def main(): max_episodes = 50000 # replay_buffer = deque() # with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU':0})) as sess: with tf.Session() as sess: mainDQN = dqn.DQN(sess, pa.network_input_height, pa.network_input_width, pa.network_output_height, name="main") # mainDQN = dqn.DQN(sess, pa.horizon * (pa.renewable) + pa.num_queue * (pa.renewable + 1), pa.network_output_height, name="main") tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer().run() trajs = deque() trajs_rew = deque() for episode in range(max_episodes): e = 1. / ((episode / 1000) + 1) done = False step_count = 0 state = env.observe() env.reset() info = [] traj = [] show_result = 0; while not done: if np.random.rand(1) < e: action = env.random_action() # if episode % 10 == 0: # print(info) # print(action) else: action = np.argmax(mainDQN.predict(state)) # if episode % 10 == 0: # print(info) # print(mainDQN.predict(state)) # print("action:"+str(action)) # env.step(action) next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) traj.append((state, action, reward, next_state, done)) # replay_buffer.append((state, action, reward, next_state, done)) # if len(replay_buffer) > REPLAY_MEMORY: # replay_buffer.popleft() if done: show_result = reward state = next_state step_count += 1 if step_count > 100: break trajs.append(traj) if episode % 10 == 0: print("Episode: {} steps: {} reward: {}".format(episode, step_count, show_result)) # print(info) if episode % 10 == 1: if episode != 1: # minibatch = random.sample(trajs, 10) loss, _ = replay_train(mainDQN, trajs) print("Loss: ", loss) trajs = deque()
def get_decoder(self, layer_of_activations="conv2d_15"): # Looping through the old model and popping the encoder part + encoded layer for i, l in enumerate(self.model.layers[0:19]): self.model.layers.pop(0) print(self.model.summary()) # Building a clean model that is the exact same architecture as the decoder part of the autoencoder new_model = nb.build_decoder() # Looping through both models and setting the weights on the new decoder for i, l in enumerate(self.model.layers): print(i,, l.output_shape) print(new_model.layers[i + 1].name, new_model.layers[i + 1].output_shape) new_model.layers[i + 1].set_weights(l.get_weights()) print(self.model.summary) print(new_model.summary(200)) return new_model
import NetworkBuilder import os as os net = NetworkBuilder.NetworkBuilder() X, y = net.loadData() y0 = y[:, 0] y1 = y[:, 1] mlp_model = net.generateMLP() mlp_fit_model = net.fitModel(X, [y0, y1], mlp_model) mlp_model = net.loadWeights(model, "0001.hdf5") # examine model: mlp_model.summary() mlp_yhat = net.makePredictions(model, X) #--------------------------------- lstm_model = net.generateLSTM() # reshape for LSTM format X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1]) lstm_fit_model = net.fitModel(X, [y0, y1], lstm_model) lstm_model = net.loadWeights(lstm_model, "0001.hdf5")
def binary_activation(x): return nb.binary_activation(x)
from bokeh.plotting import output_file, show output_file("RS_System.html") template = """<span href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="<%= value %>"><%= value %></span>""" byButton = True curr = 0 title = PreText(text = "Search Rich Context Archive") rs_title = PreText(text = "Recommendation Results: ") df = pd.read_csv('data/ICPSR_ARCHIVE.csv') df = df.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True) with open('data/dataset_focals.json') as fl: focals = json.load(fl) G = nb.readNX('data/network_v2.5_contract.json') all_keywords = [str(i) for i in G.nodes if (~str(i).startswith('data_')) & (~str(i).startswith('pub_')) & (~str(i).startswith('auth_'))] output_file('ICPSR_Archive.html',mode='inline',root_dir=None) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) rs_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) def update(): t = menu[][1] current = df.sample(10) if search.value != "": if t != "": current = df.loc[(df.ID.str.startswith(t))&(df.title.str.contains(search.value, case=False)==True)] else:
def getRecommendations(Search_By='Keyword', search='', metric='Jaccard', G=None): all_res = pd.DataFrame() nodes = [] if search == '': print('MISSING ARGUMENT: Specify Search Value!') return all_res elif G is None: G = nb.buildG() nb.addCommunity(G) allDatasets = [i for i in G.nodes if (str(i).startswith('data_'))] allPubs = [i for i in G.nodes if (str(i).startswith('pub_'))] all_keywords = [ str(i) for i in G.nodes if (~str(i).startswith('data_')) & (~str(i).startswith('pub_')) & (~str(i).startswith('auth_')) ] all_dataTitles = dict( zip(datasets.title_lower, ['data_' + str(i) for i in datasets.data_set_id])) all_pubTitles = dict( zip(publications.title_lower, ['pub_' + str(i) for i in publications.publication_id])) if Search_By == 'Keyword': match = difflib.get_close_matches(search, all_keywords) if len(match) > 0: nodes = [ i for i in G.neighbors(match[0]) if str(i).startswith('data_') ] if len(match) > 0 else [] all_res = pd.DataFrame( [int(i.replace('data_', '')) for i in nodes], columns=['data_set_id']) all_res['score'] = 1.0 nodes.extend([ i for i in G.neighbors(match[0]) if str(i).startswith('pub_') ]) elif Search_By == 'Dataset': match = difflib.get_close_matches( search, list(all_dataTitles.keys()) + list(all_dataTitles.values())) if len(match) > 0: nodes = [match[0] ] if '_' in match[0] else [all_dataTitles[match[0]]] elif Search_By == 'Publication Paper': match = difflib.get_close_matches( search, list(all_pubTitles.keys()) + list(all_pubTitles.values())) if len(match) > 0: nodes = [match[0] ] if '_' in match[0] else [all_pubTitles[match[0]]] else: print('MISSING ARGUMENT: Specify Search Criteria!') return all_res # if len(match)>0: # print(match[0]) if all_res.shape[0] < 10: for n in nodes: res = getNodeSim(n, G, metric) all_res = res if res.shape[0] <= 0 else pd.concat([all_res, res], sort=False) all_res = all_res.reset_index(drop=True) if all_res.shape[0] > 0: all_res = pd.merge(all_res, datasets[['data_set_id', 'title', 'description']], how='left', on='data_set_id') all_res = all_res.sort_values(by='score', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) return all_res.iloc[:10] else: return all_res
name='x') ## labels y_true = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, num_classes], name='y_true') y_true_cls = tf.argmax(y_true, dimension=1) def create_weights(shape): return tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.05)) def create_biases(size): return tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.05, shape=[size])) nb = NetworkBuilder.NetworkBuilder() with tf.name_scope("ModelV2") as scope: model = x model = nb.flatten(model) model = nb.attach_relu_layer(model) model = nb.attach_sigmoid_layer(model) model = nb.attach_dense_layer(model, 3) y_pred = tf.nn.softmax(model, name='y_pred') y_pred_cls = tf.argmax(y_pred, dimension=1) cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=model, labels=y_true) cost = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy)