def __init__(self, minColor, maxColor, minimumBoundingRectSize, cam, knownHeight, knownWidth, focalLength, robotMeasurements, TOWER_HEIGHT, centerUWidth, currentUWidthDistance, HAX, HAY): ''' This method initialising the variables for the VisionManager instance. :param minColor: The min color to be passed in the mask. (in the format: np.array([B,G,R])). :param maxColor: The max color to be passed in the mask. (in the format: np.array([B,G,R])). :param minimumBoundingRectSize: The minimum contour area to be considered as an object. :param cam: A cv2.VideoCapture instance, to be used as the input camera. :param robotMeasurements: The measurements of the robot, in the format: - robotMeasurements[0] is the robot height - robotMeasurements[1] is the robot width - robotMeasurements[2] is the robot length MARK: AngleHelper, DistanceHelper init vars. :param focalLength: The focal length of the object (U). :param knownHeight: The real life height of the object (U). :param knownWidth: The real life width of the object (U). :param TOWER_HEIGHT: The height of the tower. :param centerUWidth: The U width as it looks in the camera when it is in the center (in pixels). :param currentUWidthDistance: The distance which the centerUWidth was calculated from. :param HAX: The head angle of the camera (x). :param HAY: The head angle of the camera (y). :return: None ''' self.angleHelper = AngleHelper(knownWidth, knownHeight, centerUWidth, currentUWidthDistance) self.distanceHelper = DistanceHelper(knownHeight, focalLength) self.TOWER_HEIGHT = TOWER_HEIGHT self.KNOWN_HEIGHT = knownHeight self.KNOWN_WIDTH = knownWidth # MARK: Images. self.currentImage = None self.maskedImage = None self.threshImage = None self.isObjectDetected = False # is self detected an object (U). # Mark: Scales. self.currentImageObject = None # The current biggest Object in the masked image (probably the tower). self.imageHeight = None self.imageWidth = None self.minimumBoundingRectSize = minimumBoundingRectSize self.minColor = minColor self.maxColor = maxColor = cam self.robotObject = RobotObject(robotMeasurements[0], robotMeasurements[1], robotMeasurements[2]) self.focalLength = focalLength self.HAX = HAX self.HAY = HAY
def __init__(self,minColor,maxColor,minimumBoundingRectSize,cam,knownHeight,knownWidth,focalLength, robotMeasurements,TOWER_HEIGHT,centerUWidth,currentUWidthDistance,HAX,HAY): ''' This method initialising the variables for the VisionManager instance. :param minColor: The min color to be passed in the mask. (in the format: np.array([B,G,R])). :param maxColor: The max color to be passed in the mask. (in the format: np.array([B,G,R])). :param minimumBoundingRectSize: The minimum contour area to be considered as an object. :param cam: A cv2.VideoCapture instance, to be used as the input camera. :param robotMeasurements: The measurements of the robot, in the format: - robotMeasurements[0] is the robot height - robotMeasurements[1] is the robot width - robotMeasurements[2] is the robot length MARK: AngleHelper, DistanceHelper init vars. :param focalLength: The focal length of the object (U). :param knownHeight: The real life height of the object (U). :param knownWidth: The real life width of the object (U). :param TOWER_HEIGHT: The height of the tower. :param centerUWidth: The U width as it looks in the camera when it is in the center (in pixels). :param currentUWidthDistance: The distance which the centerUWidth was calculated from. :param HAX: The head angle of the camera (x). :param HAY: The head angle of the camera (y). :return: None ''' self.angleHelper = AngleHelper(knownWidth,knownHeight,centerUWidth,currentUWidthDistance) self.distanceHelper = DistanceHelper(knownHeight,focalLength) self.TOWER_HEIGHT = TOWER_HEIGHT self.KNOWN_HEIGHT = knownHeight self.KNOWN_WIDTH = knownWidth # MARK: Images. self.currentImage = None self.maskedImage = None self.threshImage = None self.isObjectDetected = False # is self detected an object (U). # Mark: Scales. self.currentImageObject = None # The current biggest Object in the masked image (probably the tower). self.imageHeight = None self.imageWidth = None self.minimumBoundingRectSize = minimumBoundingRectSize self.minColor = minColor self.maxColor = maxColor = cam self.robotObject = RobotObject(robotMeasurements[0],robotMeasurements[1],robotMeasurements[2]) self.focalLength = focalLength self.HAX = HAX self.HAY = HAY
