Example #1
def get_hyphy_debug_info(hyphy_output):
    @param hyphy_output: the string representing the hyphy output
    @return: a string explaining how the output was interpreted
    ns = Hyphy.get_hyphy_namespace(StringIO(hyphy_output))
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'raw hyphy output:'
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    print >> out, hyphy_output
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, 'processed hyphy output lines:'
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    for i, line in enumerate(ns.get_processed_lines()):
        print >> out, i, ':', line
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, 'hyphy namespace object dictionary:'
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    print >> out, ns.__dict__
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    return out.getvalue().strip()
Example #2
def get_hyphy_debug_info(hyphy_output):
    @param hyphy_output: the string representing the hyphy output
    @return: a string explaining how the output was interpreted
    ns = Hyphy.get_hyphy_namespace(StringIO(hyphy_output))
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'raw hyphy output:'
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    print >> out, hyphy_output
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, 'processed hyphy output lines:'
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    for i, line in enumerate(ns.get_processed_lines()):
        print >> out, i, ':', line
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, 'hyphy namespace object dictionary:'
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    print >> out, ns.__dict__
    print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
    return out.getvalue().strip()
Example #3
def get_response_content(fs):
    @param fs: a FieldStorage object containing the cgi arguments
    @return: a (response_headers, response_text) pair
    # read the nexus data
    nexus = Nexus.Nexus()
    except Nexus.NexusError as e:
        raise HandlingError(e)
    # do things in the working directory
    with Util.remember_cwd():
        # create the batch file
        with open(hyphy_bf, 'wt') as fout:
            print >> fout, hky_hyphy_model
        # create the nexus file
        with open(hyphy_nexus, 'wt') as fout:
            print >> fout, nexus
        # run hyphy
        cmd = [Config.hyphy_exe_path, hyphy_bf]
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        hyphy_output = p.stdout.read()
    # read the hyphy output
    ns = Hyphy.get_hyphy_namespace(StringIO(hyphy_output))
    out = StringIO()
    if fs.outdebug:
        print >> out, get_hyphy_debug_info(hyphy_output)
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    if fs.outmodel:
        print >> out, 'hyphy model:'
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, hky_hyphy_model
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    print >> out, 'tree :', ns.givenTree.get_newick_string()
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, 'log likelihood :', ns.lnL
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, 'kappa :', ns.kappa
    print >> out, ''
    print >> out, 'A :', ns.eqFreqA
    print >> out, 'C :', ns.eqFreqC
    print >> out, 'G :', ns.eqFreqG
    print >> out, 'T :', ns.eqFreqT
    # return the results
    return out.getvalue()
Example #4
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the nexus data
    nexus = Nexus.Nexus()
    except Nexus.NexusError as e:
        raise HandlingError(e)
    # read the hyphy variables
    ns = Hyphy.get_hyphy_namespace(StringIO(fs.hyphy))
    # get the mixture weights
    mixture_weights = [ns.P, 1.0 - ns.P]
    # get the nucleotide distributions
    nucleotide_distributions = []
    for suffix in ("", "2"):
        distribution = {}
        for nt in list("ACGT"):
            var = "eqFreq" + nt + suffix
            proportion = getattr(ns, var)
            distribution[nt] = proportion
    # create the normalized nucleotide HKY rate matrix objects
    rate_matrix_objects = []
    for nt_distribution in nucleotide_distributions:
        rate_matrix_object = RateMatrix.get_unscaled_hky85_rate_matrix(nt_distribution, ns.kappa)
    # create the mixture proportions
    weight_sum = sum(mixture_weights)
