'/' + string_mode + sample + '/ \n') FarmDirectory = dir + "FARM_" + string_mode + cpVersion JobName = "CoPl_list_" + cpVersion LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) if "TT" in samples: for tt in TTsamples: njobs = jobs[tt] for i in range(0, njobs): LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "BASH", "export weightmode='" + ttweight + "'; " + os.getcwd() + "/../PatAnalysis/ControlPlots.py -c " + theConfig + " -i /nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_5320/Summer12_" + tt + "/ -o " + tt + "_" + MC + "_" + str(i) + ".root " + stages + " --Njobs " + str(njobs) + " --jobNumber " + str(i) ]) if "SingleT" in samples: for St in SingleTsamples: njobs = jobs[St] for i in range(0, njobs): LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "BASH", os.getcwd() + "/../PatAnalysis/ControlPlots.py -c " + theConfig + " -i /nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_5320/Summer12_" + St + "/ -o " + St + "_" + MC + "_" + str(i) + ".root " + stages + " --Njobs " + str(njobs) + " --jobNumber " + str(i) ])
import urllib import string import os import sys import LaunchOnCondor import glob DIRR = '/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/zllHinv_PythiaCard/' pf = 'ZHToLLInv_M135_8TeV_evts500k' FarmDirectory = "FARM" + pf JobName = "FullSim" + pf #OutputDir='/store/user/rewang/AODSIM/ZHToLLInv/'+pf OutputDir = DIRR + pf os.system('cmsMkdir ' + OutputDir) ntuplizer = "ZH_cfg3.py" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_NEvent = 500 # tot number of evts per job LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Skip = 0 LaunchOnCondor.Path_Ntuple = ntuplizer LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) for i in range(100): # tot number of jobs LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push( ["CMSSW", "cmsRun_FullSim_53x_ZHToLLInv_M135_8TeV.py"], OutputDir) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Skip += LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_NEvent LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
) #apriori significance computation SCRIPT.writelines('tail -n 100 LIMIT.log > ' + OUT + str(m) + '_' + str(i) + '_' + str(shapeCutMin_) + '_' + str(shapeCutMax_) + '.log;\n') SCRIPT.writelines('tail -n 100 SIGN.log >> ' + OUT + str(m) + '_' + str(i) + '_' + str(shapeCutMin_) + '_' + str(shapeCutMax_) + '.log;\n') SCRIPT.writelines('cat LIMIT.log; cat SIGN.log\n') SCRIPT.writelines('cd ..;\n') #SCRIPT.writelines('mv ' + cardsdir + ' ' + OUT + '/.\n') SCRIPT.writelines('rm -rd ' + cardsdir + ';\n') SCRIPT.close() LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "BASH", 'sh ' + OUT + 'script_' + str(i) + '_' + str(shapeCutMin_) + '_' + str(shapeCutMax_) + '.sh' ]) i = i + 1 #increment the cut index FILE.close() LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() ################################################### ## WRAPPING UP RESULTS ## ################################################### elif (phase == 2): print '# SCANNING ALL SETS OF CUTS for ' + DataCardsDir + ' (you may want to go for a coffee...)#\n' fileName = OUT + "/OPTIM" + signalSuffix FILE = open(fileName + ".txt", "w") for m in MASS: print 'Starting mass ' + str(m) FILE.writelines(
path = "/home/fynu/swertz/tests_MEM/MEMcpp/" start_evt = 0 end_evt = -1 evt_per_job = 50 max_evt = 10000 i = 0 while start_evt < max_evt: end_evt += evt_per_job #LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["BASH", os.path.join(path, "condor.sh"), os.path.join(path, "data/ttbar.root"), "ttbar_DMEM_MTTbar_noTF_try0_" + str(i) + ".root", start_evt, end_evt]) #LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["BASH", os.path.join(path, "condor.sh"), os.path.join(path, "data/ttbar_weighted_binnedTF_wholeWidths_isr0_pdfMtop_noMCoPerms_10000evt.root"), "ttbar_binnedTF_wholeWidths_isr0_pdfMtop_noMCoPerms_as013_cuba_sobol_try0_" + str(i) + ".root", start_evt, end_evt]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "BASH", os.path.join(path, "tools/condor.sh"), os.path.join( path, "data/ttbar_weighted_binnedTF_doubleWidths_isr0_pdfMtop_noMCoPerms_sobol_10000evt.root" ), "ttbar_binnedTF_doubleWidths_isr0_pdfMtop_noMCoPerms_as013_cuba_sobol_ISRcorrection_" + str(i) + ".root", os.path.join(path, "../binnedTF/TF_generator/Control_plots_hh_TF.root"), start_evt, end_evt ]) #LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["BASH", path + "/condor.sh", path + "/results/ttbar_noTF_isr0_pdfMtop_noMCoPerms_as013_cuba_Mersenne_noSmooth_50000.root", "ttbar_noTF_isr0_pdfMtop_noMCoPerms_as013_cuba_Mersenne_noSmooth_50000_bis_" + str(i) + ".root", start_evt, end_evt]) start_evt = end_evt + 1 i += 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