class VisionManager(object): ''' A class that manages all the computer vision for the FRC 2016. ''' def __init__(self,minColor,maxColor,minimumBoundingRectSize,cam,knownHeight,knownWidth,focalLength, robotMeasurements,TOWER_HEIGHT,centerUWidth,currentUWidthDistance,HAX,HAY): ''' This method initialising the variables for the VisionManager instance. :param minColor: The min color to be passed in the mask. (in the format: np.array([B,G,R])). :param maxColor: The max color to be passed in the mask. (in the format: np.array([B,G,R])). :param minimumBoundingRectSize: The minimum contour area to be considered as an object. :param cam: A cv2.VideoCapture instance, to be used as the input camera. :param robotMeasurements: The measurements of the robot, in the format: - robotMeasurements[0] is the robot height - robotMeasurements[1] is the robot width - robotMeasurements[2] is the robot length MARK: AngleHelper, DistanceHelper init vars. :param focalLength: The focal length of the object (U). :param knownHeight: The real life height of the object (U). :param knownWidth: The real life width of the object (U). :param TOWER_HEIGHT: The height of the tower. :param centerUWidth: The U width as it looks in the camera when it is in the center (in pixels). :param currentUWidthDistance: The distance which the centerUWidth was calculated from. :param HAX: The head angle of the camera (x). :param HAY: The head angle of the camera (y). :return: None ''' self.angleHelper = AngleHelper(knownWidth,knownHeight,centerUWidth,currentUWidthDistance) self.distanceHelper = DistanceHelper(knownHeight,focalLength) self.TOWER_HEIGHT = TOWER_HEIGHT self.KNOWN_HEIGHT = knownHeight self.KNOWN_WIDTH = knownWidth # MARK: Images. self.currentImage = None self.maskedImage = None self.threshImage = None self.isObjectDetected = False # is self detected an object (U). # Mark: Scales. self.currentImageObject = None # The current biggest Object in the masked image (probably the tower). self.imageHeight = None self.imageWidth = None self.minimumBoundingRectSize = minimumBoundingRectSize self.minColor = minColor self.maxColor = maxColor = cam self.robotObject = RobotObject(robotMeasurements[0],robotMeasurements[1],robotMeasurements[2]) self.focalLength = focalLength self.HAX = HAX self.HAY = HAY def __setImageScales(self): ''' This private method sets the scales of the image(self.currentImage). This method is auto called, and should not be called manually. :return: None ''' height, width = self.currentImage.shape[:2] self.imageHeight = height self.imageWidth = width def updateImage(self): ''' This method updates the current image of the VisionManager instance. :return: None. ''' if self.isObjectDetected: self.currentImageObject.didUpdateVar = False didGetImage,frame = # frame = cv2.resize(frame, (320,240), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) if didGetImage: if self.currentImage == None and self.imageHeight == None and self.imageWidth == None: self.currentImage = frame self.__setImageScales() else: self.currentImage = frame else: logger.error("Couldn't Read Image from!") def updateMaskThresh(self): ''' This method updates self.maskedImage, self.threshImage, using self.currentImage. :return: None ''' hsv = cv2.cvtColor(self.currentImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # Threshold the HSV image to get only blue colors. mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, self.minColor, self.maxColor) # Bitwise-AND mask and original image. res = cv2.bitwise_and(self.currentImage, self.currentImage, mask=mask) self.maskedImage = res thresh = cv2.threshold(mask, 25, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] # dilate the threshed image to fill in holes, then find contours on thresholded image. thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=2) self.threshImage = thresh def calculateBoundingRect(self): ''' This method calculates the bounding rect of the biggest object that matches the min-max colors in self.current_image. :return: None if no object, else the bounding rect in the format of (x, y, w, h). ''' self.updateMaskThresh() thresh = self.threshImage (cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if cnts: c = max(cnts, key = cv2.contourArea) if cv2.contourArea(c) > self.minimumBoundingRectSize: self.isObjectDetected = True return cv2.boundingRect(c) else: self.isObjectDetected = False else: self.isObjectDetected = False return None def updateTowerScales(self): ''' This method updates the vars holding the scales and distance from camera of the object. :return: None ''' boundingRect = self.calculateBoundingRect() if boundingRect is not None: (x, y, w, h) = boundingRect if self.currentImageObject is None: DFC = self.distanceHelper.getDistanceFromTower(h,self.robotObject,self.TOWER_HEIGHT) self.currentImageObject = ImageObject(w,h,x,y,DFC) else: DFC = self.distanceHelper.getDistanceFromTower(h,self.robotObject,self.TOWER_HEIGHT) self.currentImageObject.objectHeight = h self.currentImageObject.objectWidth = w self.currentImageObject.objectX = x self.currentImageObject.objectY = y self.currentImageObject.distanceFromCamera = DFC azimuthalAngle = self.distanceHelper.getAzimuthalAngle([self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight], self.currentImageObject,self.HAX) polarAngle = self.distanceHelper.getPolarAngle([self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight], self.currentImageObject,self.HAY) self.currentImageObject.azimathalAngle = azimuthalAngle self.currentImageObject.polarAngle = polarAngle self.currentImageObject.didUpdateVar = True def updateRobotScales(self): ''' This method updates the self.robotObject vars. :return: None ''' if self.isObjectDetected: if not self.currentImageObject.didUpdateVar: self.updateTowerScales() self.currentImageObject.didUpdateVar = True self.robotObject.distanceFromTower = self.currentImageObject.distanceFromCamera self.robotObject.angle = self.angleHelper.getAngle(self.currentImageObject.distanceFromCamera, self.currentImageObject.objectWidth, self.focalLength, self.currentImageObject.objectHeight) self.robotObject.XPosition = self.distanceHelper.getXRobotPosition(self.robotObject) self.robotObject.Yposition = self.distanceHelper.getYRobotPosition(self.robotObject)
class VisionManager(object): ''' A class that manages all the computer vision for the FRC 2016. ''' def __init__(self, minColor, maxColor, minimumBoundingRectSize, cam, knownHeight, knownWidth, focalLength, robotMeasurements, TOWER_HEIGHT, centerUWidth, currentUWidthDistance, HAX, HAY): ''' This method initialising the variables for the VisionManager instance. :param minColor: The min color to be passed in the mask. (in the format: np.array([B,G,R])). :param maxColor: The max color to be passed in the mask. (in the format: np.array([B,G,R])). :param minimumBoundingRectSize: The minimum contour area to be considered as an object. :param cam: A cv2.VideoCapture instance, to be used as the input camera. :param robotMeasurements: The measurements of the robot, in the format: - robotMeasurements[0] is the robot height - robotMeasurements[1] is the robot width - robotMeasurements[2] is the robot length MARK: AngleHelper, DistanceHelper init vars. :param focalLength: The focal length of the object (U). :param knownHeight: The real life height of the object (U). :param knownWidth: The real life width of the object (U). :param TOWER_HEIGHT: The height of the tower. :param centerUWidth: The U width as it looks in the camera when it is in the center (in pixels). :param currentUWidthDistance: The distance which the centerUWidth was calculated from. :param HAX: The head angle of the camera (x). :param HAY: The head angle of the camera (y). :return: None ''' self.angleHelper = AngleHelper(knownWidth, knownHeight, centerUWidth, currentUWidthDistance) self.distanceHelper = DistanceHelper(knownHeight, focalLength) self.TOWER_HEIGHT = TOWER_HEIGHT self.KNOWN_HEIGHT = knownHeight self.KNOWN_WIDTH = knownWidth # MARK: Images. self.currentImage = None self.maskedImage = None self.threshImage = None self.isObjectDetected = False # is self detected an object (U). # Mark: Scales. self.currentImageObject = None # The current biggest Object in the masked image (probably the tower). self.imageHeight = None self.imageWidth = None self.minimumBoundingRectSize = minimumBoundingRectSize self.minColor = minColor self.maxColor = maxColor = cam self.robotObject = RobotObject(robotMeasurements[0], robotMeasurements[1], robotMeasurements[2]) self.focalLength = focalLength self.HAX = HAX self.HAY = HAY def __setImageScales(self): ''' This private method sets the scales of the image(self.currentImage). This method is auto called, and should not be called manually. :return: None ''' height, width = self.currentImage.shape[:2] self.imageHeight = height self.imageWidth = width def updateImage(self): ''' This method updates the current image of the VisionManager instance. :return: None. ''' if self.isObjectDetected: self.currentImageObject.didUpdateVar = False didGetImage, frame = # frame = cv2.resize(frame, (320,240), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) if didGetImage: if self.currentImage == None and self.imageHeight == None and self.imageWidth == None: self.currentImage = frame self.__setImageScales() else: self.currentImage = frame else: logger.error("Couldn't Read Image from!") def updateMaskThresh(self): ''' This method updates self.maskedImage, self.threshImage, using self.currentImage. :return: None ''' hsv = cv2.cvtColor(self.currentImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # Threshold the HSV image to get only blue colors. mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, self.minColor, self.maxColor) # Bitwise-AND mask and original image. res = cv2.bitwise_and(self.currentImage, self.currentImage, mask=mask) self.maskedImage = res thresh = cv2.threshold(mask, 25, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] # dilate the threshed image to fill in holes, then find contours on thresholded image. thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=2) self.threshImage = thresh def calculateBoundingRect(self): ''' This method calculates the bounding rect of the biggest object that matches the min-max colors in self.current_image. :return: None if no object, else the bounding rect in the format of (x, y, w, h). ''' self.updateMaskThresh() thresh = self.threshImage (cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if cnts: c = max(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea) if cv2.contourArea(c) > self.minimumBoundingRectSize: self.isObjectDetected = True return cv2.boundingRect(c) else: self.isObjectDetected = False else: self.isObjectDetected = False return None def updateTowerScales(self): ''' This method updates the vars holding the scales and distance from camera of the object. :return: None ''' boundingRect = self.calculateBoundingRect() if boundingRect is not None: (x, y, w, h) = boundingRect if self.currentImageObject is None: DFC = self.distanceHelper.getDistanceFromTower( h, self.robotObject, self.TOWER_HEIGHT) self.currentImageObject = ImageObject(w, h, x, y, DFC) else: DFC = self.distanceHelper.getDistanceFromTower( h, self.robotObject, self.TOWER_HEIGHT) self.currentImageObject.objectHeight = h self.currentImageObject.objectWidth = w self.currentImageObject.objectX = x self.currentImageObject.objectY = y self.currentImageObject.distanceFromCamera = DFC azimuthalAngle = self.distanceHelper.getAzimuthalAngle( [self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight], self.currentImageObject, self.HAX) polarAngle = self.distanceHelper.getPolarAngle( [self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight], self.currentImageObject, self.HAY) self.currentImageObject.azimathalAngle = azimuthalAngle self.currentImageObject.polarAngle = polarAngle self.currentImageObject.didUpdateVar = True def updateRobotScales(self): ''' This method updates the self.robotObject vars. :return: None ''' if self.isObjectDetected: if not self.currentImageObject.didUpdateVar: self.updateTowerScales() self.currentImageObject.didUpdateVar = True self.robotObject.distanceFromTower = self.currentImageObject.distanceFromCamera self.robotObject.angle = self.angleHelper.getAngle( self.currentImageObject.distanceFromCamera, self.currentImageObject.objectWidth, self.focalLength, self.currentImageObject.objectHeight) self.robotObject.XPosition = self.distanceHelper.getXRobotPosition( self.robotObject) self.robotObject.Yposition = self.distanceHelper.getYRobotPosition( self.robotObject)