def main(argv): # The with statement allows objects like files to be used in a way # that ensures they are always cleaned up promptly and correctly. with open(argv[1], 'r') as f: a = Grammar() a.readgr(f) # print("\nSpecial states:"); print(a.asterisk) # print("\nSpecial states children:"); print(a.ignore) # print("\nGrammar:"); a.printgr() b = NDFA().builtWith(a) # print("\nNDFA:"); b.printndfa() # print("\nNDFA final states: {}\n".format(b.finals)) # print(b.to_csv()) c = b.to_dfa() # print("\nDFA:"); c.printdfa() # print("\nDFA final states: {}\n".format(c.finals)) # print(c.to_csv()) p = Parser(c) if argv[2] is not None: with open(argv[2], 'r') as f: p.parse(f) print("\nSymbol table: {}\n".format(p.table)) else: print("No source code input")
def test_Equal_Lookahead(self): i0c = self.is_C_0(la=Grammar.LookaheadSet({self.c})) i0d = self.is_C_0(la=Grammar.LookaheadSet({self.d})) self.assertEqual(i0c, i0c) self.assertEqual(i0d, i0d) self.assertFalse(i0c == i0d) self.assertFalse(i0d == i0c)
def main(): #DATOS PARA MI LISTA DE PRODUCCIONES DE MI GRAMATICA DE PRUEBA productionsTest = ['S>zMNz', 'M>aMa', 'N>bNb', 'N>z', 'M>z'] #DATOS PARA MI GRAMATICA DE PRUEBA nonTerminalsTest = ["S", "M", "N", "T"] terminalsTest = ["a", "b", "z"] initialTest = "S" productionsTest = makeProductionList(productionsTest) saveProductions(productionsTest) productionSaved = OP #guardo mis producciones para mi gramtica de prueba grammarTest = Grammar("Test", nonTerminalsTest, terminalsTest, productionSaved, initialTest, productionsTest) print(grammarTest.toString()) Gramaticas.append(grammarTest) tree(Gramaticas[0]) #EMPIEZO CON LA CARATULA print("") print("*********************************") print("Lenguajes formales de programación") print("") print("Sección B+") print("") print("Carnet => 201800624") print("") print("**********************************") print() while start: print(">> ", end="") m = str(msvcrt.getch(), 'utf -8') if m == "\r": os.system("clear") menu()
def test_Less_Lookahead_ClosedTF(self): i0c = self.is_C_0(closed=True, la=Grammar.LookaheadSet({self.c})) i0d = self.is_C_0(closed=False, la=Grammar.LookaheadSet({self.d})) # We only compare on content, never by the index. So closure # doesn't matter here. self.assertLess(i0c, i0d) self.assertGreater(i0d, i0c)
def test_Equal_Lookahead_ClosedTF(self): i0c = self.is_C_0(closed=True, la=Grammar.LookaheadSet({self.c})) i0d = self.is_C_0(closed=False, la=Grammar.LookaheadSet({self.d})) self.assertEqual(i0c, i0c) self.assertEqual(i0d, i0d) self.assertFalse(i0c == i0d) self.assertFalse(i0d == i0c)
def test_L_end_alone(self): i0 = self.iL() i0_ = Grammar.ItemSet(self.g, {i0: self.l_end}).close(self.g) self.assertFalse(i0_.is_accepting()) i1 = self.iL(1) i1_ = Grammar.ItemSet(self.g, {i1: self.l_end}) self.assertTrue(i1_.is_accepting())
def test_C_end_and(self): i0 = self.iC() i0_ = Grammar.ItemSet(self.g, {i0: self.l_end_and}).close(self.g) self.assertFalse(i0_.is_accepting()) i1 = self.iC(1) i1_ = Grammar.ItemSet(self.g, {i1: self.l_end_and}).close(self.g) self.assertFalse(i1_.is_accepting())
def listen(self): (clientsocket, address) = self.serversocket.accept() while True: #(clientsocket, address) = self.serversocket.accept() print("Connection found") try: data = clientsocket.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") print(data) processed_action = data.split(",") function = processed_action[0] myinput = processed_action[1] print("My input: "+ myinput) if function == "Stock": stock_info = stock.findStock(myinput) clientsocket.send((stock_info + "\n").encode("utf-8")) print("Sent stock information " + stock_info ) elif function == "Email": #Read text file, write input from Unity into text file #message = processed_action[2] email.emailBody(myinput) email.main() confirmation = "Email has been sent" #clientsocket.send(confirmation.encode("utf-8")) elif function == "Call": #Read in message if user calls or sends message #message = processed_action[2] #cm.outgoingCall(myinput,message) cm.outgoingCall(myinput) confirmation = "Called Phone" #clientsocket.send(confirmation.encode("utf-8")) elif function == "SMS": message = processed_action[2] cm.sendMessage(myinput,message) confirmation = "SMS message has been sent" #clientsocket.send(confirmation.encode("utf-8")) elif function == "Definition": grammar.Definition(myinput) confirmation = "Found defintion" #clientsocket.send(confirmation.encode("utf-8")) elif function == "Synonym": grammar.Synonym(myinput) confirmation = "Found synonym" #clientsocket.send(confirmation.encode("utf-8")) elif function == "Pizza": myOrder = pizza.parseHololensOrder(myinput) pizza.placeOrder(myOrder) confirmation = "Ordered Pizza (with TBD)" #clientsocket.send(confirmation.encode("utf-8")) '''elif function == "Light": lights.turnOn() confirmation = "Adjust Hue Light" #clientsocket.send(confirmation.encode("utf-8")) elif data == "ping": print ("Unity Sent: " + str(data)) #clientsocket.send("pong") print("closed socket")''' finally: clientsocket.close()
def test1(): g = Grammar({ 'S': {'AB'}, # P 'A': {'BB', 'a'}, 'B': {'AB', 'b'} }) gnf = g.cnf_to_gnf() print(gnf)
def test3(): g = Grammar({ 'S': {'CA', 'BB'}, # P 'C': {'b'}, 'A': {'a'}, 'B': {'SB', 'b'} }) gnf = g.cnf_to_gnf() print(gnf)
def test2(): g = Grammar({ 'S': {'AB', 'BC'}, # P 'A': {'BA', 'a'}, 'B': {'CC', 'b'}, 'C': {'AB', 'a'} }) gnf = g.cnf_to_gnf() print(gnf)
def test1(): g = Grammar ( { 'S', 'A', 'B' }, # V { 'a', 'b' }, # T 'S', # S { 'S': { 'AB' }, # P 'A': { 'BB', 'a' }, 'B': { 'AB', 'b' } } ) #w = 'aabbb' w = 'aab' print(g.validate(w))
def test2(): g = Grammar( {'A', 'B', 'C', 'S'}, # N {'a', 'b', 'c'}, # T { 'S': {'ABAC'}, # P 'A': {'aA', chr(949)}, 'B': {'bB', chr(949)}, 'C': {'c'} }) print(g) g.remove_null_productions()
def tocnftest(): g = Grammar ( { 'S', 'A', 'B' }, # V { 'a', 'b', 'c' }, # T 'S', # S { # P 'S': { 'ABa' }, 'A': { 'aab' }, 'B': { 'Ac' } } ) g.fcg_to_cnf()
def setUp(self): self.g = Grammar.Grammar.Load(DRAGON_BOOK_EXAMPLE_4_42, 'translation_unit') self.L = self.g.rules[Grammar.LANGUAGE] self.C = self.g.rules["C"] self.c = self.g.rules["c"] self.d = self.g.rules["d"] self.l_empty = Grammar.LookaheadSet({}) self.l_end = Grammar.LookaheadSet({self.g.MakeEndOfText()}) self.l_end_and = Grammar.LookaheadSet( {self.g.MakeFixed('end'), self.g.MakeEndOfText()})
def test2(): g = Grammar ( { 'S', 'A', 'B', 'C' }, # V { 'a', 'b' }, # T 'S', # S { 'S': { 'AB', 'BC' }, # P 'A': { 'BA', 'a' }, 'B': { 'CC', 'b' }, 'C': { 'AB', 'a' } } ) w = 'baaba' print(g.validate(w)) g.fcgtocnf()
def convertToTuples(grammar): # Transform grammar to tuple based grammar new_grammar = Grammar() for bc_key in grammar.rules: for rule in grammar.rules[bc_key]: if len(rule.constituents) == 2: tpl = (rule.constituents[0], rule.constituents[1]) if tpl in new_grammar.rules: new_grammar.rules[tpl].append(rule) else: new_grammar.rules[tpl] = [rule] else: c = rule.constituents[0] if c in new_grammar.rules: new_grammar.rules[c].append(rule) else: new_grammar.rules[c] = [rule] return new_grammar
def example_lexicalTree(): lexParser = LexiconParser() entries = lexParser.parse_file("lexicon.txt") lexicon = Lexicon(list(set(entries))) grammar = Grammar() r1b = grammar.rules['R-1b'] r1a = grammar.rules['R-1a'] mitka = lexicon.getEntry("Mitka") walks = lexicon.getEntry("walks") ltree = LexicalTree(rule=r1b, a=mitka, b=walks) print(ltree.evaluate()) print(ltree) porky = lexicon.getEntry("Porky") zinkly = lexicon.getEntry("Zinkly") likes = lexicon.getEntry("likes") lptree = LexicalTree(rule=r1a, a=likes, b=porky) print(lptree.evaluate()) zlptree = LexicalTree(rule=r1b, a=zinkly, b=lptree) print(zlptree.evaluate()) # This evaluates to undefined print("The above should be undefined") # likes == m=(m=1 p=1) p=(m=0 p=1) z=(m=0) # let's add something to make zlptree evaluate to a value print(likes.semantics) likes.semantics.update({"p": {"z": "1"}}) print(likes.semantics) print("This should now evaluate to 1:") print(zlptree.evaluate()) # Now this evaluates to 1
def __init__(self, file): self.__m_file = file self.__m_Grammar = Grammar() self.__m_tokens = [] self.__m_cursor = 0 #cursor starts at 0, line at 1 self.__m_line = self.__m_cursor + 1
def parse_pn_dict(root, file): for entry in root: katakana = "" translation = "" r_ele = entry.find("r_ele") if r_ele is not None: reb = r_ele.find("reb") katakana = reb.text trans = entry.find("trans") if trans is not None: trans_det = trans.find("trans_det") if trans_det is not None: translation = trans_det.text translation = re.sub(" ?\(.*\)", "", translation) if not Grammar.is_katakana(katakana): continue if translation == "": continue if len(translation) > 12: continue if translation.find(" ") != -1: continue file.write(katakana + "\t" + translation + "\n")
def getPlayer(self): ''' Choose a player from those available ''' # Read the text from the current widget text = # Find all the players self.players = {} for _str, _dict in Grammar.playerData(text): # Store dict on the syntax involving a player self.players[_str] = _dict # Choose whether to create a new one (right now - do not) if len(self.players) == 0: return None # dict of a new blank player else: return choice(self.players.keys())
def setUp(self): self.g = Grammar.Grammar.Load(DRAGON_BOOK_EXAMPLE_4_42, 'translation_unit') self.C = self.g.rules["C"] self.c = self.g.rules["c"] self.d = self.g.rules["d"] self.el = Grammar.LookaheadSet({})
def add_frequency(dictionary): freq_file_path = os.path.join( Constants.PROJECT_DIR, "..", "data", "LeedsWordFrequency", "44492-japanese-words-latin-lines-removed.txt") frequencies = open(freq_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") line = frequencies.readline() i = 0 while line: i += 1 line = line[:-1] is_hiragana = Grammar.is_hiragana(line) entries = dictionary.get(line, []) if is_hiragana: entries = [ e for e in entries if Grammar.Grammar.USUALLY_KANA in e.misc ] else: entries = [ e for e in entries if Grammar.Grammar.USUALLY_KANA not in e.misc ] for entry in entries: entry.priority = i line = frequencies.readline()
def defineInstructions(self, original, syntax): new = Grammar.createPlayer(**syntax) self.instructions.put((original, new)) return
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("SpeechRecognition") rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) rospy.Service("DragonSpeech/set_grammar", SetGrammar, self.set_gam_srv) self.pub_recogres = rospy.Publisher('DragonSpeech/sentence', AudioSentence, queue_size=10) self.pub_lures = rospy.Publisher("DragonSpeech/luresult", AudioLUResult, queue_size=10) self.gram = Grammar.Grammar() self.gram.load("sample.txt") self.valid_gram_id = [] # pattern = "|".join([ "%c%c" % (A, a) for A, a in zip(range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1), range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1)) ]) print pattern self.large_letter_finder = re.compile(pattern) SRWindow.start_speech_recog(self.recog_callback, self.set_gram_file)
def ask_productions(): """ Obtiene una gramatica por teclado. """ print("\n Programa que transforma una gramatica de su FNC a la FNG.\n") nonterminals = set( input("\nIngrese las variables no terminales, separadas por ,: "). replace(" ", "").split(',')) start = input("Ingrese la variable inicial: ") productions = dict() print("Ingrese las productiones separadas por | : ") for value in nonterminals: ans = input("{} --> ".format(value)).replace(" ", "").split('|') productions[value] = set(ans) g = Grammar(productions, start) print("La gramatica en la FNG equivalente es: ") gnf = g.cnf_to_gnf() print(gnf) print("\nHasta luego. o-o// ")
