:rtype: ListNode
        pre = ListNode(0)

        right = head
        while right is not None:
            temp = right.next  # temp saves the next node of right
            right.next = None  # disconnect "right" with the next

            # search from pre, and 'left" will stop at the node before the correct insertion position
            left = pre
            while left.next is not None and left.next.val < right.val:
                left = left.next

            # insert the 'right' node
            next = left.next
            left.next = right
            right.next = next

            # advance the 'right' iterator
            right = temp

        return pre.next

obj = Solution()
l1 = ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([8, 1, 5, 6, 7, 2, 4, 3])
l2 = obj.insertionSortList(l1)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, head):
        @param head The linked list's head.
        Note that the head is guaranteed to be not null, so it contains at least one node.
        :type head: ListNode
        self.head = head

    def getRandom(self):
        Returns a random node's value.
        :rtype: int
        i, node, res = 2, self.head.next, self.head.val
        while node:
            j = randrange(0, i)
            if j == 0:
                res = node.val
            i += 1
            node = node.next

        return res

l1 = ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([8, 1, 3])
obj = Solution(l1)
# Your Solution object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = Solution(head)
# param_1 = obj.getRandom()
            l1 = l1.next
            l2 = l2.next
            it = it.next

        head = reverse(helper.next)
        node, carry = head, 0
        while node:
            temp = carry
            carry = (node.val + carry) // 10
            node.val = (
                node.val + temp
            ) % 10  # bug fixed: cannot use updated carry to calculate the remain value, must save carry first to "temp"
            node = node.next

        head = reverse(head)
        if carry > 0:
            helper.val = carry
            helper.next = head
            return helper
            return head

l1, l2 = ListNode(0), ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([9, 9, 9, 9])
l3 = Solution().addTwoNumbers(l2, l1)
Example #4
        node = fakeHead  # iterator
        for step in range(1, n + 1):
            node = node.next
            if step == m - 1:
                pre = node
            if step == n:
                tail = node
        # get the head (mth node)
        head = pre.next
        pre.next = None  # disconnect pre and this section of list
        temp = tail.next  # temporarily save tail.next to be connected in future
        tail.next = None  # disconnect tail with temp
        # reverse the partial list
        pre1, node = None, head
        while node:
            t = node.next
            node.next = pre1
            pre1 = node
            node = t
        # connect pre with the new head (previous tail)
        pre.next = tail
        # connect new tail (previous head) with temp
        head.next = temp
        return fakeHead.next

obj = Solution()
l1 = ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([1, 2, 3])
l2 = obj.reverseBetween(l1, 1, 3)
Example #5
    helper = ListNode(0)
    helper.next = head
    pre, tail = helper, helper
    count = 0
    while tail:
        tail = tail.next
        count += 1
        if (
                count == k
        ) and tail:  # bug fixed --- need to reconsider tail if it has been updated. consider the case 1->2->None with k = 3
            nextHead = tail.next  # temporarily save the next group's head
            (newHead, newTail) = reverseKGroup2(head, tail,
                                                k)  # swap this k group nodes
            pre.next = newHead  # link the pre node with the new head
            newTail.next = nextHead  # link the new tail with the previously saved next group's head
            pre = newTail  # update pre node
            head = nextHead  # update head node
            tail = newTail  # update tail node
            count = 0

    return helper.next

l1 = ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
l2 = reverseKGroup(l1, 3)
Example #6
    :type l1: ListNode
    :type l2: ListNode
    :rtype: ListNode
    head = ListNode(0)
    node = head
    while l1 or l2:
        if not l1:
            node.next = l2
        elif not l2:
            node.next = l1
            if l1.val < l2.val:
                node.next = l1
                node = l1
                l1 = l1.next
                node.next = l2
                node = l2
                l2 = l2.next

    return head.next

l1, l2 = ListNode(0), ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
l2.fromList([2, 4, 6, 8])
l3 = merge(l2, l1)
        i += 1  # ith node from the head
        tail = tail.next
        if i >= n:  # bug fixed here. old statement "i > n"
            pre = pre.next

