Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        super(GNATmetric, self).__init__()

        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():

        self.tool = None
        self.output = os.path.join(GNAThub.Project.object_dir(), 'metrix.xml')
        self.rules = {}
        self.messages = {}
        self.firstunit = False
Example #2
    def __init__(self):
        super(GNATcoverage, self).__init__()

        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():

        self.GNATCOVERAGE_OUTPUT = os.path.join(
        self.XML_EXT = '.xml'

        self.tool = None
        # Mapping: coverage level -> issue rule for this coverage.
        self.issue_rules = {}
Example #3
    def __init__(self):
        super(GNATcheck, self).__init__()

        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():

        self.tool = None
        self.output = os.path.join(GNAThub.Project.artifacts_dir(),
                                   '%s.out' % self.name)

        # Map of rules (couple (name, rule): dict[str,Rule])
        self.rules = {}

        # Map of messages (couple (rule, message): dict[str,Message])
        self.messages = {}

        # Map of bulk data (couple (source, message_data): dict[str,list])
        self.bulk_data = collections.defaultdict(list)
Example #4
    def __init__(self):
        super(GNATstack, self).__init__()

        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():

        self.tool = None
        # FIXME: For now we can't control where the xml file is created:
        # it is always created in the project directory
        self.output = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(GNAThub.Project.path()),
        self.resources = {}

        # Map of ID => entity
        self.subprograms = {}

        # Map of ID => name
        self.subprograms_without_location = {}
Example #5
    def schedule(cls, plugins):
        """Schedule the plugins execution order.

        Some system plugins might need to be executed in a specific order, or
        for example, for the Sonar Runner plugin, last. This routine takes care
        of ordering the plugins in their final execution order.

        :param collections.Iterable[GNAThub.Plugin] plugins: list of plugins to
            be executed
        :return: the ordered list of plugins
        :rtype: collection.Iterable[GNAThub.Plugin]
        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():
            #  The list of predefined plugins needs to be gathered, any
            #  sorting is necessary at that point
            return plugins
            return sorted(plugins,
                          key=lambda p: p().name in cls.POST_PHASE_PLUGINS)
Example #6
    def __init__(self):
        super(CodePeer, self).__init__()

        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():

        self.tool = None

        self.csv_report = os.path.join(
            GNAThub.Project.object_dir(), 'codepeer',

        # Map of rules (couple (name, rule): dict[str,Rule])
        self.rules = {}

        # Map of messages (couple (rule, message): dict[str,Message])
        self.messages = {}

        # Map of bulk data (couple (source, message_data): dict[str,list])
        self.bulk_data = collections.defaultdict(list)
Example #7
    def schedule(cls, plugins):
        """Schedule the plugins execution order.

        Some system plugins might need to be executed in a specific order, or
        for example, for the Sonar Runner plugin, last. This routine takes care
        of ordering the plugins in their final execution order.

        :param collections.Iterable[GNAThub.Plugin] plugins: list of plugins to
            be executed
        :return: the ordered list of plugins
        :rtype: collection.Iterable[GNAThub.Plugin]
        def plugin_sort_fn(a, b):
            """Sort the plugins.

            All plugins are equals, apart from the Sonar Runner which should be
            executed last.

            Returns a negative, zero or positive number depending on whether
            the first argument is considered smaller than, equal to, or larger
            than the second argument.

            :param GNAThub.Plugin a: first plugin
            :param GNAThub.Plugin b: second plugin
            :return: -1, 0 or 1 depending on the input
            :rtype: int
            if a().name in cls.POST_PHASE_PLUGINS:
                return 1
            if b().name in cls.POST_PHASE_PLUGINS:
                return -1
            return 0
        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():
            #  The list of predefined plugins needs to be gathered, any
            #  sorting is necessary at that point
            return plugins

        return sorted(plugins, plugin_sort_fn)
Example #8
    def __init__(self):
        super(SPARK2014, self).__init__()

        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():

        self.tool = None

        self.output_dir = os.path.join(GNAThub.Project.object_dir(),
        self.output = os.path.join(GNAThub.Project.object_dir(),

        # Map of message ID (couple (filename, msg_id): dict[*])
        self.msg_ids = {}

        # Map of rules (couple (name, rule): dict[str,Rule])
        self.rules = {}

        # Map of messages (couple (rule, message): dict[str,Message])
        self.messages = {}

        # Map of bulk data (couple (source, message_data): dict[str,list])
        self.bulk_data = collections.defaultdict(list)
Example #9
    def mainloop(self):
        """Plugin main loop."""
        LOG.info('registered %d plugins', len(self.plugins))
        backlog = []

        # Early exit if no plug-in are scheduled to be run
        if not self.plugins:
            self.info('nothing to do')

        # Early exit when --dry_run mode without project file
        # and dump the list of plugins
        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():
            for cls in self.plugins:
                plugin = cls()
                self.info('%s plug-in is available', plugin.name)
                plugin.exec_status = GNAThub.EXEC_SUCCESS

        # Execute each plug-in in order
        exec_failure = False
            for cls in self.plugins:
                    # Create a new instance
                    plugin, elapsed = cls(), None
                    # Execute the plug-in
                    elapsed = self.execute(plugin)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                except Exception as why:
                    LOG.exception('plug-in execution failed')
                    self.error('%s: unexpected error: %s', plugin.name, why)
                    if plugin.exec_status != GNAThub.NOT_EXECUTED:
                        # A plugin could not have been executed depending on
                        # the command line (--runners-only/--reporters-only).
                        backlog.append((plugin.name, {
                            elapsed or 0,
                            (plugin.exec_status == GNAThub.EXEC_SUCCESS)

                        # Compute all plugins execution status
                        exec_failure = (exec_failure
                                        or (plugin.exec_status
                                            == GNAThub.EXEC_FAILURE))

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.info(os.linesep + 'Interrupt caught...')

        # Write results to file
        fname = os.path.join(GNAThub.root(), 'gnathub.backlog')
            with open(fname, 'w') as fd:
        except IOError as why:
            LOG.exception('could not write result file %s', fname)
            self.error('%s: unexpected error: %s', fname, why)

        if not GNAThub.dry_run() and not GNAThub.quiet():
            # Display a summary
            for plugin, results in backlog:
                if results['success']:

        if exec_failure:
            self.error('GNAThub error: one or more plugins failed to run!')
            self.set_failure("Global run failed!")
Example #10
    def auto_discover_plugins(cls):
        """Retrieve all plugins for GNAThub.

        This routine first lists all available scripts for this run of GNAThub.
        It then tries to load each one of them and collect any Plugin declared
        in those scripts.

        This list of plugins is then filtered given the parameters of the run,
            * If the switch --plugins is supplied on the command line, execute
              only plugins whose name is in this list;
            * Otherwise, if the project file contains the GNATdashboard.Plugins
              attribute, execute only plugins whose name is in this list;
            * Otherwise, execute all available plugins.

        :return: the list of plugins available in the current environment
        :rtype: collections.Iterable[GNAThub.Plugin]
        # Locate all Python scripts that might hold the definition of one or
        # more plugins.
        scripts = set()

        for name, path in list(GNAThub.repositories().items()):
            if not os.path.isdir(path):
                LOG.info('skip repository [%s] (not found)', name)

            LOG.info('load scripts from [%s] repository', name)
            repo_scripts = list(cls.walk_repository(path))

            LOG.info('  + %d new script(s) found', len(repo_scripts))

            if len(repo_scripts):
                # Add the repository to sys.path so that modules can import
                # themselves. Do this only if scripts were found in this
                # repository.

        # Compute the plugins list given the program input and their priority.
        # Priority order:
        #       1. Command line
        #       2. Project file
        #       3. All discoverable plugins

        # If no object directory was created and --dry-run means that gnathub
        # was called in discovery mode of predefined plugins
        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():
            explicit = None

            if GNAThub.plugins():
                LOG.info('use user-defined list of plugins (--plugins switch)')
                explicit = [p.strip() for p in GNAThub.plugins().split(',')]

            elif GNAThub.Project.property_as_list('Plugins'):
                LOG.info('use project-defined list of plugins (attr. Plugins)')
                explicit = GNAThub.Project.property_as_list('Plugins')

                LOG.info('use all discoverable plugins')
                explicit = None

        # Generate the final list of plugin classes. Inspect Python scripts to
        # extract class definition and filter out those that will not be used.

        LOG.info('located %d scripts', len(scripts))
        plugins = sum([list(cls.inspect(s)) for s in scripts], [])

        def is_plugin(clazz, name):
            """Check whether this plugin name is ``name``.

            :param type clazz: the plugin type object
            :param str name: the expected name
            :return: ``True`` if this plugin name is ``name``
            :rtype: boolean
            return (clazz.__name__.lower() == name.lower()
                    or clazz().name.lower() == name.lower())

        def contains_plugin_name(clazz, names):
            """Check whether the plugin name is in ``names``.

            :param type clazz: the plugin type object
            :param collections.Iterable[str] names: the list of name
            :return: ``True`` if the plugin name is in ``names``
            :rtype: boolean
            for name in names:
                if is_plugin(clazz, name):
                    return True

            return False

        if explicit:
            # Cleanup user input if needed. The following statement remove
            # None and empty string values as well as duplicates. It also set
            # the plugin name to lower case for future comparison.
            explicit = set([p.lower() for p in explicit if p])

            # Filter out any plugin whose name is not in the "explicit" set
            plugins = [c for c in plugins if contains_plugin_name(c, explicit)]

        # Return all autodiscovered plugins if is --dry_run mode without
        # project file as command line parameter
        if GNAThub.dry_run_without_project():
            return cls.schedule(plugins)

        # Remove explicitly disabled plugins
        for name in GNAThub.Project.property_as_list('Plugins_Off'):
            for clazz in plugins:
                if is_plugin(clazz, name):
                    LOG.info('disable %s [Plugin_Off]', name)

            LOG.warn('%s explicitly disabled but not loaded', name)

        return cls.schedule(plugins)