outputdir = FarmDirectory + '/outputs/' FileTemplate = 'TChannel_%(sample)s_%(from).0f_%(to).0f' command = 'cd .. ; source env.sh ; bin/RunAll -s samples25ns/samplesMine76x.dat -f ' + FileTemplate + ' -a %(sample)s -r %(from).2f -t %(to).2f -d cp3_condor/' + outputdir global_job_counter = 0 for sample in samples: if not sample == "WJets_amcatnlo": continue nevt = samples[sample] portions = [] lasteventadded = 0.0 while lasteventadded < 100.0: portions.append(lasteventadded) lasteventadded += 100.0 * nevents_perjob / nevt portions.append(100.0) for job in range(0, len(portions) - 1): cmd = command % { 'from': portions[job], 'to': portions[job + 1], 'sample': sample } LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["BASH", cmd], global_job_counter) #print cmd global_job_counter += 1 print "in total %d jobs are created" % (global_job_counter) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
import sys import LaunchOnCondor FarmDirectory = "condor" JobName = "jetTree" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) path = "/home/fynu/swertz/CMS_tasks/BTagTrackSel/bTag-trackSel-optimisation" #outDir = "/home/fynu/swertz/CMS_tasks/BTagTrackSel/myTrees/rejFakeTracks_manyMVA/BDT_LogdZ_length_dist_IP2D_pt_chi2_nHitPix_nHitAll/jetTrees/" outDir = "/home/fynu/swertz/CMS_tasks/BTagTrackSel/myTrees/rejFakeTracks_manyMVA/BDT_loosenedbTagCuts_dZ_length_dist_IP2D_pt_chi2_nHitPix_nHitAll/jetTrees/" #outDir = "/home/fynu/swertz/CMS_tasks/BTagTrackSel/myTrees/rejFakeTracks_manyMVA/BDT_bTagCuts_LogdZ_length_dist_IP2D_pt_chi2_nHitPix_nHitAll/jetTrees/" start_file = 1 end_file = 1 files_per_job = 3 max_files = 235 i = 1 while end_file <= max_files: end_file += files_per_job print "{}-{}".format(start_file, end_file) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "BASH", os.path.join(path, "condor.sh"), start_file, end_file, "JetTree_mc_{}.root".format(i), outDir ]) start_file = end_file i += 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
print 'please setup your CMSSW environement' sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv)==1: print "Please pass in argument a number between 0 and 2" print " 0 - Run TriggerStudy.C" print " 1 - Run TriggerEfficiency.C" sys.exit() elif sys.argv[1]=='0': print 'STUDY' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HSCPTRIGGERSTUDY" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_Gluino"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M400_f10"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M800_f10"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M1200_f10"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_GluinoN"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M400N_f10"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M800N_f10"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M1200N_f10"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_Gluino_f100"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M400_f100"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M800_f100"', '"Gluino_8TeV_M1200_f100"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_Stop"', '"Stop_8TeV_M200"', '"Stop_8TeV_M500"', '"Stop_8TeV_M800"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_StopN"', '"Stop_8TeV_M200N"', '"Stop_8TeV_M500N"', '"Stop_8TeV_M800N"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_GMStau"', '"GMStau_8TeV_M100"', '"GMStau_8TeV_M308"', '"GMStau_8TeV_M494"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_PPStau"', '"PPStau_8TeV_M100"', '"PPStau_8TeV_M200"', '"PPStau_8TeV_M494"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_DYLQ"', '"DY_8TeV_M100_Q1o3"', '"DY_8TeV_M600_Q1o3"', '"DY_8TeV_M100_Q2o3"', '"DY_8TeV_M600_Q2o3"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_8TeV_DYHQ"', '"DY_8TeV_M100_Q2"', '"DY_8TeV_M600_Q2"', '"DY_8TeV_M100_Q5"', '"DY_8TeV_M600_Q5"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_7TeV_Gluino"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M400_f10"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M800_f10"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M1200_f10"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_7TeV_GluinoN"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M400N_f10"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M800N_f10"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M1200N_f10"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_7TeV_Gluino_f100"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M400_f100"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M800_f100"', '"Gluino_7TeV_M1200_f100"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_7TeV_Stop"', '"Stop_7TeV_M200"', '"Stop_7TeV_M500"', '"Stop_7TeV_M800"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_7TeV_StopN"', '"Stop_7TeV_M200N"', '"Stop_7TeV_M500N"', '"Stop_7TeV_M800N"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/TriggerStudy.C", '"summary_7TeV_GMStau"', '"GMStau_7TeV_M100"', '"GMStau_7TeV_M308"', '"GMStau_7TeV_M494"'])
