Example #1
    def writeString(self, outFileName, verbose=False, rejectSave=True, rejectFileName="", rejectLines =[]):
        """return string representation of file for other's to output. outFileName is used to write rejects if specified or to issue error messages.
@return (status, resultString) where if status is True, string will be valid and if false, the input
source was apparently empty."""
        fname = outFileName
        writeRejects = (rejectSave and rejectLines != None)
        if writeRejects:
            rname = fname + ".rej"
            if len(rejectFileName) > 0:
                rname = rejectFileName
        if self.nsplices < 1:
            if verbose:
                print "Nothing new to write to ", fname
            if self.num < 1:
                print "Nothing old to copy to ", fname
                print "Reading ", self.fin, " failed?" 
                return (False, "")
        if verbose:
            if writeRejects:
                print "Writing rejects to ", rname
            print "Writing to string for ", fname
        if True: 
            outlist = []
            if writeRejects:
                    rejfile = fileManager.open(rname,"w")
                    err('splicer could not open rejects file for writing: ' + rname)
            for i in self.sections:
                isProtected = False
                for s in self.protectedSymbols:
                    if i == self.getProtectedBlock(s):
                        isProtected = True
                if isProtected:
                lines = i.getLines() 
                for p in lines:
                    outlist.append( p.strip("\n") )
            stringified = "\n".join(outlist)
            if writeRejects:
                date = Line.stringdate()
                print >> rejfile, "#FROM %s on %s" % (fname, date)
                for p in rejectLines:
                    print >> rejfile , p.strip("\n")
            if verbose:
                if writeRejects:
                    print " Finished ", rname
                print " Finished ", fname
            return (True, stringified)
            print "Error writing for "+ fname
            return (False, "")
Example #2
        if len(rejectLines) == 0:
            print "No rejection information to put into " + rejectFileName
            return False
        if dryrun:
            print "Dry run: Not writing to " + rejectFileName
            # For a dry run, don't do anything
            return True
        if verbose:
            print "Writing rejects to: " + rejectFileName
        outfile = None
            outfile = fileManager.open(rejectFileName,'w')
        except IOError, e:
            err('splicer could not open reject file %s for writing: %s' % (rejectFileName, str(e)))
        if len(originalFile) > 0:
            date = Line.stringdate()
            print >> outfile, "# Rejects FROM %s on %s" % (originalFile, date)
        for p in rejectLines:
                print >> outfile, p.strip("\n")
        if verbose:
            print "Finished writing rejects: " + rejectFileName
        return True
    # end writeRejects

    # private use
    def updateAfterCount(self, opts, symbol):
        if not Line.matchedSymbolTail(symbol, opts.matchSyms):
            # here we assume the real symbol block comes last. works for uses in f90
            return 0
        if opts.language in ['cxx','python','f77','f90','java']: