def ksr_route_natmanage(self): if (KSR.siputils.is_request() > 0): if (KSR.siputils.has_totag() > 0) and (KSR.rr.check_route_param("nat=yes") > 0): KSR.setbflag(self.FLAGS['FLB_NATB']) elif (KSR.tmx.t_is_branch_route() > 0): if KSR.isdsturiset() and self.is_ip_internal(KSR.pv.getw("$dd")): KSR.xlog.xnotice("In DURI domain $dd is RFC1918. Mark for NAT") KSR.setbflag(self.FLAGS['FLB_NATB']) if self.is_ip_internal(KSR.pv.getw("$rd")): KSR.xlog.xnotice("In RURI domain $rd is RFC1918. Mark for NAT") KSR.setbflag(self.FLAGS['FLB_NATB']) if (KSR.siputils.is_reply() > 0): if (KSR.siputils.has_totag() > 0): KSR.setbflag(self.FLAGS['FLB_NATB']) elif (KSR.textops.has_body() > 0): if KSR.textops.search_body("") > 0: # Патчим 200 ответы от астериска KSR.setbflag(self.FLAGS['FLB_NATB']) elif KSR.nathelper.nat_uac_test(9) > 0: KSR.setbflag(self.FLAGS['FLB_NATB']) if not (KSR.isflagset(self.FLAGS['FLT_NATS']) or KSR.isbflagset(self.FLAGS['FLB_NATB'])): return 1 if (KSR.textops.has_body() > 0) or KSR.is_method("BYE|CANCEL") or (KSR.siputils.is_reply() > 0 and 300 <= KSR.pv.getw("$rs") <= 399): rtpengine_lp = "loop-protect " if self.GLOBALS['WITH_LOOPPROTECT_PATCH'] and (KSR.siputils.is_reply() > 0) and (KSR.textops.has_body() > 0) and (KSR.textops.search_body("a=rtpengine") > 0): KSR.xlog.xnotice("Client return looprotect param. Check SDP for our rtprngine IP " + self.GLOBALS['DEFINE_RTPENGINE_IP']) KSR.sdpops.sdp_get_line_startswith("$avp(cline)", "c=") KSR.sdpops.sdp_get_line_startswith("$avp(oline)", "o=") if not (self.GLOBALS['DEFINE_RTPENGINE_IP'] in KSR.pv.getw("$avp(cline)") or self.GLOBALS['DEFINE_RTPENGINE_IP'] in KSR.pv.getw("$avp(oline)")): KSR.xlog.xalert("In c/o param not found our rtprngine IP {}. Try to remove loop protect param for calls".format(self.GLOBALS['DEFINE_RTPENGINE_IP'])) KSR.sdpops.remove_line_by_prefix("a=rtpengine", "") if (KSR.tmx.t_is_request_route() > 0) or (KSR.tmx.t_is_reply_route() > 0): KSR.textopsx.msg_apply_changes() # Сбрасываем флаг - IP адреса чужие, а клиент вернул # нашу защиту от петли в rtpengine rtpengine_lp = "" # Проверяем - необходимо пропустить через RTPProxy SDP? # 8 - The SDP is searched for occurrence of RFC1918 or RFC6598 addresses # 'c' = replace-session-connection # 'o' = replace-origin # trust-address (flag 'r' in rtpproxy) enabled by default. To disable it need to use # SIP-source-address - opposite for trust-address flag if KSR.nathelper.is_rfc1918("$rd") and KSR.pv.getw("$rd") != "" and KSR.pv.getw("$rd") != "<null>" and KSR.pv.getw("$rd") != ""sip_dns"" and KSR.pv.getw("$rd") != "" and KSR.pv.getw("$tU") != "location": KSR.rtpengine.rtpengine_manage(rtpengine_lp + "replace-session-connection external internal replace-origin SIP-source-address to-tag") else: KSR.rtpengine.rtpengine_manage(rtpengine_lp + "replace-session-connection external external replace-origin SIP-source-address to-tag") if KSR.pv.getw("$rc") < 0: KSR.xlog.xalert("Calling rtpengine_manage() cause troubles!")
def ksr_route_reqinit(self): if KSR.is_INVITE(): KSR.xlog.xinfo("REQINIT. Check request $ru from $fu:$si") if KSR.is_method("PUBLISH|SUBSCRIBE"): # Drop unsupported methods, "Pool is closed due to aids.") return -255 if KSR.is_OPTIONS() and re.match("friendly-scanner|sipcli|VaxSIPUserAgent", KSR.pv.getw("$ua")): # silent drop for scanners - uncomment next line if want to reply #, "OK"), "There is no money, but you hang in there. Best wishes! Cheers!") return -255 if KSR.maxfwd.process_maxfwd(10) < 0:, "Too Many Hops") return -255 if KSR.is_OPTIONS():, "Keepalive") return -255 if (int(KSR.siputils.is_request()) > 0) and (int(KSR.textops.has_body()) < 0) and (int(KSR.hdr.is_present("Content-Length")) < 0): KSR.xlog.xwarn("Malformed SIP message from $si:$sp - unpresent Body and no Content-Length header. User agent:$ua - Append hdr") KSR.hdr.append("Content-Length: 0\r\n") KSR.textopsx.msg_apply_changes() if "null" in KSR.pv.getw("$ct"): KSR.xlog.xalert("Null in contact:{} Patch it".format(KSR.pv.getw("$ct"))) KSR.hdr.remove("Contact") KSR.hdr.append("Contact: sip:{}@{}:{}\r\n".format(KSR.pv.getw("$fU"), KSR.pv.getw("$si"), KSR.pv.getw("$sp"))) KSR.textopsx.msg_apply_changes() KSR.xlog.xalert("Contact now:{}".format(KSR.pv.getw("$ct"))) if KSR.sanity.sanity_check(1511, 7) < 0: KSR.xlog.xerr("Malformed SIP message from $si:$sp") return -255 if not KSR.pv.is_null("$au") and re.match("(\=)|(\-\-)|(')|(\#)|(\%27)|(\%24)", KSR.pv.getw("$au")): KSR.xlog.xalert("SQL Injection in authorization username from IP:$si:$sp - $au"), "There is no money, but you hang in there. Best wishes! Cheers!") return -255 if KSR.is_INVITE() and re.match("(\=)|(\-\-)|(')|(\#)|(\%27)|(\%24)", KSR.pv.getw("$ru")): KSR.xlog.xalert("SQL Injection in RURI in INVITE from IP:$si:$sp - $ru"), "There is no money, but you hang in there. Best wishes! Cheers!") return -255 return 1
def ksr_request_route(self, msg): KSR.dbg("method " + KSR.pv.get("$rm") + " r-uri " + KSR.pv.get("$ru")) if KSR.is_method("REGISTER"):, "OK") elif KSR.is_method("INVITE"): #Lookup our public IP address try: ip = requests.get('').text except: ip = "Failed to resolve" #Add that as a header KSR.hdr.append("X-KEMI: I came from KEMI at " + str(ip) + "\r\n") #Set host IP to KSR.sethost("") #Forward the request on KSR.forward() else:, "Got no idea...")
def ksr_route_relay(self): KSR.nathelper.handle_ruri_alias() # enable additional event routes for forwarded requests # - serial forking, RTP relaying handling, a.s.o. if KSR.is_method("INVITE|BYE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE") and ("branch_route") < 0):"ksr_branch_manage") #if KSR.is_method("INVITE|BYE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE") and ("onreply_route") < 0): #"ksr_onreply_manage") if KSR.is_INVITE() and ("failure_route") < 0):"ksr_failure_manage") if KSR.isflagset(self.FLAGS['FLT_FROM_ASTERISK']): KSR.textops.remove_hf_re("^X-") if < 0: KSR.xlog.xerr("Cant relay request. Send error.") return -255 else: return 1