print "Please pass in argument a number between 0 and 2" print " 0 - Submit the Core of the (TkOnly+TkTOF) Analysis --> submitting 2x 3 jobs" print " 1 - Run the control plot macro --> submitting 0 jobs" print " 2 - Run the Optimization macro based on best Exp Limit --> submitting 2xSignalPoints jobs" print " 3 - Run the exclusion plot macro --> submitting 0 jobs" sys.exit() elif sys.argv[1] == '0': print 'ANALYSIS' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HscpAnalysis" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "FWLITE", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step234.C", '"ANALYSE_DATA"', 0, '"dedxASmi"', '"dedxHarm2"', '"combined"', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 45, 1.5 ]) #TkOnly LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "FWLITE", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step234.C", '"ANALYSE_SIGNAL"', 0, '"dedxASmi"', '"dedxHarm2"', '"combined"', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 45, 1.5 ]) #TkOnly LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "FWLITE", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step234.C", '"ANALYSE_MC"', 0, '"dedxASmi"', '"dedxHarm2"', '"combined"', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 45, 1.5 ]) #TkOnly LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "FWLITE", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step234.C", '"ANALYSE_DATA"', 2, '"dedxASmi"',
#usage="""%prog [options]""" #description="""A simple script to generate control plots.""" #epilog="""Example: #./ControlPlots.py -i /storage/data/cms/store/user/favereau/MURun2010B-DiLeptonMu-Dec22/ -o controlPlots_MURun2010B.root --all #""" #parser = OptionParser(usage=usage,add_help_option=True,description=description,epilog=epilog) parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-w", "--which", dest="which", help="which sample to analyse.", metavar="WHICH") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() whichSample = options.which print "sample = ", whichSample FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "Zmumubb_" + options.which LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 for i in range(1, 11): command = "/home/fynu/tdupree/scratch/testMakeRDSfromControlPlots2/CMSSW_4_2_7/src/UserCode/zbb_louvain/test/skimDY_423_cfg.py" option = " sample=" + whichSample + " slice=" + str(i) print "command = ", command print "option = ", option LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["CMSSW", command, option]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
if dir == "none": localParams += " -f=%d -step=%d" % (ijob, opt.fperjob) else: localParams += " -f=%d -step=%d" % ( opt.fperjob * ijob, opt.fperjob) print "**** Starting new job with the following parameters ****" print localParams if (len(opt.queue) > 0): #old style #batchCommand='submit2batch.sh -q%s -R\"%s\" -J%s%d %s %s'%(opt.queue,opt.requirementtoBatch,d['dtag'],ijob,scriptFile,localParams) #print batchCommand #os.system(batchCommand) FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = d['dtag'] + str(ijob) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Queue = opt.queue LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_LSFRequirement = '"' + opt.requirementtoBatch + '"' LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create( FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push( ["BASH", str(scriptFile + ' ' + localParams)]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() else: os.system(scriptFile + ' ' + localParams)
#!/usr/bin/env python #run as 'python Launch_toys.py import urllib import string import os import sys import LaunchOnCondor import glob #script = "llbbDC" script = "combineElMuCards" #LaunchOnCondor #FarmDirectory = "FARM_"+sample+"_"+str(start)+"to"+str(start+njobs-1) FarmDirectory = "FARM_" + script + "toys" JobName = script + "toys" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) for i in range(0, 1000): command = "cd /nfs/user/acaudron/final53Xreleases/CMSSW_5_3_14_patch1/src/UserCode/zbb_louvain/python/pyrootScripts/; python " + script + ".py " + str( i) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["BASH", command]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
import urllib import string import os import sys import LaunchOnCondor import glob CMSSW_VERSION = os.getenv('CMSSW_VERSION', 'CMSSW_VERSION') if CMSSW_VERSION == 'CMSSW_VERSION': print 'please setup your CMSSW environement' sys.exit(0) print 'OPTIMIZATION' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HSCPTOFCheck" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) f = open('../../ICHEP_Analysis/Analysis_Samples.txt', 'r') index = -1 for line in f: index += 1 vals = line.split(',') if ((vals[0].replace('"', '')) in CMSSW_VERSION): LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "FWLITE", os.getcwd() + "/TOFCheck.C", '"ANALYSE_' + str(index) + '_to_' + str(index) + '"' ]) f.close() LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
shapeName + " --in " + inUrl + " " + " --syst " + shapeBasedOpt + " --index " + str(index) + " --json " + jsonUrl + " " + SideMassesArgs + " " + LandSArg + cutStr + " ;\n") SCRIPT.writelines("sh combineCards.sh;\n") SCRIPT.writelines("combine -M Asymptotic -m " + str(m) + " card_combined.dat > COMB.log;\n") SCRIPT.writelines("combine -M MaxLikelihoodFit -m " + str(m) + " --saveNormalizations card_combined.dat;\n") SCRIPT.writelines( "extractFitNormalization.py mlfit.root hzz2l2v_" + str(m) + "_?TeV.root > fit.txt;\n") SCRIPT.writelines('cd ..;\n\n') SCRIPT.close() LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push( ["BASH", 'sh ' + OUT + 'script_mass_' + str(m) + '.sh']) # os.system("bsub -o /dev/null -G u_zh -q 8nh 'sh " + OUT+"script_mass_"+str(m)+".sh'") list.writelines('H' + str(m) + '_' + str(index) + '\n') listcuts.writelines( str(m) + ' ' + str(Gmet.Eval(m, 0, "")) + ' ' + str(Gtmin.Eval(m, 0, "")) + ' ' + str(Gtmax.Eval(m, 0, "")) + '\n') list.close() listcuts.close() ###################################################################### elif (phase == 4): print '# FINAL PLOT for ' + DataCardsDir + '#\n' os.system("hadd -f " + DataCardsDir + "/LimitTree.root " +
FarmDirectory = "FARM_btagEff" lib_path = os.path.abspath('../') sys.path.append(lib_path) JobName = "btageff" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) #for sample in getSamples(processList=samples_PAT,typeList=["PAT"]): for sample in [ "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DYjets/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DYjets_HT200to400/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DYjets_HT400/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DYjets_Pt100/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DYjets_Pt180/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DYjets_Pt50to70/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DYjets_Pt50to70_ext/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DYjets_Pt70to100/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DY3jets/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_DY4jets/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_ZH125/", "/nfs/user/llbb/Pat_8TeV_ReReco/Summer12_TTFullLept/" ]: command = "/home/fynu/acaudron/scratch/final53Xreleases/CMSSW_5_3_14_patch1/src/UserCode/zbb_louvain/python/analysisScripts/btagEfficiencyStudy.py " + sample.split( "/")[-2] + ".root " + sample print "command = ", command LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["PYTHON", command]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
os.chdir(CWD) elif len(sys.argv) == 2: ### submit runTheMatrix workflows to the cluster if sys.argv[1] == "1": JobName = "AlcaRecoComparison" FarmDirectory = "FARM" for toCompare in compare: CMSSWREL = os.listdir("%s/%s" % (CWD, toCompare[0]))[0] os.chdir("%s/%s/%s/src/testDir" % (CWD, toCompare[0], CMSSWREL)) os.system("eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`") LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) for workflow in toCompare[2]: LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "BASH", "runTheMatrix.py -l %s --command=\"-n %i\"; mv %s* %s/%s/%s/src/testDir/%s/outputs/results_%s" % (workflow[0], workflow[1], workflow[0], CWD, toCompare[0], CMSSWREL, FarmDirectory, workflow[0]) ]) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_FinalCmds = [ "rm -f runall-report-step123-.log" ] os.system("rm -rf %s/%s/%s/src/testDir/%s/outputs/*" % (CWD, toCompare[0], CMSSWREL, FarmDirectory)) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() os.chdir(CWD) ### compare the edmEvents stuff elif sys.argv[1] == "2": for toCompare in compare: print '========================================\n*** Creating edm reports for %s ***\n' % toCompare[
LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_CRABexe = opt.theExecutable if (commands.getstatusoutput("whoami")[1] == 'vischia'): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_CRABStorageSite = 'T2_PT_NCG_Lisbon' else: LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_CRABStorageSite = 'T2_BE_UCL' LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_CRABname = dtag + '_' + str(s) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_CRABInDBS = getByLabel( procData, 'dbsURL', 'global') if (split > 0): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_CRABUnitPerJob = 100 / split else: LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_CRABUnitPerJob = int( opt.NFile) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push( ["BASH", str(opt.theExecutable + ' ' + cfgfile)]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() else: configList = commands.getstatusoutput( 'ls ' + opt.outdir + '/' + dtag + suffix + '*_cfg.py')[1].split('\n') failedList = [] for cfgfile in configList: if (not os.path.isfile(cfgfile.replace('_cfg.py', '.root'))): failedList += [cfgfile] if (len(failedList) > 0):
#!/usr/bin/env python import urllib import string import os import sys import LaunchOnCondor import glob print 'OPTIMIZATION' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HSCPStability" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push( ["FWLITE", os.getcwd() + "/StabilityCheck.C", '"ANALYSE"']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
