Example #1
def test_binary_lens_hexadecapole():
    tests hexadecapole and quadrupole calculation for planetary case
    with rho=0.001 and 3 values of gamma: 0, 0.5, and 1.0
    s = 1.35
    q = 0.00578
    rho = 0.001
    x = 0.7142010570568691 - s * q / (1. + q)
    y = 0.00189679191923936

    pspl_mag = 4.691830779895085
    reference_00 = [5.017252440557196, 4.9587638949353146, pspl_mag]
    reference_05 = [4.981368071884021, 4.932070583431292, pspl_mag]
    reference_10 = [4.9454837032108445, 4.905377271927269, pspl_mag]

    m1 = 1. / (1. + q)
    m2 = q / (1. + q)

    bl = mm.BinaryLens(m1, m2, s)

    result_00 = bl.hexadecapole_magnification(
        x, y, rho=rho, gamma=0.0, all_approximations=True)
    result_05 = bl.hexadecapole_magnification(
        x, y, rho=rho, gamma=0.5, all_approximations=True)
    result_10 = bl.hexadecapole_magnification(
        x, y, rho=rho, gamma=1.0, all_approximations=True)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_00, reference_00)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_05, reference_05)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_10, reference_10)
Example #2
def test_vbbl_1():
    s = 0.8
    q = 0.1

    m_1 = 1. / (1. + q)
    m_2 = q / (1. + q)
    bl = mm.BinaryLens(m_1, m_2, s)

    result = bl.vbbl_magnification(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, 18.2834436, decimal=3)
Example #3
def test_ac_1():
    s = 0.8
    q = 0.1

    m_1 = 1. / (1. + q)
    m_2 = q / (1. + q)
    bl = mm.BinaryLens(m_1, m_2, s)

    result = bl.adaptive_contouring_magnification(
        0.01, 0.01, 0.01, accuracy=0.019, ld_accuracy=1e-3)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, 18.2834436, decimal=3)
Example #4
def test_vbbl():
    check basic magnification calculation using VBBL
    s = 0.8
    q = 0.1

    m_1 = 1. / (1. + q)
    m_2 = q / (1. + q)
    bl = mm.BinaryLens(m_1, m_2, s)

    result = bl.vbbl_magnification(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, 18.2834436, decimal=3)
Example #5
def test_small_q():
    run calculations with small mass-ratio
    q = 1.e-8
    s = 1.8
    x = s - 1. / s
    y = 5.e-7 * 0.

    m_1 = 1. / (1. + q)
    m_2 = q / (1. + q)

    lens = mm.BinaryLens(m_1, m_2, s)
    result = lens.point_source_magnification(x, y)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, 3.6868957, decimal=3)
Example #6
def test_ac():
    check basic magnification calculation using AdaptiveContouring
    s = 0.8
    q = 0.1

    m_1 = 1. / (1. + q)
    m_2 = q / (1. + q)
    bl = mm.BinaryLens(m_1, m_2, s)

    # Previous version was failing because of bug in AC:
    # result = bl.adaptive_contouring_magnification(
    #     0.01, 0.01, 0.01, accuracy=0.019, ld_accuracy=1e-3)
    # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, 18.2834436, decimal=3)
    result = bl.adaptive_contouring_magnification(0.06,
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, 11.403036510555962, decimal=3)
def test_standard_vs_shear():
    check if standard and 0 shear calculations give the same result
    s = 1.8
    q = 1e-6
    x = s - 1. / s
    y = 0.

    m_1 = 1. / (1. + q)
    m_2 = q / (1. + q)

    lens = mm.BinaryLensWithShear(m_1,
                                  shear_G=complex(0, 0))
    lens_standard = mm.BinaryLens(m_1, m_2, s)
    result = lens.point_source_magnification(x, y)
    result_standard = lens_standard.point_source_magnification(x, y)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, result_standard, decimal=5)
def test_ps_shear_1():
    Test if vbbl_magnification() with shear 0 and convergence 0
    gives the same result as point_source_magnification()
    s = 0.8
    q = 0.1
    m_1 = 1. / (1. + q)
    m_2 = q / (1. + q)

    blws = mm.BinaryLensWithShear(m_1,
                                  shear_G=complex(0, 0))
    result = blws.point_source_magnification(0.01, 0.01)

    bl = mm.BinaryLens(m_1, m_2, s)
    result_ref = bl.point_source_magnification(0.01, 0.01)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, result_ref)
Example #9
def magnif(q, s, rho):
  Find the magnification, trajectory  and caustics curve of the binary lens system
        s:seperation between two lens
        q:mass ratio between two lens
        rho:source  scaled  size
        light: magnification amplitude of of the binary lens system
        traj.x,traj,y: trajectory of the binary lens system in x and y direction
        X,Y: x and y coordination of points on caustics curve
    #find mass with q
    m_1 = 1 / (q + 1)
    m_2 = q / (q + 1)

    #reset parameters
    params.q = q
    params.s = s
    params.rho = rho

    #find trajectory
    traj = mm.Trajectory(times, params, coords=coord)

    #find magnification
    light = []
    model_1 = mm.BinaryLens(m_1, m_2, s)

    for i in range(len(traj.x)):
        light.append(model_1.vbbl_magnification(traj.x[i], traj.y[i], rho))

    #find caustics curves
    model_2 = mm.Caustics(q, s)
    X, Y = model_2.get_caustics()
    return light, traj.x, traj.y, X, Y
Example #10
    'pi_E_E': 0,
    'rho': rho,
    'alpha': alpha,
    's': s,
    'q': q
#get the trajectory of the source
traj_1 = mm.Trajectory(times, params_1, coords=coord)
traj_2 = mm.Trajectory(times, params_2, coords=coord)
traj_3 = mm.Trajectory(times, params_3, parallax=paral, coords=coord)

#get the magnification of the model
light_1 = []
light_2 = []
light_3 = []
model_1 = mm.BinaryLens(m_1 / 11, m_2 / 11, s)

for i in range(len(traj_1.x)):
    light_1.append(model_1.vbbl_magnification(traj_1.x[i], traj_1.y[i], rho))
    light_2.append(model_1.vbbl_magnification(traj_2.x[i], traj_2.y[i], rho))
    light_3.append(model_1.vbbl_magnification(traj_3.x[i], traj_3.y[i], rho))

#plot the light curve

plt.plot(times_plot, 2.5 * np.log10(light_2), 'r--', label='Static')
         2.5 * np.log10(light_1),
         label='Orbital Motion')
plt.plot(times_plot, 2.5 * np.log10(light_3), 'b--', label='Parallax')
Example #11
        plot[-1].get_position_arrays(region=region, region_lim=region_lim)

x_array = plot[0].x_array
y_array = plot[0].y_array
mag_BL = [None] * len(plot)
for (i, p) in enumerate(plot):
    mag_BL[i] = p.magn_array

blens = []
mag_MM = []

# Assuming the total system's mass is 1 unit:
blens = (mm.BinaryLens(mass_1=1. / (1. + q), mass_2=q / (1. + q),
# Assuming the star's mass is 1 unit:
blens = (mm.BinaryLens(mass_1=1, mass_2=q, separation=s))

for i in range(len(x_array)):
        blens._point_source_WM95(source_x=-x_array[i], source_y=y_array[i]))
plt.scatter(x_array, y_array, c = mag_BL[0])
plt.scatter(x_com, y_com, c = mag_MM[0])