def get_equivalent_atoms(mol_file1, mol_file2):
    """Get a dictionary of equivalent atom pairs based on bonds
    mol_file1 -- path to a .mol file
    mol_file2 -- path to a second .mol file
    Will return an empty dictionary if no mapping is found """
    # Get coordinates and number atoms from a mol file
    coords_and_bonds1 = Iab.coords_to_lists(mol_file1)

    # Construct graph where nodes are atom numbers and edges are bonds
    G1 = Iab.construct_graph(coords_and_bonds1)
    # Get coordinates and number atoms for molecule 2
    coords_and_bonds2 = Iab.coords_to_lists(mol_file2)
    # Construct graph where nodes are atom numbers and edges are bonds 
    # for molecule 2
    G2 = Iab.construct_graph(coords_and_bonds2)
    # Find the combination of atoms that exclude the hydroxyl protons
    # and return the mapping dictionary
    return [Iab.get_redox_graph_mapping(G1, G2), coords_and_bonds1, \
            coords_and_bonds2, G1, G2]