Example #1
def train(model, data, functions, params):
    """Generic routine to perform training on the GPU using Theano-compiled
    functions and common parameters.

    This will run through a specified number of 'epochs', each consisting of
    a full pass through the training data. The epochs are broken into batches
    as normal for Stochastic Gradient Descent.

    functions: A dictionary containing all of the necessary functions for
        training. It will at least have 'momentum', 'update', and 'train_E'
        functions. 'momentum' updates the delta for each parameter, 'update'
        applies the current delta, and 'train_E' gets the current training
        cost. For supervised training, 'val_E' will usually be included
        so you can keep track of your progress on the validation set.
    params: Necessary training params: LR, training_batches, n_epochs, verbose,
        validation_batches, error (links to where best error is tracked).
    LR = params['LR']
    Nb = 0
    for chunk_i in range(len(data.b_samples)):
        Nb += params['t_batches'][chunk_i]

    print "Training {} epochs at LR = {} rho = {}".format(
        params['n_epochs'], LR, params['rho'])
    print "Using schedule:", sorted(params['LRsched'].items())

    # reference augmentation for checking error (centered, no flip)
    T_aug = model.ref_aug

    # Main training loop
    start_time = time.clock()
    for epoch in range(params['n_epochs']):
        ct = 0

        for chunk_i in range(len(data.b_samples)):
                np.asarray(data.labels[chunk_i], dtype=data.ltype))

            for batch_i in range(params['t_batches'][chunk_i]):

                functions['momentum'](batch_i, LR, model.gen_aug())

                if params['verb'] and (ct + batch_i + 1) % int(Nb / 5) == 0:
                    print '.',

            ct += params['t_batches'][chunk_i]

        # check the weight distribution
        model.param_status(epoch, output=open("wlog", 'a'))

        # compute error on test and validation set
        c_train_error = [
            functions['train_E'](i, T_aug)
            for i in xrange(params['t_batches'][-1])

        if epoch in params['LRsched']:
            LR = params['LRsched'][epoch]

        err_train = np.mean(c_train_error)
        if 'val_E' in functions:
            c_val_error = [
                functions['val_E'](i, T_aug)
                for i in xrange(params['v_batches'])
            err_val = np.mean(c_val_error)
            err_val = err_train

        # if we achieved a new best validation score
        # save the model and best validation score
        if err_val < getattr(params['error'], "best_error"):
            if params['verb']:
                print 'S',
            setattr(params['error'], "best_error", err_val)

            print ' ',

        curr_time = NNl.nice_time(time.clock() - start_time)

        if 'val_E' in functions:
            if params['verb']:
                    "{} | epoch {: >4}, LR={:.4f}, train: {:.5f}, val: {:.5f}".
                    format(curr_time, epoch, LR, err_train, err_val))
                print '.',
            params['logfile'].write("{} {: >4} {:.6f} {:.8f} {:.8f}\n".format(
                curr_time, epoch, LR, err_train, err_val))
            if params['verb']:
                print("{} | epoch {: >4}, LR={:.5f}, train: {:.6f}".format(
                    curr_time, epoch, LR, err_train))
            params['logfile'].write("{} {: >4} {:.6f} {:.8f}\n".format(
                curr_time, epoch, LR, err_train))
Example #2
def train(model, data, functions, params):
    """Generic routine to perform training on the GPU using Theano-compiled
    functions and common parameters.

    This will run through a specified number of 'epochs', each consisting of
    a full pass through the training data. The epochs are broken into batches
    as normal for Stochastic Gradient Descent.

    functions: A dictionary containing all of the necessary functions for
        training. It will at least have 'momentum', 'update', and 'train_E'
        functions. 'momentum' updates the delta for each parameter, 'update'
        applies the current delta, and 'train_E' gets the current training
        cost. For supervised training, 'val_E' will usually be included
        so you can keep track of your progress on the validation set.
    params: Necessary training params: LR, training_batches, n_epochs, verbose,
        validation_batches, error (links to where best error is tracked).
    LR = params['LR']
    Nb = 0
    for chunk_i in range(len(data.b_samples)):
        Nb += params['t_batches'][chunk_i]

    print "Training {} epochs at LR = {} rho = {}".format(
            params['n_epochs'], LR, params['rho'])
    print "Using schedule:", sorted(params['LRsched'].items())

    # reference augmentation for checking error (centered, no flip)
    T_aug = model.ref_aug

    # Main training loop
    start_time = time.clock()
    for epoch in range(params['n_epochs']):
        ct = 0

        for chunk_i in range(len(data.b_samples)):
            data.T[1].set_value(np.asarray(data.labels[chunk_i], dtype=data.ltype))

            for batch_i in range(params['t_batches'][chunk_i]):
                functions['momentum'](batch_i, LR, model.gen_aug())

                if params['verb'] and (ct + batch_i + 1) % int(Nb / 5) == 0:
                    print '.',

            ct += params['t_batches'][chunk_i]

        # check the weight distribution
        model.param_status(epoch, output=open("wlog", 'a'))

        # compute error on test and validation set
        c_train_error = [functions['train_E'](i, T_aug) for i in xrange(

        if epoch in params['LRsched']:
            LR = params['LRsched'][epoch]

        err_train = np.mean(c_train_error)
        if 'val_E' in functions:
            c_val_error = [functions['val_E'](i, T_aug)
                    for i in xrange(params['v_batches'])]
            err_val = np.mean(c_val_error)
            err_val = err_train

        # if we achieved a new best validation score
        # save the model and best validation score
        if err_val < getattr(params['error'], "best_error"):
            if params['verb']:
                print 'S',
            setattr(params['error'], "best_error", err_val)

            print ' ',

        curr_time = NNl.nice_time(time.clock() - start_time)

        if 'val_E' in functions:
            if params['verb']:
                print("{} | epoch {: >4}, LR={:.4f}, train: {:.5f}, val: {:.5f}"
                        .format(curr_time, epoch, LR, err_train, err_val))
                print '.',
            params['logfile'].write("{} {: >4} {:.6f} {:.8f} {:.8f}\n".format(
                    curr_time, epoch, LR, err_train, err_val))
            if params['verb']:
                print("{} | epoch {: >4}, LR={:.5f}, train: {:.6f}".format(
                    curr_time, epoch, LR, err_train))
            params['logfile'].write("{} {: >4} {:.6f} {:.8f}\n".format(
                    curr_time, epoch, LR, err_train))