def getTweets(candidate, start, end):
    #get the tweets
    twitter_counts, dates = GetHourlyTweetsDayRange.hourlyTweets(candidate, start, end)
    #change Nones to 0's
    i = 0
    for count in twitter_counts:
        if count == None:
            twitter_counts[i] = 0
        i += 1

    #turn hourly counts into daily counts
    daily_counts = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(twitter_counts):
        i += 24
    return daily_counts, dates
def plotTwitter(candidate, start, end):
    twitter_counts, dates = GetHourlyTweetsDayRange.hourlyTweets(candidate, start, end)
    #change Nones to 0's
    i = 0
    for count in twitter_counts:
        if count == None:
            twitter_counts[i] = 0
        i += 1

    #turn hourly counts into daily counts
    daily_counts = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(twitter_counts):
        i += 24
    #normalize counts
    types = AnalysisObjectFactory.createObject("GraphAnalysisNormalized", candidate, "twitter", 'dates go here', daily_counts)
    daily_counts = types.getlist_para_two()
    print 'Normalized: ' + str(daily_counts) + '\n'
    num_counts = len(daily_counts)
    #generate x-axis
    x = list(range(0, len(daily_counts)))
    line, = plt.plot(daily_counts, 'r')
    plt.xticks(x, dates, rotation = 'vertical')
    plt.xlim(0, num_counts)
    plt.title('Daily tweet counts and article counts for ' + candidate)
    global legend
    return daily_counts