# Connect to the database
conn = sqlite3.connect(prelimDB)
cur = conn.cursor()

# get the list of fields from the database

cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('libertarians')")
pragma = cur.fetchall()
# extract db field names from
dbfields = [str(x[1]) for x in pragma]

# Find some variables we'll need later
PARTY_AFFILIATION = MyFunctions.first_startswith('PARTY_AFFILIATION',dbfields)
LAST_PRIMARY_FIELD = MyFunctions.last_startswith('PRIMARY',dbfields)

LAST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('LAST_NAME',dbfields)
FIRST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('FIRST_NAME',dbfields)
fieldsInLine = len(dbfields)

# find the county data files, put them in an array & sort them.
csvfiles = glob.glob('../ZIP/*.zip')

# parse the datafiles
for onefile in csvfiles:
    countyCount = 1
    # Set up variables needed later
    numVotersParsed = 0
# Connect to the database
conn = sqlite3.connect(newDB)
cur = conn.cursor()

# get the list of fields from the database

cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('libertarians')")
pragma = cur.fetchall()
# extract db field names from
dbfields = [str(x[1]) for x in pragma]

# Find some variables we'll need later
PARTY_AFFILIATION = MyFunctions.first_startswith('PARTY_AFFILIATION',dbfields)
LAST_PRIMARY_FIELD = MyFunctions.last_startswith('PRIMARY',dbfields)
LAST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('LAST_NAME',dbfields)
FIRST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('FIRST_NAME',dbfields)
fieldsInLine = len(dbfields)

# find the county data files, put them in an array & sort them.
csvfiles = glob.glob('../ZIP/*.zip')

# parse the datafiles
for onefile in csvfiles:
    countyCount = 1

        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(onefile, 'r')
    except zipfile.BadZipfile: