Example #1
class LASER:

    # Preset LASER power level CONSTANTS (units are Watts)
    HIGH_POWER = 10.00
    LOW_POWER = 2.50
    DEFAULT_LASER_CONSTANT = 0.05264472  #TODO Adjust this until LASER branding looks good

    # Global class variable
    laserConstant = -1
    laserConfig = -1

    def __init__(self, gpioFirePin, supplierPartNumber, cocoPartNumber,
                 powerLevel, maxPowerLevel, brandingArt):
	    Create a LASER object with power settings, part numbers, and image data to used when fired via GPIO pin

	    Key arguments:
        gpioFirePin -- 5V GPIO pin used to control a LASER or a 12V relay connected to a LASER
	    supplierPartNumber -- External supplier part number (i.e. PA-07-12-5V)
	    cocoPartNumber -- Internal part number (i.e XXX-YYYYY-Z)) linked to one supplier part number
	    powerLevel -- Power in Wats to intialize a LASER module first fire to
	    maxPowerLevel -- Max power in Watts that LASER can support in continous operation (> 30 seconds)
	    brandingArt -- Black & White PNG image to brand / burn into an object

	    Return value:
	    New LASER() object

        currentProgramFilename = os.path.basename(__file__)
        self.DebugObject = Debug(True, currentProgramFilename)

        #self.gpioFirePin = gpiozero.OutputDevice(gpioFirePin)

        self.supplierPartNumber = supplierPartNumber

        if (len(cocoPartNumber) != 10):
                "Invalid part number format, please verify part number looks like XXX-YYYYY-Z"

        # List of current valid internal LASER part numbers
        if (cocoPartNumber == "205-0003-A" or cocoPartNumber == "???-????-?"):
            self.cocoPartNumber = cocoPartNumber
            self.DebugObject.Dprint("Invalid part number format")

        if (0 > powerLevel or powerLevel > LASER.MAX_POWER_LEVEL):
            # Check for valid power level and default to 10 Watts if invalid
                DebugOject, "Invalid power. I'm  setting the LASER power to " +
                repr(self.maxPowerLevel / 2) + " Watts")
            self.powerLevel = self.MAX_POWER_LEVEL / 2
            self.powerLevel = powerLevel

        self.brandingArt = LASER.__WarpImage(
            CocoDrink.SIZE_102MM)  # Initialize to standard CocoTaps logo


    def LoadImage(fileName):

		Key arguments:
		filename -- PNG file to load into memory

		Return value:
		bwImg -- Black & White PNG image

        return bwImg

    def __WarpImage(fileName, coconutSize):
		Load a PNG image on the local harddrive into RAM
		Wrap a straight / square image so that after LASER branding on coconut its straight again

		Key arguments:
		fileName -- PNG file to load into memory (TODO max size in ? x ? pixels / ?? MB)
		coconutSize -- Horizontal diameter of coconut in millimeters

		Return value:
		newImage -- A new image that has been warpped to to display correctly after LASER branding 

        # https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.html
        # https://pythonprogramming.net/loading-images-python-opencv-tutorial/

        fileNameLength = len(fileName)
        periodIndex = fileNameLength - 3
        fileExtension = fileName[periodIndex:]

        if (fileExtension.lower() == "png"):
            path = "static/images/" + fileName
            originalImage = cv2.imread(path)

            # Convert to gray scale first to apply better thresholding which will create a better black and white image
            grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(originalImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            # Anything above 127 on a scale from 0 to 255 is WHITE
            (thresh, bwImg) = cv2.threshold(grayImg, 127, 255,
                "Please pass a .png file to the LoadImage() function in LASER.py code"

        imgWidth = originalImage.size
        imgHeight = originalImage.size

        for xPixel in range(imgWidth):
            print("xPixel = ", xPixel)
            for yPixel in range(imgHeight):
                print("yPixel = ", yPixel)
                print(" of ", imgHeight)
                #TODO rgbColor = originalImage.at<Vec3b>(xPixel,yPixel)
                # Split image into three part vertically and horizonatlly
                ### TODO SyntaxError: can't assign to comparison
                # warppedImg.at<Vec3b>(xPixel,yPixel) = rgbColor

