def retire_project(tag_name,
    Retire the project represented by tag_name
    tag = ewu.tag(name=tag_name)
    # make sure tag_name starts with "+"
    if not tag_name.startswith("+"):
        return tag
    # if ignore_actions is False, check whether are still associated actions for the project. 
    # if there are actions, then don't retire project.  Optionally display actions in Evernote
    if not ignore_actions:
        associated_actions = list(ewu.actions_for_project(tag_name))
        if len(associated_actions):
            if display_remaining_actions:
                from appscript import app
                evnote = app('Evernote')
                evnote.open_collection_window(with_query_string = '''notebook:"Action Pending" tag:"{0}"'''.format(tag_name))
            return tag_name
    # before just trying to turn the + to a -, check for existence of the new name.
    # if the new name exists, we would delete the + tag and apply the - tag to the notes tied to the
    # + tag
    # let's take care of the simple case first

    # do I have logic for finding all notes that have a given tag? 
    # tagging a set of notes with a given tag?

    retired_tag_name = "-" + tag_name[1:]
    if ewu.tag(retired_tag_name) is None: = retired_tag_name
        raise Exception("{0} already exists".format(retired_tag_name))

    # change parent reference
    tag.parentGuid = ewu.tag('.Inactive Projects').guid

    # move the project note (if it exists) from the project notebook to the retired project notebook

    project_notes = ewu.notes_metadata(includeTitle=True, includeNotebookGuid=True, 
                            tagGuids = [tag.guid],

    # with NoteMetadata, how to make change to the corresponding note?
    # make use of 

    for note in project_notes:
        note.notebookGuid = ewu.notebook(name=":PROJECTS--RETIRED").guid
    # deal with the associated actions for the project

    # apply changes to tag
    return tag
userStore = client.get_user_store()
user = userStore.getUser()

print user.username

# <codecell>

# get all the notes in the :PROJECTS Notebook

import datetime
from itertools import islice

notes = list(islice(ewu.notes_metadata(includeTitle=True, 
                                  notebookGuid=ewu.notebook(name=':PROJECTS').guid), None))

# accumulate all the tags that begin with "+" associated with notes in :PROJECTS notebook
plus_tags_set = set()

for note in notes:
    tags = ewu.noteStore.getNoteTagNames(note.guid)
    plus_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.startswith("+")]
    print note.title, note.guid, note.updateSequenceNum, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(note.updated/1000.),  \
         len(plus_tags) == 1
    # TO DO: check that each note has one and only one tag that begins with "+"