    # link pre to the node after the removed node
    node = pre.next
    pre.next = node.next

    return head.next

test_cases = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
for test_case in test_cases:
    head = ListNode(0)
    result = removeNthFromEnd(head, 2)
    head = ListNode(0)
    result = removeNthFromEnd(head, 5)
    head = ListNode(0)
    result = removeNthFromEnd(head, 1)
        fast = head
        while slow != fast:
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next

        return slow

    # 2nd round solution on 6/11/2019
    def detectCycle2(self, head):
        fast, slow = head, head
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next
            if fast == slow:

        if fast is None or fast.next is None:
            return None

        fast = head
        while fast != slow:
            fast = fast.next
            slow = slow.next

        return slow

obj = Solution()
l1 = ListNode(0)
        if not fast:
            count *= 2
            right = slow
            count = 2 * count + 1
            right = slow.next

        # reverse the right half nodes (if odd length, not including the mid node)
        cur, pre = right, None
        while cur:
            next = cur.next
            cur.next = pre
            pre = cur
            cur = next
        right = pre

        # parallel comparison
        for i in range(count // 2):
            if head.val != right.val:
                return False
            else:  # bug fixed: forgot to advance pointers
                head = head.next
                right = right.next

        return True

obj = Solution()
l1 = ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([1, 2, 2, 1])
        def reverse(head):
            if head is None:
                return head
            node = head.next
            head.next = None  # break the link between head and the second node
            while node:
                temp = node.next
                node.next = head
                head = node
                node = temp

            return head

        left = head
        right = reverse(slow)

        # Now merge the two linked lists
        while right:  # bug fixed: should not use "while left != slow" because length: left >= right
            tempL, tempR = left.next, right.next
            left.next = right
            right.next = tempL

            left = tempL
            right = tempR

obj = Solution()
l1 = ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([0, 1, 2, 3])
Example #11
class Solution:
    # see onenote
    def oddEvenList(self, head):
        :type head: ListNode
        :rtype: ListNode
        if not head:
            return None

        dummy = ListNode(0)
        dummy.next = head
        odd, even = head, dummy

        while even and even.next:
            even.next = odd.next
            even = even.next
            if even and even.next:
                odd.next = even.next
                odd = odd.next

        odd.next = dummy.next

        return head

obj = Solution()
head = ListNode(0)
head.fromList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
Example #12
        pre.next = head

        tail, l = pre, 0
        while tail.next is not None and l < k:  # When while condition fails, tail is either on "tail" node, or l == k, which means tail is on the ready to move position
            l += 1
            tail = tail.next

        if tail.next is None:  # if tail is on "tail", this means k >= l, so we need to put the tail back on k%l position
            k = k % l
            tail = pre
            for i in range(k):
                tail = tail.next

        helper = pre
        while tail.next is not None:  # After this, helper's next will point to the start node of the section to be rotated to the beginning
            helper = helper.next
            tail = tail.next

        tail.next = pre.next
        pre.next = helper.next
        helper.next = None

        return pre.next

obj = Solution()
l1 = ListNode(0)
l1.fromList([1, 2])
l2 = obj.rotateRight(l1, 2001)

class Solution:
    def removeElements(self, head, val):
        :type head: ListNode
        :type val: int
        :rtype: ListNode
        pre = ListNode(0)
        pre.next = head

        left, right = pre, head
        while right:
            if right.val != val:
                left.next = right
                left = right
            right = right.next

        left.next = None
        return pre.next

obj = Solution()
test_case = [1, 1]
l1 = ListNode(0)
l2 = obj.removeElements(l1, 1)
Example #14
            left = right
            right = right.next

        if not right:
            return head

        # Now right's value is x, and left is the node "pre" right.
        # "left" will link to the next available node whose value is smaller than x. "right" will be the new head of the right part
        # After traversing all nodes, we need to relink "left" and "right"
        pre, node = right, right.next
        while node:
            if node.val < x:    # put node to left because it is less than x
                # link node to left part
                left.next = node
                left = node
                # process the right part
                pre.next = node.next
                pre = node
            node = node.next
        # relink the left and right
        left.next = right

        return helper.next

obj = Solution()
l1 = ListNode(0)
l2 = obj.partition(l1,3)
        while node:
            n += 1
            node = node.next

        res, node = [], root
        q, r = divmod(n, k)
        for _ in range(k):
            length = q
            if r:
                length += 1
                r -= 1

            if not length:
                for _ in range(length - 1):
                    node = node.next
                temp = node.next
                node.next = None
                node = temp

        return res

head = ListNode(0)
head.fromList([1, 2, 3, 4])
res = Solution().splitListToParts(head, 5)
for node in res: