Example #1
    def _open(self):

	# Screen
	s = self.fp.read(13)
	if s[:6] not in ["GIF87a", "GIF89a"]:
	    raise SyntaxError, "not a GIF file"

	self.info["version"] = s[:6]

	self.size = i16(s[6:]), i16(s[8:])

	self.tile = []

	flags = ord(s[10])

	bits = (flags & 7) + 1

	if flags & 128:
	    # get global palette
	    self.info["background"] = ord(s[11])
	    self.global_palette = self.palette =\
		ImagePaletteH.raw("RGB", self.fp.read(3<<bits))

	self.fp2 = self.fp # FIXME: hack
	self.offset = 0
	self.dispose = None

	self.frame = -1
	self.seek(0) # get ready to read first frame
Example #2
    def _open(self):

        # Screen
        s = self.fp.read(13)
        if s[:6] not in ["GIF87a", "GIF89a"]:
            raise SyntaxError, "not a GIF file"

        self.info["version"] = s[:6]

        self.size = i16(s[6:]), i16(s[8:])

        self.tile = []

        flags = ord(s[10])

        bits = (flags & 7) + 1

        if flags & 128:
            # get global palette
            self.info["background"] = ord(s[11])
            self.global_palette = self.palette =\
         ImagePaletteH.raw("RGB", self.fp.read(3<<bits))

        self.fp2 = self.fp  # FIXME: hack
        self.offset = 0
        self.dispose = None

        self.frame = -1
        self.seek(0)  # get ready to read first frame
Example #3
    def putpalette(self, data, rawmode = "RGB"):
	"Put palette data into an image."

        if self.mode not in ("L", "P"):
            raise ValueError, "illegal image mode"
        if type(data) != StringType:
            data = string.join(map(chr, data), "")
        self.mode = "P"
        self.palette = ImagePaletteH.raw(rawmode, data)
        self.palette.mode = "RGB"
Example #4
    def putpalette(self, data, rawmode = "RGB"):
	"Put palette data into an image."

        if self.mode not in ("L", "P"):
            raise ValueError, "illegal image mode"
        if type(data) != StringType:
            data = string.join(map(chr, data), "")
        self.mode = "P"
        self.palette = ImagePaletteH.raw(rawmode, data)
        self.palette.mode = "RGB"
Example #5
    def _open(self):

	if self.fp.read(8) != _MAGIC:
	    raise SyntaxError, "not a PNG file"

	# Parse headers, up until the first IDAT chunk

	self.png = PngStream(self.fp)

	while 1:

	    # get next chunk

	    cid, pos, len = self.png.read()

	        s = self.png.call(cid, pos, len)
	    except EOFError:

	    except AttributeError:
		if ImageH.DEBUG:
		    print cid, pos, len, "(unknown)"
		s = self.fp.read(len)

	    self.png.crc(cid, s)

	# Copy relevant attributes from the PngStream.  An alternative
	# would be to let the PngStream class modify these attributes
	# directly, but that introduces circular references which are
	# difficult to break no matter what happens in the decoders.
	# (believe me, I've tried ;-)

	self.mode = self.png.im_mode
	self.size = self.png.im_size
	self.info = self.png.im_info
	self.tile = self.png.im_tile
	if self.png.im_palette:
	    rawmode, data = self.png.im_palette
	    self.palette = ImagePaletteH.raw(rawmode, data)

	self.__idat = len # used by load_read()
    def _open(self):

        if self.fp.read(8) != _MAGIC:
            raise SyntaxError, "not a PNG file"

        # Parse headers, up until the first IDAT chunk

        self.png = PngStream(self.fp)

        while 1:

            # get next chunk

            cid, pos, len = self.png.read()

                s = self.png.call(cid, pos, len)
            except EOFError:

            except AttributeError:
                if ImageH.DEBUG:
                    print cid, pos, len, "(unknown)"
                s = self.fp.read(len)

            self.png.crc(cid, s)

        # Copy relevant attributes from the PngStream.  An alternative
        # would be to let the PngStream class modify these attributes
        # directly, but that introduces circular references which are
        # difficult to break no matter what happens in the decoders.
        # (believe me, I've tried ;-)

        self.mode = self.png.im_mode
        self.size = self.png.im_size
        self.info = self.png.im_info
        self.tile = self.png.im_tile
        if self.png.im_palette:
            rawmode, data = self.png.im_palette
            self.palette = ImagePaletteH.raw(rawmode, data)

        self.__idat = len  # used by load_read()
Example #7
    def seek(self, frame):

