Example #1
def load_fluxes_LSDCatForcedRun(line1='CIV1548',line2='CIII1908',fluxcol='F_3KRON',
    Loading the flux output from an LSDcat run and potentially turning it into bolometric luminoisity.
    Returning data array to be plotted on NEGOAL diagrams

    --- EXAMPLE OF USE ---
    import NEOGALmodels as nm
    lumarray = nm.load_fluxes_LSDCatForcedRun(line1='CIV1548',line2='CIII1908',fluxcol='F_3KRON',convert_Flux2Lbol=True)

    if verbose: print ' - Loading redshift catalog: \n   '+redshiftcat
    z_data       = pyfits.open(redshiftcat)[1].data
    linenamesdic = nm.linenames()
    if verbose: print ' - Grabbing files with flux measurements in data directory: \n   '+datadir
    fluxfiles = glob.glob(datadir+'*_linelist_fluxes.fits')
    Nfiles    = len(fluxfiles)
    if Nfiles == 0:
        sys.exit("Didn't find any *_linelist_fluxes.fits files in datadir="+datadir)

    outputarray = np.ones([Nfiles,11])*-99

    for ff, ffile in enumerate(fluxfiles):
        f_data   = pyfits.open(ffile)[1].data
        objid    = ffile.split('/')[-1][:8]
        objent   = np.where(z_data['UNIQUE_ID'] == objid)[0]
        if len(objent) != 1:
            if verbose: print ' - WARNING Found '+str(len(objent))+' matches to '+str(objid)+' in redshift catalog'

        line1name = linenamesdic[line1][0]
        line2name = linenamesdic[line2][0]
        line1ent = np.where(f_data['LINENAME'] == line1name)[0]
        line2ent = np.where(f_data['LINENAME'] == line2name)[0]
        if (len(line1ent) != 1) or (len(line2ent) != 1):
            if verbose: print ' - WARNING No match in flux table for '+line1+' and '+line2+' for '+str(objid)

        redshift     = z_data['REDSHIFT'][objent]
        redshifterr  = z_data['REDSHIFT_ERR'][objent]
        lineflux1    = f_data[fluxcol][line1ent]
        linefluxerr1 = f_data[fluxcol+'_ERR'][line1ent]
        lineflux2    = f_data[fluxcol][line2ent]
        linefluxerr2 = f_data[fluxcol+'_ERR'][line2ent]

        if convert_Flux2Lbol:
            Lbol1, Lbolerr1 = nm.convert_Fline2Lbol(lineflux1,linefluxerr1,redshift,verbose=False)
            Lbol2, Lbolerr2 = nm.convert_Fline2Lbol(lineflux2,linefluxerr2,redshift,verbose=False)
            Lbol1, Lbolerr1 = -99, -99
            Lbol2, Lbolerr2 = -99, -99

        outputarray[ff,:] = int(objid), redshift, redshifterr, \
                            lineflux1, linefluxerr1, lineflux2, linefluxerr2, \
                            Lbol1, Lbolerr1, Lbol2, Lbolerr2,

    return outputarray