Example #1
def countriesData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, npeople):

    countries = MLS.countriesNames(identities_db, startdate, enddate)
    createJSON(countries, destdir + "/mls-countries.json")

    for country in countries:
        country_name = "'" + country + "'"
        type_analysis = ["country", country_name]
        data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                               rfield, type_analysis)
        data = completePeriodIds(data)
        if (country == "country5" or country == "country2"):
            # Wrong JSON generated in R. Don't check
                       destdir + "/" + country + "-mls-cou-evolutionary.json",
                       destdir + "/" + country + "-mls-cou-evolutionary.json")

        top_senders = MLS.countryTopSenders(country, identities_db, startdate,
                                            enddate, npeople)
                   destdir + "/" + country + "-mls-cou-top-senders.json")

        data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                                 rfield, type_analysis)
        createJSON(data, destdir + "/" + country + "-mls-cou-static.json")
Example #2
def domainsData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, npeople):

    domains = MLS.domainsNames(identities_db, startdate, enddate)
    createJSON(domains, destdir + "/mls-domains.json")

    for domain in domains:
        domain_name = "'" + domain + "'"
        type_analysis = ["domain", domain_name]
        data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                               rfield, type_analysis)
        data = completePeriodIds(data)
        if (domain == "everybody" or domain == "hallowelt"):
            # Wrong JSON generated in R. Don't check
                       destdir + "/" + domain + "-mls-dom-evolutionary.json",
                       destdir + "/" + domain + "-mls-dom-evolutionary.json")

        data = MLS.domainTopSenders(domain, identities_db, startdate, enddate,
        createJSON(data, destdir + "/" + domain + "-mls-dom-top-senders.json",

        data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                                 rfield, type_analysis)
        createJSON(data, destdir + "/" + domain + "-mls-dom-static.json")
def reposData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, conf, repofield, npeople):
    repos = MLS.reposNames(rfield, startdate, enddate)
    createJSON (repos, destdir+"/mls-lists.json")
    repos = repos['mailing_list_url']
    check = True
    if not isinstance(repos, (list)):
        repos = [repos]
        check = False
    repos_files = [repo.replace('/', '_').replace("<","__").replace(">","___")
            for repo in repos]
    createJSON(repos_files, destdir+"/mls-repos.json", check)

    for repo in repos:
        # Evol data   
        repo_name = "'"+repo+"'"
        data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield, ["repository", repo_name])
        data = completePeriodIds(data)
        listname_file = repo.replace("/","_").replace("<","__").replace(">","___")

        # TODO: Multilist approach. We will obsolete it in future
        createJSON (data, destdir+"/mls-"+listname_file+"-rep-evolutionary.json")
        # Multirepos filename
        createJSON (data, destdir+"/"+listname_file+"-mls-rep-evolutionary.json")

        top_senders = MLS.repoTopSenders (repo, identities_db, startdate, enddate, repofield, npeople)
        createJSON(top_senders, destdir+ "/"+listname_file+"-mls-rep-top-senders.json", False)

        # Static data
        data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield, ["repository", repo_name])
        # TODO: Multilist approach. We will obsolete it in future
        createJSON (data, destdir+"/"+listname_file+"-rep-static.json")
        # Multirepos filename
        createJSON (data, destdir+ "/"+listname_file+"-mls-rep-static.json")
Example #4
def companiesData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, npeople):
    # companies = valRtoPython(vizr.companiesNames(identities_db, startdate, enddate))
    companies = MLS.companiesNames(identities_db, startdate, enddate)
    createJSON(companies, destdir + "/mls-companies.json")

    for company in companies:
        company_name = "'" + company + "'"
        data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                               rfield, ["company", company_name])
        data = completePeriodIds(data)
        if company in ["company4", "Deutsche Telekom", "IBM"]:
            # Wrong JSON generated in R. Don't check
                       destdir + "/" + company + "-mls-com-evolutionary.json",
                       destdir + "/" + company + "-mls-com-evolutionary.json")