def parseFile(self, name, doc): """ Parse an Asterisk configuration file @type name : string @param name : Configuration file to use @rtype: XML Node @return: Corresponding XML node for the file """ f = open(ASTERISK_HOME + name, 'r') output = Grammar.parse('newgoal', f.close() node = doc.createElementNS(self.namespace, 'file') node.setAttributeNS(self.namespace, 'name', name) tmp = node for line in output: try: if line.has_key('section'): section = doc.createElementNS(self.namespace, 'section') section.setAttributeNS(self.namespace, 'name', line['section']) node.appendChild(section) tmp = section elif line.has_key('attribute'): attribute = doc.createElementNS(self.namespace, 'attribute') attribute.setAttributeNS(self.namespace, 'name', line['attribute']) value = doc.createTextNode(str(line['value'])) attribute.appendChild(value) tmp.appendChild(attribute) elif line.has_key('comment'): pass elif line.has_key('include'): includeNode = doc.createElementNS(self.namespace, 'include') include = doc.createTextNode(line['include']) includeNode.appendChild(include) tmp.appendChild(includeNode) elif line.has_key(''): pass except: raise return node
def main(args): args = parse(args) string = args[0] grammar = Grammar.Rules(string).apply() system = System.Gram() system.evaluate(grammar[string]) if args[1] == 'polar': Figure.Polars(system) else: Figure.Trigrams(system)
def main(): lexParser = LexiconParser() entries = lexParser.parse_file("lexicon.txt") lexicon = Lexicon(list(set(entries))) print(lexicon) grammar = Grammar() interactor = GrammarInteractor(grammar) interactor.populate_lexicon(lexicon) print("After populating:") print(lexicon)
def parseFile(self, name, doc): """ Parse an Asterisk configuration file @type name : string @param name : Configuration file to use @rtype: XML Node @return: Corresponding XML node for the file """ f = open(ASTERISK_HOME + name, 'r') output = Grammar.parse('newgoal', f.close() node = doc.createElementNS(self.namespace, 'file') node.setAttributeNS(self.namespace, 'name', name) tmp = node for line in output: try: if line.has_key('section'): section = doc.createElementNS(self.namespace, 'section') section.setAttributeNS(self.namespace, 'name', line['section']) node.appendChild(section) tmp = section elif line.has_key('attribute'): attribute = doc.createElementNS(self.namespace, 'attribute') attribute.setAttributeNS(self.namespace, 'name', line['attribute']) value = doc.createTextNode(str(line['value'])) attribute.appendChild(value) tmp.appendChild(attribute) elif line.has_key('comment'): pass elif line.has_key('include'): includeNode = doc.createElementNS(self.namespace,'include') include = doc.createTextNode(line['include']) includeNode.appendChild(include) tmp.appendChild(includeNode) elif line.has_key(''): pass except: raise return node
def delunittest(): g = Grammar ( { 'S', 'A', 'B' }, # V { 'a', 'b', 'c' }, # T 'S', # S { # P 'S': { 'Aa', 'B' }, 'A': { 'a', 'bc', 'B' }, 'B': { 'A', 'bb' } } )
def clickVerify(): msg = "Error" input = simpledialog.askstring("Input", "Please enter the string", parent=root) try: vars = createVariables() grammar = Grammar(vars) result = grammar.stringVerifier(input) if (result == True): msg = "The string is generated by the grammar!" else: msg = "The string is NOT generated by the grammar!" except IndexError: msg = "Please enter a valid string" except Exception as e: msg = e messagebox.showinfo("Message", msg)
def ask_productions(): """ Obtiene una gramatica por teclado. """ print("\n Programa que determina si una palabra pertenece o no a una GLC.\n") nonterminals = set(input("\nIngrese las variables no terminales, separadas por ,: "). replace(" ", "").split(',')) terminals = set(input("Ingrese las variables terminales, separadas por ,: "). replace(" ", "").split(',')) start = input("Ingrese la variable inicial: ") productions = dict() print("Ingrese las productiones separadas por | : ") for value in nonterminals: productions[value] = set(input("{} --> ".format(value)).replace(" ", "").split('|')) g = Grammar (nonterminals, terminals, start, productions) want_to_continue = 'y' while want_to_continue == 'y': print() word = input("Ingrese una palabra ") if g.validate(word): print("La palabra %s pertenece a L(G) :D " % word) else: print("La palabra %s no pertenece a L(G) D: " % word) want_to_continue = input("Desea continuar? (y/n): ") print("\nHasta luego. o-o// ")
import numpy as np import string from Rule import * from Grammar import * from k_compression.k_sequitur import k_seq_compress from k_seq_grammar_analysis import * grammar = {'-2' : Rule('-2', ['-1', '3']), '-1' : Rule('-1', ['4', '5']), '-5' : Rule('-5', ['1', '3']), '-3' : Rule('-3', ['-1', '-5']), '-6' : gen_framing_rule('-3', '6', '7', 3, 2), '-4' : gen_power_rule('-4', '8', '9', 3)} my_grammar = Grammar(grammar) for rule in my_grammar.rule_dict.values(): print rule.barcode non_terminal_weights = np.random.power(5, len(my_grammar.non_terminals)) terminal_weights = np.random.power(5, len(my_grammar.terminals)) all_weights = list(non_terminal_weights) all_weights.extend(list(terminal_weights)) freqs, reduced_form, expended_form = my_grammar.rand_seq(1000, all_weights) print freqs print reduced_form print ''.join(expended_form)
from Grammar import * Gr = Grammar('<thesis>')'thesis.grm') print(Gr.generate())
class Parser(object): def __init__(self, file): self.__m_file = file self.__m_Grammar = Grammar() self.__m_tokens = [] self.__m_cursor = 0 #cursor starts at 0, line at 1 self.__m_line = self.__m_cursor + 1 def removeComments(self, string): #tested on comment = (re.compile('//[^\n]*|/*|\*[^\n]*', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)).sub("", string) return comment def tokenize(self): #my reg exp symbols = '[' + re.escape(''.join(self.__m_Grammar.getLex()['symbol'])) + ']' keywords = '|'.join(self.__m_Grammar.getLex()['keyword']) statements = '|'.join(self.__m_Grammar.getLex()['statement']) program = '|'.join(self.__m_Grammar.getLex()['program']) nkeywords = '[\w\-]+' strings = r'"[^"]*"' numbers = '\d+' #get them all together match = re.compile(symbols + "|" + keywords + "|" + strings + "|" + nkeywords + "|" + numbers + "|" + program + "|" + statements) for line in self.__m_file: #remove out comments line = self.removeComments(line) #remove newlines line = line.strip() #remove empty lines if (line): self.__m_tokens.append(match.findall(line)) def __str__(self): rep = "" count = 1 for token in self.__m_tokens: rep += "{:3d}{} \n".format(count, token) count += 1 return rep #check if we have more tokens in the raw token list @property def hasMoreTokens(self): if self.__m_cursor < len(self.__m_tokens): return True return False def run(self): #self.testGrammar() #Tests for grammar self.tokenize() print(self.__str__()) valid = True while self.hasMoreTokens: currentLine = self.__m_tokens[self.__m_cursor] try: #check for BEGIN; then END self.isProgram() self.checkUnknown(currentLine) #check if valid read if (currentLine[0].lower() == "read"): self.isValidFunction(currentLine) #check if it starts with an identifier elif (self.__m_Grammar.isIdentifier(currentLine[0])): #check if line is a statement self.isValidStatement(currentLine) #check if valid write elif (currentLine[0].lower() == "write"): self.isValidFunction(currentLine) #check if valid var elif self.__m_Grammar.isIntegerConstant(currentLine[0][0]): raise Exception("Invalid var name at line {} got {}".format(self.__m_line, currentLine[0])) except Exception as customErr: print(customErr) valid = False break self.__m_cursor += 1 self.updateLine() if (valid): print("File is valid, congrats you can write good sintax! Yay?") def checkUnknown(self, line): for token in line: if token in self.__m_Grammar.getLex()['unknown']: raise Exception("Unexpected token: {} on line {}, token not in language!".format(token, self.__m_line)) def updateLine(self): self.__m_line = self.__m_cursor + 1 def isValidStatement(self, line): self.isTerminated(line) #we know if started with an identifier count = 0 for token in line: #is the next token := if count == 1: if token != ":=": raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(self.__m_line, ":=", token)) #if + or - if token in self.__m_Grammar.getLex()['op']: #check before and after for identifiers or integer constants if (not self.__m_Grammar.isIdentifier(line[count-1])) and (not self.__m_Grammar.isIntegerConstant(line[count-1])): raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(self.__m_line, "identifier or int on the left", line[count-1])) elif (not self.__m_Grammar.isIdentifier(line[count+1])) and (not self.__m_Grammar.isIntegerConstant(line[count+1])): raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(self.__m_line, "identifier or int on the right", line[count+1])) count += 1 def isValidFunction(self, line): #check if it is a valid statement self.isTerminated(line) count = 0 for token in line: if (count == 1 and token != "("): raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(self.__m_line, "(", token)) if (count == len(line)-2 and token != ")"): raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(self.__m_line, ")", token)) if token == ',': #check before and after for identifiers or integer constants if (not self.__m_Grammar.isIdentifier(line[count-1])) and (not self.__m_Grammar.isIntegerConstant(line[count-1])): raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(self.__m_line, "identifier or int on the left", line[count-1])) elif (not self.__m_Grammar.isIdentifier(line[count+1])) and (not self.__m_Grammar.isIntegerConstant(line[count+1])): raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(self.__m_line, "identifier or int on the right", line[count+1])) if token == ';': if count != len(line) -1: raise Exception("Invalid use of terminator ';' at line {} expected ','".format(self.__m_line)) count += 1 def isTerminated(self, line): if line[-1] != ";": raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(self.__m_line, "; as a terminator", line[-1])) #count left P and right P; at the end raise exception if != def checkParentheses(self, line): leftP = 0 rightP = 0 for token in line: if token == '(': leftP += 1 elif token == ')': rightP += 1 if leftP == rightP: return #if here we have an error missing = "right" if leftP < rightP: missing = "left" raise Exception("Missing a {} parentheses on line {}".format(missing, self.__m_line)) #check if program def isProgram(self): if self.__m_tokens[-1][0].lower() == "end" and self.__m_tokens[0][0].lower() == "begin": return elif self.__m_tokens[0][0].lower() != "BEGIN": raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(1, "BEGIN", self.__m_tokens[0][0])) elif self.__m_tokens[-1][0].lower() != "end": raise Exception(self.errorExpectedToken(len(self.__m_tokens)+1, "END", self.__m_tokens[-1][0])) #custom exception message def errorExpectedToken(self, lineNr, expected, got): return "Error at line #{}: expected {} not {}".format(lineNr, expected, got) #tests def testGrammar(self): print(self.__m_Grammar.isIdentifier("variable")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isIdentifier("1variable")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isIntegerConstant("500")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isIntegerConstant("b500")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isProgramKw("BEGIN")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isProgramKw("BLA")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isStringConstant("\"String bla bla\"")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isStringConstant("String bla bla")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isSymbol("(")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isSymbol("$")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isOp("+")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isOp("/")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isStatement(":=")) print(self.__m_Grammar.isStatement("="))
from Grammar import * g1 = Grammar("<haiku>")"grammar1.grm") print() print(g1.generate()) print()
def translate(sentence): if sentence is None and server is False: sentence = input("Enter your sentence and watch crazy things happen:") tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) tagged = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) Grammar.wordorder(tagged, sentence)
from Grammar import * g2 = Grammar('<epic_firstline>')'grammar2.grm') print() print(g2.generate()) print()