def main(torBool, sslBool): global shodanAPI global irc global botNick global channel global botPassword global email ##Shodan shodanAPI = shodan.Shodan(shodanKey) ##TOR if (False): tor = TOR(controlPort, torKey) tor.torConnect() ##IRC irc = IRC(serverAddress, ircPort, True, True, socksPort) irc.bootStrap(botNick, channel, True, True) flag = True while flag: text = irc.getText() if (text != None): print text if ("NOTICE" in text and "This nickname is registered" in text): irc.send('NickServ', 'VERIFY REGISTER PikeBot iwwxzqbtrwsc') irc.nickServIdentify(botPassword) elif ("NickServ" in text and "PRIVMSG" in text and "is not a registered nickname" in text): irc.nickServRegister(botPassword, email) elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and "?help" in text): irc.send(channel, "?help, ?about, ?shodan host") elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and "?shodan host" in text): try: user =':(.*)!', text).group(1) host ='\?shodan host (.*)\r\n', text).group(1) print '[+] User:'******'[+] URL: ' + host except AttributeError: pass shodanHost(host, user) elif (("JOIN :" + channel + "\r\n") in text and "NOTICE" not in text and botNick not in text): try: user =':(.*)!', text).group(1) #irc.send(channel, "hey " + user + ". " + "how's it going?") except AttributeError: pass elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and "?about" in text): irc.send(channel, "PikeBot V0.1 By:NotPike") elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and "Nickname is already in use" in text): botNick = "IfNot" + botNick irc.bootStrap(botNick, channel, True, True) elif ("ERROR :Closing link:" in text): irc.close() print "[!] Reconnecting..." time.sleep(5) irc.bootStrap(botNick, channel, True, True) elif ("JOIN :You have not registered\r\n" in text): irc.nickServRegister(botPassword, email) irc.nickServIdentify(botPassword) irc.nick(botNick) irc.join(channel) else: irc.close() print "[!] Reconnecting..." time.sleep(5) irc.bootStrap(botNick, channel, True, True)
def main(torBool, sslBool): global shodanAPI global irc global botNick global channel global botPassword global email ##Shodan shodanAPI = shodan.Shodan(shodanKey) ##TOR if (False): tor = TOR(controlPort, torKey) tor.torConnect() ##IRC irc = IRC(serverAddress, ircPort, True, True, socksPort) irc.bootStrap(botNick, channel) flag = True while flag: text = irc.getText() if (text != None): print text #NickServ and Bot Name if ("NOTICE" in text and "This nickname is registered" in text): irc.nickServIdentify(botPassword) elif ("NickServ" in text and "PRIVMSG" in text and "is not a registered nickname" in text): irc.nickServRegister(botPassword, email) elif ("JOIN :You have not registered\r\n" in text): irc.nickServRegister(botPassword, email) irc.nickServIdentify(botPassword) irc.nick(botNick) irc.join(channel) elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and "Nickname is already in use" in text): botNick = "IfNot" + botNick irc.nick(botNick) #Bot Functions elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and "?help" in text): irc.send(channel, "?help, ?about, ?shodan host") elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and "?shodan host" in text): try: user =':(.*)!', text).group(1) host ='\?shodan host (.*)\r\n', text).group(1) print '[+] User:'******'[+] URL: ' + host except AttributeError: pass shodanHost(host, user) elif (("JOIN :" + channel + "\r\n") in text and "NOTICE" not in text and botNick not in text): try: user =':(.*)!', text).group(1) irc.send(channel, "hey " + user) except AttributeError: pass elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and "?about" in text): irc.send(channel, "PikeBot V0.1 By:NotPike") elif ("PRIVMSG" in text and channel in text and killWord in text): try: user =':(.*)!', text).group(1) if (user == ownerNick): flag = False irc.part(channel, partMsg) irc.close() sys.exit(0) else: irc.send(channel, "try harder") except AttributeError: pass #Error handling elif ("ERROR :Closing link:" in text): print "[!] Reconnecting..." irc.close() irc.restart() irc.bootStrap(botNick, channel) else: print "[!] Reconnecting..." irc.close() irc.restart() irc.bootStrap(botNick, channel)