Example #1
Created on 18 Feb 2018

@author: Jacob
import MachineLearning as ml
import tkinter
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
import Functions
import time
from random import randint
import Training
global board
board = Functions.BoardInit()
player = 1

#window = tkinter.Tk()
# the function called when the player makes a move
def Move(x, y, player):
    global board
    #if the move is legal
    if (Functions.TryMove(board, y, x, player) == 1):
        #update the board
        board = Functions.MakeMove(board, y, x, player)
        #update the player
        player = Functions.nextPlayer(board, player)
        #if it's the opponents turn allow them to make a move
Example #2
def PlayGame(opponent):
    global board
    board = Functions.BoardInit()
    player = 1
    if (opponent == "Human"):

        player = randint(1, 2)
        movesAvailable = 1
        gamePlaying = 1
        while gamePlaying != 0:

            if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 1):
                gamePlaying = 0
                score = Functions.BlackWhiteCount(board)
                if (score > 0):
                    winner = 1
                elif (score < 0):
                    winner = 2
                    winner = 0
                if (winner != 0):
                    print("Game Over! The winner is player ", winner)
                    print("It's a tie!")

                board = Functions.BoardInit()

            player = Functions.nextPlayer(board, player)

    if (opponent == "Rand"):
        while Functions.GameOver(board) == 0:

            player = randint(1, 2)
            movesAvailable = 1
            gamePlaying = 1
            while gamePlaying != 0:

                if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 1):
                    gamePlaying = 0
                    score = Functions.BlackWhiteCount(board)
                    if (score > 0):
                        winner = 1
                    elif (score < 0):
                        winner = 2
                        winner = 0
                    if (winner != 0):
                        print("Game Over! The winner is player ", winner)
                        print("It's a tie!")

                    board = Functions.BoardInit()
                movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(board, player)

                if (player == 1):
                player = Functions.nextPlayer(board, player)

                while (player == 2):
                    movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(board, player)
                    print("movesAvailable", movesAvailable)
                    if (movesAvailable):
                        numPicked = randint(0, len(movesAvailable) - 1)
                        print("numPicked", numPicked)
                        movePicked = movesAvailable[numPicked]
                        print("movePicked from movesAvailable", movePicked[0],
                        x = int(movePicked[1])
                        y = int(movePicked[0])
                        board = Functions.MakeMove(board, y, x, player)
                    player = Functions.nextPlayer(board, player)

    elif (opponent == "MinMax"):
        while Functions.GameOver(board) == 0:

            player = randint(1, 2)
            movesAvailable = 1
            gamePlaying = 1
            while gamePlaying != 0:

                if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 1):
                    gamePlaying = 0
                    score = Functions.BlackWhiteCount(board)
                    if (score > 0):
                        winner = 1
                    elif (score < 0):
                        winner = 2
                        winner = 0
                    if (winner != 0):
                        print("Game Over! The winner is player ", winner)
                        print("It's a tie!")

                    board = Functions.BoardInit()
                movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(board, player)

                if (player == 1):
                player = Functions.nextPlayer(board, player)

                while (player == 2):
                    nextX = 0
                    nextY = 0
                    movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(
                        board, player)  # all available moves
                    bestPred = 0
                    j = 0
                    while (j <= len(movesAvailable) - 1 and
                           movesAvailable):  # for each ove in movesAvailable
                        moveTest = movesAvailable[j]
                        x = int(moveTest[1])
                        y = int(moveTest[0])
                        testBoard = Functions.BoardCopy(board)
                        testBoard = Functions.MakeMove(testBoard, y, x, player)

                        pred = np.sum(Functions.boardToNN(
                            player))  # get the output of an available move

                        #finds the move with the highest output, output of 1 means player 1 is guaranteed to win
                        if (j == 0):
                            bestPred = pred
                            nextX = x
                            nextY = y
                            if (pred < bestPred):
                                bestPred = pred
                                nextX = x
                                nextY = y
                        j += 1
                    board = Functions.MakeMove(board, nextY, nextX, player)
                    player = Functions.nextPlayer(board, player)
    elif (opponent == "Network"):
        numInp = 65  # the number of inputs for the neural network
        numLabel = 1  # the number of inputs for the labels

        # Create Placeholders for input and label
        inp, label = ml.placeholders(numInp, numLabel)

        # Initialise parameters
        parameters = ml.initialiseParameters()

        #make the nerual network
        out = ml.network(inp, parameters)

        modelPath = "./save/NetworkPlayer"
        # Initialise all the variables
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        saver = tf.train.Saver()
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            #loads the network in or initialises a new network
                saver.restore(sess, modelPath)
                #print("Model restored from file: %s" % modelPath)
                #sessctd = False
            while Functions.GameOver(board) == 0:

                board = Functions.BoardInit()
                player = randint(1, 2)
                movesAvailable = 1
                gamePlaying = 1
                while gamePlaying != 0:

                    if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 1):
                        gamePlaying = 0
                        score = Functions.BlackWhiteCount(board)
                        if (score > 0):
                            winner = 1
                        elif (score < 0):
                            winner = 2
                            winner = 0
                        if (winner != 0):
                            print("Game Over! The winner is player ", winner)
                            print("It's a tie!")

                        board = Functions.BoardInit()
                    movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(board, player)

                    if (player == 1):
                    player = Functions.nextPlayer(board, player)

                    while (player == 2):
                        nextX = 0
                        nextY = 0
                        movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(
                            board, player)  # all available moves
                        bestPred = 0
                        j = 0
                        while (j <= len(movesAvailable) - 1 and movesAvailable
                               ):  # for each ove in movesAvailable
                            moveTest = movesAvailable[j]
                            x = int(moveTest[1])
                            y = int(moveTest[0])
                            testBoard = Functions.BoardCopy(board)
                            testBoard = Functions.MakeMove(
                                testBoard, y, x, player)

                            pred = out.eval(feed_dict={
                                Functions.boardToNN(testBoard, player)
                            })  # get the output of an available move

                            #finds the move with the highest output, output of 1 means player 1 is guaranteed to win
                            if (j == 0):
                                bestPred = pred
                                nextX = x
                                nextY = y
                                if (pred < bestPred):
                                    bestPred = pred
                                    nextX = x
                                    nextY = y
                            j += 1
                        board = Functions.MakeMove(board, nextY, nextX, player)
                        player = Functions.nextPlayer(board, player)
Example #3
def training(opponent, batches):
    import Functions
    import MachineLearning as ml
    import tensorflow as tf
    import numpy as np
    import time
    from random import random, randint
    #    from tensorflow import ops

    lr = 0.0001  # the learning rate
    numInp = 65  # the number of inputs for the neural network
    numLabel = 1  # the number of inputs for the labels
    batchSize = 50  # the size of the batches
    discountRate = 0.99  # the discount rate for temporal difference learning

    # Create Placeholders for input and label
    inp, label = ml.placeholders(numInp, numLabel)

    # Initialise parameters
    parameters = ml.initialiseParameters()

    #make the nerual network
    out = ml.network(inp, parameters)

    #cost function for use in training
    cost = ml.computeCost(out, label)

    #training function
    optimiser = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(cost)

    player1 = "Network"
    player2 = opponent
    # Initialise all the variables
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    progstart = time.time()
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    expRate = 0.2
    p1wins = 0  # number of games player 1 has won overall
    p2wins = 0  # number of games player 2 has won overall
    modelPath = "./save/NetworkPlayer"  #WLTD1step #testNetScore or testWinLoss
    i = 1
    while i <= (batches):
        s = 1
        winLoss = np.ndarray((1, 1))
        board = Functions.BoardInit()
        boardArray = Functions.boardToNN(board, 1)
        batchp1wins = 0
        batchp2wins = 0
        labelArray = np.ndarray((1, 1))
        labelArray[0][0] = 0
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            #loads the network in or initialises a new network
                saver.restore(sess, modelPath)
            start = time.time()
            while s <= batchSize:
                movesAvailable = 1
                gamePlaying = 1
                player = randint(
                    1, 2
                )  # returns either a 1 or a 2 which determines the starting player
                board = Functions.BoardInit()
                nnBoard = Functions.boardToNN(board, player)
                boardArray = np.concatenate((boardArray, nnBoard), axis=1)
                gameLabelArray = np.ndarray((1, 1))
                while gamePlaying != 0:

                    while ((player1 == "Network" and player == 1)
                           and Functions.GameOver(board)
                           == 0):  # if player 1 is a network
                        nextX = 0
                        nextY = 0
                        movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(
                            board, player)  # all available moves
                        bestPred = 0
                        j = 0
                        if (
                                random() > expRate
                        ):  # most of the time the network will play the move with the highest output
                            while (j <= len(movesAvailable) - 1
                                   and movesAvailable
                                   ):  # for each ove in movesAvailable
                                moveTest = movesAvailable[j]
                                x = int(moveTest[1])
                                y = int(moveTest[0])
                                testBoard = Functions.BoardCopy(board)
                                testBoard = Functions.MakeMove(
                                    testBoard, y, x, player)

