def regulation_setpoint_set():
    global Error_signal_offset
    global pulsing
    if pulsing:
        Error_signal_offset = GPIB.cursor_vbar_read_mv(OS)
        Error_signal_offset = GPIB.read_mv(OS,
def start():
    """Enable scanning by setting the global flag to True."""
    global running
    global Error_signal_offset
    if reset_on_start == True:
        Error_signal_offset = GPIB.read_mv(OS,
    running = True
Start_Value = Horse.Read(Client, Dipole_Tag) #Recording the starting value of the Dipole
print("Started at {0:.3f} Amps".format(Start_Value))

DP1_Values = list()
DBA_Collection = list()
colors = list()
Oscope_Data = list()

print("Beginning Scan")
for i in range(Runs):
    print("Going to target value")
    if Pulsing_Status:
        DP1_Vals, DBA_Col = Horse.Ramp_One_Way(Client, Dipole_Tag, End_Value, Max_Step = Step_size, Return = "Y", Read_Tag = Read, count = pulsing_count)
        DP1_Vals, DBA_Col = Horse.Ramp_One_Way(Client, Dipole_Tag, End_Value, Max_Step = Step_size, Return = "Y", Read_Tag = Read, count = count)
        #The above function walks the magnet to the endpoint ,and returns the data
    DP1_Values += DP1_Vals #Adding the recorded data to the lists
    DBA_Collection += DBA_Col 
    colors += ['chocolate' for i in list(range(len(DP1_Vals)))] #Appending 'chocolate' as the color for this data set
    print("Going to start")
    if Pulsing_Status:
        DP1_Vals, DBA_Col = Horse.Ramp_One_Way(Client, Dipole_Tag, Start_Value, Max_Step = Step_size, Return = "Y", Read_Tag = Read, count = pulsing_count)
def scanning():  #Defining what is happening when scanning our GUI

    global reset  #Global variables, these first three are necessary but again, leave them all.
    global pulsing
    global running
    global Ups
    global Downs
    global i
    global Error_signal_offset

    # Reset button loop

    if reset:  #Checks the reset parameter and runs if True
        print("-" * 60 + "\n\n\nResetting Oscilloscope\n\n\n" +
              "-" * 60)  #print visual break to indicate reset

            OS, IF_Channel,
            measurement=Measurement)  #Same as beginning parameters above
        GPIB.channel_settings_check(OS, IF_Channel)
        GPIB.trigger_settings_set(OS, Trigger_Channel, Trigger_Level)
        GPIB.vertical_marker_pulsing(OS, IF_Channel)

        reset = False  #Sets the reset parameter to false so not looping

    # Checking for the regulation loop if on

    if running:  # running parameter, if True, runs this loop
            bg='SpringGreen2')  #Sets the background of the GUI to be green

        # Loop for pulsing operation

        if pulsing:  #Checks pulsing tag and runs this loop if true

            read_value = GPIB.cursor_vbar_read_mv(
                OS)  #Takes the current value of oscilloscope vbar

            if read_value > (
                    Error_signal_offset + Pulse_Walk_Threshold
            ):  #Checks to see if that value is outside of threshold
                Ups += 1
                Downs = 0
                if Ups > Loops_Debounce:  #Effective debounce
                    temp_freq = GPIB.freq(SG)  #Gathers the current frequency
                        SG, (temp_freq + Pulse_Step_Size), "HZ"
                    )  #Writes calculated frequency to the signal generator
                    print("Raised Frequency ",
                          i)  #Shows that we took a step in frequency
                    if (temp_freq + Pulse_Step_Size) > (
                            Start_Freq + Max_Threshold
                    ):  #Sees if the new frequency is outside of bounds
                        print("Error: Broken on too many steps upward")
                            bg=interlock_color)  #Sets to the interlock color
                        running = False  #Breaks loop if true
                    if OS.query(
                    )[-2] != str(1):  #Sees if the measurement is still active
                        print("Error: Measurement Off")
                            bg=interlock_color)  #Sets to the interlock color
                        running = False  #Breaks loop if true
                    if read_value > (Error_signal_offset +
                        print("Error: Deviation too far")
                            bg=interlock_color)  #Sets to the interlock color
                        running = False
                        Wait_after_step)  #Sleep for after step debounce time

