Example #1
    return: path to goal (or none if no such path)
    NOTE: uncommented because it enters loop and never finishes
    print("\n!!! DFS w/o rank/unrank !!!")
    print("\n!!! DFS with rank/unrank !!!")
    # DFS.DFS(test_matrix, exit, verbose=False)

    ### DFS_cycle w/o rank/unrank ###
    parameters: start matrix, goal row, verbose
    return: path to goal (or none if no such path)
    print("\n!!! DFS_cycle w/o rank/unrank !!!")
    start_time = time.time()    #start keeping track of time
    DFS.DFS_cycle(test_matrix, exit, verbose=False)
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) #print time for convinence

    ### DFS_cycle with rank/unrank ###
    parameters: start matrix, goal row, verbose
    return: path to goal (or none if no such path)
    print("\n!!! DFS_cycle with rank/unrank !!!")
    start_time = time.time()    #start keeping track of time
    DFS.DFS_cycle2(test_matrix, exit, verbose=False)
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) #print time for convinence

    ### DFS_prune w/o rank/unrank ###
    parameters: start matrix, goal row, verbose