    mixture_proportions = [weight / weight_sum for weight in mixture_weights]
    # scale each rate matrix object by its branch length ratio
    for rate_matrix_object, tree_name in zip(rate_matrix_objects, ("givenTree", "otherTree")):
        nexus_tree = nexus.tree
        hyphy_tree = getattr(ns, tree_name)
            nexus_human_node = nexus_tree.get_unique_node("Human")
        except Newick.NewickSearchError as e:
            raise HandlingError("nexus tree error: %s" % e)
            hyphy_human_node = hyphy_tree.get_unique_node("HUMAN")
        except Newick.NewickSearchError as e:
            raise HandlingError("hyphy tree error: %s" % e)
        sf = hyphy_human_node.blen / nexus_human_node.blen
    # create the mixture model
    mixture_model = SubModel.MixtureModel(mixture_proportions, rate_matrix_objects)
    # return the results
    return do_analysis(mixture_model, nexus.alignment, nexus.tree) + "\n"
Example #5
def get_response(fs):
    @param fs: a FieldStorage object containing the cgi arguments
    @return: a (response_headers, response_text) pair
    # read the nexus data
    nexus = Nexus.Nexus()
    except Nexus.NexusError as e:
        raise HandlingError(e)
    # move to the data directory
    original_directory = os.getcwd()
    # create the batch file
    category_suffixes = [
        str(category + 1) for category in range(fs.ncategories)
    hky_hyphy_model = get_hyphy_model_string(hyphy_nexus, fs.ncategories)
    with open(hyphy_bf, 'wt') as fout:
        print >> fout, hky_hyphy_model
    # create the nexus file
    with open(hyphy_nexus, 'wt') as fout:
        print >> fout, nexus
    # run hyphy
    p = subprocess.Popen([Config.hyphy_exe_path, hyphy_bf],
    hyphy_output = p.stdout.read()
    # move back to the original directory
    # read the hyphy output
    ns = Hyphy.get_hyphy_namespace(StringIO(hyphy_output))
    out = StringIO()
    if fs.outdebug:
        print >> out, get_hyphy_debug_info(hyphy_output)
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    if fs.outmodel:
        print >> out, 'hyphy model:'
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, hky_hyphy_model
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    if True:
        print >> out, 'reformatted hyphy output:'
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        # show the log likelihood
        print >> out, 'log likelihood :', ns.lnL
        print >> out, ''
        # show the kappa value
        print >> out, 'kappa :', ns.kappa
        print >> out, ''
        category_blocks = []
        for suffix in category_suffixes:
            block = StringIO()
            print >> block, 'mixing proportion :', getattr(
                ns, 'catFreq' + suffix)
            print >> block, 'tree :', getattr(ns, 'tree' +
            for nt in list('ACGT'):
                print >> block, nt, ':', getattr(ns, 'eqFreq' + nt + suffix)
        print >> out, '\n\n'.join(category_blocks)
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    if fs.outcheck:
        # get the raw matrices
        matrices = []
        for suffix in category_suffixes:
            nt_dict = {}
            for nt in list('ACGT'):
                nt_dict[nt] = getattr(ns, 'eqFreq' + nt + suffix)
            total = float(sum(nt_dict.values()))
            nt_dict = dict((k, v / total) for k, v in nt_dict.items())
            matrix = RateMatrix.get_unscaled_hky85_rate_matrix(
                nt_dict, ns.kappa)
        raw_matrix_rates = [matrix.get_expected_rate() for matrix in matrices]
        category_weights = []
        for suffix in category_suffixes:
            category_weights.append(getattr(ns, 'catFreq' + suffix))
        total = float(sum(category_weights))
        category_distribution = [weight / total for weight in category_weights]
        mixture_model = SubModel.MixtureModel(category_distribution, matrices)
        raw_mixture_rate = mixture_model.get_expected_rate()
        # rescale the mixture model
        # 0.75 is the expected rate of the initial model
        r1 = 0.75
        scaling_factor = r1
        recomputed_log_likelihood = PhyLikelihood.get_log_likelihood(
            nexus.tree, nexus.alignment, mixture_model)
        print >> out, 'recomputed likelihood and rates:'
