def ncbi_search(self, database, term): """ Submit search to NCBI and return the records. """ self.handle = Entrez.esearch(db=database, term=term, usehistory="y", retmax=100000000) self.record = self.handle.close() return self.record
def ncbi_search(self, database, term): """ Submit search to NCBI and return the records. """ self.handle = Entrez.esearch(db=database, term=term, usehistory="y", retmax=10, idtype="acc") self.record = self.handle.close() return self.record
def validate_and_convert_DOI_or_PMID_to_PMID(lookupID, comments): """ Look up a DOI -- or PMID -- and return a PMID. :param lookupID: either a DOI or a PMID. :return a PMID """ # Format as string and strip any leading white spaces. Do now so we can reach DOI/PMIDs. lookupID = str(lookupID).lstrip() # Remove any prefacing text that might've come through. Only if it's at the start of the lookupID. preface_tags = ['DOI:', 'doi:', 'PMID:', 'pmid:'] for tag in preface_tags: if lookupID.startswith(tag): lookupID = re.sub(tag, '', lookupID) # Drop any white spaces that remain. lookupID = lookupID.replace(" ", "") try: = app.config['EMAIL'] handle = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", retmax=10, term=lookupID) record = handle.close() if int(record['Count']) == 0: comments.append("I can't fetch an article with that ID." ) # DOI not on PubMed? Or Bad PMID? comments.append( "Try looking up the article on (Note: PubMed may not have the DOI.) If the article is there, copy its PMID and bring it to me. If the article isn't on PubMed, I can't fetch a citation for you. Sorry. :( " ) return '', comments elif int(record['Count']) > 1: comments.append( 'I found more than one article. Are there characters missing from the ID?' ) return '', comments else: # Only 1 result, perfect! return (record['IdList'][0]), comments except IOError: # Network error comments.append( "Is there a network problem? Unleash me please!") # Network error return '', comments except: comments.append("I can't fetch an article with ID " + lookupID + '. Can you double check it?') # Bad PMID? comments.append( "Try looking up the article on (Note: PubMed may not have the DOI.) If the article is there, copy its PMID and bring it to me. If the article isn't on PubMed, I can't fetch a citation for you. Sorry. :( " ) return '', comments