def ComputeLimits(InputPattern, syst): # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino300_2C"' , '"Gluino300"', 0.0 / 0.3029 , 0.0 / 0.4955 , 1.0 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino400_2C"' , '"Gluino400"', 0.0 / 0.3029 , 0.0 / 0.4955 , 1.0 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino500_2C"' , '"Gluino500"', 0.0 / 0.3029 , 0.0 / 0.4955 , 1.0 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino600_2C"' , '"Gluino600"', 0.0 / 0.3029 , 0.0 / 0.4955 , 1.0 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino700_2C"' , '"Gluino700"', 0.0 / 0.3029 , 0.0 / 0.4955 , 1.0 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino800_2C"' , '"Gluino800"', 0.0 / 0.3029 , 0.0 / 0.4955 , 1.0 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino900_2C"' , '"Gluino900"', 0.0 / 0.3029 , 0.0 / 0.4955 , 1.0 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1000_2C"', '"Gluino1000"',0.0 / 0.3029 , 0.0 / 0.4955 , 1.0 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino300_f0"' , '"Gluino300"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino400_f0"' , '"Gluino400"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino500_f0"' , '"Gluino500"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino600_f0"' , '"Gluino600"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino700_f0"' , '"Gluino700"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino800_f0"' , '"Gluino800"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino900_f0"' , '"Gluino900"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1000_f0"', '"Gluino1000"',0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino300_f1"', '"Gluino300"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino400_f1"', '"Gluino400"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino500_f1"', '"Gluino500"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino600_f1"', '"Gluino600"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino700_f1"', '"Gluino700"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino800_f1"', '"Gluino800"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino900_f1"', '"Gluino900"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1000_f1"', '"Gluino1000"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1100_f1"', '"Gluino1100"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino300_f5"', '"Gluino300"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino400_f5"', '"Gluino400"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino500_f5"', '"Gluino500"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino600_f5"', '"Gluino600"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino700_f5"', '"Gluino700"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino800_f5"', '"Gluino800"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino900_f5"', '"Gluino900"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1000_f5"', '"Gluino1000"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1100_f5"', '"Gluino1100"', 0.5739 / 0.3029, 0.3704 / 0.4955, 0.0557 / 0.2015, syst ]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino300N_f0"', '"Gluino300N"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino400N_f0"', '"Gluino400N"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino500N_f0"', '"Gluino500N"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino600N_f0"', '"Gluino600N"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino700N_f0"', '"Gluino700N"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino800N_f0"', '"Gluino800N"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino900N_f0"', '"Gluino900N"', 0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) # launchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1000N_f0"','"Gluino1000N"',0.2524 / 0.3029 , 0.4893 / 0.4955 , 0.2583 / 0.2015 , syst]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino300N_f1"', '"Gluino300N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino400N_f1"', '"Gluino400N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino500N_f1"', '"Gluino500N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino600N_f1"', '"Gluino600N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino700N_f1"', '"Gluino700N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino800N_f1"', '"Gluino800N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino900N_f1"', '"Gluino900N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1000N_f1"', '"Gluino1000N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1100N_f1"', '"Gluino1100N"', 0.3029 / 0.3029, 0.4955 / 0.4955, 0.2015 / 0.2015, syst ]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino300N_f5"', '"Gluino300N"', 0.5739 / 0.3029 , 0.3704 / 0.4955 , 0.0557 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino400N_f5"', '"Gluino400N"', 0.5739 / 0.3029 , 0.3704 / 0.4955 , 0.0557 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino500N_f5"', '"Gluino500N"', 0.5739 / 0.3029 , 0.3704 / 0.4955 , 0.0557 / 0.2015 , syst]) # launchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino600N_f5"', '"Gluino600N"', 0.5739 / 0.3029 , 0.3704 / 0.4955 , 0.0557 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino700N_f5"', '"Gluino700N"', 0.5739 / 0.3029 , 0.3704 / 0.4955 , 0.0557 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino800N_f5"', '"Gluino800N"', 0.5739 / 0.3029 , 0.3704 / 0.4955 , 0.0557 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino900N_f5"', '"Gluino900N"', 0.5739 / 0.3029 , 0.3704 / 0.4955 , 0.0557 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino1000N_f5"','"Gluino1000N"',0.5739 / 0.3029 , 0.3704 / 0.4955 , 0.0557 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino600Z_f1"' , '"Gluino600Z"', 0.3029 / 0.3029 , 0.4955 / 0.4955 , 0.2015 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino700Z_f1"' , '"Gluino700Z"', 0.3029 / 0.3029 , 0.4955 / 0.4955 , 0.2015 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Gluino800Z_f1"' , '"Gluino800Z"', 0.3029 / 0.3029 , 0.4955 / 0.4955 , 0.2015 / 0.2015 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop130_2C"' , '"Stop130"', 0.0 / 0.1705 , 0.0 / 0.4868 , 1.0 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop200_2C"' , '"Stop200"', 0.0 / 0.1705 , 0.0 / 0.4868 , 1.0 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop300_2C"' , '"Stop300"', 0.0 / 0.1705 , 0.0 / 0.4868 , 1.0 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop400_2C"' , '"Stop400"', 0.0 / 0.1705 , 0.0 / 0.4868 , 1.0 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop500_2C"' , '"Stop500"', 0.0 / 0.1705 , 0.0 / 0.4868 , 1.0 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop600_2C"' , '"Stop600"', 0.0 / 0.1705 , 0.0 / 0.4868 , 1.0 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop700_2C"' , '"Stop700"', 0.0 / 0.1705 , 0.0 / 0.4868 , 1.0 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop800_2C"' , '"Stop800"', 0.0 / 0.1705 , 0.0 / 0.4868 , 1.0 / 0.3427 , syst]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop130"', '"Stop130"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop200"', '"Stop200"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop300"', '"Stop300"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop400"', '"Stop400"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop500"', '"Stop500"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop600"', '"Stop600"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop700"', '"Stop700"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop800"', '"Stop800"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop130N"', '"Stop130N"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop200N"', '"Stop200N"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop300N"', '"Stop300N"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop400N"', '"Stop400N"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop500N"', '"Stop500N"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop600N"', '"Stop600N"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop700N"', '"Stop700N"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop800N"', '"Stop800N"', 0.1705 / 0.1705, 0.4868 / 0.4868, 0.3427 / 0.3427, syst ]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop300Z"' , '"Stop300Z"', 0.1705 / 0.1705 , 0.4868 / 0.4868 , 0.3427 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop400Z"' , '"Stop400Z"', 0.1705 / 0.1705 , 0.4868 / 0.4868 , 0.3427 / 0.3427 , syst]) # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["ROOT", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"Stop500Z"' , '"Stop500Z"', 0.1705 / 0.1705 , 0.4868 / 0.4868 , 0.3427 / 0.3427 , syst]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau100"', '"GMStau100"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau126"', '"GMStau126"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau156"', '"GMStau156"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau200"', '"GMStau200"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau247"', '"GMStau247"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau308"', '"GMStau308"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau370"', '"GMStau370"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau432"', '"GMStau432"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"GMStau494"', '"GMStau494"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"PPStau100"', '"PPStau100"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"PPStau126"', '"PPStau126"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"PPStau156"', '"PPStau156"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"PPStau200"', '"PPStau200"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"PPStau247"', '"PPStau247"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"PPStau308"', '"PPStau308"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK100"', '"DCRho08HyperK100"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK121"', '"DCRho08HyperK121"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK182"', '"DCRho08HyperK182"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK242"', '"DCRho08HyperK242"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK302"', '"DCRho08HyperK302"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK350"', '"DCRho08HyperK350"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK370"', '"DCRho08HyperK370"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK390"', '"DCRho08HyperK390"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK395"', '"DCRho08HyperK395"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK400"', '"DCRho08HyperK400"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK410"', '"DCRho08HyperK410"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK420"', '"DCRho08HyperK420"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho08HyperK500"', '"DCRho08HyperK500"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK100"', '"DCRho12HyperK100"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK182"', '"DCRho12HyperK182"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK302"', '"DCRho12HyperK302"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK500"', '"DCRho12HyperK500"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK530"', '"DCRho12HyperK530"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK570"', '"DCRho12HyperK570"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK590"', '"DCRho12HyperK590"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK595"', '"DCRho12HyperK595"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK600"', '"DCRho12HyperK600"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK610"', '"DCRho12HyperK610"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK620"', '"DCRho12HyperK620"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho12HyperK700"', '"DCRho12HyperK700"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK100"', '"DCRho16HyperK100"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK182"', '"DCRho16HyperK182"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK302"', '"DCRho16HyperK302"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK500"', '"DCRho16HyperK500"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK700"', '"DCRho16HyperK700"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK730"', '"DCRho16HyperK730"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK770"', '"DCRho16HyperK770"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK790"', '"DCRho16HyperK790"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK795"', '"DCRho16HyperK795"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK800"', '"DCRho16HyperK800"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK810"', '"DCRho16HyperK810"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK820"', '"DCRho16HyperK820"', -1, -1, -1, syst ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "ROOT", os.getcwd() + "/Analysis_Step6.C", '"ANALYSE"', InputPattern, '"DCRho16HyperK900"', '"DCRho16HyperK900"', -1, -1, -1, syst ])
elif sys.argv[1]=='0': print 'ANALYSIS' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HscpAnalysis" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) f= open('Analysis_Samples.txt','r') index = -1 for line in f : index+=1 vals=line.split(',') if((vals[0].replace('"','')) in CMSSW_VERSION): for Type in AnalysesToRun: if(int(vals[1])>=2 and skipSamples(Type, vals[2])==True):continue if (Type==0):LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step3.C", '"ANALYSE_'+str(index)+'_to_'+str(index)+'"' , 0, '"dedxASmi"' ,'"dedxHarm2"' , '"combined"', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 45, 2.1]) elif(Type==2):LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step3.C", '"ANALYSE_'+str(index)+'_to_'+str(index)+'"' , 2, '"dedxASmi"' ,'"dedxHarm2"' , '"combined"', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 45, 2.1]) elif(Type==3):LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step3.C", '"ANALYSE_'+str(index)+'_to_'+str(index)+'"' , 3, '"dedxASmi"' ,'"dedxHarm2"' , '"combined"', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 80, 2.1, 15, 15]) elif(Type==4):LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step3.C", '"ANALYSE_'+str(index)+'_to_'+str(index)+'"' , 4, '"dedxASmi"' ,'"dedxHarm2"' , '"combined"', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 45, 2.1]) elif(Type==5):LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/Analysis_Step3.C", '"ANALYSE_'+str(index)+'_to_'+str(index)+'"' , 5, '"dedxASmi"' ,'"dedxHarm2"' , '"combined"', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 45, 2.1]) f.close() LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() elif sys.argv[1]=='1': print 'MERGING FILE AND PREDICTING BACKGROUNDS' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HscpPred" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) for Type in AnalysesToRun: Path = "Results/Type"+str(Type)+"/"