Example #1
        def addEnemy( room ):
            if room.isLeaf == False:
            if room == playerRoom:

            prob = 1.4

            while random.random() < prob:
                rect = room.rect
                while True:
                    pos = rect.p1 + ( rect.dim * Math2D.Point( random.uniform( 0.2, 0.8 ), random.uniform( 0.2, 0.8 ) ) )
                    pos = Math2D.IntPoint( pos )

                    if not self.world._map.isBlocked( pos.x, pos.y ):

                enemy = Entity()
                enemy.target = player
                enemy.onRemove.append( self.addScore )
                enemy.addComponent( Position( pos.x, pos.y ) )
                enemy.addComponent( TurnTaker( ai = TurnTakerAi() ) )
                enemy.addComponent( Renderable( chr(1) ) )
                enemy.addComponent( CharacterComponent( random.choice( enemyCharacter ) ) )
                self.world.addEntity( enemy )

                prob *= 0.7
Example #2
File: Mob.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def live(m, p, rDetec, dt):
        # recuperation de la position du mob
        mX, mY = Entity.getPosition(m)
        mvX, mvY = Entity.getSpeed(m)
        keepSameDirection = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
        if not keepSameDirection: 
                direction = [(0,8),(0,-8),(-16,0),(16,0)]
                mvX, mvY = direction[random.randint(0,3)]

        # Gestion des transitions
        oldState = m["state"]
        newState = state(m, p, rDetec)

        if oldState != newState:
                transition = True
                transition = False

        if newState == "angry" and transition == True:
                mvX, mvY = 2*mvX, 2*mvY
        elif newState == "freeze" and transition == True:
                mvX, mvY = 0, 0

        Entity.setSpeed(m, mvX, mvY)

        return Entity.simulate(m, dt)
Example #3
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def launchArrow(r, entity):
        arrow = Arrow.create()
        ax, ay = Entity.getPosition(entity)
        evx, evy = Entity.getDirection(entity)
        ax, ay = ax + evx, ay + evy
        Arrow.setPosition(arrow, ax, ay)
        Arrow.setSpeed(arrow, evx*60, evy*30)
        Arrow.setDamage(arrow, Entity.getDamage(entity)*Entity.getStrength(entity))
Example #4
File: Game.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def interact(g, settings, keyRead):
        # Actualiser les nouvelles touches du fichier settings:   
        keyM = g["keyManager"]
        for keyName in keyM:
                for k in settings:
                        if keyName == k:
                                keyM[keyName] = settings[k]      

        player = Dungeon.getPlayer(g["dungeon"])
        playerSpeedValue = 15

        if keyM["Up"] == keyRead:
                Entity.setSpeed(player, 0, -playerSpeedValue)
        elif keyM["Down"] == keyRead:
                Entity.setSpeed(player, 0, playerSpeedValue)
        elif keyM["Left"] == keyRead:
                Entity.setSpeed(player, -playerSpeedValue*2, 0)
        elif keyM["Right"] == keyRead:
                Entity.setSpeed(player, playerSpeedValue*2, 0)
        elif keyM["Shoot"] == keyRead:
                Dungeon.launchArrow(g["dungeon"], player)
        elif keyM["Chest"] == keyRead:
Example #5
    def execute(self, *arg, **kw):

        if hasattr(self,'_Connection__close_with_result'):
            tmp = self._Connection__close_with_result

        if hasattr(self,'__close_with_result'):
            tmp2 = self.__close_with_result

            if not self.is_refreshing:
                self.is_refreshing = True
                Entity.refresh_views(arg[0], self)
        except Exception, instance:
            print "Unexpected error while performing refresh:", instance
Example #6
File: Mob.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def state(m, p, rDetec):
        # recuperation de la position du mob
        mX, mY = Entity.getPosition(m)
        # recuperation de la position du joueur 
        pX, pY = Entity.getPosition(p)
        # Position du joueur par rapport au mob:
        playerPosition = math.sqrt((pX-mX)**2 + (pY-mY)**2)
        if playerPosition <= rDetec:
                m["state"] = "angry"
                m["state"] = "freeze"
        return m["state"]
Example #7
File: Game.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def run(g, dt):
        if Dungeon.run(g["dungeon"], dt) == "win":
		return "win"

        player = Dungeon.getPlayer(g["dungeon"])
        if Entity.getHealth(player) <= 0:
                return "lose"
        return "run"
Example #8
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def show(r):
        # Affichage du fond
        for y in range(0, len(r["background"])):
                for x in range(0, len(r["background"][y])):
                        Utils.goto(x+2, y+2)
        # Affichage des coffres
        for currentChest in r["chests"]:
                x, y = Chest.getPosition(currentChest)
                Utils.goto(x+2, y+2)
        # Affichage des entités
        for currentEntity in r["entity"]:
        # Affichage des projectiles
        for currentArrow in r["arrows"]:
Example #9
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def getEntityByPosition(r, x, y, skipEntity = None):
        # On parcourt la liste des entités de la salle
        for currentEntity in r["entity"]:
                if currentEntity != skipEntity:
                        ex, ey = Entity.getPosition(currentEntity)
                        ex, ey = int(round(ex)), int(round(ey))
                        if (ex, ey) == (int(round(x)), int(round(y))):
                                return currentEntity
        return -1
Example #10
File: Game.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def show(g):
        # -- Interface du joueur --
        player = Dungeon.getPlayer(g["dungeon"])
        offsetX = 84
        offsetY = 2
        # Clear
        for i in range(1, 41):
                Utils.goto(offsetX, i+1)
                Utils.write(29*" "+"\n")

        # Link
        Utils.goto(offsetX+1, offsetY+1)
        Utils.write("Link", "green")
        # Health
        health = Entity.getHealth(player)
        maxHealth = Entity.getMaxHealth(player)
        Utils.goto(offsetX+1, offsetY+3)
        Utils.write("Health : " + str(health) + " / " + str(maxHealth))
        Utils.goto(offsetX+1, offsetY+4)
        healthBar = int(round((health/maxHealth)*10))*"♥ "
        Utils.write(healthBar.decode("utf-8"), "red")
        # Strength
        strength = Entity.getStrength(player)
        Utils.goto(offsetX+1, offsetY+6)
        Utils.write("Strength : + " + str(int((strength-1)*100)) + "%")
        # Resistance
        resistance = Entity.getResistance(player)
        Utils.goto(offsetX+1, offsetY+8)
        Utils.write("Resistance : + " + str(int((resistance-1)*100)) + "%")
        # Damage
        damage = Entity.getDamage(player)
        Utils.goto(offsetX+1, offsetY+10)
        Utils.write("Damage : " + str(damage))
Example #11
def show(a):
        direction = Entity.getDirection(a)
        sprite = "*"
        if direction == (1, 0):
                sprite = "→"
        elif direction == (-1, 0):
                sprite = "←"
        elif direction == (0, 1):
                sprite = "↓"
        elif direction == (0, -1):
                sprite = "↑"
        Utils.goto(int(round(a["x"]+2)), int(round(a["y"]+2)))
Example #12
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def create(dungeonName, roomName):
        # -- Initialisation du dictionnaire --
        r = dict()
        # -- Parsage du fichier XML correspondant --
        path = "./assets/rooms/" + dungeonName + "/" + roomName + ".xml"
        doc = parse(path)
        rootBeacon = doc.documentElement

        # Récupération du background
        background = rootBeacon.getElementsByTagName("background")[0].firstChild.nodeValue.split("\n", 41)
        del background[0]
        del background[-1]
        for line in background:

        # Récupération des mobs
        mobs = rootBeacon.getElementsByTagName("mob")
        nb_mobs = mobs.length
        for i in range(nb_mobs):
                mob = Mob.create()
                Entity.setType(mob, mobs[i].getAttribute("type"))
                Entity.setPosition(mob, int(mobs[i].getAttribute("x")), int(mobs[i].getAttribute("y")))
                Entity.setHealth(mob, int(mobs[i].getAttribute("health")))
                Entity.setStrength(mob, float(mobs[i].getAttribute("strength")))
                Entity.setResistance(mob, float(mobs[i].getAttribute("resistance")))
                Entity.setDamage(mob, int(mobs[i].getAttribute("damage")))
                Entity.setSprite(mob, strip(mobs[i].firstChild.nodeValue))
        # Récupération des coffres
        chests = rootBeacon.getElementsByTagName("chest")
        nb_chests = chests.length
        for i in range(nb_chests):
                chest = Chest.create()
                Chest.setPosition(chest, int(chests[i].getAttribute("x")), int(chests[i].getAttribute("y")))
                # Ajout des items
                items = chests[i].childNodes
                for item in items:
                        if item.nodeName == "bonus":
                                bonus = Bonus.create()
                                Bonus.setName(bonus, item.getAttribute("name"))
                                Bonus.setAmount(bonus, float(item.getAttribute("amount")))
                                Chest.addBonus(chest, bonus)
                        elif item.nodeName == "bow":
                                bow = Bow.create()
                                Bow.setName(bow, item.getAttribute("name"))
                                Bow.setDamage(bow, int(item.getAttribute("damage")))
                                Bow.setSprite(bow, item.firstChild.nodeValue)
                                Chest.addItem(chest, bow)

        return r
Example #13
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def getEntityPosition(r, type):
        for currentEntity in r["entity"]:
                if Entity.getType(currentEntity) == type:
                        return Entity.getPosition(currentEntity)
Example #14
#Start Graphics

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 960))
screen_rect = screen.get_rect()
startButtonClicked = False
pauseMenuButton = False
spawning = True
buying = [False, False, False]
playerHealthCount = 100
towers = Entity.spawnTowers()
waves = Entity.Waves()
#Menu Stuff
menu = Gui.Menu("images/Pause Menu.png")
startMenu = Gui.Menu("images/Start Screen/Start Screen.png")
IntestinesBackground = Level.Sprite("images/Level1 Background.png")
while True:
    while startButtonClicked == False:
        #main menu code
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
                if startMenu.startScreenStartButton.rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
                    startButtonClicked = True
                elif startMenu.startScreenQuitButton.rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
Example #15
from random import uniform
import math
import numpy as np
import Entity
width = 800
height = 600


my_characters = []

number_of_characters = 1

for x in range(0,number_of_characters):
    my_characters[x].vel = pygame.math.Vector2(uniform(0,0.2),uniform(0,0.2))

gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))
pygame.display.set_caption('A bit Racey')

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

crashed = False
mouse_pos = pygame.math.Vector2()
flow_width = width/24
flow_height = height/24
while not crashed:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
Example #16
    def _parseEntities(self):
        entities = []

        for entity in self.mazeData['Entities']:
            newEntity = Entity()
            newEntity.id = entity['id']
            newEntity.speed = entity['speed']
            newEntity.target = entity['target']
            newEntity.preferences = entity['preferences']

            if 'direction' in entity.keys():
                newEntity.direction = entity['direction']

            newEntity.position = self._findEntityPosition(newEntity.id)


        idList = [entity['id'] for entity in self.mazeData['Entities']]
        targetList = [entity['target'] for entity in self.mazeData['Entities']]

        if 'G' not in idList:
            goal = Entity()
            goal.id = 'G'
            goal.position = self.mazeTiles.FindEntityPositionFromTiles(goal.id)

        if 'Z' in targetList and not 'Z' in idList:
            target = Entity()
            target.id = 'Z'
            target.position = self.mazeTiles.FindEntityPositionFromTiles(target.id)

        return entities
Example #17
 def __init__(self, image, ai, stats):
     self.ai = ai
Example #18
def main():
	gameRunning = True

	im = Image.open("graphics/map4.png", "r")
	pixels = list(im.getdata())
	myMap = Map(Globals.gTileSize)
	# create a map from the image
	myMap.loadMap(pixels, im.size[0], im.size[1])

	graphicsMgr = GraphicsManager(myMap)
	myPathfinder = Pathfinder(myMap)

	path = None
	startCoord = (0, 0)
	endCoord = (0, 0)

	ninja1 = Entity("ninja", myPathfinder)
	ninja2 = Entity("ninja", myPathfinder)
	ninja1.setPosition((0, 6))
	ninja2.setPosition((5, 0))

	ninjas = [ninja1, ninja2]

	Globals.gEntities = [ninja1, ninja2]

	ninja1.setPath( myPathfinder.findPath( ninja1.getTilePos(), (9, 0) ) )
	ninja2.setPath( myPathfinder.findPath( ninja2.getTilePos(), (2, 10) ) )

	selectedNinja = ninja1

	Globals.gDeltaTime = time.clock() - Globals.gDeltaTime

		for event in pygame.event.get():
			if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
			if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
				if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
			if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
				mouseTilePos = getTileCoords(event.pos, Globals.gTileSize)
				if event.button == 3:
					# set end pos
					startCoord = selectedNinja.getTilePos()
					endCoord = mouseTilePos
					path = myPathfinder.findPath(startCoord, endCoord)
					if( not path ):
						print "no path"
				elif event.button == 1:
					print "mouse coord: ", mouseTilePos
					# select ninja
					for ninja in ninjas:
						ninjaPos = ninja.getTilePos()
						if ninjaPos[0] == mouseTilePos[0] and ninjaPos[1] == mouseTilePos[1]:
							selectedNinja = ninja

		for ninja in ninjas:

		graphicsMgr.render(myMap, path, ninjas)
Example #19
    def __init__( self ):
        self.world = World.World( Map.Map( 512, 512 ) )
        self.score = 0
        self.shouldRestart = False
        self.autoSleep = False
        World.curTurn = 0

        root = RoomBuilder.build( self.world._map )
        self.root = root

        POINT_11 = Math2D.Point( 1, 1 )

        Funcs.buildMap( self.world._map, root )

        self.renderer = Systems.Renderer( self.world, Init.SCREEN_WIDTH, Init.SCREEN_HEIGHT )
        self.renderer.setMap( self.world._map )

        playerRoom = self.root.pickRandomRoom( lambda: random.random() < 0.5 )
        pos = Math2D.IntPoint( playerRoom.rect.center )

        self.actionSystem = ActionSystem( self.world, actionMap )

        self.playerAction = None
        def playerAction( __, _, wasBlocked ):
            ret = self.playerAction
            self.playerAction = None
            return ret

        player = Entity()
        player.addComponent( Position( pos.x, pos.y ) )
        player.addComponent( TurnTaker( ai = playerAction ) )
        player.addComponent( CharacterComponent( playerCharacter ) )
        player.addComponent( Renderable( chr(2) ) )
        player.addComponent( SpellCaster() )
        player.onRemove.append( self.playerDeath )
        self.world.addEntity( player )
        self.player = player

        self.renderer.player = player
        self.renderer.playerChar = player.getComponent( CharacterComponent )

        def addEnemy( room ):
            if room.isLeaf == False:
            if room == playerRoom:

            prob = 1.4

            while random.random() < prob:
                rect = room.rect
                while True:
                    pos = rect.p1 + ( rect.dim * Math2D.Point( random.uniform( 0.2, 0.8 ), random.uniform( 0.2, 0.8 ) ) )
                    pos = Math2D.IntPoint( pos )

                    if not self.world._map.isBlocked( pos.x, pos.y ):

                enemy = Entity()
                enemy.target = player
                enemy.onRemove.append( self.addScore )
                enemy.addComponent( Position( pos.x, pos.y ) )
                enemy.addComponent( TurnTaker( ai = TurnTakerAi() ) )
                enemy.addComponent( Renderable( chr(1) ) )
                enemy.addComponent( CharacterComponent( random.choice( enemyCharacter ) ) )
                self.world.addEntity( enemy )

                prob *= 0.7

        #t = playerRoom
        #playerRoom = None
        #addEnemy( t )
        self.root.iterateTree( addEnemy, None )
        self.curTurn = 0

Example #20
	def add_entity(self, x, y):
		new = Entity(x, y)
		new.id = self.id
		self.id += 1
Example #21
from MainMenu import *
from Town import *
from Entity import *
from Monster import*
from PlayerTurn import*
from PlayerAbilities import *
from Abilities import *
from Combat import*


Name=input("What is your Character's Name: ")
# Reminder.. Player: ( Name , Hp , En , Stats , Buffs , Potions , Coins , Lvl , Exp , Lvl Points )
Player = Player (Name,[100,100],[5,5],[2,0,2],[],[0,0],0,2,[0,0],0)
Monster = Entity ("Wolf",[15,15],[3,3],[2,2,0],[])



Example #22
def live(p, dt):
    return Entity.simulate(p, dt)
Example #23
import Entity
import Stats

BugBear = Entity.Organism("Some Guy", Stats.Being, (51, 51), "gfx/guy.png")

List = {BugBear: 5}

def Load():
    BugBear.body.create("Head", "Torso", "Arm")
Example #24
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.file = file
        self.spriteBanks = []
        self.templates = {}

        with open(self.file) as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)

            # Register the related frames
            if 'imageBanks' in data.keys():
                for b in data["imageBanks"]:

                    #create new bank
                    bank = SpriteBank(b["id"], b["file"])
                    pyxel.image(b["id"]).load(0, 0, b["file"])

                    #add sprites
                    for s in b["sprites"]:
                            Sprite(Vector2f(s["pos_x"], s["pos_y"]),
                                   Vector2f(s["width"], s["height"]),
                                   Vector2f(s["pivot_x"], s["pivot_y"]),
                                   s["transparent"]), s["id"])
                print("Warning: EntityFactory: no 'imageBanks' in " +

            # create entity
            if ('entities' in data.keys()):
                for name in data["entities"].keys():
                    templateData = data["entities"][name]
                    template = Entity()

                    # basic information
                    template.size.x = templateData["size_x"]
                    template.size.y = templateData["size_y"]

                    if ('rigidbody' in templateData):
                        template.addComponent('RigidBody', RigidBody())

                    # rendering informations
                    if ('renderer' in templateData):
                        palette = templateData["renderer"]["imageBank"]
                        bank = self.spriteBanks[palette]
                        renderer = templateData["renderer"]

                        # prefab is rendered using an Animator
                        if ('animations' in renderer):
                            animations = []

                            #create the animations
                            for a in renderer["animations"]:
                                frames = []
                                for f in a["frames"]:
                                    frame = bank.searchByName(f)
                                    if frame != None:
                                            "Warning: EntityFactory: no sprite under the name "
                                            + str(f) + ", for loading " + name)
                                    Animation(a["animationName"], bank, frames,
                                              1.0 / a["speed"], a["loop"]))

                                Animator(palette, animations,

                        # prefab is rendered using a SpriteRenderer
                        elif ('spriteList' in renderer):
                            spriteList = []
                            for s in renderer["spriteList"]:
                                sprite = bank.searchByName(s)
                                if sprite != None:
                                        "Warning: EntityFactory: no sprite under the name "
                                        + str(s) + ", for loading " + name)
                            template.addComponent('SpriteList', spriteList)
                            "Warning: EntityFactory: no component renderer for entity "
                            + name)

                    # collision informations
                    if ('colliders' in templateData):
                        colliderList = []
                        for c in templateData["colliders"]:
                            collider = Collider(c["type"])
                            collider.position = Vector2f(
                                c["pos_x"], c["pos_y"])
                            collider.size = Vector2f(c["width"], c["height"])
                        template.addComponent('ColliderList', colliderList)
                            "Warning: EntityFactory: no colliders for entity "
                            + name)

                    # scripts
                    if ('scripts' in templateData):
                        scripts = []
                        for s in templateData["scripts"]:
                                module = __import__(s["name"])
                                class_ = getattr(module, s["name"])
                                script = class_()
                                    "Warning: EntityFactory: script loading error for entity "
                                    + name)
                        template.addComponent('Scripts', scripts)

                    # register template
                    self.templates[name] = template
                print("Warning: EntityFactory: no entities in " + self.file)
Example #25
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def setEntityPosition(r, type, x, y):
        for currentEntity in r["entity"]:
                if Entity.getType(currentEntity) == type:
                        Entity.setPosition(currentEntity, x, y)
Example #26
    def did_eat(self):
        # Boolean value representing whether or not a space is empty. This matters as you don't want the apple spawning
        # on the same spot as part of the snake's body
        spaceEmpty = True
        # This conditional statement checks whether or not the apple and head of the first snake occupy the same spot
        if self.head_1.x == self.apple.x and self.head_1.y == self.apple.y:
            # The integer value of what will be the previous X value
            prevX = self.apple.x
            # The integer value of what will be the previous Y value
            prevY = self.apple.y
            # The integer value of what will be the new current X value. It is randomly generated
            currX = myround(
                random.randint(0, self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # This loop checks if the previous X value and the newly generated X value are the same, if so it will
            # generate a new one until they no longer match. This stops the apple from spawning in place
            while prevX == currX:
                currX = myround(
                    random.randint(0, self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                    10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # The integer value of what will be the new current Y value. It is randomly generated
            currY = myround(
                random.randint(0, self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # This loop checks if the previous Y value and the newly generated Y value are the same, if so it will
            # generate a new one until they no longer match. This stops the apple from spawning in place
            while prevY == currY:
                currY = myround(
                    random.randint(0, self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                    10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # The next 11 lines essentially do what the previous lines have except it checks each segements of the tail
            # so that the apple doesn't spawn in one of their spots
            for i in self.tail_1:
                if currX == i.x and currY == i.y:
                    spaceEmpty = False
                    while not spaceEmpty and prevX != currX and prevY != currY:
                        currX = myround(
                                self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale), 10 *
                            self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
                        currY = myround(
                                self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale), 10 *
                            self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
                        for j in self.tail_1:
                            if currX == j.x and currY == j.y:
                                spaceEmpty = False
                            spaceEmpty = True

            # Once all has been said and done the apple's x and y values are changed to currX and currY
            self.apple.x = currX
            self.apple.y = currY

            # A new segment is added to the end of the first player's snake
                    self.tail_1[len(self.tail_1) - 1].x * self.director.scale,
                    self.tail_1[len(self.tail_1) - 1 * self.director.scale].y,
                    9 * self.director.scale, 9 * self.director.scale,

        # This conditional statement checks whether or not the apple and  head of the second snake occupy the same spot
        if self.head_2.x == self.apple.x and self.head_2.y == self.apple.y:
            # The integer value of what will be the previous X value
            prevX = self.apple.x
            # The integer value of what will be the previous Y value
            prevY = self.apple.y
            # The integer value of what will be the new current X value. It is randomly generated
            currX = myround(
                random.randint(0, self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # This loop checks if the previous X value and the newly generated X value are the same, if so it will
            # generate a new one until they no longer match. This stops the apple from spawning in place
            while prevX == currX:
                currX = myround(
                    random.randint(0, self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                    10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # The integer value of what will be the new current Y value. It is randomly generated
            currY = myround(
                random.randint(0, self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # This loop checks if the previous Y value and the newly generated Y value are the same, if so it will
            # generate a new one until they no longer match. This stops the apple from spawning in place
            while prevY == currY:
                currY = myround(
                    random.randint(0, self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                    10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # The next 11 lines essentially do what the previous lines have except it checks each segements of the tail
            # so that the apple doesn't spawn in one of their spots
            for i in self.tail_2:
                if currX == i.x and currY == i.y:
                    spaceEmpty = False
                    while not spaceEmpty and prevX != currX and prevY != currY:
                        currX = myround(
                                self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale), 10 *
                            self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
                        currY = myround(
                                self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale), 10 *
                            self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
                        for j in self.tail_2:
                            if currX == j.x and currY == j.y:
                                spaceEmpty = False
                            spaceEmpty = True

            # Once all has been said and done the apple's x and y values are changed to currX and currY
            self.apple.x = currX
            self.apple.y = currY

            # A new segment is added to the end of the first player's snake
                    self.tail_2[len(self.tail_2) - 1].x * self.director.scale,
                    self.tail_2[len(self.tail_2) - 1 * self.director.scale].y,
                    9 * self.director.scale, 9 * self.director.scale,
Example #27
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def getPlayer(r):
        for i in range(0, len(r["entity"])):
                if(Entity.getType(r["entity"][i]) == "player"):
                        return r["entity"][i]
Example #28

    test = parser.get('level', 'map')
    print test

    map = loadMap()  # load 2d array of map
    #print map
    x, y = 0, 0  # background starting point
    mapsprite, mapblockedsprite, backoverlaysprite, frontoverlaysprite = createMapSprites(
        x, y, map, table)  # create sprite group for map
    playerTable = load_tile_table("anichar2.png", 32, 32)
    enemyTable = load_tile_table("enemy2.png", 32, 32)

    entitysprite = pygame.sprite.Group()

    entity = Entity(300, 300, 14, "Wood",
                    table[14])  # make wood entity and entity group

    entity = Entity(500, 300, 14, "Wood",
                    table[14])  # make wood entity and entity group

    entity = Entity(500, 500, 14, "Wood",
                    table[14])  # make wood entity and entity group

    enemysprite = pygame.sprite.Group()
    playersprite = createPlayerSprite(
        500, 350, playerTable)  # create sprite group for player
    player = playersprite.sprites()[0]
Example #29
    def __init__(self, director):
        Scene.__init__(self, director)
        # Boolean value that tells whether or not player one has won
        self.plyronewins = False
        # Boolean value that tells whether or not player two has won
        self.plyrtwowins = False
        # Boolean value that tells whether or not there has been a "draw"
        self.plyrdraw = False
        # A surface with the text "Draw..." printed on it using the font named "font"
        self.draw_txt = director.font.render("Draw...", True, (255, 255, 255))
        # A surface with the text "Player One Wins" printed on it using the font named "font"
        self.plyronewins_txt = director.font.render("Player One Wins", True,
                                                    (255, 255, 255))
        # A surface with the text "Player Two Wins" printed on it using the font named "font"
        self.plyrtwowins_txt = director.font.render("Player Two Wins", True,
                                                    (255, 255, 255))
        # A surface with the text "Draw" printed on it using the font named "font"
        self.plyrdraw_txt = director.font.render("Draw", True, (255, 255, 255))
        # This is a rectangle object with the size being the same as the size of the game window size
        self.screen_rect = director.screen.get_rect()
        # The font and size of the text that will be used to display text on the screen
        self.plyr = pygame.font.Font("fonts\Condition.ttf",
                                     20 * director.scale)
        # Creates a surface with the text "ctrl" printed on it using the plyr font
        self.txt = self.plyr.render("ctrl", True, (255, 255, 255))

        # These variables hold the width and height of the game window, respectively
        self.w, self.h = pygame.display.get_surface().get_size()
        # The change in x value of the first player's snake
        self.dx1 = 10 * director.scale
        # The change in y value of the first player's snake
        self.dy1 = 0
        # The change in x value of the second player's snake
        self.dx2 = -10 * director.scale
        # The change in y value of the second player's snake
        self.dy2 = 0
        # The Entity object representing the head of the first player's snake
        self.head_1 = Entity(21 * director.scale, 1 * director.scale,
                             9 * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
        # The Entity object representing the head of the second player's snake
        self.head_2 = Entity(371 * director.scale, 1 * director.scale,
                             9 * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
        # The Entity object representing the apple
        self.apple = Entity(11 * director.scale, 11 * director.scale,
                            9 * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
                            (255, 44, 44))
        # A list holding the tail segments of the first player's snake
        self.tail_1 = []
        # A list holding the tail segments of the second player's snake
        self.tail_2 = []

        # This starts off the first player's snake with two tail segments
        for i in range(1, 3):
                Entity(self.head_1.x - 10 * i * director.scale,
                       self.head_1.y * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
                       9 * director.scale, self.director.p1color))
        # This starts off the second player's snake with two tail segments
        for i in range(1, 3):
                Entity(self.head_2.x + 10 * i * director.scale,
                       self.head_2.y * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
                       9 * director.scale, self.director.p2color))
Example #30
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def openChest(r):
        player = getPlayer(r)
        px, py = Entity.getPosition(player)

        for (dx, dy) in [(-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)]:
                cx, cy = px + dx, py + dy
                chest = getChestByPosition(r, cx, cy)
                if chest != -1:
                        items = Chest.getItems(chest)
                        for item in items:
                                Chest.addItem(Player.getInventory(player), item)
                        bonus = Chest.getBonus(chest)
                        for b in bonus:
                                name = Bonus.getName(b)
                                if name == "health" and Entity.getMaxHealth(player) != Entity.getHealth(player):
                                        Entity.setHealth(player, Entity.getHealth(player) + Bonus.getAmount(b))
                                elif name == "strength":
                                        Entity.setStrength(player, Entity.getStrength(player) + Bonus.getAmount(b))
                                elif name == "resistance":
                                        Entity.setResistance(player, Entity.getResistance(player) + Bonus.getAmount(b))

Example #31
class EdiblesTwoPlayer(Scene):
    def __init__(self, director):
        Scene.__init__(self, director)
        # Boolean value that tells whether or not player one has won
        self.plyronewins = False
        # Boolean value that tells whether or not player two has won
        self.plyrtwowins = False
        # Boolean value that tells whether or not there has been a "draw"
        self.plyrdraw = False
        # A surface with the text "Draw..." printed on it using the font named "font"
        self.draw_txt = director.font.render("Draw...", True, (255, 255, 255))
        # A surface with the text "Player One Wins" printed on it using the font named "font"
        self.plyronewins_txt = director.font.render("Player One Wins", True,
                                                    (255, 255, 255))
        # A surface with the text "Player Two Wins" printed on it using the font named "font"
        self.plyrtwowins_txt = director.font.render("Player Two Wins", True,
                                                    (255, 255, 255))
        # A surface with the text "Draw" printed on it using the font named "font"
        self.plyrdraw_txt = director.font.render("Draw", True, (255, 255, 255))
        # This is a rectangle object with the size being the same as the size of the game window size
        self.screen_rect = director.screen.get_rect()
        # The font and size of the text that will be used to display text on the screen
        self.plyr = pygame.font.Font("fonts\Condition.ttf",
                                     20 * director.scale)
        # Creates a surface with the text "ctrl" printed on it using the plyr font
        self.txt = self.plyr.render("ctrl", True, (255, 255, 255))

        # These variables hold the width and height of the game window, respectively
        self.w, self.h = pygame.display.get_surface().get_size()
        # The change in x value of the first player's snake
        self.dx1 = 10 * director.scale
        # The change in y value of the first player's snake
        self.dy1 = 0
        # The change in x value of the second player's snake
        self.dx2 = -10 * director.scale
        # The change in y value of the second player's snake
        self.dy2 = 0
        # The Entity object representing the head of the first player's snake
        self.head_1 = Entity(21 * director.scale, 1 * director.scale,
                             9 * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
        # The Entity object representing the head of the second player's snake
        self.head_2 = Entity(371 * director.scale, 1 * director.scale,
                             9 * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
        # The Entity object representing the apple
        self.apple = Entity(11 * director.scale, 11 * director.scale,
                            9 * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
                            (255, 44, 44))
        # A list holding the tail segments of the first player's snake
        self.tail_1 = []
        # A list holding the tail segments of the second player's snake
        self.tail_2 = []

        # This starts off the first player's snake with two tail segments
        for i in range(1, 3):
                Entity(self.head_1.x - 10 * i * director.scale,
                       self.head_1.y * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
                       9 * director.scale, self.director.p1color))
        # This starts off the second player's snake with two tail segments
        for i in range(1, 3):
                Entity(self.head_2.x + 10 * i * director.scale,
                       self.head_2.y * director.scale, 9 * director.scale,
                       9 * director.scale, self.director.p2color))

    def on_event(self, event):
        # This conditional statement that if either the W key is pressed down and if the first player's snake
        # is not moving on the y-axis then have it start moving up on the y axis cease movement on the x axis
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_w and self.dy1 == 0:
            self.dy1 = -10 * self.director.scale
            self.dx1 = 0
        # This conditional statement that if either the S key is pressed down and if the first player's snake
        # is not moving on the y-axis then have it start moving down on the y axis cease movement on the x axis
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_s and self.dy1 == 0:
            self.dy1 = 10 * self.director.scale
            self.dx1 = 0
        # This conditional statement that if either the A key is pressed down and if the first player's snake
        # is not moving on the x-axis then have it start moving left on the x axis cease movement on the y axis
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_a and self.dx1 == 0:
            self.dx1 = -10 * self.director.scale
            self.dy1 = 0
        # This conditional statement that if either the D key is pressed down and if the first player's snake
        # is not moving on the x-axis then have it start moving right on the x axis cease movement on the y axis
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_d and self.dx1 == 0:
            self.dx1 = 10 * self.director.scale
            self.dy1 = 0

        # This conditional statement that if either the Up key is pressed down and if the second player's snake
        # is not moving on the y-axis then have it start moving up on the y axis cease movement on the x axis
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_UP and self.dy2 == 0:
            self.dy2 = -10 * self.director.scale
            self.dx2 = 0
        # This conditional statement that if either the Down key is pressed down and if the second player's snake
        # is not moving on the y-axis then have it start moving down on the y axis cease movement on the x axis
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and self.dy2 == 0:
            self.dy2 = 10 * self.director.scale
            self.dx2 = 0
        # This conditional statement that if either the A key is pressed down and if the second player's snake
        # is not moving on the x-axis then have it start moving left on the x axis cease movement on the y axis
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and self.dx2 == 0:
            self.dx2 = -10 * self.director.scale
            self.dy2 = 0
        # This conditional statement that if either the D key is pressed down and if the second player's snake
        # is not moving on the x-axis then have it start moving right on the x axis cease movement on the y axis
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and self.dx2 == 0:
            self.dx2 = 10 * self.director.scale
            self.dy2 = 0
        # If the R button is pressed down then the scene is changed to a new instance of the Two Player Mode
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_r:
            # Causes the currently playing song to stop playing
            # Loads the song
            # Plays the loaded song indefinitely
        #  If either of the control buttons are pressed then the scene is chagned to the Title Screen and the Two
        # Player Mode is reset by creating a new instance of it
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and (event.key == pygame.K_LCTRL
                                             or event.key == pygame.K_RCTRL):
            # Causes the currently playing song to stop playing
            self.director.scenes[2] = EdiblesTwoPlayer(self.director)

    def on_update(self):
        # The fps (frames per second) is changed to 15
        self.director.fps = 15

        # This conditional statement checks to see if none of the win states have been met, and if so, execute the
        # following code
        if not self.plyronewins and not self.plyrtwowins and not self.plyrdraw:
            # Calling the did_eat function

            # update position of the first tail's elements
            for i in range(len(self.tail_1) - 1, 0, -1):
                self.tail_1[i].x = self.tail_1[i - 1].x
                self.tail_1[i].y = self.tail_1[i - 1].y
            self.tail_1[0].x, self.tail_1[0].y = (self.head_1.x, self.head_1.y)
            # The following two lines update the x and y position of the first snake's head
            self.head_1.x += self.dx1
            self.head_1.y += self.dy1
            # The following three lines ensure that the head and tail of the snake are the proper color as the color
            # can change if the player picks a new color on the configuration screen
            self.head_1.color = self.director.p1color
            for i in self.tail_1:
                i.color = self.director.p1color
            # Calling of the is_collide function
            # Checks if any of the game win / game over states and have been met and if so then the function ceases to
            # execute
            if self.plyrdraw or self.plyronewins or self.plyrtwowins:
            # update position of the second tail's elements
            for i in range(len(self.tail_2) - 1, 0, -1):
                self.tail_2[i].x = self.tail_2[i - 1].x
                self.tail_2[i].y = self.tail_2[i - 1].y
            self.tail_2[0].x, self.tail_2[0].y = (self.head_2.x, self.head_2.y)
            # The following two lines update the x and y position of the first snake's head
            self.head_2.x += self.dx2
            self.head_2.y += self.dy2
            # The following three lines ensure that the head and tail of the snake are the proper color as the color
            # can change if the player picks a new color on the configuration screen
            self.head_2.color = self.director.p2color
            for i in self.tail_2:
                i.color = self.director.p2color
            # Calling of the is_collide function

            # Checks if any of the game win / game over states and have been met and if so then the function ceases to
            # execute
            if self.plyrdraw or self.plyronewins or self.plyrtwowins:

    def on_draw(self, screen):
        # Changes every pixel in the window to black. This is done to wipe the screen and set it up for drawing a new
        # frame
        self.director.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        # Calls the draw_grid function
        # Calls the apple Entity's draw function
        # Calls the head Entity's draw function
        # Calls the head Entity's draw function
        # Calls the print_tail function
        # This conditional statement executes if player one has won
        if self.plyronewins:
            # The text "Player One Wins" is printed to the middle of the screen
            # Creates a surface with the text "ctrl" print on it using the plyr font
            self.txt = self.plyr.render("ctrl", True, (255, 255, 255))
            # draws a round rectangle to the top left corner of the screen
                screen, (255, 255, 255),
                pygame.Rect(0 * self.director.scale, 0 * self.director.scale,
                            63 * self.director.scale,
                            30 * self.director.scale), 9 * self.director.scale,
                3 * self.director.scale)
            # The text ctrl is printed in the top left corner of the screen
                        (25 * self.director.scale, 7 * self.director.scale))
            #Draws a filled triangle to the screen with the points being at the specified coordinates
            gfxdraw.filled_trigon(screen, 5 * self.director.scale,
                                  15 * self.director.scale,
                                  20 * self.director.scale,
                                  22 * self.director.scale,
                                  20 * self.director.scale,
                                  8 * self.director.scale, (255, 150, 44))
            #Draws an anti-aliased triangle outline with the points being at the specified coordinates
            gfxdraw.aatrigon(screen, 5 * self.director.scale,
                             15 * self.director.scale,
                             20 * self.director.scale,
                             22 * self.director.scale,
                             20 * self.director.scale, 8 * self.director.scale,
                             (255, 150, 44))
        # This conditional statement executes if player two has won
        if self.plyrtwowins:
            # The text "Player Two Wins" is printed to the middle of the screen
            # Creates a surface with the text "ctrl" print on it using the plyr font
            self.txt = self.plyr.render("ctrl", True, (255, 255, 255))
            # draws a round rectangle to the top left corner of the screen
                screen, (255, 255, 255),
                pygame.Rect(0 * self.director.scale, 0 * self.director.scale,
                            63 * self.director.scale,
                            30 * self.director.scale), 9 * self.director.scale,
                3 * self.director.scale)
            # The text ctrl is printed in the top left corner of the screen
                        (25 * self.director.scale, 7 * self.director.scale))
            #Draws a filled triangle to the screen with the points being at the specified coordinates
            gfxdraw.filled_trigon(screen, 5 * self.director.scale,
                                  15 * self.director.scale,
                                  20 * self.director.scale,
                                  22 * self.director.scale,
                                  20 * self.director.scale,
                                  8 * self.director.scale, (255, 150, 44))
            #Draws an anti-aliased triangle outline with the points being at the specified coordinates
            gfxdraw.aatrigon(screen, 5 * self.director.scale,
                             15 * self.director.scale,
                             20 * self.director.scale,
                             22 * self.director.scale,
                             20 * self.director.scale, 8 * self.director.scale,
                             (255, 150, 44))
        #  This conditional statement executes if there has been a draw
        if self.plyrdraw:
            # Creates a surface with the text "ctrl" print on it using the plyr font
            self.txt = self.plyr.render("ctrl", True, (255, 255, 255))
            # The text "draw" is printed to the middle of the screen
            # draws a round rectangle to the top left corner of the screen
                screen, (255, 255, 255),
                pygame.Rect(0 * self.director.scale, 0 * self.director.scale,
                            63 * self.director.scale,
                            30 * self.director.scale), 9 * self.director.scale,
                3 * self.director.scale)
            # The text ctrl is printed in the top left corner of the screen
                        (25 * self.director.scale, 7 * self.director.scale))
            #Draws a filled triangle to the screen with the points being at the specified coordinates
            gfxdraw.filled_trigon(screen, 5 * self.director.scale,
                                  15 * self.director.scale,
                                  20 * self.director.scale,
                                  22 * self.director.scale,
                                  20 * self.director.scale,
                                  8 * self.director.scale, (255, 150, 44))
            #Draws an anti-aliased triangle outline with the points being at the specified coordinates
            gfxdraw.aatrigon(screen, 5 * self.director.scale,
                             15 * self.director.scale,
                             20 * self.director.scale,
                             22 * self.director.scale,
                             20 * self.director.scale, 8 * self.director.scale,
                             (255, 150, 44))

    def print_tails(self, screen):
        # This draws each of the first snake's tail segments to the screen
        for i in range(len(self.tail_1)):
            pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.tail_1[i].color,
        # This draws each of the second snake's tail segments to the screen
        for i in range(len(self.tail_2)):
            pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.tail_2[i].color,

    def draw_grid(self, screen):
        #Draws the grid lines to the screen
        for i in range(40):  # draw vertical grid lines
            pygame.draw.line(screen, (56, 56, 56),
                             (i * 10 * self.director.scale, 0),
                             (i * 10 * self.director.scale, self.h))

        for i in range(40):  # draw horizontal grid lines
            pygame.draw.line(screen, (56, 56, 56),
                             (0, i * 10 * self.director.scale),
                             (self.w, i * 10 * self.director.scale))

    # This function decides whether or not an apple has been eaten by the snake and if so it then adds a new segment to
    # the snake and spawns in a new apple
    def did_eat(self):
        # Boolean value representing whether or not a space is empty. This matters as you don't want the apple spawning
        # on the same spot as part of the snake's body
        spaceEmpty = True
        # This conditional statement checks whether or not the apple and head of the first snake occupy the same spot
        if self.head_1.x == self.apple.x and self.head_1.y == self.apple.y:
            # The integer value of what will be the previous X value
            prevX = self.apple.x
            # The integer value of what will be the previous Y value
            prevY = self.apple.y
            # The integer value of what will be the new current X value. It is randomly generated
            currX = myround(
                random.randint(0, self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # This loop checks if the previous X value and the newly generated X value are the same, if so it will
            # generate a new one until they no longer match. This stops the apple from spawning in place
            while prevX == currX:
                currX = myround(
                    random.randint(0, self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                    10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # The integer value of what will be the new current Y value. It is randomly generated
            currY = myround(
                random.randint(0, self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # This loop checks if the previous Y value and the newly generated Y value are the same, if so it will
            # generate a new one until they no longer match. This stops the apple from spawning in place
            while prevY == currY:
                currY = myround(
                    random.randint(0, self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                    10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # The next 11 lines essentially do what the previous lines have except it checks each segements of the tail
            # so that the apple doesn't spawn in one of their spots
            for i in self.tail_1:
                if currX == i.x and currY == i.y:
                    spaceEmpty = False
                    while not spaceEmpty and prevX != currX and prevY != currY:
                        currX = myround(
                                self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale), 10 *
                            self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
                        currY = myround(
                                self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale), 10 *
                            self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
                        for j in self.tail_1:
                            if currX == j.x and currY == j.y:
                                spaceEmpty = False
                            spaceEmpty = True

            # Once all has been said and done the apple's x and y values are changed to currX and currY
            self.apple.x = currX
            self.apple.y = currY

            # A new segment is added to the end of the first player's snake
                    self.tail_1[len(self.tail_1) - 1].x * self.director.scale,
                    self.tail_1[len(self.tail_1) - 1 * self.director.scale].y,
                    9 * self.director.scale, 9 * self.director.scale,

        # This conditional statement checks whether or not the apple and  head of the second snake occupy the same spot
        if self.head_2.x == self.apple.x and self.head_2.y == self.apple.y:
            # The integer value of what will be the previous X value
            prevX = self.apple.x
            # The integer value of what will be the previous Y value
            prevY = self.apple.y
            # The integer value of what will be the new current X value. It is randomly generated
            currX = myround(
                random.randint(0, self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # This loop checks if the previous X value and the newly generated X value are the same, if so it will
            # generate a new one until they no longer match. This stops the apple from spawning in place
            while prevX == currX:
                currX = myround(
                    random.randint(0, self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                    10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # The integer value of what will be the new current Y value. It is randomly generated
            currY = myround(
                random.randint(0, self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # This loop checks if the previous Y value and the newly generated Y value are the same, if so it will
            # generate a new one until they no longer match. This stops the apple from spawning in place
            while prevY == currY:
                currY = myround(
                    random.randint(0, self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale),
                    10 * self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
            # The next 11 lines essentially do what the previous lines have except it checks each segements of the tail
            # so that the apple doesn't spawn in one of their spots
            for i in self.tail_2:
                if currX == i.x and currY == i.y:
                    spaceEmpty = False
                    while not spaceEmpty and prevX != currX and prevY != currY:
                        currX = myround(
                                self.w / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale), 10 *
                            self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
                        currY = myround(
                                self.h / 10 - 10 * self.director.scale), 10 *
                            self.director.scale) * 10 + 1 * self.director.scale
                        for j in self.tail_2:
                            if currX == j.x and currY == j.y:
                                spaceEmpty = False
                            spaceEmpty = True

            # Once all has been said and done the apple's x and y values are changed to currX and currY
            self.apple.x = currX
            self.apple.y = currY

            # A new segment is added to the end of the first player's snake
                    self.tail_2[len(self.tail_2) - 1].x * self.director.scale,
                    self.tail_2[len(self.tail_2) - 1 * self.director.scale].y,
                    9 * self.director.scale, 9 * self.director.scale,

    def is_collide(self):
        # This conditional statement checks if the head of the two snakes occupy the same space. If so it sets the
        # player draw variable to true and ends the execution of the method
        if self.head_1.x == self.head_2.x and self.head_1.y == self.head_2.y:
            self.plyrdraw = True
            # Causes the currently playing song to stop playing

        # This loop iterates through each tail segment in the first snake's tail
        for i in self.tail_1:
            # This conditional statement checks if the current tail segment and the head of the second snake occupy the
            # same space. If so it sets the player one wins variable to true
            if self.head_2.x == i.x and self.head_2.y == i.y:
                self.plyronewins = True
                # Causes the currently playing song to stop playing
            # This conditional statement checks if the first snake's head has gone out of bounds and if so then it sets
            # the player two wins variable to true
            if self.head_1.x == i.x and self.head_1.y == i.y or self.head_1.x < 0 or self.head_1.x > self.w or self.head_1.y < 0 or self.head_1.y > self.h:
                self.plyrtwowins = True
                # Causes the currently playing song to stop playing

        # This loops iterates through each tail segment in the second snake's tail
        for i in self.tail_2:
            # This conditional statement checks if the current tail segment and the head of the first snake occupy the
            # same space. If so it sets the player two wins variable to true
            if self.head_1.x == i.x and self.head_1.y == i.y:
                self.plyrtwowins = True
                # Causes the currently playing song to stop playing
            # This conditional statement checks if the second snake's head has gone out of bounds and if so then it sets
            # the player one wins variable to true
            if self.head_2.x == i.x and self.head_2.y == i.y or self.head_2.x < 0 or self.head_2.x > self.w or self.head_2.y < 0 or self.head_2.y > self.h:
                self.plyronewins = True
                # Causes the currently playing song to stop playing
Example #32
File: Game.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def restart(g):
        player = Dungeon.getPlayer(g["dungeon"])
        Entity.setHealth(player, Entity.getMaxHealth(player))
	Dungeon.generate(g["dungeon"], player)
Example #33
def MakeOrb( parent, orbType, pos ):
    orb = Entity()
    orb.addComponent( Position( pos.x, pos.y ) )
    orb.addComponent( SpellComponent( orbType, parent ) )
    orb.addComponent( SpellRenderable( orbType, parent ) )
    return orb
Example #34
def GetEntityBlueprints(entityRoot):
    """This is separate from ChangeState() because this chunk needs to be able to be recursive.
    This is necessary for the Entity_List entity to be able to hold entities (which may also
    end up being Entity_Lists, Giants may work as a special Entity_List.)
    This essentially just creates Entities recursively and stores them inside of its parent Entity
    like it's an attribute.
    @param entityRoot This is an ElementTree Node object and this is where we'll
        be using to look for the attributes (which may be entities, and if so recursion is necessary.)
    @return An Entity object that contains the attributes (which may have Entities within it) that
        were specified within the main xml file for the game."""

    entity = None

    iEntityDrawPriority = -1

    if entityRoot.find("drawPriority") != None:
        iEntityDrawPriority = int(entityRoot.find("drawPriority").text)

    #This checks to see if there is a function that exists that will assemble this entity.
    if entityRoot.find("assembleFunc") != None:
        #This will hold all of the attributes needed to assemble the entity (using the xml files to get the data later on.)
        dEntityAttribs = {}

        #This will loop through all of the attributes for the current entity
        #   Note that this only iterates over the immediate children.
        for attrib in entityRoot.find("Attributes"):

            #Sounds are ultimately stored in the AssetManager, but pointers to those sounds are within entities.
            if attrib.tag == 'Sound':
                #THis will start a new list of Sounds if we haven't already loaded one into this entity's attributes.
                if dEntityAttribs.get(attrib.tag, None) == None:
                    dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag] = {}

                #Query the AssetManager for a sound that is associated with this entity, then throw that into the dictionary of attributes!
                    attrib.attrib["name"]] = AstManager._Get_Sound(
                        attrib.attrib["name"], attrib.text)

            #Music are ultimately stored in the AssetManager, but pointers to the music is within entities.
            elif attrib.tag == 'Music':

                #THis will start a new list of Musics if we haven't already loaded one into this entity's attributes.
                if dEntityAttribs.get(attrib.tag, None) == None:
                    dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag] = {}

                    attrib.attrib["name"]] = AstManager._Get_Music(
                        attrib.attrib['name'], attrib.text)

            #Textures are ultimately stored in the AssetManager, but pointers to those textures are within entities.
            elif attrib.tag == 'Texture':

                #THis will start a new list of Textures if we haven't already loaded one into this entity's attributes.
                if dEntityAttribs.get(attrib.tag, None) == None:
                    dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag] = {}

                #Query the AssetManager for a texture that is associated with this entity, then throw that into the dictionary of attributes!
                    attrib.attrib["name"]] = AstManager._Get_Texture(
                        attrib.attrib['name'], attrib.text)

            #This is for the tileAtlas'
            elif attrib.tag == 'RenderState':

                #THis will start a new list of sf.RenderStates if we haven't already loaded one into this entity's attributes.
                if dEntityAttribs.get(attrib.tag, None) == None:
                    dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag] = {}

                #Query the AssetManager for a sf.RenderState that is associated with this entity, then throw that into the dictionary of attributes!
                    attrib.attrib["name"]] = AstManager._Get_Render_State(
                        attrib.attrib['name'], attrib.text)

            #Fonts are also in the AssetManager like textures.
            elif attrib.tag == 'Font':

                #THis will start a new list of Fonts if we haven't already loaded one into this entity's attributes.
                if dEntityAttribs.get(attrib.tag, None) == None:
                    dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag] = {}

                #Query the AssetManager for a font that is associated with this entity, then throw that into the dictionary of attributes!
                    attrib.attrib["name"]] = AstManager._Get_Font(
                        attrib.attrib['name'], attrib.text)

            #The Collision_Body needs a list of shapes represented by dictionaries of attribs for each shape. This
            #   assembles that data representation so that not just entity assemblers are required for collisidable entities.
            elif attrib.tag == 'CollisionBody':
                #THis will start a new list of CollisionShapes if we haven't already loaded one into this entity's attributes.
                if dEntityAttribs.get(attrib.tag, None) == None:
                    dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag] = {}

                #This list of shapes will define the collision body.
                lShapes = []

                #Iterate through the collision shapes
                for cShape in attrib:
                    dShapeAttribs = {}

                    for shapeAttrib in cShape:
                        dShapeAttribs[shapeAttrib.tag] = shapeAttrib.text


                #Bodies are marked by their name and are defined by a list of shapes.
                dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag][attrib.attrib["name"]] = lShapes

            #For storing entities within entities. This was originally for the EntityPQueue.
            elif attrib.tag == 'entity':

                #THis will start a new list of Entities if we haven't already loaded one into this entity's attributes.
                if dEntityAttribs.get(attrib.tag, None) == None:
                    dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag] = {}

                #Here's the one and only recursive call. The base case occurs
                #   when there aren't anymore nested Entities.
                    attrib.attrib["name"]] = GetEntityBlueprints(attrib)

                #Anything else will just be put in the dictionary as an attribute
                dEntityAttribs[attrib.tag] = attrib.text

        assembleFunc = ClassRetrieval.getClass(

        #Here we're using the Assemble*() function associated with the name of this entity to assemble the entity so that
        #we can add it to the EntityManager.
        #And all Assemble*() functions will use the same arguments(using a dictionary to allow dynamic arguments.)
        entity = assembleFunc(entityRoot.attrib['name'],
                              entityRoot.attrib['type'], iEntityDrawPriority,

        #Here we will add in a default entity instance.
        entity = Entity.Entity(entityRoot.attrib['name'],
                               entityRoot.attrib['type'], iEntityDrawPriority,

    #THis adds in the components that exist in the xml file for this entity (it allows custom/variations of entities to exist.)
    for component in entityRoot.findall('Component'):

        componentClass = ClassRetrieval.getClass(component.attrib['name'])

        #This will add in a component into the entity we just created.
        #And note that it is giving the component a dictionary of the data in the xml files.
                {DataTag.tag: DataTag.text
                 for DataTag in component}))

    return entity
Example #35
async def actions(ctx):
        player = [player for player in Entity.players if player.player_id == ctx.message.author.id][0]
        for i in range(len(player.available_commands)):
            await bot.say(str(i+1) + " - " +player.available_commands[i])
Example #36
File: Room.py Project: Neopibox/MDD
def run(r, dt):
        player = getPlayer(r)

        for currentArrow in r["arrows"]:
                newX, newY = Arrow.live(currentArrow, dt)
                if isFree(r, newX, newY):
                        Entity.setPosition(currentArrow, newX, newY)
                # Si une entité (Mob ou Joueur) a été touché, il faut lui enlever de la vie
                hurtedEntity = getEntityByPosition(r, newX, newY)
                if hurtedEntity != -1:
                        health = Entity.getHealth(hurtedEntity)
                        resistance = Entity.getResistance(hurtedEntity)
                        newHealth = health - (Arrow.getDamage(currentArrow)/resistance)
                        Entity.setHealth(hurtedEntity, newHealth)
        for currentEntity in r["entity"]:
                if Entity.getType(currentEntity) == "player":
                        newX, newY = Player.live(currentEntity, dt)
                if Entity.getType(currentEntity) == "ghost":
                        # Le ghost lance des flèches sur le joueur:
                        if random.randint(0, 100) < 2:
                                launchArrow(r, currentEntity)
                        newX, newY = Mob.live(currentEntity, player, 3, dt)
                if Entity.getType(currentEntity) == "guardian":
                        newX, newY = Mob.live(currentEntity, player, 6, dt)
                        # Le guardian lance des flèches sur le joueur:
                        if random.randint(0, 100) < 5:
                                launchArrow(r, currentEntity)
                if Entity.getType(currentEntity) == "boss":
                        newX, newY = Mob.live(currentEntity, player, 12, dt)
                        # Le boss peut lancer des fleches de maniere random
                        if random.randint(0, 100) < 20:
                                launchArrow(r, currentEntity)

                # Déplacement autorisé s'il n'y pas d'obstacle ou de mob / joueur (ni de coffres)
                if isFree(r, newX, newY) and getEntityByPosition(r, newX, newY, currentEntity) == -1 and getChestByPosition(r, newX, newY) == -1:
                        Entity.setPosition(currentEntity, newX, newY)
                # Despawn du monstre quand sa vie tombe à 0
                if Entity.getHealth(currentEntity) <= 0 and Entity.getType(currentEntity) != "player":
                # Si on a tué le Boss, alors on a gagné
                if Entity.getHealth(currentEntity) <= 0 and Entity.getType(currentEntity) == "boss":
                        Entity.setMaxHealth(player, Entity.getMaxHealth(player) + 50)
                        Entity.setHealth(player, Entity.getMaxHealth(player))
                        Entity.setStrength(player, Entity.getStrength(player) + 0.30)
                        Entity.setResistance(player, Entity.getResistance(player) + 0.20)
                        return "win"

        return ""
Example #37
def live(p, dt):
        return Entity.simulate(p, dt)
Example #38
    def main(self, lives_remaining, curr_score, currPlayerShip, currTime=0):
        '''Invokes main game state. Takes lives_remaining (lives remaining), curr_score (current score), currPlayerShip (a reference to the current player entity), and currTime (in seconds).'''

        ##Level Loader setup
        starting_events = self.loader.getEvents(0)
        ending_events = self.loader.getEndBehavior()
        player_score = curr_score
        player_lives = lives_remaining
        bg_filename = starting_events.get('background')
        if currPlayerShip:
            playerShip = currPlayerShip
            playerShip.rect.center = (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 100)
            playerShip = starting_events.get('player')
            if playerShip:
                playerShip = playerShip[0]

        ##Check for end of level conditions
        if ending_events:
            endtime = ending_events.get('time')
            spawn_boss = ending_events.get('boss')
            boss_spawned = False
            endtime = -1
            spawn_boss = False

        ##Background setup
        background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size())
        background = background.convert()
        bg, bg_rect = ASSET_MANAGER.getAsset(
        bg_size = bg.get_size()
        bg_w, bg_h = bg_size
        bg_x = 0
        bg_y = 0
        bg_x1 = 0
        bg_y1 = -bg_h
        background.blit(bg, ORIGIN)

        column = pygame.Surface((COLUMN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))

        inst_block = draw_instructions()

        #Initialize sprite groups
        player_sprites_invul = pygame.sprite.Group()
        player_sprites = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle(playerShip)
        player_bullet_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
        player_bomb_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #not sure if bombs should be on the lowest layer
        bomb_explosion_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  # the bomb explosion should damage enemies on collision, so it is on the same layer as enemies
        enemy_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
        boss_sprites = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle()
        enemy_bullet_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
        items = pygame.sprite.Group()
        explosions = pygame.sprite.Group()
        chargeShot_Anim = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle()

        going = True
        )  ##need to dump this particular return value of tick() to give accurate time.
        time_since_start = currTime * 1000  #convert to milliseconds
        next_level = True
        invul_timer = 120  ##frames of invulnerability post-death
        regen_timer = 6
        bomb_timer = 120
        time_to_end = 9999  ## No levels this long, so effectively infinity.
        ##Clock time setup
        while going:

            ##check if there is a boss spawned (to figure out when to end the level post boss death)
            if boss_spawned and time_to_end == 9999:
                if len(boss_sprites) == 0:
                    time_to_end = time_since_start // 1000 + 5
            if time_since_start // 1000 == time_to_end:
                going = False

            ##Beginning of the loop checking for death and lives remaining.
            if len(player_sprites) == 0 and not playerShip.invul_flag:
                player_lives -= 1
                if player_lives:
                    playerShip = Entity.Player(
                        MISC_SPRITES_PATH.joinpath('SweetShip.png'), "arrows")
                    playerShip.invul_flag = True
                    if self.hs_list.belongsOnList(player_score):
                        name = self.add_to_hs(
                            'You\'ve set a high score! Enter your initials!')
                        self.hs_list.add(name, player_score)
                    #break (potentially cleaner than setting going to False)
                    going = False
                    next_level = False

            ##check if the invuln timer is complete
            if invul_timer == 0 and len(player_sprites_invul) != 0:
                playerShip.invul_flag = False
                invul_timer = 120

            ##Look out for QUIT events (hitting the x in the corner of the window) or escape to quit.
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == QUIT:
                    going = False
                    next_level = False
                    pygame.mouse.set_visible(True)  ##We need the mouse here.
                elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                        # going = False
                        # next_level = False
                            True)  ##We need the mouse here.
                        going, next_level = self.ask_to_save(
                            playerShip.health, playerShip.shield,
                            playerShip.weapon.name, playerShip.bombs_remaining,
                            player_score, player_lives,
                            time_since_start // 1000)
                    if event.key == K_F12:
                        self.__fs_toggle = not self.__fs_toggle
                        if self.__fs_toggle:
                    if event.key == K_PAUSE:
                    if DEBUG:
                        if event.key == K_F2 and len(player_sprites) == 0:
                            playerShip = Entity.Player(
                        if event.key == K_F11:

            sec_running = time_since_start // 1000  #need seconds since start
            events = self.loader.getEvents(sec_running)
            enemies_to_add = []
            boss_to_add = []
            enemy_bullets_to_add = []
            items_to_add = []

            if events:
                enemies_to_add = events.get('enemy', [])
                boss_to_add = events.get('boss_sprite', [])
                enemy_bullets_to_add = events.get('bullets', [])
                items_to_add = events.get('items', [])

            if sec_running >= endtime and not spawn_boss:
                if len(enemy_sprites) == 0 and len(enemy_bullet_sprites) == 0:
                    going = False

            if enemies_to_add:
            if boss_to_add:
                boss_spawned = True
            if enemy_bullets_to_add:
            if items_to_add:

