def __init__ (self): CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'id': 'remote-services-section', 'class': 'infosection'}) submit = CTK.Submitter (REMOTE_SERVS_APPLY) submit += CTK.CheckCfgText ("admin!ows!enabled", True, _(REMOTE_SERVS_ENABLE)) submit.bind ('submit_success', CTK.JS.GotoURL('/')) infotable = CTK.Table({'class': 'info-table'}) infotable.set_header (column=True, num=1) if int (CTK.cfg.get_val("admin!ows!enabled", OWS_ENABLE)): if OWS_Login.is_logged(): infotable += [submit, OWS_Login.LoggedAs_Text()] else: dialog = OWS_Login.LoginDialog() dialog.bind ('submit_success', CTK.JS.GotoURL('/')) link = CTK.Link ("#", CTK.RawHTML('<span>%s</span>' %(_('Sign in')))) link.bind ('click', dialog.JS_to_show()) cont = CTK.Container() cont += dialog cont += link infotable += [submit, cont] else: infotable += [submit] table = CTK.Table() table.set_header (column=True, num=1) table += [CTK.RawHTML (_('Remote Services')), infotable] self += table
def format_func_reviews (self, reviews_info): reviews = reviews_info['reviews'] app_id = reviews_info['application_id'] app_name = reviews_info['application_name'] cont = CTK.Container() cont += CTK.RawHTML ("<h2>%s</h2>" %(_("Reviews"))) # Render Reviews if not reviews: cont += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-no-reviews'}, CTK.RawHTML(_("You can be the first one to review the application"))) else: pags = CTK.Paginator('market-app-reviews', items_per_page=5) cont += pags for review in reviews: d, review_time = review['review_stamp'].value.split('T') review_date = "%s-%s-%s" %(d[0:4], d[4:6], d[6:]) rev = CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-review'}) rev += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-review-score'}, CTK.StarRating({'selected': review['review_score']})) rev += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-review-title'}, CTK.RawHTML(review['review_title'])) rev += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-review-name'}, CTK.RawHTML(review['first_name'] + ' ' + review['last_name'])) rev += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-review-stamp'}, CTK.RawHTML(_('on %(date)s at %(time)s' %({'date':review_date, 'time': review_time})))) rev += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-review-comment'}, CTK.RawHTML(review['review_comment'])) pags += rev # Review if OWS_Login.is_logged(): CTK.cfg['tmp!market!review!app_id'] = str(app_id) CTK.cfg['tmp!market!review!app_name'] = app_name druid = CTK.Druid (CTK.RefreshableURL()) dialog = CTK.Dialog ({'title':"%s: %s" %(_("Review"), app_name), 'width': 480}) dialog += druid druid.bind ('druid_exiting', dialog.JS_to_close() + \ self.xmlrpc_proxy_reviews.JS_to_refresh()) add_review = CTK.Button(_("Review"), {'id':'button-review'}) add_review.bind('click', dialog.JS_to_show() + \ druid.JS_to_goto('"%s"'%(URL_REVIEW))) cont += dialog cont += add_review else: sign_box = CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-review-signin'}) link = CTK.Link ('#', CTK.RawHTML (_("sign in"))) link.bind ('click', self.login_dialog.JS_to_show()) login_txt = CTK.Box() login_txt += CTK.RawHTML ("%s, " %(_('Please'))) login_txt += link login_txt += CTK.RawHTML (" %s" %(_('to review the product'))) sign_box += login_txt cont += sign_box return cont.Render().toStr()
def __call__ (self): # Ensure OWS is enabled if not int(CTK.cfg.get_val("admin!ows!enabled", OWS_ENABLE)): return CTK.HTTP_Redir('/') page = Page_Market() # Featured page.mainarea += FeaturedBox() # Top page.mainarea += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s</h2>" %(_('Top Applications'))) tabs = CTK.Tab() tabs.Add (_('Paid'), TopApps('paid')) tabs.Add (_('Free'), TopApps('free')) tabs.Add (_('Ranked'), TopApps('any')) page.mainarea += tabs # My Library if OWS_Login.is_logged(): page.sidebar += Library.MyLibrary() # Maintanance if Maintenance.does_it_need_maintenance(): refresh_maintenance = CTK.Refreshable({'id': 'market_maintenance'}) refresh_maintenance.register (lambda: Maintenance.Maintenance_Box(refresh_maintenance).Render()) page.sidebar += refresh_maintenance return page.Render()