	# FIXME: can only seek to next frame; should add rewind capability
	if frame != self.frame + 1:
	    raise ValueError, "cannot seek to frame %d" % frame
	self.frame = frame

	self.tile = []

	self.fp = self.fp2 # FIXME: hack
	if self.offset:
	    # backup to last frame
	    while self.data():
	    self.offset = 0

	if self.dispose:
	    self.im = self.dispose
	    self.dispose = None

	self.palette = self.global_palette

	while 1:

	    s = self.fp.read(1)
	    if not s or s == ";":

	    elif s == "!":
		# extensions
		s = self.fp.read(1)
		block = self.data()
		if ord(s) == 249:
		    # graphic control extension
		    flags = ord(block[0])
		    if flags & 1:
			self.info["transparency"] = ord(block[3])
		    self.info["duration"] = i16(block[1:3]) * 10
			# disposal methods
			if flags & 8:
			    # replace with background colour
			    self.dispose = ImageH.core.fill("P", self.size,
			elif flags & 16:
			    # replace with previous contents
			    self.dispose = self.im.copy()
		    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
		elif ord(s) == 255:
		    # application extension
		    self.info["extension"] = block, self.fp.tell()
		    if block[:11] == "NETSCAPE2.0":
			self.info["loop"] = 1 # FIXME
		while self.data():

	    elif s == ",":
		# local image
		s = self.fp.read(9)

		# extent
		x0, y0 = i16(s[0:]), i16(s[2:])
		x1, y1 = x0 + i16(s[4:]), y0 + i16(s[6:])
		flags = ord(s[8])

		interlace = (flags & 64) != 0

		if flags & 128:
		    bits = (flags & 7) + 1
		    self.palette =\
			ImagePaletteH.raw("RGB", self.fp.read(3<<bits))

		# image data
		bits = ord(self.fp.read(1))
		self.offset = self.fp.tell()
		self.tile = [("gif",
			     (x0, y0, x1, y1),
			     (bits, interlace))]

		# raise IOError, "illegal GIF tag `%x`" % ord(s)

	if not self.tile:
	    self.fp2 = None
	    raise EOFError, "no more images in GIF file"

	self.mode = "L"
	if self.palette:
	    self.mode = "P"
Example #8
    def seek(self, frame):

        # FIXME: can only seek to next frame; should add rewind capability
        if frame != self.frame + 1:
            raise ValueError, "cannot seek to frame %d" % frame
        self.frame = frame

        self.tile = []

        self.fp = self.fp2  # FIXME: hack
        if self.offset:
            # backup to last frame
            while self.data():
            self.offset = 0

        if self.dispose:
            self.im = self.dispose
            self.dispose = None

        self.palette = self.global_palette

        while 1:

            s = self.fp.read(1)
            if not s or s == ";":

            elif s == "!":
                # extensions
                s = self.fp.read(1)
                block = self.data()
                if ord(s) == 249:
                    # graphic control extension
                    flags = ord(block[0])
                    if flags & 1:
                        self.info["transparency"] = ord(block[3])
                    self.info["duration"] = i16(block[1:3]) * 10
                        # disposal methods
                        if flags & 8:
                            # replace with background colour
                            self.dispose = ImageH.core.fill(
                                "P", self.size, self.info["background"])
                        elif flags & 16:
                            # replace with previous contents
                            self.dispose = self.im.copy()
                    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
                elif ord(s) == 255:
                    # application extension
                    self.info["extension"] = block, self.fp.tell()
                    if block[:11] == "NETSCAPE2.0":
                        self.info["loop"] = 1  # FIXME
                while self.data():

            elif s == ",":
                # local image
                s = self.fp.read(9)

                # extent
                x0, y0 = i16(s[0:]), i16(s[2:])
                x1, y1 = x0 + i16(s[4:]), y0 + i16(s[6:])
                flags = ord(s[8])

                interlace = (flags & 64) != 0

                if flags & 128:
                    bits = (flags & 7) + 1
                    self.palette =\
                 ImagePaletteH.raw("RGB", self.fp.read(3<<bits))

                # image data
                bits = ord(self.fp.read(1))
                self.offset = self.fp.tell()
                self.tile = [("gif", (x0, y0, x1, y1), self.offset,
                              (bits, interlace))]

                # raise IOError, "illegal GIF tag `%x`" % ord(s)

        if not self.tile:
            self.fp2 = None
            raise EOFError, "no more images in GIF file"

        self.mode = "L"
        if self.palette:
            self.mode = "P"