Example #1
def embed_graph(ccfn, fgfn, embedfn, dim=10):
    ccfn - connected components file with numpy arrray
    fgfn - mat file with the fibergraph
    embedfn - full file name of output file to be saved
    dim - desired dimension for the embedding

    vcc = lcc.ConnectedComponent(fn=ccfn)
    # Load the fibergraph
    # Now get the subgraph for the lcc, binarize and symmetrize
    G = vcc.induced_subgraph(loadmat(fgfn)['fibergraph'])
    G.data = np.ones_like(G.data)  # Binarize
    G = G + G.T  # Symmetrize

    e = Embed.Embed(dim, matrix=Embed.self_matrix)

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(embedfn)):
        print "Creating svd directory: %s" % os.path.dirname(embedfn)
    np.save(embedfn, e.embed(G).get_scaled())