMsg = DES.frombits(DES.decrypt(encryptedNewMsg, aliceKab))
    decryptedBob = decoder.decode(decryptedBobMsg)
    newMsg = [nonceSubtract(decryptedBob[0])]
    encryptedNewMsg = DES.encrypt(DES.tobits(encoder.encode(newMsg)), aliceKab)
    sendMessage(bobSock, encryptedNewMsg)

    #time too chat!
    namePrint(alice, "Success! Time to chat!")
                     args=(bobSock, bob, aliceKab)).start()
    while (True):
            DES.encrypt(DES.tobits(encoder.encode(input(""))), aliceKab))
Example #5
def main():
    TCP_IP = ''
    SERV_PORT = 5005
    BUFFER_SIZE = 4096

    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind((TCP_IP, SERV_PORT))
    names = []
    keys = []
    for i in range(2):
            "Server: Awaiting {0} connection to establish diffie-hellman key.."
            .format("first" if i == 0 else "second"))
        conn, addr = s.accept()
            "Server: Connected to {0}. Running diffieHellman for initial key.".
        keys.append(diffieHellman(conn, True))
        print("Server: server key for {0}: {1}".format(names[i], keys[i]))
        if (i == 0):
            #close Bob's connection, but keep Alice open for a bit longer
    bobKey = keys[0]
    aliceKey = keys[1]

    #generate random session key on the server for alice and bob to communicate
    Kab = [random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(10)]

    #4. The server generates K_AB and sends back to Alice a copy encrypted under K_BS for Alice to forward to Bob and also a copy for Alice.
    #Since Alice may be requesting keys for several different people, the nonce assures Alice that the message is fresh and that
    #the server is replying to that particular message and the inclusion of Bob's name tells Alice who she is to share this key with.
    #Note the inclusion of the nonce.
        "Server: step 4: generate K_AB and send double encrypted message to Alice"
    msg = receiveMessage(conn)
    decryptedBobMsg = DES.frombits(DES.decrypt(msg[3], bobKey))
    decryptedBob = decoder.decode(decryptedBobMsg)

    reEncryptedBob = DES.encrypt(DES.tobits(encoder.encode(decryptedBob)),
    newMsg = [msg[1], msg[2], Kab, reEncryptedBob]
    encryptedNewMsg = DES.encrypt(DES.tobits(encoder.encode(newMsg)), aliceKey)
    sendMessage(conn, encryptedNewMsg)

    input("Server: My part is done. Press enter to exit...")
def ss_server(tgs_ans):
    time = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()
    info = {
        'tgs': tgs_ans['tgs'],
        'auth': DES.encrypt(str({
            'c': __client,
            'time': time
        }), tgs_ans['key'])

    print('\n\tRequest to SS_server:')

    res_encr = SS_server(info)

    print('\n\tSS_server encrypted response:')
    res = eval(DES.decrypt(res_encr, tgs_ans['key']))

    print('\n\tSS_server decrypted response:')

    if abs(res - time - 1) > 1e-6:
        raise ValueError("Not connected")

    print('\n\nOK. Connected')
def tgs_server(auth):
    info = {
                'c': __client,
                'time': datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()
            }), auth['key']),

    print('\n\tRequest to TGS_server:')

    res_encr = TGS_server(info)

    print('\n\tTGS_server encrypted response:')

    res = DES.decrypt(res_encr, auth['key'])

    print('\n\tTGS_server decrypted response:')

    return eval(res)
Example #8
def mac(m, k):
    #given message and key, create a mac code
    #go through m in 8 bit blocks
    i = 0
    j = 8
    d = m[i:j]
    #encrypt block
    #IV= 0 so there is no need to xor with IV, answer will be the same
    o = DES.encrypt(d, k)
    while j != len(m):
        i = i + 8
        j = j + 8
        #xor previosly encrypted block w plaintext
        d = DES.xor(o, m[i:j])
        #encrypt newly xord block
        o = DES.encrypt(d, k)
    return o
Example #9
File: demo.py Project: 12345bt/DES1
def main():
    des = DES()
    Des_IV = "Passw0rd"
    encode = des.encrypt("Passw0rd", Des_IV, str("Hello World!"))
    encode2 = des.decrypt("Passw0rd", Des_IV,

def AS_server(c_id: str):
    if c_id not in database.clients:
        return {}

    k_c = database.clients[c_id]
    tgs_id = database.tgs_id
    k_c_tgc = database.keys[(c_id, tgs_id)]

    tgt = {
        'c': c_id,
        'tgs': tgs_id,
        'time': datetime.datetime.now().timestamp(),
        'period': 1000,
        'key': k_c_tgc

    res = {
        'tgt': DES.encrypt(str(tgt), database.K_as_tgs),
        'key': k_c_tgc

    return DES.encrypt(str(res), k_c)
Example #11
def generate_authenticator(ticket, username, servername, command, logout):
    global i
    dateTimeObj = datetime.now()
    timestampStr = dateTimeObj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
    authenticator = '{{"username":"******","timestamp":"{}","logout":"{}"}}'.format(
        username, timestampStr, str(logout))
    sessionkey = base64.b64decode(ticket["sessionkey"])
    e_authenticator = DES.encrypt(sessionkey[16:24], authenticator)

    e_authenticator_str = base64.b64encode(e_authenticator).decode("utf-8")
    message = sign(command)
    i += 1
    print(i, message)
    payload = '{{"command":"{}","server":"{}","ticket":"{}","authenticator":"{}"}}'.format(
        message, servername, ticket["ticket"], e_authenticator_str)
    return payload.encode()
def SS_server(info):
    auth_encr = info['auth']
    tgs_encr = info['tgs']

    key_tgs_ss = database.keys[(__server, __tgs)]
    tgs = DES.decrypt(tgs_encr, key_tgs_ss)
    tgs = eval(tgs)
    key_c_ss = tgs['key']
    auth = DES.decrypt(auth_encr, key_c_ss)
    auth = eval(auth)

    if auth['c'] != tgs['c']:
        raise ValueError('Clients not equal')
    if auth['time'] - tgs['time'] > tgs['period']:
        raise ValueError('Period is not valid')

    response = auth['time'] + 1

    return DES.encrypt(str(response), key_c_ss)
Example #13
def encryptor():
    # 明文:
    plain = read_str("明文")
    # 生成密钥:
    key = keygen()
    k = key["bin"]
    print("Your key: ", key["hex"])
    # 编码:
    b = encode(plain)
    print('encoding: ', b)
    # 裁剪:
    encrypt_package = cut(b, 64)
    print("Your additional bits count: ", encrypt_package["addition_count"])
    cipher = ""
    for d in encrypt_package["data"]:
        node = DES.encrypt(d, k, silence=True)
        cipher += node
    print('密文: ' + _2hex(cipher))

        _2hex(cipher) + ' ' + str(encrypt_package["addition_count"]) + ' ' +
Example #14
def main():
        host = ''
        port = 4500

        # start out with the key, CHANGE KEY HERE
        key10bit = '1010101010'
        k1, k2 = DES.generateKeys(key10bit)
        # bind the socket to host and port
        mySocket = socket.socket()
        # client does not need to bind, just connect!

        plain_text = input("Type a to start and q to quit:")
        # keep reading in data till user quits
        while plain_text != 'q': 
                data = mySocket.recv(1024).decode()
                print ('Received from server: ' + data)
                plain_text = (input("Enter a 8 bit plain text => "))

                # unless they want to quit (which would bork up my function as of now), encrypt!

                # if it is not a 8bit, keep asking for somethin
                    plain_text = (input("Must enter a 8 bit plain text => "))