        top_senders = MLS.companyTopSenders(company, identities_db, startdate,
                                            enddate, npeople)
                   destdir + "/" + company + "-mls-com-top-senders.json",

        data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                                 rfield, ["company", company_name])
        createJSON(data, destdir + "/" + company + "-mls-com-static.json")

    sent = MLS.GetSentSummaryCompanies(period, startdate, enddate,
                                       opts.identities_db, 10)
    createJSON(sent, opts.destdir + "/mls-sent-companies-summary.json")
def topData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, bots, npeople):
    top_senders_data = {}
    top_senders_data['senders.']=MLS.top_senders(0, startdate, enddate,identities_db,bots, npeople)
    top_senders_data['senders.last year']=MLS.top_senders(365, startdate, enddate,identities_db, bots, npeople)
    top_senders_data['senders.last month']=MLS.top_senders(31, startdate, enddate,identities_db,bots, npeople)

    createJSON (top_senders_data, destdir+"/mls-top.json", False)

    return top_senders_data
Example #6
def topData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, bots, npeople):
    top_senders_data = {}
    top_senders_data['senders.'] = MLS.top_senders(0, startdate, enddate,
                                                   identities_db, bots,
    top_senders_data['senders.last year'] = MLS.top_senders(
        365, startdate, enddate, identities_db, bots, npeople)
    top_senders_data['senders.last month'] = MLS.top_senders(
        31, startdate, enddate, identities_db, bots, npeople)

    createJSON(top_senders_data, destdir + "/mls-top.json", False)

    return top_senders_data
def aggData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir):
#    data = vizr.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield)
#    agg = dataFrame2Dict(data)
    data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield)
    agg = data

    if ('companies' in reports):
        data = MLS.AggMLSCompanies(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + data.items())

    if ('countries' in reports):
        data = MLS.AggMLSCountries(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + data.items())

    if ('domains' in reports):
        data = MLS.AggMLSDomains(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + data.items())

    # Tendencies
    for i in [7,30,365]:
        # period_data = dataFrame2Dict(vizr.GetDiffSentDays(period, enddate, i))
        period_data = MLS.GetDiffSentDays(period, enddate, i)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + period_data.items())
        period_data = MLS.GetDiffSendersDays(period, enddate, i)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + period_data.items())

    # Last Activity: to be removed
    for i in [7,14,30,60,90,180,365,730]:
        period_activity = MLS.lastActivity(i)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + period_activity.items())

    createJSON (agg, destdir+"/mls-static.json")
Example #8
def reposData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, conf,
              repofield, npeople):
    repos = MLS.reposNames(rfield, startdate, enddate)
    createJSON(repos, destdir + "/mls-lists.json")
    repos = repos['mailing_list_url']
    check = True
    if not isinstance(repos, (list)):
        repos = [repos]
        check = False
    repos_files = [
        repo.replace('/', '_').replace("<", "__").replace(">", "___")
        for repo in repos
    createJSON(repos_files, destdir + "/mls-repos.json", check)

    for repo in repos:
        # Evol data
        repo_name = "'" + repo + "'"
        data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                               rfield, ["repository", repo_name])
        data = completePeriodIds(data)
        listname_file = repo.replace("/",
                                                  "__").replace(">", "___")

        # TODO: Multilist approach. We will obsolete it in future
            data, destdir + "/mls-" + listname_file + "-rep-evolutionary.json")
        # Multirepos filename
            data, destdir + "/" + listname_file + "-mls-rep-evolutionary.json")

        top_senders = MLS.repoTopSenders(repo, identities_db, startdate,
                                         enddate, repofield, npeople)
                   destdir + "/" + listname_file + "-mls-rep-top-senders.json",

        # Static data
        data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                                 rfield, ["repository", repo_name])
        # TODO: Multilist approach. We will obsolete it in future
        createJSON(data, destdir + "/" + listname_file + "-rep-static.json")
        # Multirepos filename
                   destdir + "/" + listname_file + "-mls-rep-static.json")
Example #9
def aggData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir):
    #    data = vizr.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield)
    #    agg = dataFrame2Dict(data)
    data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield)
    agg = data

    if ('companies' in reports):
        data = MLS.AggMLSCompanies(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + data.items())

    if ('countries' in reports):
        data = MLS.AggMLSCountries(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + data.items())

    if ('domains' in reports):
        data = MLS.AggMLSDomains(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + data.items())

    # Tendencies
    for i in [7, 30, 365]:
        # period_data = dataFrame2Dict(vizr.GetDiffSentDays(period, enddate, i))
        period_data = MLS.GetDiffSentDays(period, enddate, i)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + period_data.items())
        period_data = MLS.GetDiffSendersDays(period, enddate, i)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + period_data.items())

    # Last Activity: to be removed
    for i in [7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 730]:
        period_activity = MLS.lastActivity(i)
        agg = dict(agg.items() + period_activity.items())

    createJSON(agg, destdir + "/mls-static.json")
Example #10
def peopleData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, top_data):
    top = top_data['senders.']["id"]
    top += top_data['senders.last year']["id"]
    top += top_data['senders.last month']["id"]
    # remove duplicates
    people = list(set(top))
    # the order is not the same than in R json
    createJSON(people, destdir + "/mls-people.json", False)

    for upeople_id in people:
        evol = MLS.GetEvolPeopleMLS(upeople_id, period, startdate, enddate)
        evol = completePeriodIds(evol)
            destdir + "/people-" + str(upeople_id) + "-mls-evolutionary.json")

        static = MLS.GetStaticPeopleMLS(upeople_id, startdate, enddate)
                   destdir + "/people-" + str(upeople_id) + "-mls-static.json")
def domainsData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, npeople):

    domains = MLS.domainsNames(identities_db, startdate, enddate)
    createJSON(domains, destdir+"/mls-domains.json")

    for domain in domains:
        domain_name = "'"+domain+"'"
        type_analysis = ["domain", domain_name]
        data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield, type_analysis)
        data = completePeriodIds(data)
        if (domain == "everybody" or domain == "hallowelt"):
            # Wrong JSON generated in R. Don't check
            createJSON(data, destdir+"/"+domain+"-mls-dom-evolutionary.json", False)
            createJSON(data, destdir+"/"+domain+"-mls-dom-evolutionary.json")

        data = MLS.domainTopSenders(domain, identities_db, startdate, enddate, npeople)
        createJSON(data, destdir+"/"+domain+"-mls-dom-top-senders.json", False)

        data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield, type_analysis)
        createJSON(data, destdir+"/"+domain+"-mls-dom-static.json")
def countriesData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, npeople):

    countries = MLS.countriesNames(identities_db, startdate, enddate) 
    createJSON (countries, destdir + "/mls-countries.json")

    for country in countries:
        country_name = "'" + country + "'"
        type_analysis = ["country", country_name]
        data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield, type_analysis)
        data = completePeriodIds(data)
        if (country == "country5" or country == "country2"):
            # Wrong JSON generated in R. Don't check
            createJSON(data, destdir+"/"+country+"-mls-cou-evolutionary.json", False)
            createJSON (data, destdir+"/"+country+"-mls-cou-evolutionary.json")

        top_senders = MLS.countryTopSenders (country, identities_db, startdate, enddate, npeople)
        createJSON(top_senders, destdir+"/"+country+"-mls-cou-top-senders.json")

        data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield, type_analysis)
        createJSON (data, destdir+"/"+country+"-mls-cou-static.json")
Example #13
def tsData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, granularity,

    evol = {}
    #    data = vizr.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield)
    #    evol = dict(evol.items() + completePeriodIds(dataFrame2Dict(data)).items())
    data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield)
    evol = dict(evol.items() + completePeriodIds(data).items())

    if ('companies' in reports):
        data = MLS.EvolMLSCompanies(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        evol = dict(evol.items() + completePeriodIds(data).items())

    if ('countries' in reports):
        data = MLS.EvolMLSCountries(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        evol = dict(evol.items() + completePeriodIds(data).items())

    if ('domains' in reports):
        data = MLS.EvolMLSDomains(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db)
        evol = dict(evol.items() + completePeriodIds(data).items())

    createJSON(evol, destdir + "/mls-evolutionary.json")
def companiesData(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, destdir, npeople):
    # companies = valRtoPython(vizr.companiesNames(identities_db, startdate, enddate))
    companies = MLS.companiesNames(identities_db, startdate, enddate)
    createJSON(companies, destdir+"/mls-companies.json")

    for company in companies:
        company_name = "'"+company+ "'"
        data = MLS.EvolMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield, ["company", company_name])
        data = completePeriodIds(data)
        if company in ["company4","Deutsche Telekom","IBM"]:
            # Wrong JSON generated in R. Don't check
            createJSON(data, destdir+"/"+company+"-mls-com-evolutionary.json", False)
            createJSON(data, destdir+"/"+company+"-mls-com-evolutionary.json")

        top_senders = MLS.companyTopSenders (company, identities_db, startdate, enddate, npeople)
        createJSON(top_senders, destdir+"/"+company+"-mls-com-top-senders.json", False)

        data = MLS.StaticMLSInfo(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, rfield, ["company", company_name])
        createJSON(data, destdir+"/"+company+"-mls-com-static.json")

    sent = MLS.GetSentSummaryCompanies(period, startdate, enddate, opts.identities_db, 10)
    createJSON (sent, opts.destdir+"/mls-sent-companies-summary.json")
    # Example of use for the most verbose thread
    #email = main_topics.verboseThread()
    #print "The most verbose thread: "
    #print """
    #          message_id: %s
    #          subject: %s
    #          date: %s
    #          """ % (email.message_id, email.subject, email.date)

    # WARNING: This code for senders overwrite previous mls-top.json file
    bots = ['wikibugs','gerrit-wm','wikibugs_','wm-bot','','Translation updater bot','jenkins-bot']

    top_data = {}
    print startdate
    top_data['senders.'] = MLS.top_senders(0, "'"+startdate+"'", "'"+enddate+"'", identities_db, bots, "30")
    top_data['senders.last year'] = MLS.top_senders(365, "'"+startdate+"'", "'"+enddate+"'", identities_db, bots, "30")
    top_data['senders.last month'] = MLS.top_senders(31, "'"+startdate+"'", "'"+enddate+"'", identities_db, bots, "30")

    # Top longest threads during the whole life of the project
    top_data['threads.'] = getLongestThreads(startdate, enddate, identities_db)
    startdate = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=365)
    top_data['threads.last year'] = getLongestThreads(startdate, enddate, identities_db) 
    startdate = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
    top_data['threads.last month'] = getLongestThreads(startdate, enddate, identities_db)


    createJSON(top_data, opts.destdir+"/mls-top.json")
Example #16
    #print """
    #          message_id: %s
    #          subject: %s
    #          date: %s
    #          """ % (email.message_id, email.subject, email.date)

    # WARNING: This code for senders overwrite previous mls-top.json file
    bots = [
        'wikibugs', 'gerrit-wm', 'wikibugs_', 'wm-bot', '',
        'Translation updater bot', 'jenkins-bot'

    top_data = {}
    print startdate
    top_data['senders.'] = MLS.top_senders(0, "'" + startdate + "'",
                                           "'" + enddate + "'", identities_db,
                                           bots, "30")
    top_data['senders.last year'] = MLS.top_senders(365, "'" + startdate + "'",
                                                    "'" + enddate + "'",
                                                    identities_db, bots, "30")
    top_data['senders.last month'] = MLS.top_senders(31, "'" + startdate + "'",
                                                     "'" + enddate + "'",
                                                     identities_db, bots, "30")

    # Top longest threads during the whole life of the project
    top_data['threads.'] = getLongestThreads(startdate, enddate, identities_db)
    startdate = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=365)
    top_data['threads.last year'] = getLongestThreads(startdate, enddate,
    startdate = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
    top_data['threads.last month'] = getLongestThreads(startdate, enddate,