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, 'log likelihood :', recomputed_log_likelihood
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, 'rate :', raw_mixture_rate
        print >> out, ''
        for rate, suffix in zip(raw_matrix_rates, category_suffixes):
            print >> out, 'rate%s : %s' % (suffix, rate)
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    # return the response
    return out.getvalue()
Example #6
def get_response(fs):
    @param fs: a FieldStorage object containing the cgi arguments
    @return: a (response_headers, response_text) pair
    # read the nexus data
    nexus = Nexus.Nexus()
    except Nexus.NexusError as e:
        raise HandlingError(e)
    # move to the data directory
    original_directory = os.getcwd()
    # create the batch file
    category_suffixes = [str(category+1) for category in range(fs.ncategories)]
    hky_hyphy_model = get_hyphy_model_string(hyphy_nexus, fs.ncategories)
    with open(hyphy_bf, 'wt') as fout:
        print >> fout, hky_hyphy_model 
    # create the nexus file
    with open(hyphy_nexus, 'wt') as fout:
        print >> fout, nexus
    # run hyphy
    p = subprocess.Popen([Config.hyphy_exe_path, hyphy_bf],
            close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    hyphy_output = p.stdout.read()
    # move back to the original directory
    # read the hyphy output
    ns = Hyphy.get_hyphy_namespace(StringIO(hyphy_output))
    out = StringIO()
    if fs.outdebug:
        print >> out, get_hyphy_debug_info(hyphy_output)
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    if fs.outmodel:
        print >> out, 'hyphy model:'
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, hky_hyphy_model
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    if True:
        print >> out, 'reformatted hyphy output:'
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        # show the log likelihood
        print >> out, 'log likelihood :', ns.lnL
        print >> out, ''
        # show the kappa value
        print >> out, 'kappa :', ns.kappa
        print >> out, ''
        category_blocks = []
        for suffix in category_suffixes:
            block = StringIO()
            print >> block, 'mixing proportion :', getattr(ns, 'catFreq'+suffix)
            print >> block, 'tree :', getattr(ns, 'tree'+suffix).get_newick_string()
            for nt in list('ACGT'):
                print >> block, nt, ':', getattr(ns, 'eqFreq'+nt+suffix)
        print >> out, '\n\n'.join(category_blocks)
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    if fs.outcheck:
        # get the raw matrices
        matrices = []
        for suffix in category_suffixes:
            nt_dict = {}
            for nt in list('ACGT'):
                nt_dict[nt] = getattr(ns, 'eqFreq'+nt+suffix)
            total = float(sum(nt_dict.values()))
            nt_dict = dict((k, v/total) for k, v in nt_dict.items())
            matrix = RateMatrix.get_unscaled_hky85_rate_matrix(
                    nt_dict, ns.kappa)
        raw_matrix_rates = [matrix.get_expected_rate() for matrix in matrices]
        category_weights = []
        for suffix in category_suffixes:
            category_weights.append(getattr(ns, 'catFreq'+suffix))
        total = float(sum(category_weights))
        category_distribution = [weight / total for weight in category_weights]
        mixture_model = SubModel.MixtureModel(category_distribution, matrices)
        raw_mixture_rate = mixture_model.get_expected_rate()
        # rescale the mixture model
        # 0.75 is the expected rate of the initial model
        r1 = 0.75
        scaling_factor = r1
        recomputed_log_likelihood = PhyLikelihood.get_log_likelihood(
                nexus.tree, nexus.alignment, mixture_model)
        print >> out, 'recomputed likelihood and rates:'
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, 'log likelihood :', recomputed_log_likelihood
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, 'rate :', raw_mixture_rate
        print >> out, ''
        for rate, suffix in zip(raw_matrix_rates, category_suffixes):
            print >> out, 'rate%s : %s' % (suffix, rate)
        print >> out, '---------------------------------------'
        print >> out, ''
        print >> out, ''
    # return the response
    return out.getvalue()