Example #1
    def __init__(captcha, file_, process=True):
        captcha.image = Image.prep(Image.open(file_).convert("RGB"))
        captcha.mask = Image.prep(Image.new("1", captcha.dimensions, False))
        captcha.characters = []
        captcha.value = None

        if process:
Example #2
    def chunk_image_mask(captcha, chunk, ignore_color=False):
        """Returns a B&W image of the pixels in a chunk, cropped to fit.

        The pixels that fit into the crop but are not in the chunk are
        masked, but their colour values are preserved."""

        min_x = None
        max_x = None
        min_y = None
        max_y = None

        for index in chunk:
            x, y = index

            if min_x is None or x < min_x:
                min_x = x
            if max_x is None or x > max_x:
                max_x = x
            if min_y is None or y < min_y:
                min_y = y
            if max_y is None or y > max_y:
                max_y = y

        image = Image.prep(Image.new("1", (max_x - min_x + 1, max_y - min_y + 1)))

        for x in range(image.width):
            for y in range(image.height):
                image.data[x, y] = (min_x + x, min_y + y) in chunk

        return image
Example #3
    def masked(captcha):
        """Returns an RGBA image based on original with masked areas transparent.

        They keep their original color values, their alpha is just zeroed."""

        image = Image.prep(captcha.image.convert("RGBA"))

        for index in captcha:
            if captcha[index] is None:
                r, g, b, a = image.data[index]
                image.data[index] = r, g, b, False

        return image
Example #4
    def interpret_characters(captcha):
        """Attempts to return the string of characters represented by the character images."""

        max_height = max(i.height for i in captcha.characters)  # TODO: Should this be a constant?

        # We put the characters in an image, each CHARACTER_PADDING from the bottom.

        width = sum(i.width for i in captcha.characters) + captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING * (len(captcha.characters) + 1)
        height = max_height + captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING * 2

        image = Image.prep(Image.new("L", (width, height), 0))

        x_offset = captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING

        for character in captcha.characters:
            y_offset = height - captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING - character.height

            image.paste(character, (x_offset, y_offset, x_offset + character.width, y_offset + character.height))

            x_offset += character.width + captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING

        image = Image.prep(image.filter(ImageFilter.MaxFilter(3)).filter(ImageFilter.ModeFilter(3)))

        return ocr(image)
Example #5
    def scale_characters(captcha):
        max_height = max(i.height for i in captcha.characters)  # TODO: Should this be a constant?
        max_width = max(i.width for i in captcha.characters)  # :-/

        scaled_characters = []

        for character in captcha.characters:
            width = character.width * (max_height / character.height)

            if width > max_width:
                width = max_width
                height = int(character.height * (width / character.width))
                width = int(width)
                height = max_height

                Image.prep(character.convert("L").resize((width, height), Image.BICUBIC).convert("1"))

        captcha.characters = scaled_characters
Example #6
    def align_characters(captcha):
        """Rotates character images to the correct alignment.

        This is determined by finding the orientation within MAX_ROTATION
        rotations with the minimum area that produces an image taller than
        it is wide."""

        new_characters = []

        for character in captcha.characters:
            best_width = None
            best_area = None

            for angle in range(captcha.MIN_ROTATION, captcha.MAX_ROTATION + 1):
                rotated = Image.prep(character.rotate(angle, Image.NEAREST, expand=True))

                min_x = 0
                max_x = rotated.width - 1
                min_y = 0
                max_y = rotated.height - 1

                for x in range(rotated.width):
                    if any(rotated.data[x, y] for y in range(rotated.height)):
                        min_x = x

                for _x in range(rotated.width):
                    x = rotated.width - 1 - _x

                    if any(rotated.data[x, y] for y in range(rotated.height)):
                        max_x = x

                for y in range(rotated.height):
                    if any(rotated.data[x, y] for x in range(rotated.width)):
                        min_y = y

                for _y in range(rotated.height):
                    y = rotated.height - 1 - _y

                    if any(rotated.data[x, y] for x in range(rotated.width)):
                        max_y = y

                width = max_x - min_x + 1
                height = max_y - min_y + 1

                area = (width ** 1.2) * height

                if best_area is None or (area < best_area and width < height):
                    best_area = area
                    best_image = rotated
                    best_box = (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)


        captcha.characters = new_characters
Example #7
    def interpret_characters(captcha):
        """Attempts to return the string of characters represented by the character images."""

        max_height = max(i.height for i in captcha.characters) # TODO: Should this be a constant?
        # We put the characters in an image, each CHARACTER_PADDING from the bottom.
        width = (sum(i.width for i in captcha.characters) +
                 captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING * (len(captcha.characters) + 1))
        height = max_height + captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING * 2

        image = Image.prep(Image.new("L", (width, height), 0))

        x_offset = captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING
        for character in captcha.characters:
            y_offset = height - captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING - character.height
            image.paste(character, (x_offset, y_offset,
                                    x_offset + character.width,
                                    y_offset + character.height))
            x_offset += character.width + captcha.CHARACTER_PADDING

        image = Image.prep(image

Example #8
    def __init__(captcha, file_, process=True):
        captcha.image = Image.prep(Image.open(file_).convert("RGB"))
        captcha.mask = Image.prep(Image.new("1", captcha.dimensions, False))
        captcha.characters = []
        captcha.value = None

        if process:
Example #9
    def chunk_image_mask(captcha, chunk, ignore_color=False):
        """Returns a B&W image of the pixels in a chunk, cropped to fit.

        The pixels that fit into the crop but are not in the chunk are
        masked, but their colour values are preserved."""

        min_x = None
        max_x = None
        min_y = None
        max_y = None

        for index in chunk:
            x, y = index

            if min_x is None or x < min_x:
                min_x = x
            if max_x is None or x > max_x:
                max_x = x
            if min_y is None or y < min_y:
                min_y = y
            if max_y is None or y > max_y:
                max_y = y

        image = Image.prep(Image.new("1", (max_x - min_x + 1,
                                           max_y - min_y + 1)))
        for x in range(image.width):
            for y in range(image.height):
                image.data[x, y] = (min_x + x, min_y + y) in chunk
Example #10
    def masked(captcha):
        """Returns an RGBA image based on original with masked areas transparent.

        They keep their original color values, their alpha is just zeroed."""

        image = Image.prep(captcha.image.convert("RGBA"))

        for index in captcha:
            if captcha[index] is None:
                r, g, b, a = image.data[index]
                image.data[index] = r, g, b, False

Example #11
    def scale_characters(captcha):
        max_height = max(i.height for i in captcha.characters) # TODO: Should this be a constant?
        max_width = max(i.width for i in captcha.characters) # :-/
        scaled_characters = []

        for character in captcha.characters:
            width = character.width * (max_height / character.height)
            if width > max_width:
                width = max_width
                height = int(character.height * (width / character.width))
                width = int(width)
                height = max_height
                                      .resize((width, height),

        captcha.characters = scaled_characters
Example #12
    def align_characters(captcha):
        """Rotates character images to the correct alignment.

        This is determined by finding the orientation within MAX_ROTATION
        rotations with the minimum area that produces an image taller than
        it is wide."""

        new_characters = []
        for character in captcha.characters:
            best_width = None
            best_area = None
            for angle in range(captcha.MIN_ROTATION, captcha.MAX_ROTATION + 1):
                rotated = Image.prep(character.rotate(angle, Image.NEAREST,

                min_x = 0
                max_x = rotated.width - 1
                min_y = 0
                max_y = rotated.height - 1
                for x in range(rotated.width):
                    if any(rotated.data[x, y] for y in range(rotated.height)):
                        min_x = x

                for _x in range(rotated.width):
                    x = rotated.width - 1 - _x
                    if any(rotated.data[x, y] for y in range(rotated.height)):
                        max_x = x

                for y in range(rotated.height):
                    if any(rotated.data[x, y] for x in range(rotated.width)):
                        min_y = y

                for _y in range(rotated.height):
                    y = rotated.height - 1 - _y
                    if any(rotated.data[x, y] for x in range(rotated.width)):
                        max_y = y

                width = max_x - min_x + 1
                height = max_y - min_y + 1

                area = (width ** 1.2) * height
                if best_area is None or (area < best_area and width < height):
                    best_area = area
                    best_image = rotated
                    best_box = (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)


        captcha.characters = new_characters