Example #1
def eval_legendre_fenchel(mu, Y, psi):
	This function returns centers of laguerre cells Z,
	the delaunay triangulation of these points and u_Z, the 
	Legendre-Fenchel transform of psi defined on Z.
	mu : Density_2 object
		Density of X ensemble
	Y : 2D array
		Points on the Y ensemble
	psi : 1D array
		Kantorovich potential values at Y
	Z : 2D array
		Laguerre cells centers coordinates
	T : delaunay_2 object
		Weighted Delaunay triangulation of Z
	u_Z : 1D array
		Legendre-Fenchel transform of psi
	# We find the center of each Laguerre cell
	# or their projection on the boundary for the cells that 
	# intersect the boundary
	X = mu.vertices
	hull = ConvexHull(X)
	points = X[hull.vertices]
	Z = ma.ma.conforming_lloyd_2(mu,Y,psi,points)[0]
	# By definition, psi^*(z) = min_{y\in Y} |y - z|^2 - psi_y
	# Correspond to the c-transform of psi.
	# As Z[i] is in the Laguerre cell of Y[i], the formula can be simplified:
	psi_star = np.square(Y[:,0] - Z[:,0]) + np.square(Y[:,1] - Z[:,1]) - psi
	T = ma.delaunay_2(Z, psi_star)
	# We remove parasite triangles by checking the determinant
	det = np.zeros(len(T))
	i = 0
	T_tmp = []
	for triangle in T:
		A = Z[triangle[0]]
		B = Z[triangle[1]]
		C = Z[triangle[2]]
		AB = B-A
		BC = C-B
		det[i] = AB[0]*BC[1] - AB[1]*BC[0]
		if det[i] > 1e-10:
		i += 1
	T = np.array(T_tmp)
	# Modification to get a convex function u(z) such
	# that \grad u(z) = y if z \in Lag_Y^\psi(y)
	u_Z = (np.square(Z[:,0]) + np.square(Z[:,1]))/2 - psi_star/2
	return Z,T,u_Z
Example #2
def eady_OT(Y, bbox, dens, verbose = False, w = np.array([])):
    H = bbox[3]

    #initialise discrete target density, uniform over
    #N points
    nx = Y[:,0].size
    nu = np.ones(nx)
    nu = (dens.mass() / np.sum(nu)) * nu

    if len(w)>0:
        print('trying guess')
        [f,m,g,Hs] = dens.kantorovich(Y, nu, w)
        eps0 = np.min(m)
        if eps0 < 1e-10:
            w = np.array([])

    if len(w)==0:
        print(w,'making standard guess')
        #initalise weights to ensure positive cell mass
        w = 0.*Y[:,0]
        Z = Y[:,1]
        mask = np.where(Z>0.9999*H)
        w[mask] = (Z[mask] - 0.9999*H)**2
        mask = np.where(Z<0.0001*H)
        w[mask] = (Z[mask] - 0.0001*H)**2

    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens,Y,nu, w0=w, eps_g = 1.e-7,verbose=True)
    return w
Example #3
def frontogenesis_timestep(N, days, tstepsize, Heun=None):
    tf = 60 * 60 * 24 * days  #final time

    #initialise parameters from SG Eady model
    H = 1.e4
    L = 1.e6
    g = 10.
    f = 1.e-4
    theta0 = 300.

    #create new directory to store results
    if Heun:
        newdir = "/scratchcomp04/cvr12/Results_" + str(days) + "D_" + str(
            N) + "N_" + str(int(tstepsize)) + "_heun"
        newdir = "/scratchcomp04/cvr12/Results_" + str(days) + "D_" + str(
            N) + "N_" + str(int(tstepsize)) + "_euler"


    #initialise source density with periodic BCs in x
    bbox = np.array([-L, 0., L, H])
    Xdens = pdx.sample_rectangle(bbox)
    f0 = np.ones(4) / (2 * H * L)
    rho = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
    T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens, rho)
    dens = pdx.Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens, f0, T, bbox)

    #initialise points in geostrophic space
    [Y, thetap] = initialise_points(N, bbox, RegularMesh=True)
    Y = dens.to_fundamental_domain(Y)

    if Heun:
        #timestep using Heun's Method
        [Y, w, t] = heun_sg(Y,
        t.tofile(newdir + '/time.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")

        #timestep using forward euler scheme
        [Y, w, t] = forward_euler_sg(Y,
        t.tofile(newdir + '/time.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")

    return ('complete results ' + str(days) + 'D_' + str(N) + 'N_' +
def periodic_laguerre_diagram_to_image(dens, Y, w, C, bbox, ww, hh):
    N = Y.shape[0]
    Y0 = dens.to_fundamental_domain(Y)
    x0 = dens.u[0]
    v = np.array([[0, 0], [x0, 0], [-x0, 0]])
    Yf = np.zeros((3 * N, 2))
    wf = np.hstack((w, w, w))

