Example #1
    Conn, Addr = S.accept()
    with Conn:
        #Accepts a file name from the client and makes them repeat it if they entered
        #an incorrect filename
        while True:
            Filename = Conn.recv(4096)
            Filename = MyIO.TrimSocket(Filename)
            FileText = MyIO.ReadFile(Filename)
            if(FileText == ""):
                Conn.sendall(bytes("bad", "utf-8"))
                Conn.sendall(bytes("good", "utf-8"))
        #Sets the private key of the server
        MyPrivKey = Encryption.PrivateKey(d, n)
        #Sends the public key
        Conn.send(bytes(str(e) + " " + str(n), "utf-8"))
        #Sets the client's public key
        publickey = MyIO.TrimSocket(Conn.recv(4096))
        ce = int(publickey.split()[0])
        cn = int(publickey.split()[1])
        MyPubKey = Encryption.PublicKey(ce, cn)
        #Signs the message being sent to the client
        SignedMessage = MyPrivKey.DigitallySign(FileText)
        #Encrypts the message with the client's public key
        EncryptedMessage = MyPubKey.Encrypt(SignedMessage)
        #Sends the signed message to the client
        Conn.sendall(bytes(EncryptedMessage, "utf-8"))
Example #2
DestinationFilename = MyIO.GetNewFile("Enter the name of the file you want to store the results in: ")
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as S:
    S.connect((Host, Port))
    #Gets the file to request from the server
    while True:
        Filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to get from the server: ")
        S.sendall(bytes(Filename, "utf-8"))
        Good = S.recv(4096)
        Good = MyIO.TrimSocket(Good)
        if(Good == "good"):
            print("You've entered an invalid file name. Please try again.")
    #Sets the server's public key
    publickey = MyIO.TrimSocket(S.recv(4096))
    e = int(publickey.split()[0])
    n = int(publickey.split()[1])
    MyPubKey = Encryption.PublicKey(e, n)
    #Sets the client's private key
    MyPrivKey = Encryption.PrivateKey(MyD, MyN)
    #Sends the client's public key
    S.sendall(bytes(str(MyE) + " " + str(MyN), "utf-8"))
    #Receives the signed and encrypted message
    Message = MyIO.TrimSocket(S.recv(1048576))
    #Decrypts the message
    Message = MyPrivKey.Decrypt(Message)
    #Decrypts the hash, verifies it, and stores it in a file
    SignedHash = Message.split("Hash:")[1]
    Message = Message.split("Hash:")[0]
    MyPubKey.DecryptHash(Message, SignedHash, DestinationFilename)