                # encrypt and send!
                cipher_text = DES.encrypt(plain_text, k1, k2)
                print("Sending encrpted message to server:", cipher_text)
                plain_text = cipher_text
from DES import *

myDES = DES();

plaintext = '0123456789ABCDEF';
key       = '133457799BBCDFF1';

ciphertext = myDES.encrypt(plaintext, key)
decrypted  = myDES.decrypt(ciphertext,key)

print('key        = ' + key       )
print('ciphertext = ' + ciphertext)
print('plaintext  = ' + plaintext )
print('decrypted  = ' + decrypted )

Example #16
def main():
    TCP_IP = ''
    SERV_PORT = 5005
    BOB_PORT = 5004
    BUFFER_SIZE = 4096
    #connect to KDC to establish bobKey
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect((TCP_IP, SERV_PORT))
    #clients are aware of each others' usernames
    alice = "Alice"
    bob = "Bob"
    bobKey = diffieHellman(s, False)
    bobNonce = generate_nonce()
    bobNoncePrime = generate_nonce()
    namePrint(bob,"bobKey established with server as " + str(bobKey))
    #prepare for a connection from Alice
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind((TCP_IP, BOB_PORT))
    conn, addr = s.accept()
    #2. Bob responds with a nonce encrypted under his key with the Server
    namePrint(bob,"step 2: send Alice noncePrime")
    msg = receiveMessage(conn)
    encryptedMsg = DES.encrypt(DES.tobits(encoder.encode(msg)),bobKey)
    sendMessage(conn, encryptedMsg)
    #6. Bob sends Alice a nonce encrypted under K_AB to show that he has the key.
    namePrint(bob,"step 6: send Alice nonce encrypted under K_AB")
    toBob = receiveMessage(conn)
    decryptedAliceMsg = DES.frombits(DES.decrypt(toBob,bobKey))
    decryptedAlice = decoder.decode(decryptedAliceMsg)
    #verify that bobNoncePrime made it back 
    if (decryptedAlice[1] != bobNoncePrime):
        namePrint(bob,"Error: Bob Nonce Prime has been corrupted! Aborting in case of attack.")
    bobKab = decryptedAlice[2]
    newMsg = [bobNonce]
    encryptedNewMsg = DES.encrypt(DES.tobits(encoder.encode(newMsg)),bobKab)
    sendMessage(conn, encryptedNewMsg)
    #8. Bob see's that Alice's computation was correct. Hurray, we're ready to chat!
    namePrint(bob,"step 8: verify Alice nonce operation result")
    encryptedNewMsg = receiveMessage(conn)
    decryptedAliceMsg = DES.frombits(DES.decrypt(encryptedNewMsg,bobKab))
    decryptedAlice = decoder.decode(decryptedAliceMsg)
    if (decryptedAlice[0] == nonceSubtract(bobNonce)):
        namePrint(bob,"Success! Time to chat!")
        namePrint(bob,"Error: Did not receive Bob Nonce - 1 from Alice")
    #time to chat!
    threading.Thread(target=chatDataHandler, args = (conn, alice, bobKab)).start()
    while (True):
Example #17
import DES as des
import binascii
import os
import sys

text = des.encrypt('0123456789ABCDEF', '133457799BBCDFF1', False)

result = des.decrypt(text, '133457799BBCDFF1')

#print(bin(int('123', 16))[2:].zfill(12))
#decrypted = des.decrypt(text, 'EAB234CA5B2D3572')

#bits = '1011'
#temp = '1111'
#temp = int(temp, 2)
#bits = int(bits, 2)

#fillBits = int(bin(bits >> 3)[2:].zfill(4),2)
#leftShift = int(bin(temp & bits << 1)[2:].zfill(4),2)

#result = bin((temp & bits << 1) | int(bin((bits >> (3)))[2:].zfill(4), 2))[2:]
#result = bin((temp & (bits << 1)) | int(bin((bits >> (4 - 1)))[2:].zfill(4), 2))[2:]


#print(bin(leftShift | fillBits)[2:].zfill(4))