                if (xPixel < (imgWidth / 5)):
                    xPixel = xPixel + 8  # Skip EIGHT pixels since ends warps more at ends
                elif ((imgWidth / 5) <= xPixel and xPixel <
                      (imgWidth * 2 / 5)):
                    xPixel = xPixel + 4  # Skip EIGHT pixels since ends wraps more at ends
                elif ((imgWidth * 2 / 5) <= xPixel and xPixel <
                      (imgWidth * 3 / 5)):
                    xPixel = xPixel + 0  # Skip EIGHT pixels since ends wraps more at ends
                elif ((imgWidth * 3 / 5) <= xPixel and xPixel <
                      (imgWidth * 4 / 5)):
                    xPixel = xPixel + 4  # Skip EIGHT pixels since ends wraps more at ends
                elif ((imgWidth * 4 / 5) <= xPixel and xPixel < (imgWidth)):
                    xPixel = xPixel + 8  # Skip EIGHT pixels since ends wraps more at ends

    def __ConfigureLaserForNewImage(img):

		Calculate pixel dwell duration based on LASER power level and image size

        Key arguments:
        img -- PNG file to load into memory

        Return value:
        pixelBurnDuration -- Time in seconds that LASER should dwell on coconut pixel

        numOfPixels = LASER.__GetNumOfPixels(img)
        moistureLevel = GetCoconutMoistureLevel()

        if (0 < self.powerLevel or self.powerLevel <= LOW_POWER):
            laserConstant = DEFAULT_LASER_CONSTANT * 0.5
        elif (LOW < self.powerLevel or self.powerLevel < STANDARD_POWER):
            laserConstant = DEFAULT_LASER_CONSTANT * 1.0
        elif (self.powerLevel >= STANDARD_POWER):
            laserConstant = DEFAULT_LASER_CONSTANT * 1.5
                "ERROR: Invalid power level choosen in ConfigureLaserForNewImage() function"

        pixelBurnDuration = laserConstant * moistureLevel / 100.0 * numOfPixels / 1000000

        return pixelBurnDuration

    def StopLaser(self):
	    Toogle GPIO pin connected to high power relay LOW to turn OFF a LASER

	    Key arguments:

	    Return value:

    def BurnImage(self, laserConfig):
		Toogle GPIO pin possibly connected to a high power relay HIGH to turn ON a LASER
		Puts CPU to sleep so NOT a threadable function yet

		Key arguments:
		laserConfig -- TODO REMOVE?

		Return value:

        pixelBurnDuration = self.__ConfigureLaserForNewImage

        dutyCycle = self.powerLevel / self.maxPowerLevel
        imageBurnComplete = False
        frequency = 100  # Desired LASER pulse in Hz
        while (not imageBurnComplete):
            # laserConstant is a class variable
            highTime = 1 / frequency * dutyCycle * laserConstant
            sleep(highTime)  # Sleep upto 10 ms and keep LASER ON
            sleep(0.010 - highTime)  # Sleep 10 ms minus time is HIGH

        imageBurnComplete = MoveLaserStepperMotor(pixelDwellDuration,

    def MoveLaserStepperMotor(self, frequency, motorID):

		Return value:

        for pixelNum in range(0, GetNumOfPixels(filename) - 1):
            sleep(pixelDwellDuration + 1 / frequency)
            #TODO if(pixelNum = )

    def SetPowerLevel(self, watts, cocoPartNumber):
		Set the power level based on LASER part number being used

		Key arguments:
		watts -- Power in Watts to set LASER output to
		cocoPartNumber -- Internal XXX-YYYYY-Z part number linked to a vendor part number

        if (cocoPartNumber == "205-00003-A"):
            if (0 > watts or watts > 10):
                    "The 400067260113 LASER must have power level between or equal to 0.1 and 10 Watts"
                self.powerLevel = watts
                "This LASER supplier part number is not supported in LASER.py code base"

    def __GetNumOfPixels(inputImage):
		Calculate the total number of (pixels / 1,000,000) that is in an image file

		Key argument:

		Return value:
		totalNumOfPixels -- Total number of megapixels (million pixels) in an image

        #img = LoadLImage(self.brandingArt #TODO DOES LoadImage RETURN a img variable)
        img = cv2.imread(inputImage)
        imgWidth = img.width
        imgHeight = img.height
        totalNumOfPixels = imgWidth * imgHeight

        return totalNumOfPixels

    def GetCoconutMoistureLevel(self):
		Moisture level from 0 to 100 corresponing to % humidity

    	Key arguments:

    	Return value:
    	moisturePercentage -- An float from 0.0 to 100.0

        #TODO Moisture sensor in fridge
        print("TODO I2C sensor")
        moisturePercentage = 100
        return moisturePercentage

    def CompileImageAndStoreToEMMC():
	    Key arguments:
	    Return value:
