def saveOrderInfo(self,inOrderInfo): try: logger = getLogger() logger.debug("start saveOrderInfo") ret = True ret &= self.compareOrderInfo(inOrderInfo) #all condition is ok if(ret): ret = DbModule.saveData2Db(inOrderInfo) if (ret): ret = DbModule.saveData2DbSqlite("GWImp"+inOrderInfo["orderId"]) except : logger.error("exception occur, see the traceback.log") #异常写入日志文件. f = open('traceback.txt','a') traceback.print_exc() traceback.print_exc(file = f) f.flush() f.close() else: pass finally: pass return ret
def GetDbNames(user='******',password='******',dirName='.',dBase='::template1',cn=None): """ returns a list of databases that are available **Arguments** - user: the username for DB access - password: the password to be used for DB access **Returns** - a list of db names (strings) """ if DbModule.getDbSql: if not cn: try: cn = DbModule.connect(dBase,user,password) except: print 'Problems opening database: %s'%(dBase) return [] c = cn.cursor() c.execute(DbModule.getDbSql) if RDConfig.usePgSQL: names = ['::'+str(x[0]) for x in c.fetchall()] else: names = ['::'+str(x[0]) for x in c.fetchall()] names.remove(dBase) elif DbModule.fileWildcard: import os.path,glob names = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName,DbModule.fileWildcard)) else: names = [] return names
def job_function(): try: logger = getLogger() logger.debug("start job function") logger.debug("start get mailid") lstOrderid = DbModule.getData4DbSqlite() for strOrderid in lstOrderid: strHeaderIndex = strOrderid.find('GWImp') strOrderidSearch = strOrderid # first got it. if (strHeaderIndex == 0): strOrderidSearch = strOrderid[len('GWImp'):len(strOrderid)] orderTransInfos = getOrderTrans(strOrderidSearch) strMailid = orderTransInfos['mailid'] strCompanytile = orderTransInfos['companytitle'] logger.debug("get orderTransInfo from REST success.") if (strMailid is not None) & (strMailid != "") & (strCompanytile is not None) & (strCompanytile != ""): logger.debug("start callwebservice") returnStatus = deliverySend(strOrderidSearch,strCompanytile,strMailid) #if return success,delete the record. if (returnStatus == '5'): logger.debug("delete record") DbModule.delData4DbSqlite(strOrderid) pass except : logger.error("exception occur, see the traceback.log") #异常写入日志文件. f = open('traceback.txt','a') traceback.print_exc() traceback.print_exc(file = f) f.flush() f.close() else: pass finally: pass
def GetCursor(self): """ returns a cursor for direct manipulation of the DB only one cursor is available """ if self.cursor is not None: return self.cursor = DbModule.connect(self.dbName,self.user,self.password) self.cursor = return self.cursor
def GetColumnNames(dBase, table, user='******', password='******', join='', what='*', cn=None): """ gets a list of columns available in a DB table **Arguments** - dBase: the name of the DB file to be used - table: the name of the table to query - user: the username for DB access - password: the password to be used for DB access - join: an optional join clause (omit the verb 'join') - what: an optional clause indicating what to select **Returns** - a list of column names """ if not cn: cn = DbModule.connect(dBase, user, password) c = cn.cursor() cmd = 'select %s from %s' % (what, table) if join: if join.strip().find('join') != 0: join = 'join %s' % (join) cmd += ' ' + join c.execute(cmd) c.fetchone() desc = c.description res = map(lambda x: str(x[0]), desc) return res
def GetColumnNamesAndTypes(dBase, table, user='******', password='******', join='', what='*', cn=None): """ gets a list of columns available in a DB table along with their types **Arguments** - dBase: the name of the DB file to be used - table: the name of the table to query - user: the username for DB access - password: the password to be used for DB access - join: an optional join clause (omit the verb 'join') - what: an optional clause indicating what to select **Returns** - a list of 2-tuples containing: 1) column name 2) column type """ if not cn: cn = DbModule.connect(dBase, user, password) c = cn.cursor() cmd = 'select %s from %s' % (what, table) if join: cmd += ' join %s' % (join) c.execute(cmd) return GetColumnInfoFromCursor(c)
def GetTableNames(dBase, user='******', password='******', includeViews=0, cn=None): """ returns a list of tables available in a database **Arguments** - dBase: the name of the DB file to be used - user: the username for DB access - password: the password to be used for DB access - includeViews: if this is non-null, the views in the db will also be returned **Returns** - a list of table names (strings) """ if not cn: try: cn = DbModule.connect(dBase, user, password) except: print 'Problems opening database: %s' % (dBase) return [] c = cn.cursor() if not includeViews: comm = DbModule.getTablesSql else: comm = DbModule.getTablesAndViewsSql c.execute(comm) names = [str(x[0]).upper() for x in c.fetchall()] if RDConfig.usePgSQL and 'PG_LOGDIR_LS' in names: names.remove('PG_LOGDIR_LS') return names
def GetDbNames(user='******', password='******', dirName='.', dBase='::template1', cn=None): """ returns a list of databases that are available **Arguments** - user: the username for DB access - password: the password to be used for DB access **Returns** - a list of db names (strings) """ if DbModule.getDbSql: if not cn: try: cn = DbModule.connect(dBase, user, password) except: print 'Problems opening database: %s' % (dBase) return [] c = cn.cursor() c.execute(DbModule.getDbSql) if RDConfig.usePgSQL: names = ['::' + str(x[0]) for x in c.fetchall()] else: names = ['::' + str(x[0]) for x in c.fetchall()] names.remove(dBase) elif DbModule.fileWildcard: import os.path, glob names = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName, DbModule.fileWildcard)) else: names = [] return names
def GetTableNames(dBase,user='******',password='******', includeViews=0,cn=None): """ returns a list of tables available in a database **Arguments** - dBase: the name of the DB file to be used - user: the username for DB access - password: the password to be used for DB access - includeViews: if this is non-null, the views in the db will also be returned **Returns** - a list of table names (strings) """ if not cn: try: cn = DbModule.connect(dBase,user,password) except: print 'Problems opening database: %s'%(dBase) return [] c = cn.cursor() if not includeViews: comm = DbModule.getTablesSql else: comm = DbModule.getTablesAndViewsSql c.execute(comm) names = [str(x[0]).upper() for x in c.fetchall()] if RDConfig.usePgSQL and 'PG_LOGDIR_LS' in names: names.remove('PG_LOGDIR_LS') return names
def GetColumnNames(dBase,table,user='******',password='******', join='',what='*',cn=None): """ gets a list of columns available in a DB table **Arguments** - dBase: the name of the DB file to be used - table: the name of the table to query - user: the username for DB access - password: the password to be used for DB access - join: an optional join clause (omit the verb 'join') - what: an optional clause indicating what to select **Returns** - a list of column names """ if not cn: cn = DbModule.connect(dBase,user,password) c = cn.cursor() cmd = 'select %s from %s'%(what,table) if join: if join.strip().find('join') != 0: join = 'join %s'%(join) cmd +=' ' + join c.execute(cmd) c.fetchone() desc = c.description res = map(lambda x:str(x[0]),desc) return res
def GetColumnNamesAndTypes(dBase,table, user='******',password='******', join='',what='*',cn=None): """ gets a list of columns available in a DB table along with their types **Arguments** - dBase: the name of the DB file to be used - table: the name of the table to query - user: the username for DB access - password: the password to be used for DB access - join: an optional join clause (omit the verb 'join') - what: an optional clause indicating what to select **Returns** - a list of 2-tuples containing: 1) column name 2) column type """ if not cn: cn = DbModule.connect(dBase,user,password) c = cn.cursor() cmd = 'select %s from %s'%(what,table) if join: cmd += ' join %s'%(join) c.execute(cmd) return GetColumnInfoFromCursor(c)
def getTransInfo(self,inOrderId): logger = getLogger() logger.debug("start getTransInfo") return DbModule.getOrderTransInfo(inOrderId)