            #chargeShot specific weapon firing
            if playerShip.weapon.name in playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_dic:
                if playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_charging_flag == True:
                    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
                    if not keys[pygame.K_SPACE]:
                        playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_charging_flag = False
                        playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_firing_flag = True

            if playerShip.weapon.name in playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_dic:
                if playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_firing_flag == True:
                    if playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_counter >= 0:
                        bullet = playerShip.fire()
                        bullet.damage = playerShip.weapon.weapon_damage
                        playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_counter -= 1
                        playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_firing_flag = False

            keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            addBullet = playerShip.control(keys, FRAMERATE)
            if addBullet:
                #special behavior for chargeShot
                if playerShip.weapon.name in playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_dic:
                    #this is the chargeShot "charging" code
                    if playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_firing_flag is False:
                        playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_charging_flag = True
                        if playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_counter <= playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_counter_max:
                            playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_counter += playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_counter_rate
                            #print(playerShip.weapon.name, playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_counter)

                        if playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_anim_visible is False:
                            playerShip.weapon.chargeShot_anim_visible = True
                            new_charging = weapon.ChargingAnim(
                                playerShip.rect.centery, playerShip)

                #normal bullet behavior
                    bullet = playerShip.fire()

            if playerShip.drop_bomb_flag is True:
                bomb = playerShip.drop_bomb()
                playerShip.drop_bomb_flag = False
                playerShip.curr_bomb = bomb

            if playerShip.curr_bomb is not None and playerShip.curr_bomb.bomb_explode is True:
                new_explosion = bomb_explosion.BombExplosion(
                    playerShip.curr_bomb.centerx, playerShip.curr_bomb.centery)
                playerShip.curr_bomb.bomb_explode = False

                playerShip.curr_bomb = None

            ##Helper to call update() on each sprite in the group.
            # player_sprites.update()
            player_damage = playerShip.update()
            if player_damage:
            for sprite in enemy_sprites:
                bullet = sprite.update()
                if bullet:
            for sprite in boss_sprites:
                damage, bullets = sprite.update(playerShip.rect.center)
                if damage:
                if bullets:

            ##Collision/Out of Bounds detection.
            if player_sprites.sprite != None:
                collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(
                    player_sprites.sprite, enemy_bullet_sprites)
                if collision:
                    collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(
                        player_sprites.sprite, enemy_sprites)
                    if collision:
                        collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(
                            player_sprites.sprite, boss_sprites)
                        if collision:
                if playerShip.health <= 0:

            for sprite in items:
                collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(
                    sprite, player_sprites)
                if collision:
                    sprite.visible = 0
                    player_score += sprite.value
                    if sprite.checkWeapon():
                        upgrade = weapon.upgrade(sprite.weapon_name,
                        playerShip.weapon = weapon.Weapon(upgrade)
                    if sprite.checkBomb():
                        playerShip.bombs_remaining += 1
                    if sprite.checkHealthPack():
                        if playerShip.health < playerShip.max_health:
                            new_health = playerShip.health + playerShip.healthpack
                            if new_health >= playerShip.max_health:
                                playerShip.health = playerShip.max_health
                                playerShip.health += playerShip.healthpack

                    collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(
                        sprite, player_sprites_invul)
                    if collision:
                        sprite.visible = 0
                        if sprite.checkWeapon():
                            upgrade = weapon.upgrade(sprite.weapon_name,
                            playerShip.weapon = weapon.Weapon(upgrade)

            for sprite in enemy_sprites:
                collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(
                    sprite, player_bullet_sprites)
                if collision:

                    collision.visible = 0
                    collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(
                        sprite, bomb_explosion_sprites)
                    if collision:

                if sprite.health <= 0:
                    new_explosion = explosion.ExplosionSprite(
                        sprite.rect.centerx, sprite.rect.centery)
                    player_score += sprite.value
                    item_drop = sprite.getDrop()
                    if item_drop is not None:
                if sprite.visible == 0:

            if boss_sprites.sprite != None:
                collision_dict = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(
                    player_bullet_sprites, boss_sprites, True, False)
                for key in collision_dict:
                collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(
                    boss_sprites.sprite, bomb_explosion_sprites)
                if collision:
                if boss_sprites.sprite.health <= 0:
                    new_explosion = explosion.ExplosionSprite(
                        sprite.rect.centerx, sprite.rect.centery)
                    player_score += boss_sprites.sprite.point_value

            #sprite cleanup
            for sprite in player_bullet_sprites:
                if sprite.visible == 0:

            for sprite in enemy_bullet_sprites:
                if sprite.visible == 0:

            for sprite in explosions:
                if sprite.visible == 0:

            for sprite in player_bomb_sprites:
                if sprite.visible == 0:

            for sprite in bomb_explosion_sprites:
                if sprite.visible == 0:

            for sprite in items:
                if sprite.visible == 0:

            for sprite in chargeShot_Anim:
                if sprite.visible == 0:

            bg_y1 += 1
            bg_y += 1
            self.screen.blit(bg, (bg_x, bg_y))
            self.screen.blit(bg, (bg_x1, bg_y1))
            if bg_y > bg_h:
                bg_y = -bg_h
            if bg_y1 > bg_h:
                bg_y1 = -bg_h

            if boss_spawned and boss_sprites.sprite != None:
                boss_bar, boss_bar_rect = draw_boss_bar(
                    COLUMN_WIDTH, 50, boss_sprites.sprite.health /
                    boss_sprites.sprite.shield /
                    (COLUMN_WIDTH * 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 100))
            if boss_spawned:
                self.screen.blit(boss_bar, boss_bar_rect)

            if playerShip.invul_flag and invul_timer // 6 % 2 == 0:  ##allows visual feedback that the player is invulnerable

            c1 = self.screen.blit(column, ORIGIN)
            c2 = self.screen.blit(column, (SCREEN_WIDTH - COLUMN_WIDTH, 0))

            text = draw_text("Score: " + str(player_score), WHITE)
            self.screen.blit(text, ORIGIN)

            self.screen.blit(inst_block, (0, text.get_rect().bottom))

            if DEBUG:
                debug_text = draw_text(
                    'FPS: ' + str(round(self.clock.get_fps(), 2)), WHITE)
                debug_rect = self.screen.blit(debug_text,
                                              (0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 100))
                self.screen.blit(debug_text, debug_rect)
                mission_timer_text = draw_text(
                    'Mission Time: ' + str(sec_running), WHITE)
                mission_timer_rect = self.screen.blit(mission_timer_text,
                                                      (0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 150))
                self.screen.blit(mission_timer_text, mission_timer_rect)

            armor_bar, armor_bar_rect = draw_vertical_bar(
                RED, 50, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 400,
                (playerShip.health / playerShip.max_health),
                (COLUMN_WIDTH * 4 + 10, 200))
            shield_bar, shield_bar_rect = draw_vertical_bar(
                BLUE, 50, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 400,
                (playerShip.shield / playerShip.max_shield),
                (COLUMN_WIDTH * 4 + 70, 200))
            lives_left, lives_left_rect = draw_player_lives(
                player_lives, (COLUMN_WIDTH * 4 + 10, 10))
            bombs_left, bombs_left_rect = draw_bombs_remaining(
                playerShip.bombs_remaining, (COLUMN_WIDTH * 4 + 40, 100))

            self.screen.blit(lives_left, lives_left_rect)
            self.screen.blit(bombs_left, bombs_left_rect)
            self.screen.blit(armor_bar, armor_bar_rect)
            self.screen.blit(shield_bar, shield_bar_rect)


            time_since_start += self.clock.tick_busy_loop(FRAMERATE)
            if playerShip.invul_flag:
                invul_timer -= 1
            regen_timer -= 1
            if regen_timer == 0:
                regen_timer = 6

            if playerShip.bomb_wait == True:
                bomb_timer -= 1
                if bomb_timer == 0:
                    playerShip.bomb_wait = False
                    bomb_timer = 120
        if next_level:
        return player_lives, player_score, next_level, playerShip