def CD(prot_sub, iter_num): """ Coordinate Descent Solver: retrun inferred protein, Z, r^2, X, error """ S = prot_sub['S'] X = prot_sub['X'] if len(sys.argv) < 3: iter_num = 1000 Num_pep, Num_prot = S.shape Num_condition = X.shape[1] # set IC protein_ic = np.random.randn(Num_prot, Num_condition) protein = protein_ic # for loop iterations for each in range(iter_num): Prot = protein dat = zeta = np.sum(dat * X.T, axis=0) / np.sum(dat * dat, axis=0) if np.sum(zeta[:] < 0): zeta[zeta < 0] = 1e-4 Zeta = np.diag(zeta) Proteins = np.linalg.lstsq(, X)[0] if np.sum(Proteins[:] < 0): Proteins[Proteins < 0] = 1e-4 protein = Proteins if np.linalg.norm(Prot[:] - protein[:]) < 1e-8: break Model = X_norm = hf.norm_mean(X, 0) Rsq = 1 - (np.sum(X[:] - Model[:])**2) / np.sum(X_norm**2) opt = dict() opt['model'] = Model opt['rsq'] = Rsq opt['Z'] = Zeta opt['error'] = np.linalg.norm(Prot[:] - protein[:]) return protein, opt
def QP(prot_sub): """ Quadratic Programming Solver: Return the inferred protein level, Z, r^2 """ S = prot_sub['S'] X = prot_sub['X'] N = X.shape[1] A1 = np.kron(S, np.eye(N)) A2 = -block_diag(*X).T A1 = matrix(A1) A2 = matrix(A2) AA = matrix([[A1], [A2]]) P = matrix(, AA)) dim = P.size[0] q = matrix(np.zeros(dim)) G = matrix(-np.eye(dim)) h = matrix(np.zeros(dim), (dim, 1)) A = matrix(np.ones(dim), (1, dim)) b = matrix(1.0) sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b) w = np.array(sol['x']) if np.sum(w < 0) > np.sum(w > 0): w = -1 * w p_vect = w[0:S.shape[1] * X.shape[1]] U_hat = np.array(p_vect).reshape(S.shape[1], X.shape[1]) #♌ in test case reshape(2,6) L_hat = np.concatenate(w[S.shape[1] * X.shape[1]::]) Z_hat = 1 / L_hat protein = U_hat X_rec = np.diag(Z_hat).dot(S).dot(U_hat) Model = X_rec * np.median(X_rec[:] / X[:]) X_norm = hf.norm_mean(X, 0) Rsq = 1 - (np.sum(X[:] - Model[:])**2) / np.sum(X_norm**2) opt = dict() opt['model'] = Model opt['rsq'] = Rsq opt['Z'] = np.diag(Z_hat) return protein, opt
def SVD(prot_sub): """ SVD sovler: Return the inferred protein level, Z, r^2 """ S = prot_sub['S'] X = prot_sub['X'] N = X.shape[1] M = S.shape[0] K = S.shape[1] A1 = np.kron(S, np.eye(N)) A2 = block_diag(*X).T A = np.concatenate((A1, -A2), axis=1) U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=True) # U, s, V = svd(A, full_matrices=True, lapack_driver = 'gesvd') w = V[-1, :] #♌ eigen_spacing = (s[-2] - s[-1]) / (s[-2] + s[-1]) if np.sum(w < 0) > np.sum(w > 0): w = -1 * w p_vect = w[0:K * N] U_hat = p_vect.reshape(K, N) L_hat = w[K * N::] Z_hat = 1 / L_hat protein = U_hat X_rec = np.diag(Z_hat).dot(S).dot(U_hat) Model = X_rec * np.median(X_rec[:] / X[:]) X_norm = hf.norm_mean(X, 0) Rsq = 1 - (np.sum(X[:] - Model[:])**2) / np.sum(X_norm**2) opt = dict() opt['model'] = Model opt['rsq'] = Rsq opt['Z'] = np.diag(Z_hat) opt['V'] = w # last eigen vector opt['eigen_spacing'] = eigen_spacing return protein, opt
CD_homo_P = dict() SVD_homo_P = dict() QP_homo_P = dict() U_true_set = dict() for each in range(num_problem): Z_true = 1 + np.array([random.expovariate(1) for rand in range(M)]) U_true = np.random.rand(K, N) X_clean = np.diag(Z_true).dot(S).dot(U_true) X = X_clean + (X_clean * sigma_n) * np.array(mtl.randn(M, N)) U_true_set[str(each)] = U_true prot_sub = dict() prot_sub['S'] = S prot_sub['X'] = X hf.null_sp_dim(prot_sub) # SVD sovler SVD_solution = Solvers.SVD(prot_sub) SVD_protein, SVD_opt = SVD_solution SVD_homo_P[str(each)] = SVD_protein # QP solver QP_solution = Solvers.QP(prot_sub) QP_protein, QP_opt = QP_solution QP_homo_P[str(each)] = QP_protein # CD sovler CD_solution = Solvers.CD(prot_sub, 1000) CD_protein, CD_opt = CD_solution CD_homo_P[str(each)] = CD_protein
import HIquant_functions as hf import Solvers from cvxopt import solvers, matrix, lapack import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import HIquant_test_path_set as ts from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor import seaborn as sns os.getcwd() print( 'Importing data from the directory below ...') st=time.time() test_path = ts.test_set['TMT2_MQ_Phospho'] #test_path = '/Users/chentianchi/Desktop/alex_all_proteoform_IL4_hiquant_input.txt' Mat_A , Mat_S, Mat_CC , Mat_nC, Dat_data, Dat_textdata, Dat_proteins, Data_isunique, Num_peptides, Num_proteins = hf.GetData(test_path) ed=time.time() print('Time:',ed-st) Mat_nC Num_proteins Num_peptides Dat_data ## 2. Complie a list protein having unique peptde and common peptides. proteins_uniq_pep = Dat_textdata[Data_isunique==1].iloc[:,0].tolist() # proteins_uniq_indx = pd.DataFrame(Dat_proteins).isin(proteins_uniq_pep) # print('The number of proteins with unique peptides is :', proteins_uniq_indx.sum().values) % redundont, use the following print('The number of proteins with unique peptides is :', len(np.unique(proteins_uniq_pep))) print('Number of proteins ONLY with common peptides:', Num_proteins-len(np.unique(proteins_uniq_pep)))