def __call__(self): # Top top = CTK.Box({'id': 'top-box'}) top += CTK.RawHTML("<h1>%s</h1>" % _('Welcome to Cherokee Admin')) top += LanguageSelector() # Content: Left mainarea = CTK.Box({'id': 'main-area'}) mainarea += OWS_Market_Info.Index_Block1() mainarea += ServerInfo() if int(OWS_ENABLE): mainarea += RemoteServices() if OWS_Login.is_logged() and \ int (CTK.cfg.get_val("admin!ows!enabled", OWS_ENABLE)): mainarea += BackupService() mainarea += CPUInfo() mainarea += MemoryInfo() mainarea += CommunityBar() # Content: Right sidebar = CTK.Box({'id': 'sidebar'}) sidebar += SupportBox() if int(CTK.cfg.get_val("admin!ows!enabled", OWS_ENABLE)): sidebar += OWS_Cherokee_Info.Latest_Release() sidebar += ProudUsers() sidebar += OWS_Market_Info.Index_Block2() sidebar += HaltAdmin() # Content cont = CTK.Box({'id': 'home-container'}) cont += mainarea cont += sidebar # Page page = Page.Base(_('Welcome to Cherokee Admin'), body_id='index', helps=HELPS) page += top page += cont page += CTK.RawHTML(js=JS_SCROLL) return page.Render()
def __call__ (self): # Top top = CTK.Box({'id': 'top-box'}) top += CTK.RawHTML ("<h1>%s</h1>"% _('Welcome to Cherokee Admin')) top += LanguageSelector() # Content: Left mainarea = CTK.Box({'id': 'main-area'}) mainarea += OWS_Market_Info.Index_Block1() mainarea += ServerInfo() if int(OWS_ENABLE): mainarea += RemoteServices() if OWS_Login.is_logged() and \ int (CTK.cfg.get_val("admin!ows!enabled", OWS_ENABLE)): mainarea += BackupService() mainarea += CPUInfo() mainarea += MemoryInfo() mainarea += CommunityBar() # Content: Right sidebar = CTK.Box({'id': 'sidebar'}) sidebar += SupportBox() if int (CTK.cfg.get_val("admin!ows!enabled", OWS_ENABLE)): sidebar += OWS_Cherokee_Info.Latest_Release() sidebar += ProudUsers() sidebar += OWS_Market_Info.Index_Block2() sidebar += HaltAdmin() # Content cont = CTK.Box({'id': 'home-container'}) cont += mainarea cont += sidebar # Page page = Page.Base(_('Welcome to Cherokee Admin'), body_id='index', helps=HELPS) page += top page += cont page += CTK.RawHTML (js=JS_SCROLL) return page.Render()
def thread_func (username, password): try: OWS_Login.log_in (username, password) except ProtocolError: # Do not give up so easily OWS_Login.log_in (username, password)
def format_func_app (self, info): cont = CTK.Container() += "%s %s" %(_('Application'), info['application_name']) cont += app_id = info['application_id'] currency_symbol = CTK.util.to_utf8 (info['currency_symbol']) # Install dialog install = InstallDialog (info) cont += install # Publisher / Author by = CTK.Container() by += CTK.RawHTML ('%s '%(_('By'))) if info.get('author_url') and info.get('author_name'): by += CTK.LinkWindow (info['author_url'], CTK.RawHTML(info['author_name'])) else: by += CTK.LinkWindow (info['publisher_url'], CTK.RawHTML(info['publisher_name'])) # Buy / Install button if OWS_Login.is_logged(): if Library.is_appID_in_library (app_id): buy = CTK.Button (_("Install")) else: buy = CTK.Button ("%s%s %s" %(currency_symbol, info['amount'], _("Buy"))) buy.bind ('click', install.JS_to_show()) else: link = CTK.Link ('#', CTK.RawHTML (_("Sign in"))) link.bind ('click', self.login_dialog.JS_to_show()) login_txt = CTK.Box() login_txt += link if info['amount']: buy_button = CTK.Button ("%s%s %s" %(currency_symbol, info['amount'], _("Buy")), {"disabled": True}) login_txt += CTK.RawHTML (" %s" %(_('to buy'))) else: buy_button = CTK.Button ("%s, %s" %(_("Free"), _("Install")), {"disabled": True}) login_txt += CTK.RawHTML (" %s" %(_('to install'))) buy = CTK.Container() buy += buy_button buy += login_txt app = CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc'}) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-icon'}, CTK.Image({'src': OWS_STATIC + info['icon_big']})) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-buy'}, buy) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-title'}, CTK.RawHTML(info['application_name'])) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-version'}, CTK.RawHTML("%s: %s" %(_("Version"), info['version_string']))) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-url'}, by) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-category'}, CTK.RawHTML("%s: %s" %(_("Category"), info['category_name']))) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-short-desc'}, CTK.RawHTML(info['summary'])) cont += app ext_description = CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-description'}) ext_description += CTK.RawHTML(info['description']) desc_panel = CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-desc-panel'}) desc_panel += ext_description desc_panel += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-support-box'}, SupportBox(info)) # Tabs tabs = CTK.Tab() # Shots shot_entries = info.get('shots', []) if shot_entries: shots = CTK.CarouselThumbnails() tabs.Add (_('Screenshots'), shots) for s in shot_entries: shots += CTK.Image ({'src': "%s/%s" %(OWS_STATIC, s)}) tabs.Add (_('Description'), desc_panel) app += tabs # Update the cache App.cache_app[str(app_id)] = info return cont.Render().toStr()
def format_func_app (self, info): cont = CTK.Container() += "%s %s" %(_('Application'), info['application_name']) cont += app_id = info['application_id'] currency_symbol = CTK.util.to_utf8 (info['currency_symbol']) # Install dialog install = InstallDialog (info) cont += install # Publisher / Author by = CTK.Container() by += CTK.RawHTML ('%s '%(_('By'))) if info.get('author_url') and info.get('author_name'): by += CTK.LinkWindow (info['author_url'], CTK.RawHTML(info['author_name'])) else: by += CTK.LinkWindow (info['publisher_url'], CTK.RawHTML(info['publisher_name'])) # Buy / Install button if OWS_Login.is_logged(): if Library.is_appID_in_library (app_id): buy = CTK.Button (_("Install")) else: if info['amount']: buy = CTK.Button ("%s%s %s" %(currency_symbol, info['amount'], _("Buy"))) else: buy = CTK.Button ("%s, %s" %(_("Free"), _("Install"))) buy.bind ('click', install.JS_to_show()) else: link = CTK.Link ('#', CTK.RawHTML (_("Sign in"))) link.bind ('click', self.login_dialog.JS_to_show()) login_txt = CTK.Box() login_txt += link if info['amount']: buy_button = CTK.Button ("%s%s %s" %(currency_symbol, info['amount'], _("Buy")), {"disabled": True}) login_txt += CTK.RawHTML (" %s" %(_('to buy'))) else: buy_button = CTK.Button ("%s, %s" %(_("Free"), _("Install")), {"disabled": True}) login_txt += CTK.RawHTML (" %s" %(_('to install'))) buy = CTK.Container() buy += buy_button buy += login_txt # Report button report = CTK.Container() if OWS_Login.is_logged(): CTK.cfg['tmp!market!report!app_id'] = str(self.text_app_id) druid = CTK.Druid (CTK.RefreshableURL()) report_dialog = CTK.Dialog ({'title':(_("Report Application")), 'width': 480}) report_dialog += druid druid.bind ('druid_exiting', report_dialog.JS_to_close()) report_link = CTK.Link (None, CTK.RawHTML(_("Report issue"))) report_link.bind ('click', report_dialog.JS_to_show() + \ druid.JS_to_goto('"%s"'%(URL_REPORT))) report += report_dialog report += report_link app = CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc'}) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-icon'}, CTK.Image({'src': OWS_STATIC + info['icon_big']})) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-buy'}, buy) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-title'}, CTK.RawHTML(info['application_name'])) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-version'}, CTK.RawHTML("%s: %s" %(_("Version"), info['version_string']))) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-url'}, by) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-category'}, CTK.RawHTML("%s: %s" %(_("Category"), info['category_name']))) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-short-desc'}, CTK.RawHTML(info['summary'])) app += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-report'}, report) cont += app ext_description = CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-description'}) ext_description += CTK.RawHTML(info['description']) desc_panel = CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-desc-panel'}) desc_panel += ext_description desc_panel += CTK.Box ({'class': 'market-app-desc-support-box'}, SupportBox(info)) # Tabs tabs = CTK.Tab() # Shots shots = CTK.CarouselThumbnails() shot_entries = info.get('shots', []) if shot_entries: for s in shot_entries: shots += CTK.Image ({'src': "%s/%s" %(OWS_STATIC, s)}) else: shots += CTK.Box ({'id': 'shot-box-empty'}, CTK.RawHTML ('<h2>%s</h2>' %(_("No screenshots")))) tabs.Add (_('Screenshots'), shots) tabs.Add (_('Description'), desc_panel) app += tabs # Update the cache App.cache_app[str(app_id)] = info return cont.Render().toStr()