def __init__(self, parent=None, signalManager = None):
        OWWidget.__init__(self, parent, signalManager, "Scatter Plot", TRUE)

        self.inputs =  [("Data", ExampleTable, self.setData, Default), ("Data Subset", ExampleTable, self.setSubsetData), ("Features", AttributeList, self.setShownAttributes), ("Evaluation Results", orngTest.ExperimentResults, self.setTestResults), ("VizRank Learner", orange.Learner, self.setVizRankLearner)]
        self.outputs = [("Selected Data", ExampleTable), ("Other Data", ExampleTable)]

        self.graph = OWScatterPlotGraph(self, self.mainArea, "ScatterPlot")
        self.vizrank = OWVizRank(self, self.signalManager, self.graph, orngVizRank.SCATTERPLOT, "ScatterPlot")
        self.optimizationDlg = self.vizrank

        # local variables
        self.showGridlines = 0
        self.autoSendSelection = 1
        self.toolbarSelection = 0
        self.classificationResults = None
        self.outlierValues = None
        self.colorSettings = None
        self.selectedSchemaIndex = 0
        self.graph.sendSelectionOnUpdate = 0
        self.attributeSelectionList = None = None
        self.subsetData = None

        #load settings

        self.tabs = OWGUI.tabWidget(self.controlArea)
        self.GeneralTab = OWGUI.createTabPage(self.tabs, "Main")
        self.SettingsTab = OWGUI.createTabPage(self.tabs, "Settings", canScroll = True)

        #add a graph widget
        self.connect(self.graphButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.graph.saveToFile)

        #x attribute
        self.attrX = ""
        self.attrXCombo = OWGUI.comboBox(self.GeneralTab, self, "attrX", "X-axis Attribute", callback = self.majorUpdateGraph, sendSelectedValue = 1, valueType = str)

        # y attribute
        self.attrY = ""
        self.attrYCombo = OWGUI.comboBox(self.GeneralTab, self, "attrY", "Y-axis Attribute", callback = self.majorUpdateGraph, sendSelectedValue = 1, valueType = str)

        # coloring
        self.attrColor = ""
        box = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.GeneralTab, "Point Color")
        self.attrColorCombo = OWGUI.comboBox(box, self, "attrColor", callback = self.updateGraph, sendSelectedValue=1, valueType = str, emptyString = "(Same color)")

        box = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.GeneralTab, "Additional Point Properties")
        # labelling
        self.attrLabel = ""
        self.attrLabelCombo = OWGUI.comboBox(box, self, "attrLabel", label = "Point label:", callback = self.updateGraph, sendSelectedValue = 1, valueType = str, emptyString = "(No labels)", indent = 10)

        # shaping
        self.attrShape = ""
        self.attrShapeCombo = OWGUI.comboBox(box, self, "attrShape", label = "Point shape:", callback = self.updateGraph, sendSelectedValue=1, valueType = str, emptyString = "(Same shape)", indent = 10)

        # sizing
        self.attrSize = ""
        self.attrSizeCombo = OWGUI.comboBox(box, self, "attrSize", label = "Point size:", callback = self.updateGraph, sendSelectedValue=1, valueType = str, emptyString = "(Same size)", indent = 10)

        self.optimizationButtons = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.GeneralTab, "Optimization dialogs", orientation = "horizontal")
        OWGUI.button(self.optimizationButtons, self, "VizRank", callback = self.vizrank.reshow, tooltip = "Opens VizRank dialog, where you can search for interesting projections with different subsets of attributes", debuggingEnabled = 0)

        # zooming / selection
        self.zoomSelectToolbar = OWToolbars.ZoomSelectToolbar(self, self.GeneralTab, self.graph, self.autoSendSelection)
        self.connect(self.zoomSelectToolbar.buttonSendSelections, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.sendSelections)

        # ####################################
        # SETTINGS TAB
        # point width
        pointBox = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.SettingsTab, "Point Properties")
        OWGUI.hSlider(pointBox, self, 'graph.pointWidth', label = "Symbol size:   ", minValue=1, maxValue=20, step=1, callback = self.pointSizeChange)
        OWGUI.hSlider(pointBox, self, 'graph.alphaValue', label = "Transparency: ", minValue=0, maxValue=255, step=10, callback = self.alphaChange)

        # #####
        # jittering options
        box2 = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.SettingsTab, "Jittering Options")
        self.jitterSizeCombo = OWGUI.comboBox(box2, self, "graph.jitterSize", label = 'Jittering size (% of size)'+'  ', orientation = "horizontal", callback = self.resetGraphData, items = self.jitterSizeNums, sendSelectedValue = 1, valueType = float)
        OWGUI.checkBox(box2, self, 'graph.jitterContinuous', 'Jitter continuous attributes', callback = self.resetGraphData, tooltip = "Does jittering apply also on continuous attributes?")

        # general graph settings
        box4 = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.SettingsTab, "General Graph Settings")
        OWGUI.checkBox(box4, self, 'graph.showXaxisTitle', 'X axis title', callback = self.graph.setShowXaxisTitle)
        OWGUI.checkBox(box4, self, 'graph.showYLaxisTitle', 'Y axis title', callback = self.graph.setShowYLaxisTitle)
        OWGUI.checkBox(box4, self, 'graph.showAxisScale', 'Show axis scale', callback = self.updateGraph)
        OWGUI.checkBox(box4, self, 'graph.showLegend', 'Show legend', callback = self.updateGraph)
        OWGUI.checkBox(box4, self, 'graph.showFilledSymbols', 'Show filled symbols', callback = self.updateGraph)
        OWGUI.checkBox(box4, self, 'showGridlines', 'Show gridlines', callback = self.setShowGridlines)
        OWGUI.checkBox(box4, self, 'graph.useAntialiasing', 'Use antialiasing', callback = self.updateGraph)

        box5 = OWGUI.widgetBox(box4, orientation = "horizontal")
        OWGUI.checkBox(box5, self, 'graph.showProbabilities', 'Show probabilities'+'  ', callback = self.updateGraph, tooltip = "Show a background image with class probabilities")
        smallWidget = OWGUI.SmallWidgetLabel(box5, pixmap = 1, box = "Advanced settings", tooltip = "Show advanced settings")

        box6 = OWGUI.widgetBox(smallWidget.widget, orientation = "horizontal")
        box7 = OWGUI.widgetBox(smallWidget.widget, orientation = "horizontal")

        OWGUI.widgetLabel(box6, "Granularity:"+"  ")
        OWGUI.hSlider(box6, self, 'graph.squareGranularity', minValue=1, maxValue=10, step=1, callback = self.updateGraph)

        OWGUI.checkBox(box7, self, 'graph.spaceBetweenCells', 'Show space between cells', callback = self.updateGraph)

        self.colorButtonsBox = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.SettingsTab, "Colors", orientation = "horizontal")
        OWGUI.button(self.colorButtonsBox, self, "Set Colors", self.setColors, tooltip = "Set the canvas background color, grid color and color palette for coloring continuous variables", debuggingEnabled = 0)

        box5 = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.SettingsTab, "Tooltips Settings")
        OWGUI.comboBox(box5, self, "graph.tooltipKind", items = ["Don't Show Tooltips", "Show Visible Attributes", "Show All Attributes"], callback = self.updateGraph)

        box = OWGUI.widgetBox(self.SettingsTab, "Auto Send Selected Data When...")
        OWGUI.checkBox(box, self, 'autoSendSelection', 'Adding/Removing selection areas', callback = self.selectionChanged, tooltip = "Send selected data whenever a selection area is added or removed")
        OWGUI.checkBox(box, self, 'graph.sendSelectionOnUpdate', 'Moving/Resizing selection areas', tooltip = "Send selected data when a user moves or resizes an existing selection area")
        self.graph.autoSendSelectionCallback = self.selectionChanged

        self.icons = self.createAttributeIconDict()

        self.debugSettings = ["attrX", "attrY", "attrColor", "attrLabel", "attrShape", "attrSize"]
        self.wdChildDialogs = [self.vizrank]        # used when running widget debugging

        dlg = self.createColorDialog()
        self.graph.contPalette = dlg.getContinuousPalette("contPalette")
        self.graph.discPalette = dlg.getDiscretePalette("discPalette")


        apply([self.zoomSelectToolbar.actionZooming, self.zoomSelectToolbar.actionRectangleSelection, self.zoomSelectToolbar.actionPolygonSelection][self.toolbarSelection], [])

        self.resize(700, 550)