            # Repeat above loop but below the threshold instead of above

            if read_value < (Error_signal_offset - Pulse_Walk_Threshold):
                Downs += 1
                Ups = 0
                if Downs > Loops_Debounce:
                    temp_freq = GPIB.freq(SG)
                    GPIB.write_frequency(SG, (temp_freq - Pulse_Step_Size),
                    print("Lowered Frequency ", i)
                    if (temp_freq - Pulse_Step_Size) < (Start_Freq -
                        print("Broken on too many steps downward")
                        running = False
                    if OS.query("MEASU:Meas{}:State?".format(
                            Measurement))[-2] != str(1):
                        print("Measurement Off")
                        running = False
                    if read_value < (Error_signal_offset -
                        print("Error: Deviation too far")
                            bg=interlock_color)  #Sets to the interlock color
                        running = False

            i += 1

        # Loop for CW operation, use same logic

            read_value = GPIB.read_mv(OS, long=Long, measurement=Measurement)

            if read_value > (Error_signal_offset + Walk_Threshold):
                Ups += 1
                Downs = 0
                if Ups > Loops_Debounce:
                    temp_freq = GPIB.freq(SG)
                    GPIB.write_frequency(SG, (temp_freq + Step_size), "HZ")
                    print("Raised Frequency ", i)
                    if (temp_freq + Step_size) > (Start_Freq + Max_Threshold):
                        print("Broken on too many steps upward")
                        running = False
                    if OS.query("MEASU:Meas{}:State?".format(
                            Measurement))[-2] != str(1):
                        print("Measurement Off")
                        running = False
                    if read_value > (Error_signal_offset +
                        print("Error: Deviation too far")
                            bg=interlock_color)  #Sets to the interlock color
                        running = False

            # Repeat above loop but below the threshold instead of above

            if read_value < (Error_signal_offset - Walk_Threshold):
                Downs += 1
                Ups = 0
                if Downs > Loops_Debounce:
                    temp_freq = GPIB.freq(SG)
                    GPIB.write_frequency(SG, (temp_freq - Step_size), "HZ")
                    print("Lowered Frequency ", i)
                    if (temp_freq - Step_size) < (Start_Freq - Max_Threshold):
                        print("Broken on too many steps downward")
                        running = False
                    if OS.query("MEASU:Meas{}:State?".format(
                            Measurement))[-2] != str(1):
                        print("Measurement Off")
                        running = False
                    if read_value < (Error_signal_offset -
                        print("Error: Deviation too far")
                            bg=interlock_color)  #Sets to the interlock color
                        running = False

            i += 1  #Update iterator

    # After .1 seconds, call scanning again (create a recursive loop)
               scanning)  #Wait the first number of ms, then continue scanning
Walk_Threshold = 0.5  #(mV) Deviation from 0 the error signal needs to be before CW regulation kicks in
Pulse_Walk_Threshold = 0.5  #(mV) Deviation from 0 the error signal needs before pulsing regulation kicks in
Wait_after_step = 0.0400  #Seconds, the time waited after a step is taken, necessary to allow oscope measurements to change
Wait_between_reads = 0.0100  #Seconds, currently not used, supplemented by GUI time between reads
Interlock_Threshold_mv = 30  #mv, this is the amount of deviation before regulation trips off

size = 8  #Size marker used universally between buttons

Loops_Debounce = 1
Long = False  #The form that our measurement is output from the o-scope, depending on the way it is set up this can be in either a short or long form
## additional tweak in testing 200417

Error_signal_offset = 0  # (mV) want to pulse off zero
reset_on_start = False

GPIB.measurement_setup(OS, IF_Channel, measurement=Measurement
                       )  #Setting up the required measurement for regulation

# These reset the oscilloscope on startup, only the one above is needed.
#GPIB.channel_settings_check(OS, IF_Channel) #Setting up the vertical and horizontal settings for the error signal
#GPIB.trigger_settings_set(OS, Trigger_Channel, Trigger_Level) #Sets up the vertical settings for trigger channel and trigger parameters
#GPIB.vertical_marker_pulsing(OS, IF_Channel) #Sets up vertical cursor bars to read edge of pulse

interlock_color = "Yellow"

global Ups  #Defining global parameters, these ones are not actually necessary but leave them be
global Downs
global i
Ups = 0  #number of steps taken up before taking one down
Downs = 0  #visa versa
i = 0  #total number of iterative loops gone through, only present to show differences in command line readouts
Start_Freq = GPIB.freq(SG)  #taking the start frequency of the signal generator
IF_Channel = 2  #The channel that the error signal is on
Trigger_Channel = 4  #The channel which shows the SRF pulse
Trigger_Level = 20 / 1000  #mv #The level of the pulse trigger

