Example #1
def options(fastSearchDir, optionsList, colors):
    Output.options(optionsList, colors)
    # loop until the user wants to go back
    while True:
        # capture the users choice
        string = raw_input(colors.cyan() + 'Enter an option: ' + colors.end()).lower()

        # the user wants to enable or disable a deep search
        if string in ('d', 'deep', 'deep search', 'ds'):
            optionsList[0] = not optionsList[0]
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Deep Search is now %s' % (optionsList[0] and 'on' or 'off') + '...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants only files to be displayed in the results
        elif string in ('i', 'file', 'files', 'file only', 'files only', 'only file', 'only files'):
            optionsList[1] = 0
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Search results will now only include files...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants only folders to be displayed in the results
        elif string in ('e', 'folder', 'folders', 'folder only', 'folders only', 'only folder', 'only folders'):
            optionsList[1] = 1
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Search results will now only include folders...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants both files and folders to be displayed in the results
        elif string in ('o', 'both', 'both file and foler', 'both files and folder', 'both file and folders', 'both files and folders', 'file and folder', \
                        'files and folder', 'file and folders', 'files and folders', 'bff'):
            optionsList[1] = 2
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Search results will now include both files and folders...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants to enable or disable the display of hidden files and folders in the results
        elif string in ('h', 'hidden', 'show hidden', 'show hidden file', 'show hidden files', 'show hidden folder', 'show hidden folders', \
                        'hidden file and folder', 'hidden files and folder', 'hidden file and folders', 'hidden files and folders', 'show hidden file and folder', \
                        'show hidden files and folder', 'show hidden file and folders', 'show hidden files and folders', 'hide file', 'hide files', \
                        'hide folder', 'hide folders', 'hide file and folder', 'hide files and folder', 'hide file and folders', 'hide files and folders'):
            optionsList[2] = not optionsList[2]
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Search results will %s show hidden files and folders' % (optionsList[2] and 'now' or 'no longer') + '...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants the absolute path to be shown in the search results
        elif string in ('f', 'full path', 'abs', 'absolute', 'abspath', 'abs path', 'absolute path'):
            optionsList[3] = 0
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Search results will now show the full (absolute) path...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants the relative path to be shown in the search results
        elif string in ('r', 'rel', 'relative', 'relpath', 'rel path', 'relative path'):
            optionsList[3] = 1
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Search results will now show the relative path...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user doesn't want the path shown in the search results
        elif string in ('n', 'no path'):
            optionsList[3] = 2
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Search results will no longer show a path...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants to enable or disable a full search
        elif string in ('u', 'full search', 'partial', 'partial search'):
            optionsList[4] = not optionsList[4]
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Full Search is now %s' % (optionsList[4] and 'on' or 'off') + '...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants to change the root directory
        elif string in ('dir', 'directory', 'r', 'root', 'rootdir', 'root dir', 'root directory', 'curdir', 'cur dir', 'cur directory', 'current directory'):
            string = raw_input(colors.cyan() + 'Enter the path for the new root director: ' + colors.end())
            # ensure that the user has given a valid new root directory
            if os.path.exists(string):
                optionsList[5] = string
                if not optionsList[6] == None:
                optionsList[6] = None
                FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
                print colors.alert() + '...The new root directory is ' + optionsList[5] + '...\n' + colors.end()
            # if the directory isn't local, perhaps it is an ftp location
            elif isValidRemoteConn(string):
                string = string.replace('ftp://', '')
                if not string.startswith('ftp.'):
                    string = 'ftp.' + string
                localDir = None
                if not string.find('/') == -1:
                    address = string[:string.find('/')]
                    localDir = string[string.find('/'):]
                    address = string
                username = raw_input(colors.cyan() + 'Username: '******'Password: '******''):
                            optionsList[5] += localDir
                            optionsList[5] = temp
                            print colors.error() + 'The remote server was valid, but the specified local directory, ' + localDir + ', could not be found.' \
                                  + '\nCheck your spelling, verify that the directory exists, and try again. The root directory has not changed.' + colors.end()
                            print colors.alert() + '...The root directory remains ' + optionsList[5] + '...\n' + colors.end()
                    if not optionsList[6] == None:
                    optionsList[6] = ftp
                    print colors.alert() + '...The new root directory is ' + optionsList[5] + '...\n' + colors.end()
                    print colors.error() + 'The username or password did match any accounts on ' + string + '. The root directory has not changed.' + colors.end()
                    print colors.alert() + '...The root directory remains ' + optionsList[5] + '...\n' + colors.end()
                if isValidRemoteConn(string) == -1:
                    print colors.error() + 'The path specified was not a valid directory. The root directory has not changed.' + colors.end()
                    print colors.alert() + '...The root directory remains ' + optionsList[5] + '...\n' + colors.end()
                    print colors.error() + 'The remote server specified may have been valid, but a connection could not be made.\nCheck your internet ' \
                          + 'connection and try again. The root directory has not changed.' + colors.end()
                    print colors.alert() + '...The root directory remains ' + optionsList[5] + '...\n' + colors.end()
        # store recent search results
        elif string in ('s', 'save', 'save recent', 'save recent search', 'save recent searches', 'save search', 'save searches', 'save history', \
            'recent', 'recent searches', 'recent search', 'history'):
            optionsList[8] = not optionsList[8]
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Recent search results will %s be stored in RecentSearches.txt' % (optionsList[8] and 'now' or 'no longer') + '...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants the screen to clear
        elif string in ('c', 'clear', 'clear screen', 'clear shell', 'clear console', 'clear terminal', 'cls', 'clr'):
            optionsList[7] = not optionsList[7]
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...The screen will %s clear the screen before display search results' % (optionsList[7] and 'now' or 'no longer') + '...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants to change the thread count
        elif string in ('t', 'thread', 'threads', 'threads used', 'thread used', 'thread count', 'threads count', 'num thread', 'num threads', 'number thread', \
            'number threads', 'num of thread', 'num of threads', 'number of thread', 'number of threads'):
            string = raw_input(colors.cyan() + 'Enter the number of threads to split the search into: ' + colors.end())
            # ensure that the user entered an interger
                optionsList[9] = int(string)
                FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
                print colors.alert() + '...The search will no be split into ' + str(optionsList[9]) + ' threads...\n' + colors.end()
                print colors.error() + 'You did not specify a valid integer for the new thread count.' + colors.end()
                print colors.alert() + '...The thread count remains at ' + str(optionsList[9]) + '...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants no animations shown
        elif string in ('no anim', 'no anims', 'no animation', 'no animations', 'disable anim', 'disable anims', 'disable animation', 'disable animations', 'disable all anim', \
            'disable all anims', 'disable all animation', 'disable all animations', 'disable full anim', 'disable full anims', 'disable full animation', 'disable full animations'):
            optionsList[10] = 0
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...No search animations will be displayed...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants only the pinwheel animation shown
        elif string in ('p', 'pinwheel', 'show pinwheel', 'show pinwheel only', 'pinwheel anim', 'pinwheel animation', 'show pinwheel anim', 'show pinwheel animation', \
            'show pinwheel anim only', 'show pinwheel animation only', 'show only pinwheel', 'show only pinwheel anim', 'show only pinwheel animation', 'only pinwheel anim', \
            'only pinwheel animation', 'only pinwheel'):
            optionsList[10] = 1
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Only the pinwheel search animation will be displayed...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user wants all animations shown
        elif string in ('a', 'anim', 'anims', 'animation', 'animations', 'all anim', 'all anims', 'all animation', 'all animations', 'show anim', 'show anims', 'show animation', \
            'show animations', 'show all anim', 'show all anims', 'show all animation', 'show all animations', 'full anim', 'full anims', 'full animation', 'full animations', \
            'show full anim', 'show full anims', 'show full animation', 'show full animations', 'enable anim', 'enable anims', 'enable all anim', 'enable all anims', \
            'enable all animation', 'enable all animations', 'enable full anim', 'enable full anims', 'enable full animation', 'enable full animations', 'enable search anim', \
            'enable search anims', 'enable search animation', 'enable search animations', 'enable full search anim', 'enable full search anims', 'enable full search animation', \
            'enable full search animations', 'enable all search anim', 'enable all search anims', 'enable all search animation', 'enable all search animations'):
            optionsList[10] = 2
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...All search animations will be displayed...\n' + colors.end()
        # the user does not want to display text
        elif string in ('x', 'color', 'coloring', 'colors', 'show colors', 'show text colors', 'show color', 'show text color', 'text color', 'text', 'text colors', \
            'text coloring', 'show coloring', 'show text coloring'):
            optionsList[11] = not optionsList[11]
            FileHandler.writeNewOptionsList(fastSearchDir, optionsList, True)
            print colors.alert() + '...Text coloring will %s be used' % (optionsList[11] and 'now' or 'no longer') + '...\n' + colors.end()
        elif string in ('show', 'show again', 'show menu', 'menu', 'display', 'display menu', 'option', 'options', 'option menu', 'options menu', 'show option', 'show options'):
            return options(fastSearchDir, optionsList)
        # the user wants to go back to the main menu
        elif string in ('b', 'back', 'go back', 'close', 'q', 'quit', 'exit'):
            print colors.cyan() + '\n--------------------------\n' + colors.end()
            return optionsList
        # the user is an idiot
            print colors.alert() + '\nThat wasn\'t an option. Try again.\n' + colors.end()