                                pred = out.eval(feed_dict={
                                    Functions.boardToNN(testBoard, player)
                                })  # get the output of an available move

                                #finds the move with the highest output, output of 1 means player 1 is guaranteed to win
                                if (j == 0):
                                    bestPred = pred
                                    nextX = x
                                    nextY = y
                                    if (pred > bestPred):
                                        bestPred = pred
                                        nextX = x
                                        nextY = y
                                j += 1
                        elif (
                        ):  # sometimes the network will play a move completely randomly to better explore all possible moves
                            move = movesAvailable[randint(
                                len(movesAvailable) - 1)]
                            nextX = int(move[1])
                            nextY = int(move[0])
                            testBoard = Functions.BoardCopy(board)
                            testBoard = Functions.MakeMove(
                                testBoard, nextY, nextX, player)
                            bestPred = out.eval(feed_dict={
                                Functions.boardToNN(testBoard, player)
                            })  # get the output of the move

                            0] = bestPred * discountRate  # label = output * discount rate
                        gameLabelArray = np.concatenate(
                            (gameLabelArray, winLoss),
                            axis=1)  # add the label to the list of labels
                        board = Functions.MakeMove(board, nextY, nextX,
                                                   player)  # update the board
                        nnBoard = Functions.boardToNN(board, player)
                        if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 1
                            ):  # if the game is over
                            result = Functions.BlackWhiteCount(
                                board)  #sum(nnBoard)#find the winner
                            winLoss[0][0] = result
                            #                            if(result>0):
                            #                                winLoss[0][0] = 1
                            #                            elif(result==0):
                            #                                winLoss[0][0] = 0
                            #                            elif(result<0):
                            #                                winLoss[0][0] = -1
                            # final label is equal to the winner
                            gameLabelArray = np.concatenate(
                                (gameLabelArray, winLoss),
                                axis=1)  # add the label to the list of labels
                            boardArray = np.concatenate(
                                (boardArray, nnBoard),
                                axis=1)  # add the board to the list of boards
                            player = Functions.nextPlayer(
                                board, player)  # find who plays next
                            boardArray = np.concatenate(
                                (boardArray, nnBoard),
                                axis=1)  # add the board to the list of boards

                    while (((player2 == "Rand" and player == 2))
                           and Functions.GameOver(board)
                           == 0):  # if player 2 is random

                        movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(
                            board, player)  # all available moves
                        if (movesAvailable):
                            # pick and play a move at random
                            numPicked = randint(0, len(movesAvailable) - 1)
                            movePicked = movesAvailable[numPicked]
                            x = int(movePicked[1])
                            y = int(movePicked[0])
                            board = Functions.MakeMove(board, y, x, player)
                            # add the resulting position to the board array and the label array
                            nnBoard = Functions.boardToNN(board, player)
                            bestPred = out.eval(feed_dict={inp: nnBoard})
                            winLoss[0][0] = bestPred * discountRate
                            gameLabelArray = np.concatenate(
                                (gameLabelArray, winLoss), axis=1)
                            if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 1
                                ):  # if the game is over
                                result = Functions.BlackWhiteCount(
                                    board)  #sum(nnBoard)#find the winner
                                winLoss[0][0] = result
                                #                                if(result>0):
                                #                                    winLoss[0][0] = 1
                                #                                elif(result==0):
                                #                                    winLoss[0][0] = 0
                                #                                elif(result<0):
                                #                                    winLoss[0][0] = -1
                                # final label is equal to the winner
                                gameLabelArray = np.concatenate(
                                    (gameLabelArray, winLoss), axis=1
                                )  # add the label to the list of labels
                                boardArray = np.concatenate(
                                    (boardArray, nnBoard), axis=1
                                )  # add the board to the list of boards

                        if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 0):
                            player = Functions.nextPlayer(
                                board, player)  # find who plays next
                            boardArray = np.concatenate(
                                (boardArray, nnBoard),
                                axis=1)  # add the board to the list of boards

                    while ((player2 == "Network" and player == 2)
                           and Functions.GameOver(board) == 0):
                        nextX = 0
                        nextY = 0
                        movesAvailable = Functions.MovesAvailable(
                            board, player)  # all available moves
                        bestPred = 0
                        j = 0
                        if (
                                random() > expRate
                        ):  # most of the time the network will play the move with the highest output
                            while (j <= len(movesAvailable) - 1
                                   and movesAvailable
                                   ):  # for each ove in movesAvailable
                                moveTest = movesAvailable[j]
                                x = int(moveTest[1])
                                y = int(moveTest[0])
                                testBoard = Functions.BoardCopy(board)
                                testBoard = Functions.MakeMove(
                                    testBoard, y, x, player)

                                pred = out.eval(feed_dict={
                                    Functions.boardToNN(testBoard, player)
                                })  # get the output of an available move

                                #finds the move with the lowest output, output of -1 means player 2 is guaranteed to win
                                if (j == 0):
                                    bestPred = pred
                                    nextX = x
                                    nextY = y
                                    if (pred < bestPred):
                                        bestPred = pred
                                        nextX = x
                                        nextY = y
                                j += 1
                        elif (
                        ):  # sometimes the network will play a move completely randomly to better explore all possible moves
                            move = movesAvailable[randint(
                                len(movesAvailable) - 1)]
                            nextX = int(move[1])
                            nextY = int(move[0])
                            testBoard = Functions.BoardCopy(board)
                            testBoard = Functions.MakeMove(
                                testBoard, nextY, nextX, player)
                            bestPred = out.eval(feed_dict={
                                Functions.boardToNN(testBoard, player)
                            })  # get the output of the move

                            0] = bestPred * discountRate  # label = output * discount rate
                        gameLabelArray = np.concatenate(
                            (gameLabelArray, winLoss),
                            axis=1)  # add the label to the list of labels
                        board = Functions.MakeMove(board, nextY, nextX,
                                                   player)  # update the board
                        nnBoard = Functions.boardToNN(board, player)
                        if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 1
                            ):  # if the game is over
                            result = Functions.BlackWhiteCount(
                                board)  #sum(nnBoard)#find the winner
                            winLoss[0][0] = result
                            #                            if(result>0):
                            #                                winLoss[0][0] = 1
                            #                            elif(result==0):
                            #                                winLoss[0][0] = 0
                            #                            elif(result<0):
                            #                                winLoss[0][0] = -1
                            # final label is equal to the winner
                            gameLabelArray = np.concatenate(
                                (gameLabelArray, winLoss),
                                axis=1)  # add the label to the list of labels
                            boardArray = np.concatenate(
                                (boardArray, nnBoard),
                                axis=1)  # add the board to the list of boards
                            player = Functions.nextPlayer(
                                board, player)  # find who plays next
                            boardArray = np.concatenate(
                                (boardArray, nnBoard),
                                axis=1)  # add the board to the list of boards

                    if (Functions.GameOver(board) == 1):  #if the game ends
                        concArray = np.copy(
                            [1:])  # copy all the data from the array of labels
                        size = len(concArray)
                        concArray = np.reshape(concArray, (1, size))
                        reshape the array and remove the first value, 
                        this means the label for the first board state is equal to the output of the next move * the discount rate
                        labelArray = np.concatenate((labelArray, concArray),
                        gamePlaying = 0
                        Winner = Functions.BlackWhiteCount(
                            board)  #sum(nnBoard)
                        if (Winner > 0):
                            batchp1wins += 1
                            p1wins += 1
                        elif (Winner < 0):
                            batchp2wins += 1
                            p2wins += 1
                s += 1
            print("batch: ", i, " out of ", batches)

            print("player 1 (", player1, ") wins ", batchp1wins)
            print("player 2 (", player2, ") wins ", batchp2wins)
            the following code flips the training data since a position where player 2 is guaranteed to win 
            would be a position where player 1 is guaranteed to win if every piece was reversed
            labelArrayOpp = Functions.ReverseArray(labelArray)
            boardArrayOpp = Functions.ReverseArray(boardArray)
            labelArray = np.concatenate((labelArray, labelArrayOpp), axis=1)
            boardArray = np.concatenate((boardArray, boardArrayOpp), axis=1)

            #trains the neural network
            _, boardCost = sess.run([optimiser, cost],
                                        inp: boardArray,
                                        label: labelArray
            #savePath = saver.save(sess, modelPath)# saves the updated network
            end = time.time()
            print("batch time(secs) ", end - start)

        i += 1

    progend = time.time()
    print("total games: ", batches * batchSize)
    print("player 1 (", player1, ") wins ", p1wins)
    print("player 2 (", player2, ") wins ", p2wins)
    print("total time(secs) ", progend - progstart)