    Cf = np.vstack((C, C, C))

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        Nb = N * i
        Ne = N * (i + 1)
        Yf[Nb:Ne, :] = Y0 + np.tile(v[i, :], (N, 1))

    img = ma.laguerre_diagram_to_image(dens, Yf, wf, Cf, bbox, ww, hh)
    return (img)
Example #5
def eady_OT(Y, bbox, dens, verbose=False):
    H = bbox[3]

    #initialise discrete target density, uniform over
    #N points
    nx = Y[:, 0].size
    nu = np.ones(nx)
    nu = (dens.mass() / np.sum(nu)) * nu

    #initalise weights to ensure positive cell mass
    w = 0. * Y[:, 0]
    Z = Y[:, 1]
    mask = Z > 0.9 * H
    w[mask] = (Z[mask] - 0.9 * H)**2
    mask = Z < 0.1 * H
    w[mask] = (Z[mask] - 0.1 * H)**2

    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Y, nu, w0=w, eps_g=1.e-5, verbose=False)
    return w
Example #6
def euler_solve_lbfgs(shape, X, Y, p, k=2, nsmooth=4, sigma=0):
    N = X.shape[0]
    T = np.power(2, k) + 1
    h = 1.0 / np.sqrt(N)
    # 1/h^2 = N

    S0 = np.zeros((2, N, 2))
    S0[0] = X
    S0[1] = Y

    for j in xrange(k):
        T0 = S0.shape[0]
        T = 2 * T0 - 1
        S = np.zeros((T, N, 2))

        print "\nADDING TIMESTEPS (T=%d)" % T
        for i in xrange(T0 - 1):
            S[2 * i] = S0[i]
            mean = (S0[i] + S0[i + 1]) / 2

            # when adding the first intermediate timestep, it might be
            # necessary to perturb the mean of the two point clouds
            # (this happens for the disk inversion, because in this
            # case mean == 0)
            if T0 == 2:
                mean = mean + sigma * np.random.randn(N, 2)
            # initial guess for the inserted timesteps
            S[2 * i + 1] = project_on_incompressible(ma.Density_2(shape),
        S[T - 1] = S0[T0 - 1]
        S0 = S

        print "\nLBFGS OPTIMIZATION (T=%d)" % T
        lbda = 1 / np.power(h, p)
        S0 = euler_solve_lbfgs_step(shape, S0, X, Y, lbda)

    return S0
        days) + "D_" + str(N) + "N_" + str(int(tstepsize)) + "_euler"
    imgdir = resultsdir + '/laguerre_diagrams_vgrescale'

#create triangulation with random vertices - fix for miscolouring
#of pixels on diagonal as suggested by Q.MERIGOT

Tdomain = np.array([[-L, 0.], [-L, H], [L, H], [L, 0.]])
Tpoints = np.random.rand(20, 2)
Tpoints[:, 0] = Tpoints[:, 0] * 2 * L - L
Tpoints[:, 1] = Tpoints[:, 1] * H
Tri = np.vstack((Tdomain, Tpoints))

#initialise periodic density
bbox = np.array([-L, 0., L, H])
T = ma.delaunay_2(Tri)
f0 = np.ones(24) / 2 / L / H
dens = pdx.Periodic_density_in_x(Tri, f0, T, bbox)

M = int(np.ceil((60 * 60 * 24 * days) / tstepsize))
n = 0
count = 0

while n <= M:
    #retrieve results from file and reshape,points
    Y = np.fromfile(resultsdir + '/points_results_' + str(int(tstepsize)) +
                    '/points_' + str(int(n)) + '.txt',
                    sep=" ")
    l = int(Y.size / 2)
    Y = Y.reshape((l, 2))
Example #8
def project_on_incompressible(dens,Z):
    N = Z.shape[0]
    nu = np.ones(N) * dens.mass()/N;
    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Z, nu, verbose=True)
    return dens.lloyd(Z,w)[0];
Example #9
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys

import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri

N = 1000;
X = np.random.rand(N,2);
w = np.zeros(N);
T = ma.delaunay_2(X,w);
triang = tri.Triangulation(X[:,0], X[:,1], T);

plt.triplot(triang, 'bo-')
plt.title('triplot of Delaunay triangulation')
Example #10
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys

import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri

X = np.array([[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1]], dtype=float);
mu = np.ones(4);
dens = ma.Density_2(X,mu);

# target is a random set of points
N = 100;
Y = np.random.rand(N,2);
w = np.zeros(N);

for i in xrange(1,50):
    [Z,m] = dens.lloyd(Y, w);
    T = ma.delaunay_2(Y,w);
    triang = tri.Triangulation(Y[:,0], Y[:,1], T);
    plt.triplot(triang, 'bo-')
Example #11
def project_on_incompressible2(dens, Z, verbose=False):
    N = Z.shape[0]
    nu = np.ones(N) * dens.mass() / N
    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Z, nu, verbose=verbose)
    return dens.lloyd(Z, w)[0], w
Example #12
from builtins import range

import sys

import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri

X = np.array([[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1]], dtype=float);
mu = np.ones(4);
dens = ma.Density_2(X,mu);

# target is a random set of points
N = 100;
Y = np.random.rand(N,2);
w = np.zeros(N);

for i in range(1,50):
    [Z,m] = dens.lloyd(Y, w);
    T = ma.delaunay_2(Y,w);
    triang = tri.Triangulation(Y[:,0], Y[:,1], T);
    plt.triplot(triang, 'bo-')
Example #13
    E = dens.restricted_laguerre_edges(Y,w)
    nan = float('nan')
    N = E.shape[0]
    x = np.zeros(3*N)
    y = np.zeros(3*N)
    a = np.array(range(0,N))
    x[3*a] = E[:,0]
    x[3*a+1] = E[:,2]
    x[3*a+2] = nan
    y[3*a] = E[:,1]
    y[3*a+1] = E[:,3]
    y[3*a+2] = nan

dens = ma.Density_2(np.array([[0.,0.],[1.,0.],[1.,1.],[0.,1.]]))
N = 400
s = np.arange(0.,1.,0.01)
x,y = np.meshgrid(s,s)
nx = x.size
x = np.reshape(x,(nx,))
y = np.reshape(y,(nx,))
Y = np.array([x,y]).T
Y[:,1] += -(0.5-Y[:,1])*((Y[:,0]-0.5)**2 - 3./8.)
nu = np.ones(nx)
nu = (dens.mass() / np.sum(nu)) * nu;
w = 0.*Y[:,0]
w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens,Y,nu, verbose=True)
Example #14
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys


import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np

# source: uniform measure on the square with sidelength 2
X = np.array([[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1]], dtype=float)
T = ma.delaunay_2(X, np.zeros(4))
print T
mu = np.ones(4) / 4
dens = ma.Density_2(X, mu, T)
print "mass=%g" % dens.mass()

# target is a random set of points, with random weights
N = 1000
Y = np.random.rand(N, 2) / 2
nu = 10 + np.random.rand(N)
nu = (dens.mass() / np.sum(nu)) * nu

# print "mass(nu) = %f" % sum(nu)
# print "mass(mu) = %f" % dens.mass()

Example #15
def initialise_points(N, bbox, RegularMesh = None):
    '''Function to initialise a mesh over the domain [-L,L]x[0,H]
    and transform to geostrophic coordinates

    N: number of grid points in z direct, total number of points
      will be 2*N*N

    RegularMesh: controls whether the mesh is regular or an optimised
                 sample of random points in the domain 

    A numpy array of coordinates of points in geostrophic space
    H = bbox[3]
    L = bbox[2]

    #set up regular mesh or optimised sample of random points
    if RegularMesh:
        npts = N
        dx = 1./npts
        s = np.arange(dx*0.5,1.,dx)
        s1 = np.arange(-1. + dx*0.5,1.,dx)
        x,z = np.meshgrid(s1*L,s*H)
        nx = x.size
        x = np.reshape(x,(nx,))
        z = np.reshape(z,(nx,))
        y = np.array([x,z]).T
        npts = 2*N*N
        bbox = np.array([0., -0.5, 2., 0.5])
        Xdens = sample_rectangle(bbox);
        f0 = np.ones(4)/2;
        w = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0]); 
        T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens,w);
        Sdens = Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens,f0,T,bbox)
        X = ma.optimized_sampling_2(Sdens,npts,niter=5)
        X = Sdens.to_fundamental_domain(X)
        x = X[:,0]*L - L
        z = (X[:,1]+0.5)*H
        y = np.array([x,z]).T
    #define thetap from CULLEN 2006
    g = 10.
    f = 1.e-4
    theta0 = 300.
    C = 3e-6
    CP = 0.1
    Nsq = 40/H*g/theta0

    buoyancy_stratification = (z-H/2)*Nsq # b = g*theta/theta_0
    thetap = buoyancy_stratification/g*theta0 + CP*np.sin(np.pi*(x/L + z/H))

    X = x
    Z = g*thetap/theta0/f/f

    Y = np.array([X,Z]).T

    return Y, thetap
Example #16
def projection_on_incompressible_moments(dens, Z):
    N = Z.shape[0]
    nu = np.ones(N) * dens.mass()/N
    w0= estimate_dual_variable(dens, Z)
    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Z, nu, w0=w0, verbose=False)
    return dens.moments(Z,w) 
Example #17
    N = E.shape[0]
    x = np.zeros(3 * N)
    y = np.zeros(3 * N)
    a = np.array(range(0, N))
    x[3 * a] = E[:, 0]
    x[3 * a + 1] = E[:, 2]
    x[3 * a + 2] = nan
    y[3 * a] = E[:, 1]
    y[3 * a + 1] = E[:, 3]
    y[3 * a + 2] = nan
    return x, y

#initialise source continuous density
dens = ma.Density_2(np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 0.], [1., 1.], [0., 1.]]))

#initialise periodic density in x
bbox = np.array([0., 0., 1., 1.])
Xdens = pdx.sample_rectangle(bbox)
f0 = np.ones(4)
rho = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens, rho)
pdens = pdx.Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens, f0, T, bbox)

#initialise points
N = 20
Y = np.random.rand(N, 2)

#initialise discrete target density
nu = np.ones(N)
Example #18
def validity_analysis_results(N, days, tstepsize, t0 = 0., Heun = None):
    #initialise parameters
    H = 1.e4
    L = 1.e6
    g = 10.
    f = 1.e-4
    theta0 = 300
    C = 3e-6

    if Heun:
        datadir = "Results_"+str(days)+"D_"+str(N)+"N_"+str(int(tstepsize))+"_heun/data"
        resultdir = "Results_"+str(days)+"D_"+str(N)+"N_"+str(int(tstepsize))+"_heun"
        plotsdir = "Results_"+str(days)+"D_"+str(N)+"N_"+str(int(tstepsize))+"_heun/plots"
        datadir = "Results_"+str(days)+"D_"+str(N)+"N_"+str(int(tstepsize))+"_euler/data"
        resultdir = "Results_"+str(days)+"D_"+str(N)+"N_"+str(int(tstepsize))+"_euler"
        plotsdir = "Results_"+str(days)+"D_"+str(N)+"N_"+str(int(tstepsize))+"_euler/plots"
    #set up uniform density for domain Gamma
    bbox = np.array([-L, 0., L, H])
    Xdens = pdx.sample_rectangle(bbox)
    f0 = np.ones(4)/2/L/H
    rho = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
    T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens,rho)
    dens = pdx.Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens,f0,T,bbox)

    #set up plotting uniform density for domain Gamma
    bbox = np.array([-L, 0., L, H])
    Xdens = pdx.sample_rectangle(bbox)
    npts = 100
    Xrnd = 2*L*(np.random.rand(npts)-0.5)
    Zrnd = H*np.random.rand(npts)
    Xdens = np.concatenate((Xdens, np.array((Xrnd, Zrnd)).T))
    f0 = np.ones(npts+4)/2/L/H
    rho = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
    T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens,rho)
    pdens = pdx.Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens,f0,T,bbox)

    #set final time(t), step size (h) and total number of time steps(N)
    tf = 60*60*24*days
    h = tstepsize
    N = int(np.ceil((tf-t0)/h))
    #initialise arrays to store data values
    KEmean = np.zeros(N+1)
    energy = np.zeros(N+1)
    vgmax = np.zeros(N+1)
    PE = np.zeros(N+1)
    KE = np.zeros(N+1)
    rmsv = np.zeros(N+1)
    w = np.fromfile(resultdir+'/weights_results_'+str(int(h))+'/weights_0.txt', sep = " ")
    ke = np.zeros((int(w.size),2))
    vg = np.zeros((int(w.size),2))
    t = np.array([t0 + n*h for n in range(N+1)])

    Ndump = 100
    for n in range(0,N+1, Ndump):
            Y = np.fromfile(resultdir+'/points_results_'+str(int(h))+'/points_'+str(n)+'.txt', sep = " ")
            w = np.fromfile(resultdir+'/weights_results_'+str(int(h))+'/weights_'+str(n)+'.txt', sep = " ")
            l = int(w.size)
            Y = Y.reshape((l,2))
        except IOError:
        C = Y[:,1].reshape((l,1))
        print(C.shape, w.shape)
        img = periodic_laguerre_diagram_to_image(pdens,Y,w,C,bbox,100,100)

        plt.plot(Y[:,0], Y[:,1], '.')

        #calculate centroids and mass of cells
        [Yc, m] = dens.lloyd(Y, w)
        mtile = np.tile(m,(2,1)).T

        #calculate second moments to find KE and maximum of vg
        [m1, I] = dens.moments(Y, w)

        #find kinetic energy, maximum value of vg and total energy
        ke[:,0] = 0.5*f*f*(m*Y[:,0]**2 - 2*Y[:,0]*m1[:,0] + I[:,0])
        vg[:,0] = f*(Y[:,0] - Yc[:,0])
        #map back to fundamental domain
        ke = dens.to_fundamental_domain(ke)
        vg = dens.to_fundamental_domain(vg)
        E = ke[:,0] - f*f*Y[:,1]*m1[:,1] + 0.5*f*f*H*Y[:,1]*m
        pe = - f*f*Y[:,1]*m1[:,1] + 0.5*f*f*H*Y[:,1]*m
        energy[n] = np.sum(E)
        KE[n] = np.sum(ke[:,0])
        KEmean[n] = np.sum(ke[:,0])*float(l)
        rmsv[n] = np.sqrt(KEmean[n])
        PE[n] = np.sum(pe)
        vgmax[n] = np.amax(vg[:,0])
    energy.tofile(datadir+'/energy.txt',sep = " ",format = "%s")
    KEmean.tofile(datadir+'/KEmean.txt',sep = " ",format = "%s")
    vgmax.tofile(datadir+'/vgmax.txt',sep = " ",format = "%s")
    t.tofile(datadir+'/time.txt',sep = " ",format = "%s")
    PE.tofile(datadir+'/PE.txt',sep = " ",format = "%s")
    KE.tofile(datadir+'/KE.txt',sep = " ",format = "%s")
    rmsv.tofile(datadir+'/rmsv.txt',sep = " ",format = "%s")
    return('complete results '+str(days)+'D_'+str(N)+'N_'+str(int(tstepsize)))
Example #19
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys


import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri

N = 1000
X = np.random.rand(N, 2)
w = np.zeros(N)
T = ma.delaunay_2(X, w)
triang = tri.Triangulation(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], T)

plt.triplot(triang, 'bo-')
plt.title('triplot of Delaunay triangulation')
Example #20
##### Source and target processing #####
mu, P, nu = input_preprocessing(param)
comm.Bcast([P, mpi.DOUBLE],0)
comm.Bcast([nu, mpi.DOUBLE],0)
p,q = geo.planar_to_gradient(P[:,0], P[:,1], target_base)
Y = np.vstack([p,q]).T

##### Optimal Transport problem resolution #####
psi = np.empty(len(p))
if rank == 0:
	print('Number of diracs: ', len(nu))
	t = time.clock() - debut
	print ("Inputs processing:", t, "s")

	psi0 = ma.optimal_transport_presolve_2(Y, mu.vertices, Y_w=nu, X_w=mu.values)
	psi = ma.optimal_transport_2(mu, Y, nu, w0=psi0, verbose=True)
	t = time.clock() - t
	print ("OT resolution:", t, "s")
comm.Bcast([psi, mpi.DOUBLE],0)

Z,T_Z,u_Z = misc.eval_legendre_fenchel(mu, Y, psi)
interpol = misc.make_cubic_interpolator(Z,T_Z,u_Z,grad=Y)

source_box = [np.min(Z[:,0]), np.max(Z[:,0]), np.min(Z[:,1]), np.max(Z[:,1])]
target_box = [np.min(P[:,0]), np.max(P[:,0]), np.min(P[:,1]), np.max(P[:,1])]

##### Ray tracing #####
import sys
import os

import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def draw_laguerre_cells(dens, Y, w):
    E = dens.restricted_laguerre_edges(Y, w)
    nan = float('nan')
    N = E.shape[0]
    x = np.zeros(3 * N)
    y = np.zeros(3 * N)
    a = np.array(range(0, N))
    x[3 * a] = E[:, 0]
    x[3 * a + 1] = E[:, 2]
    x[3 * a + 2] = nan
    y[3 * a] = E[:, 1]
    y[3 * a + 1] = E[:, 3]
    y[3 * a + 2] = nan
    plt.plot(x, y, color=[1, 0, 0], linewidth=1, aa=True)

dens = ma.Density_2(np.array([[0., 0.], [2., 0.], [2., 2.], [0., 2.]]))
N = 40
draw_laguerre_cells(dens, np.random.rand(N, 2), np.zeros(N))
Example #22
# generate density
def sample_rectangle(bbox):
    x0 = bbox[0]
    y0 = bbox[1]
    x1 = bbox[2]
    y1 = bbox[3]
    x = [x0, x1, x1, x0]
    y = [y0, y0, y1, y1]
    X = np.vstack((x, y)).T
    return X

Xdens = sample_rectangle(bbox)
f = np.ones(4)
w = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens, w)
dens = Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens, f, T, bbox)

def project_on_incompressible2(dens, Z, verbose=False):
    N = Z.shape[0]
    nu = np.ones(N) * dens.mass() / N
    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Z, nu, verbose=verbose)
    return dens.lloyd(Z, w)[0], w

X = ma.optimized_sampling_2(dens, N, niter=2)

# tracers
ii = np.nonzero(X[:, 1] <= 0)
jj = np.nonzero(X[:, 1] > 0)
Example #23
    Y = Z

# Set image to full window
ax = plt.Axes(plt.gcf(),[0,0,1,1],yticks=[],xticks=[],frame_on=False)

# Compute surface area of each dot, so that the total amount of gray
# is coherent with the gray level of the picture
# N*s/surf = dens.mass(), where surf is the area of the image in points
surf=(ww*72)*(ww*72); # 72 points per inch
avg_gray = dens.mass()/255;
S = (surf/N)*avg_gray

for i in range(1,5):
    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens,Y,nu,verbose=True);
    [Z,m] = dens.lloyd(Y, w);
    Y = Z
    plt.scatter(Y[:,0], Y[:,1], s=S);

np.savetxt(cloudname, Y, fmt='%g')
Example #24
def plot_timestep(X, w, colors, bbox, fname):
    img = ma.laguerre_diagram_to_image(dens, X, w, colors, bbox, 1000, 500)
Example #25
def input_preprocessing(parameters):
	Generates proper inputs according to
	parameters. A density for the source
	and a diracs sum for the target.
	parameters : dictionnary
		Contains all the parameters
	mu : Density_2 object
	Y : 2D array
	nu : 1D array
	source_name = parameters['source'][0]
	source_geom = parameters['source'][1:]
	target_name = parameters['target'][0]
	target_geom = parameters['target'][1:]

	#### Source processing ####
	if source_name == 'default':
		x = np.array([-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5])
		y = np.array([-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5])
		X = np.array([x,y]).T
		mu = ma.Density_2(X)
		extension_source = os.path.splitext(source_name)[1]
		if extension_source == ".txt":
			X, X_w = read_data(source_name, source_geom)
			mu = ma.Density_2(X, X_w)
			X, mu = read_image(source_name, source_geom)
			# Null pixels are removed
			zero = np.zeros(len(mu))
			J = np.greater(mu,zero)
			mu = mu[J]
			X = X[J]
			mu = ma.Density_2(X,mu)
	#### Target processing ####
	if target_name == 'default':
		# Number of diracs for the default shape
		Ndiracs = 10000
		# Triangle
		x = np.array([0.5,-0.25,-0.25])
		y = np.array([0.,0.433,-0.433])
		# Square
		#x = np.array([-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5])
		#y = np.array([-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5])
		#x = np.array([0.,-1.,-0.75, 0.75, 1.])
		#y = np.array([1.5,0.25,-0.5, -0.5, 0.25])
		tri = np.array([x,y]).T
		dens_target = ma.Density_2(tri)
		P = ma.optimized_sampling_2(dens_target,Ndiracs)
		nu = np.ones(Ndiracs) * (mu.mass() / Ndiracs)
		extension_target = os.path.splitext(target_name)[1]

		if extension_target == ".txt":
			P, nu = read_data(target_name, target_geom)
			nu = nu * (mu.mass() / sum(nu))
			# For a picture, number of dirac equals
			# number of pixels (set in read_image())
			P, nu = read_image(target_name, target_geom)
			# Null pixels are removed
			zero = np.zeros(len(nu))
			J = np.greater(nu,zero)
			P = P[J]
			nu = nu[J]
			# Mass equalization
			nu = nu * (mu.mass()/sum(nu))

	return mu, P, nu
Example #26
def projection_on_incompressible_moments(dens, Z):
    N = Z.shape[0]
    nu = np.ones(N) * dens.mass() / N
    w0 = estimate_dual_variable(dens, Z)
    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Z, nu, w0=w0, verbose=False)
    return dens.moments(Z, w)
Example #27
def initialise_points(N, bbox, RegularMesh=None):
    '''Function to initialise a mesh over the domain [-L,L]x[0,H]
    and transform to geostrophic coordinates

    N: number of grid points in z direct, total number of points
      will be 2*N*N

    RegularMesh: controls whether the mesh is regular or an optimised
                 sample of random points in the domain 

    A numpy array of coordinates of points in geostrophic space
    H = bbox[3]
    L = bbox[2]

    #set up regular mesh or optimised sample of random points
    if RegularMesh:
        npts = N
        dx = 1. / npts
        s = np.arange(dx * 0.5, 1., dx)
        s1 = np.arange(-1. + dx * 0.5, 1., dx)
        x, z = np.meshgrid(s1 * L, s * H)
        nx = x.size
        x = np.reshape(x, (nx, ))
        z = np.reshape(z, (nx, ))
        y = np.array([x, z]).T

        npts = 2 * N * N
        bbox = np.array([0., -0.5, 2., 0.5])
        Xdens = sample_rectangle(bbox)
        f0 = np.ones(4) / 2
        w = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
        T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens, w)
        Sdens = Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens, f0, T, bbox)
        X = ma.optimized_sampling_2(Sdens, npts, niter=5)
        x = X[:, 0] * L - L
        z = (X[:, 1] + 0.5) * H
        y = np.array([x, z]).T