Measurement = 3  #Measurement channel
Step_size = 40  #(Hz) Change in frequency with each regulation step
Pulse_Step_Size = 10  #(Hz) Change in frequency with each regulation step when pulsing
Max_Threshold = 10000  #(Hz) Total amount of frequency change before automatically tripping off program
Walk_Threshold = 2.5  #(mV) Deviation from 0 the error signal needs to be before CW regulation kicks in
Pulse_Walk_Threshold = 0.5  #(mV) Deviation from 0 the error signal needs before pulsing regulation kicks in
Wait_after_step = 0.0400  #Seconds, the time waited after a step is taken, necessary to allow oscope measurements to change
Wait_between_reads = 0.0100  #Seconds, currently not used, supplemented by GUI time between reads
Long = False  #The form that our measurement is output from the o-scope, depending on the way it is set up this can be in either a short or long form

    OS, IF_Channel,
    measurement=Measurement)  #Setting up the required measurement
    OS, IF_Channel
)  #Setting up the vertical and horizontal settings for the error signal
    OS, Trigger_Channel, Trigger_Level
)  #Sets up the vertical settings for trigger channel and trigger parameters
    OS, IF_Channel)  #Sets up vertical cursor bars to read edge of pulse

interlock_color = 'MediumPurple1'
global Ups  #Defining global parameters, these ones are not actually necessary but leave them be
global Downs
global i
Ups = 0  #number of steps taken up before taking one down
Walk_Threshold = 0.5 #(mV) Deviation from 0 the error signal needs to be before CW regulation kicks in
Pulse_Walk_Threshold = 0.5 #(mV) Deviation from 0 the error signal needs before pulsing regulation kicks in
Wait_after_step = 0.0400 #Seconds, the time waited after a step is taken, necessary to allow oscope measurements to change
Wait_between_reads = 0.0100 #Seconds, currently not used, supplemented by GUI time between reads
Interlock_Threshold_mv = 40 #mv, this is the amount of deviation before regulation trips off

Loops_Debounce = 1
Trip_Debounce = 6
Long = False #The form that our measurement is output from the o-scope, depending on the way it is set up this can be in either a short or long form
## additional tweak in testing 200417

Error_signal_offset = 0 # (mV) want to pulse off zero
M.Write(Client, Regulation_Entry_Tag, Error_signal_offset)
reset_on_start = False #This tag is in case we want to reset the entire oscilloscope on startup

GPIB.measurement_setup(OS,IF_Channel, measurement = Measurement) #Setting up the required measurement for regulation

# These reset the oscilloscope on startup, only the one above is needed.
#GPIB.channel_settings_check(OS, IF_Channel) #Setting up the vertical and horizontal settings for the error signal
#GPIB.trigger_settings_set(OS, Trigger_Channel, Trigger_Level) #Sets up the vertical settings for trigger channel and trigger parameters
#GPIB.vertical_marker_pulsing(OS, IF_Channel) #Sets up vertical cursor bars to read edge of pulse

Ups = 0 #number of steps taken up before taking one down
Downs = 0 #visa versa
i = 0 #total number of iterative loops gone through, only present to show differences in command line readouts
ups_debounce_counter = 0
downs_debounce_counter = 0

try: #Quick test to determine short or long form oscilloscope output
    short_test = float(OS.query("MEASU:MEAS{}:VAL?".format(Measurement)))
    if Read_Start_Voltage == True:
#GPIB.measurement_setup(OS,IF_Channel, measurement = Measurement) #Setting up the required measurement for regulation

# These reset the oscilloscope on startup, only the one above is needed.
#GPIB.channel_settings_check(OS, IF_Channel) #Setting up the vertical and horizontal settings for the error signal
#GPIB.trigger_settings_set(OS, Trigger_Channel, Trigger_Level) #Sets up the vertical settings for trigger channel and trigger parameters
#GPIB.vertical_marker_pulsing(OS, IF_Channel) #Sets up vertical cursor bars to read edge of pulse

interlock_color = "Yellow"

global Ups  #Defining global parameters, these ones are not actually necessary but leave them be
global Downs
global i
Ups = 0  #number of steps taken up before taking one down
Downs = 0  #visa versa
i = 0  #total number of iterative loops gone through, only present to show differences in command line readouts
Start_Freq = GPIB.freq(SG)  #taking the start frequency of the signal generator

try:  #Quick test to determine short or long form oscilloscope output
    short_test = float(OS.query("MEASU:MEAS{}:VAL?".format(Measurement)))
    if Read_Start_Voltage == True:
        Error_signal_offset = short_test
    long_test = float(
            "MEASU:MEAS{}:VAL?".format(Measurement)).split(' ')[1].strip("\n"))
    Long = True
    if Read_Start_Voltage == True:
        Error_signal_offset = long_test