Example #1
    if wireless_device is not None:
        # Get the currently active VPN connection.
        # If you're running some kind of weird, three active VPNs scenario, then...
        # Change this code to work in your use-case.
        active = NetworkManager.NetworkManager.ActiveConnections
        for a in active:
            if "vpn" in a.Type:
                current_vpn = a

        # Choose a random one to connect to. We use the far more secure random method, with a larger seed,
        # to try and prevent the random generation from being a predictable pattern (well, to try to make
        # it far less predictable with our sample, at least).
        rand = random.SystemRandom(os.urandom(99999999))
        random_int = rand.randint(0, (vpns.__len__() - 1))
        random_vpn = vpns.__getitem__(random_int)
        new_connection = NetworkManager.Connection(random_vpn)

        # Validate that we have a current VPN connection to disconnect from before we do.
        if current_vpn is not None:

            # Disconnect the old & busted.

            # To prevent collision in NetworkManager, we allow background clean-up before reconnecting.

        # Connect the new hotness.
        print("Connecting to: {}".format(random_vpn))
        NetworkManager.NetworkManager.ActivateConnection(new_connection, wireless_device, "/")

    # No wireless interfaces were found, so let's abort.