    #define thetap from CULLEN 2006
    Nsq = 2.5e-5
    g = 10.
    f = 1.e-4
    theta0 = 300.
    C = 3e-6
    B = 0.25

    thetap = Nsq * theta0 * z / g + B * np.sin(np.pi * (x / L + z / H))
    vg = B * g * H / L / f / theta0 * np.sin(
        np.pi *
        (x / L + z / H)) - 2 * B * g * H / np.pi / L / f / theta0 * np.cos(
            np.pi * x / L)

    X = vg / f + x
    Z = g * thetap / f / f / theta0

    Y = np.array([X, Z]).T
    thetap = f * f * theta0 * Z / g

    return Y, thetap
Example #28
import sys
import os
import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri

# generate uniform points in the disk, and then a Gaussian density
Nx = 30;
t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,Nx+1);
t = t[0:Nx]
disk = np.vstack([np.cos(t),np.sin(t)]).T;
X = ma.optimized_sampling_2(ma.Density_2(disk), 1000, verbose=True);
sigma = 7;
mu = np.exp(-sigma*(np.power(X[:,0],2) + np.power(X[:,1],2)));
dens = ma.Density_2(X,mu);

N = 5000;
Y = dens.random_sampling(N);
nu = np.ones(N);
nu = (dens.mass() / np.sum(nu)) * nu;

w = np.zeros(N);
for i in range(1,5):
    [Z,m] = dens.lloyd(Y, w);
    Y = Z;

Example #29
def validity_analysis_results(N, days, tstepsize, t0=0., Heun=None):
    #initialise parameters
    H = 1.e4
    L = 1.e6
    g = 10.
    f = 1.e-4
    theta0 = 300
    C = 3e-6

    if Heun:
        datadir = "/scratchcomp04/cvr12/Results_" + str(days) + "D_" + str(
            N) + "N_" + str(int(tstepsize)) + "_heun/data"
        resultdir = "/scratchcomp04/cvr12/Results_" + str(days) + "D_" + str(
            N) + "N_" + str(int(tstepsize)) + "_heun"
        datadir = "/scratchcomp04/cvr12/Results_" + str(days) + "D_" + str(
            N) + "N_" + str(int(tstepsize)) + "_euler/data"
        resultdir = "/scratchcomp04/cvr12/Results_" + str(days) + "D_" + str(
            N) + "N_" + str(int(tstepsize)) + "_euler"


    #set up uniform density for domain Gamma
    bbox = np.array([-L, 0., L, H])
    Xdens = pdx.sample_rectangle(bbox)
    f0 = np.ones(4) / 2 / L / H
    rho = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
    T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens, rho)
    dens = pdx.Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens, f0, T, bbox)

    #set final time(t), step size (h) and total number of time steps(N)
    tf = 60 * 60 * 24 * days
    h = tstepsize
    N = int(np.ceil((tf - t0) / h))

    #initialise arrays to store data values
    KEmean = np.zeros(N + 1)
    energy = np.zeros(N + 1)
    vgmax = np.zeros(N + 1)
    PE = np.zeros(N + 1)
    KE = np.zeros(N + 1)
    rmsv = np.zeros(N + 1)

    w = np.fromfile(resultdir + '/weights_results_' + str(int(h)) +
                    sep=" ")
    ke = np.zeros((int(w.size), 2))
    vg = np.zeros((int(w.size), 2))
    t = np.array([t0 + n * h for n in range(N + 1)])

    for n in range(0, N + 1):
        Y = np.fromfile(resultdir + '/points_results_' + str(int(h)) +
                        '/points_' + str(n) + '.txt',
                        sep=" ")
        w = np.fromfile(resultdir + '/weights_results_' + str(int(h)) +
                        '/weights_' + str(n) + '.txt',
                        sep=" ")
        l = int(w.size)
        Y = Y.reshape((l, 2))

        #calculate centroids and mass of cells
        [Yc, m] = dens.lloyd(Y, w)
        mtile = np.tile(m, (2, 1)).T

        #calculate second moments to find KE and maximum of vg
        [m1, I] = dens.moments(Y, w)

        #find kinetic energy, maximum value of vg and total energy
        ke[:, 0] = 0.5 * f * f * (m * Y[:, 0]**2 - 2 * Y[:, 0] * m1[:, 0] +
                                  I[:, 0])
        vg[:, 0] = f * (Y[:, 0] - Yc[:, 0])

        #map back to fundamental domain
        ke = dens.to_fundamental_domain(ke)
        vg = dens.to_fundamental_domain(vg)

        E = ke[:,
               0] - f * f * Y[:, 1] * m1[:, 1] + 0.5 * f * f * H * Y[:, 1] * m
        pe = -f * f * Y[:, 1] * m1[:, 1] + 0.5 * f * f * H * Y[:, 1] * m

        energy[n] = np.sum(E)
        KE[n] = np.sum(ke[:, 0])
        KEmean[n] = np.sum(ke[:, 0]) * float(l)
        rmsv[n] = np.sqrt(KEmean[n])
        PE[n] = np.sum(pe)
        vgmax[n] = np.amax(vg[:, 0])

        energy.tofile(datadir + '/energy.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")
        KEmean.tofile(datadir + '/KEmean.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")
        vgmax.tofile(datadir + '/vgmax.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")
        t.tofile(datadir + '/time.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")
        PE.tofile(datadir + '/PE.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")
        KE.tofile(datadir + '/KE.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")
        rmsv.tofile(datadir + '/rmsv.txt', sep=" ", format="%s")

    return ('complete results ' + str(days) + 'D_' + str(N) + 'N_' +
Example #30
from builtins import range

import sys

import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri

bbox = [0.,0.,1.,1.];
dens = ma.Periodic_density_2(bbox);

N = 10000;
Z = dens.random_sampling(N)
nu = np.ones(N)/N;

dt = 0.2
t = dt
for i in range(1,50):
    print("ITERATION %d" % i)
    w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Z, nu, verbose=True)
    C = dens.lloyd(Z, w)[0]
    Z = dens.to_fundamental_domain(Z+(dt/t)*(Z-C))
    t = t+dt
    plt.scatter(Z[:,0], Z[:,1], color='blue', s=1);
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys

import MongeAmpere as ma
import numpy as np

# source: uniform measure on the square with sidelength 2
X = np.array([[-1,-1],
              [1, -1],
              [1, 1],
              [-1,1]], dtype=float);
T = ma.delaunay_2(X,np.zeros(4));
print T
mu = np.ones(4)/4;
dens = ma.Density_2(X,mu,T);
print "mass=%g"%dens.mass()

# target is a random set of points, with random weights
N = 1000;
Y = np.random.rand(N,2)/2;
nu = 10+np.random.rand(N);
nu = (dens.mass() / np.sum(nu)) * nu;

# print "mass(nu) = %f" % sum(nu)
# print "mass(mu) = %f" % dens.mass()

Example #32
def sq_dist_to_incompressible(args):
    shape, s = args
    E, g = squared_distance_to_incompressible(ma.Density_2(shape), s)
    return E, g
Example #33
import numpy as np
import periodic_densities as pdx
import MongeAmpere as ma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
from PIL import Image

N = 10000
L = 1.e6
H = 1.e4

bbox = np.array([-L, 0., L, H])
Xdens = pdx.sample_rectangle(bbox)
f0 = np.ones(4) / (2 * L * H)
rho = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens, rho)
dens = pdx.Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens, f0, T, bbox)

Y = np.random.rand(N, 2)
xY[:, 0] = Y[:, 0] * 2 * L - L
Y[:, 1] *= H

nu = np.ones(Y[:, 0].size)
nu = (dens.mass() / np.sum(nu)) * nu

w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Y, nu, verbose=True)

#C = Y[:,1].reshape((N,1))
Example #34
import matplotlib

import numpy as np
from periodic_densities import Periodic_density_in_x, sample_rectangle, periodicinx_draw_laguerre_cells_2
import MongeAmpere as ma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri

# source: uniform measure on the square with sidelength 1
bbox = [0., 0., 1., 1.]
Xdens = sample_rectangle(bbox)
f0 = np.ones(4)
rho = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens, rho)
dens = Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens, f0, T, bbox)
print "mass=%g" % dens.mass()

# target is a random set of points, with random weights
N = 6
Y = np.random.rand(N, 2)
nu = np.ones(N)
nu = (dens.mass() / np.sum(nu)) * nu

print "mass(nu) = %f" % sum(nu)
print "mass(mu) = %f" % dens.mass()

w = ma.optimal_transport_2(dens, Y, nu)

#x,y = periodicinx_draw_laguerre_cells_2(dens,Y,w)
tstepsize = 1800
Heun = True

#initialise parameters from SG Eady model
H = 1.e4
L = 1.e6
g = 10.
f = 1.e-4
theta0 = 300.

#initialise source density with periodic BCs in x
bbox = np.array([-L, 0., L, H])
Xdens = pdx.sample_rectangle(bbox)
f0 = np.ones(4) / (2 * H * L)
rho = np.zeros(Xdens.shape[0])
T = ma.delaunay_2(Xdens, rho)
dens = pdx.Periodic_density_in_x(Xdens, f0, T, bbox)

#initialise points in geostrophic space
[Y, thetap] = initialise_points(N, bbox, RegularMesh=True)
Y = dens.to_fundamental_domain(Y)

if Heun:
    #timestep using Heun's Method
    print('Heun ' + str(N) + 'N')
    [Y, w, t] = heun_sg(Y, dens, tf, bbox, h=tstepsize)
    #timestep using forward euler scheme
    print('Euler ' + str(N) + 'N')